scholarly journals Association between respiratory hospital admissions and air quality in Portugal: A count time series approach

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. e0253455
Ana Martins ◽  
Manuel Scotto ◽  
Ricardo Deus ◽  
Alexandra Monteiro ◽  
Sónia Gouveia

Although regulatory improvements for air quality in the European Union have been made, air pollution is still a pressing problem and, its impact on health, both mortality and morbidity, is a topic of intense research nowadays. The main goal of this work is to assess the impact of the exposure to air pollutants on the number of daily hospital admissions due to respiratory causes in 58 spatial locations of Portugal mainland, during the period 2005-2017. To this end, INteger Generalised AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (INGARCH)-based models are extensively used. This family of models has proven to be very useful in the analysis of serially dependent count data. Such models include information on the past history of the time series, as well as the effect of external covariates. In particular, daily hospitalisation counts, air quality and temperature data are endowed within INGARCH models of optimal orders, where the automatic inclusion of the most significant covariates is carried out through a new block-forward procedure. The INGARCH approach is adequate to model the outcome variable (respiratory hospital admissions) and the covariates, which advocates for the use of count time series approaches in this setting. Results show that the past history of the count process carries very relevant information and that temperature is the most determinant covariate, among the analysed, for daily hospital respiratory admissions. It is important to stress that, despite the small variability explained by air quality, all models include on average, approximately two air pollutants covariates besides temperature. Further analysis shows that the one-step-ahead forecasts distributions are well separated into two clusters: one cluster includes locations exclusively in the Lisbon area (exhibiting higher number of one-step-ahead hospital admissions forecasts), while the other contains the remaining locations. This results highlights that special attention must be given to air quality in Lisbon metropolitan area in order to decrease the number of hospital admissions.

1877 ◽  
Vol 25 (171-178) ◽  

George Poulett Scrope. It is scarcely possible at the present day to realize the conditions of that intellectual “reign of terror” which prevailed at the commencement of the present century, as the consequence of the unreasoning prejudice and wild alarm excited by the early progress of geological inquiry. At that period, every attempt to explain the past history of the earth by a reference to the causes still in operation upon it was met, not by argument, but by charges of atheism against its propounder; and thus Hutton’s masterly fragment of a ‘Theory of the Earth,’ Playfair’s persuasive‘ Illustrations,’ and Hall’s records of accurate observation and ingenious experiment had come to be inscribed m a social Index Expurgatorius ,and for a while, indeed, might have seemed to be consigned to total oblivion. Equally injurious suspicions were aroused against the geologist who dared to make allusion to the important part which igneous forces have undoubtedly played in the formation of certain rocks; for the authority of Werner had acquired an almost sacred cha­racter; and “ Vulcanists ” and “ Huttonians ” were equally objects of aversion and contempt. To two men who have very recently—and within a few months of one another—passed away from our midst, science is indebted for boldly en­countering and successfully overcoming this storm of prejudice. Hutton and his friends lived a generation too soon ; and thus it was reserved tor Lyell and Scrope to carry out the task which the great Scotch philosopher had failed to accomplish, namely, the removal of geology from the domain of speculation to that of inductive science.

2015 ◽  
Vol 133 (5) ◽  
pp. 408-413 ◽  
Tassia Soldi Tuan ◽  
Taís Siqueira Venâncio ◽  
Luiz Fernando Costa Nascimento

ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Exposure to air pollutants is one of the factors responsible for hospitalizations due to pneumonia among children. This has considerable financial cost, along with social cost. A study to identify the role of this exposure in relation to hospital admissions due to pneumonia among children up to 10 years of age was conducted. DESIGN AND SETTING: Ecological time series study using data from São José dos Campos, Brazil. METHODS: Daily data on hospitalizations due to pneumonia and on the pollutants CO, O3, PM10 and SO2, temperature and humidity in São José dos Campos, in 2012, were analyzed. A generalized additive model of Poisson's regression was used. Relative risks for hospitalizations due to pneumonia, according to lags of 0-5 days, were estimated. The population-attributable fraction, number of avoidable hospitalizations and cost savings from avoidable hospitalizations were calculated. RESULTS: There were 539 admissions. Exposure to CO and O3 was seen to be associated with hospitalizations, with risks of 1.10 and 1.15 on the third day after exposure to increased CO concentration of 200 ppb and ozone concentration of 20 µg/m3. Exposure to the pollutants of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide were not shown to be associated with hospitalizations. Decreases in CO and ozone concentrations could lead to 49 fewer hospitalizations and cost reductions of R$ 39,000.00. CONCLUSION: Exposure to certain air pollutants produces harmful effects on children's health, even in a medium-sized city. Public policies to reduce emissions of these pollutants need to be implemented.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Nurul Widowati ◽  
Winny Astuti ◽  
Murtanti Jani Rahayu

