scholarly journals Morphologische Varianz in der Sprache Friedrich Schillers

2003 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
Rosemarie Lühr

The Dictionary of the Complete Vocabulary used by Friedrich Schiller, which is currently being compiled in Jena, displays morphological variants for numerous entries. The declension of foreign expressions in particular exhibit variation and thereby a kind of implicit uncertainty concerning which regularities apply. For instance, three different plural forms of the substantive Zar occur almost next to one another: Czaren, Czars und Czare. Today the speaker would decide on at least one of the variants, but Schiller's fluctuating use of language occurs within the bounds of a single speaker's grammatical competence. It is demonstrated how the influence of dialects, foreign pronounciation and the intended integration of these forms in the High German declension paradigm interact. It becomes obvious that Schiller was "experimenting" with the inflection of foreign terms. The conceptual basis of Optimality Theory makes it especially suitable for the explanation of such idiolect variance. It has the advantage over other theories that a number of competing grammatical systems need not be postulated.

2001 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-303 ◽  
Julie Auger

One striking feature of Vimeu Picard concerns the regular insertion of epenthetic vowels in order to break up consonant clusters and to syllabify word-initial and word-final consonants. This corpus-based study focuses on word-initial epenthesis. It provides quantitative evidence that vowel epenthesis applies categorically in some environments and variably in others. Probabilistic analysis demonstrates that the variable pattern is constrained by a complex interplay of linguistic factors. Following Labov (1972a, 1972b) and Antilla and Cho (1998), I interpret such intricate grammatical conditioning as evidence that this variation is a reflection of a grammatical competence that generates both categorical and variable outputs, and I propose an account within the framework of Optimality Theory. An analysis of individual patterns of epenthesis by members of the community reveals that, even though all speakers share the same basic community grammar, their use of epenthesis differs qualitatively as well as quantitatively. I show that individual grammars can be derived from the community grammar, and that Optimality Theory allows us to formalize the idea that individual grammars constitute more specific versions of community grammars.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-113
Wolfgang Schönpflug

Die Kybernetik nach den Prinzipien der marxistisch-leninistischen Ideologie als Wissenschaft auszuarbeiten und zur Grundlage gegenstandsorientierter Forschung, Organisation und Planung zu machen, war ein Anliegen, das seit der zweiten Hälfte der 1950er Jahre in der DDR diskutiert wurde. Die SED hat unter Walter Ulbricht als ihrem Ersten Sekretär dieses Anliegen unterstützt. Nach der Machtübernahme durch Erich Honecker im Jahre 1971 hat die Partei jedoch die Kybernetik als universelles, gesellschaftspolitisches Programm verurteilt und nur noch als einzelwissenschaftlichen, technisch und ökonomisch orientierten Forschungsansatz gefördert. Als universeller Ansatz verstanden, der sich nach Disziplinen gliederte, schloss Kybernetik auch eine Kybernetische Psychologie ein, die in der DDR zunächst an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena betrieben und dann an die Humboldt-Universität Berlin verlagert wurde; die Forschungsgruppe „Kybernetik und Psychologie” der Humboldt-Universität erweiterte sich in die Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, als dort ein Zentralinstitut für Kybernetik und Informationsprozesse gegründet wurde. Dargestellt werden das Projekt der kybernetisch orientierten Psychologie in den Jahren 1960 bis 1972, der gleichzeitige Entwurf eines sozialistischen Reformprogramms nach Grundsätzen der Kybernetik sowie die einschlägige Wissenschaftspolitik der DDR. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion steht die Frage der Kontextualität oder der Autonomie der Psychologie als wissenschaftliches Projekt. Wie weit war sie in die Kybernetik sowie in die Wissenschaftspolitik der DDR eingebunden? Wie weit hat sie in ihrem regionalen Umfeld Selbständigkeit genossen?

2008 ◽  
pp. 119-130 ◽  
V. Senchagov

The core of Russia’s long-term socio-economic development strategy is represented by its conceptual basis. Having considered debating points about the essence and priority of the strategy, the author analyzes the logic and stages of its development as well as possibilities, restrictions and risks of high GDP rates of growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-184
Onur Kemal Bazarkaya