<div><p><em>Surakarta is a city that has the potential of the river. But in the process, these rivers suffered environmental degradation as a function instead of the banks into slums and squatter, and functions of rivers that serve as places of waste disposal. Government’s city of Surakarta has done various setup area of the river. One of the targeted structuring Pepe-River is often known by the name Kali Pepe. Kali Pepe is the river which has the most strategic location because it divides the centre of city and the river has a past history of Surakarta. Kali Pepe is the witness of history where culture and trade activities in the rapidly growing city of Surakarta in the past with the ecological function and physical function as transportation trade.Setuping Kali Pepe, according to the Mayor of Surakarta, is directed to serve as recreation/tourism area. Since the Surakarta Mayor initiated the year 2015 that Kali Pepe as a tourist area. The initiated moves the government and society in order to more actively participate in developing the area into a tourist area. This research would like to know how the readiness level of the Kali Pepe area to be developed as a tourist area-based streams. The components of preparedness were seen from aspect of attractions or natural tourist attraction, artificial attractions, acessesiblity, institutional, infrastructure supporting tourism, and the behavior of the flooding of the river. This research is quantitative research in methods of scoring analysis. The result of this research has shown that Kali Pepe less readiness to be developed as a tourist area-based stream. Aspects of accessibility and infrastructure supporting tourism were an aspect which has a readiness. But for this aspect of the attraction, institutional and river flooding behavior is still in the stage of less readiness.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> readiness, tourist areas, river tours</em></p></div>

Kebudayaan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
I Made Sutaba

Archaeological researches in Indonesia have discovered a number of various historical and archaeological artifacts that belong to cultural heritage. As historical evidences, this cultural heritage is an important source of the plural information and messages of the past life of our society. It is remarkable that this cultural heritage has some problems for example problem of typology, function, meanings, and the other for the society. Studying the problems, it is interesting to do research on its function as a teller of the past history that contained various aspects of the life of our society that not yet studied until today. By learning the problems, this research goal is to find the answer of the problems. To reach this goal, we do this research gradually by collecting data through literature study and field observation along with interviews. The next step is analysis carried out through methods of typology analysis, contextual, functional analysis, ethno archaeological and ethno historical approach. Finally the result showed that the function of our cultural heritage is as teller of the many-sided aspects of the past history of our artifacts such as technological aspects, social, and religious aspects but it is impossible to get full completed information due to some reasons. Keywords: archaeological and historical artifacts, cultural heritages, teller of the past.  AbstrakPenyelidikan arkeologi di Indonesia sudah berhasil menemukan artefak sejarah dan arkeologi yang beraneka ragam, yang tergolong sebagai warisan budaya. Sebagai bukti-bukti sejarah, warisan budaya ini adalah sumber informasi dan pesan-pesan kehidupan masyarakat masa lalu yang bersifat pluralistik. Menarik perhatian, bahwa warisan budaya ini mempunyai permasalahan yaitu, permasalahan tipologi, fungsi dan makna dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Mempelajari masalah ini, sangat menarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai fungsinya sebagai penutur sejarah masa silam, yang mengandung aneka ragam, aspek kehidupan masyarakat, yang belum dikaji sampai sekarang. Dengan mencermati permasalahan ini, maka tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk meneliti permasalahan tadi. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian secara bertahap melalui pengumpulan data dengan metode kajian pustaka dan observasi lapangan yang disertai dengan wawancara. Langkah selanjutnya, adalah melakukan analisis dengan analisis tipologi, kontekstual, analisis fungsional, pendekatan etnoarkeologi dan etnohistori. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cagar budaya itu berfungsi sebagai penutur kehidupan masa silam yang mengandung aspek yang bersfiat jamak, adalah aspek teknologi, sosial dan religi, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk mendapat informasi yang lengkap karena berbagai faktor.Kata kunci: peninggalan sejarah dan purbakala, warisan budaya, penutur masa silam.

2016 ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Malini Suchak ◽  
Michael Piombino ◽  
Kalina Bracco

Colony housing of cats allows shelters to maximize the number of cats housed in limited space. Most research on colony-housed cats examines stress in relation to group size or enclosure size.  While this is important for evaluating welfare, it is equally important to understand how cats are interacting socially in these colonies. We observed 259 adult cats housed in groups of two to eight individuals. Scan samples were used to assess how frequently individual cats were in close proximity to other cats. These data were used to measure individual differences in sociability and patterns of proximity to certain partners. We used information about the past history of the cat, which was collected upon admission to the shelter to identify predictors of time spent in proximity. There was a high degree of inter-individual variability in sociability. Strays tended to spend less time in proximity to other cats, and this effect was most pronounced in females.However, none of the information collected upon admission predicted patterns of proximity to certain partners, or which cats spent time in association witheach other. Future studies should explore the implications of differences in sociability by associating observations of social behavior and stress behaviors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 451-453 ◽  

The role of Venus and Mercury transits is crucial to know the past history of the solar diameter. Through the W parameter, the logarithmic derivative of the radius with respect to the luminosity, the past values of the solar luminosity can be recovered. The black drop phenomenon affects the evaluation of the instants of internal and external contacts between the planetary disk and the solar limb. With these observed instants compared with the ephemerides the value of the solar diameter is recovered. The black drop and seeing effects are overcome with two fitting circles, to Venus and to the Sun, drawn in the undistorted part of the image. The corrections of ephemerides due to the atmospheric refraction will also be taken into account. The forthcoming transit of Venus will allow an accuracy on the diameter of the Sun better than 0.01 arcsec, with good images of the ingress and of the egress taken each second. Chinese solar observatories are in the optimal conditions to obtain valuable data for the measurement of the solar diameter with the Venus transit of 5/6 June 2012 with an unprecedented accuracy, and with absolute calibration given by the ephemerides.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (11) ◽  
pp. 2416-2420
Olena О. Taranovska ◽  
Volodymyr К. Likhachov ◽  
Ludmyla М. Dobrovolska ◽  
Oleg G. Makarov ◽  
Yanina V. Shymanska

The aim: To determine the serum FAMG in the I and II trimester of pregnancy in women with a past history of chronic endometritis, and to clarify its impact on the development of pathology of pregnancy. Materials and methods: The level of FAMG was determined at 6-8 and 16-18 weeks of gestation in 135 pregnant women with a past history of chronic endometritis, who received treatment of chronic endometritis at the stage of pregravid preparation and 168 women who became pregnant without its prior treatment. The dependence of the development of pre-eclampsia on the level of FAMG at the early stages of pregnancy has been evaluated. Results: At 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, the level of FAMG in women with a past history of chronic endometritis was 20.6% lower (122.4 ± 7.6 ng/ml) compared to the control group. In FAMG of 90.3 ± 4.3 ng/ml at 6-8 weeks of gestation, spontaneous abortion occurred in 100% of cases within the next 2 weeks. FAMG lower than 122,1 ± 3,0 ng/ml can be the predisposing factor for the development of pre-eclampsia. Conclusions: Reduced FAMG in the beginning of pregnancy in women with untreated chronic endometritis in the past history increases the incidence of miscarriages at the early stages by 2.6 times, and by 1.8 times the probability of preeclampsia development. Treatment of chronic endometritis at the stage of pregravid preparation promotes the increase of FAMG by 24,6% compared to untreated women that reduces the probability of complications during the subsequent course of pregnancy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 612 ◽  
pp. A112 ◽  
T. Encrenaz ◽  
C. DeWitt ◽  
M. J. Richter ◽  
T. K. Greathouse ◽  
T. Fouchet ◽  

The global D/H ratio on Mars is an important measurement for understanding the past history of water on Mars; locally, through condensation and sublimation processes, it is a possible tracer of the sources and sinks of water vapor on Mars. Measuring D/H as a function of longitude, latitude and season is necessary for determining the present averaged value of D/H on Mars. Following an earlier measurement in April 2014, we used the Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (EXES) instrument on board the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) facility to map D/H on Mars on two occasions, on March 24, 2016 (Ls = 127°), and January 24, 2017 (Ls = 304°), by measuring simultaneously the abundances of H2O and HDO in the 1383–1391 cm−1 range (7.2 μm). The D/H disk-integrated values are 4.0 (+0.8, −0.6) × Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) and 4.5 (+0.7, −0.6) × VSMOW, respectively, in agreement with our earlier result. The main result of this study is that there is no evidence of strong local variations in the D/H ratio nor for seasonal variations in the global D/H ratio between northern summer and southern summer.

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