Orta Çağdan hemen sonra gelen Yeni Çağın başlarındaki bilimsel tartışmalarda şarlatanlar çok büyük bir önem taşırdı; çünkü o dönemde söz sahibi olan bilim insanları onları olumsuz örnekler olarak görür ve bu olumsuzlukları kullanarak bilim için ideal ölçütler saptarlardı. Bilimde bu şekilde “negatif figür” (Hole Rößler) olarak gösterilen şarlatanlar, edebiyatta daha çeşitli ve kompleks biçimlerde ortaya çıkmakta, hatta kimi zaman karizmatik kişilikler olarak tasvir edilmektedir. Bu durum özellikle şarlatan figürünün yoğun bir şekilde sahnelendiği Alman Edebiyatında 18. yüzyılın sonlarında, 19. yüzyılın başlarında görülmektedir. Aynı zamanda söz konusu devirde yazılmış eserlerdeki şarlatanların neredeyse hiçbirinin yerleşik yaşam insanı olmadığı göze çarpmaktadır. Bitmeyen yolculukları gibi bu bağlamda sürekli kıyafet değiştirmeleri ve rol yapmaları da onların kişiliklerine esrarengiz bir hava katmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Christoph Martin Wieland, Friedrich Schiller ve Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’ye ait eserlerdeki şarlatan karakterinin farklı işlevleri irdelenecektir. Çalışmanın sonucunda şimdiye kadar gözardı edilmiş şarlatan figürüyle birlikte Göç Edebiyatı kapsamındaki araştırmalara yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmak hedeflendirmektedir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHCharlatan Traveller and Migration Literature: A Reading with the Conflict Model At the beginning of modern times, charlatans emerged as of great importance to the scientific discourse of those spokesmen of the scholar community who use them as negative examples and thus define ideal standards for their profession. Charlatans were seen as “negative figures” (Hole Rößler) in science; however, the way they were judged in literature was more complex and varied, and, in some texts, they even seem congenial and charismatic. This phenomenon can be noticed in German literature especially around 1800 when the charlatan figure is used very often. Moreover, it is conspicuous that charlatans in literary depictions of this period generally have no home and travel around constantly. Furthermore, the fact that they change their clothing and camouflage permanently offers to their identity a mysterious dimension. In the field of studies designated as ,Literature and Migration’, this paper aims to provide interpretative perspectives and, in this respect, examines the issue concerning the poetic functions of charlatan travellers as rendered textually in a number of relevant passages chosen from the works of Christoph Martin Wieland, Friedrich Schiller, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-134 ◽  
Stephen R. Anderson

Alternations between allomorphs that are not directly related by phonological rule, but whose selection is governed by phonological properties of the environment, have attracted the sporadic attention of phonologists and morphologists. Such phenomena are commonly limited to rather small corners of a language's structure, however, and as a result have not been a major theoretical focus. This paper examines a set of alternations in Surmiran, a Swiss Rumantsch language, that have this character and that pervade the entire system of the language. It is shown that the alternations in question, best attested in the verbal system, are not conditioned by any coherent set of morphological properties (either straightforwardly or in the extended sense of ‘morphomes’ explored in other Romance languages by Maiden). These alternations are, however, straightforwardly aligned with the location of stress in words, and an analysis is proposed within the general framework of Optimality Theory to express this. The resulting system of phonologically conditioned allomorphy turns out to include the great majority of patterning which one might be tempted to treat as productive phonology, but which has been rendered opaque (and subsequently morphologized) as a result of the working of historical change.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 1266-1285
Sn.P. Mongush

Subject. This article explores the various aspects of the concept of Spatial Development. Objectives. The article aims to develop a conceptual basis for the spatial socio-economic development of the collaborating regions. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of comparative and statistical analyses. Results. The article shows how cooperation between the subjects of the Russian Federation increases the potential of economically united regions. Conclusions. When preparing national strategic planning documents, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of regions, their capacity, available resources, and focus on the relationship between regions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Moh. Rofid Fikroni

Bearing in mind that the learners’ speaking skill had become the main goal in learning language, grammatical competence is believed to have a big role within foreign language learners’ language production, especially in spoken form. Moreover, the learners’ grammatical competence is also closely related to the Monitor Hypothesis proposed by Krashen (1982) in which it says that the acquired system will function as monitor or editor to the language production. The students’ monitor performance will vary based on how they make use of their acquired system. They may use it optimally (monitor optimal user), overly (monitor over-user), or they may not use it at all (monitor under-user). Therefore, learners’ grammatical competence has its own role, which is very crucial, within learners’ language production, which is not only to produce the language, but also to monitor the language production itself. Because of this reason, focus on form instruction will give a great impact for students’ grammatical competence within their communicative competence. This paper aims to present ideas about the how crucial the role grammatical competence within learners’ L2 communication.

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