scholarly journals Nem-szokványos gazdaságpolitikai intézkedések figyelembevétele a nemzetgazdasági modellezésben = Incorporating Non-Conventional Economic Policy Measures into Macroeconomic Modeling

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-81
Tamás Révész

A nagy pénzügyi válság és a koronavírus-válság kezdete óta sok kormány és az EU maga is számos nem szokványos gazdaságpolitikai intézkedés alkalmazására kényszerült. A cikk először megkísérli tisztázni ezen „nem-szokványos” illetve „unortodox” gazdaságpolitikák mibenlétét, majd azt vizsgálja, hogy az ilyen gazdaságpolitikák hogyan tükröződnek az állami kiadások és bevételek sajátos szerkezetében. Az adónemek nagy száma, valamint a sok ágazatspecifikus adó, adókedvezmény, támogatás már önmagában is utalhat a gazdaságpolitika nem-szokványos jellegére. Az ilyen politikák modellezése kihívást jelentő feladat, részben azért, mert ezek a politikák sok rejtett adót és támogatást alkalmaznak a kereszttámogatásoktól és más, az árakat torzító intézkedésektől - például monopóliumok létrehozásától – kezdve egészen a szabályozókedvezményekig és adósságleírásokig. A magyar esetben az élsportra, az egyházakra, a kormány üzeneteit közvetítő médiára, a határon túli magyarokra, valamint a kormányhoz közeli vállalkozók és külföldi befektetők tulajdonában lévő nagyvállalatok beruházásainak támogatására fordított kiadások magas aránya is tanúskodik az unortodox gazdaságpolitika erős újraelosztó és társadalomátalakító szándékáról. A magyar gazdaságpolitika számos intézkedésének felsorolása és csoportosítása, valamint azok speciális, néha egyedi mechanizmusainak megvilágítása után a cikk felvázolja, hogyan lehet ezeket a mechanizmusokat ábrázolni egy számszerűsíthető általános egyensúlyi modellben

MAZARAKI Anatolii ◽  
MELNYK Tetiana

The article analyses theoretical and conceptual approaches to define the essence of economic security.The global economic transformations are characterized in the context of the impact on the national economic security. Indicators of all economic security com­ponents are analyzed by comparing them in dynamics with the critical level and proposals for the implementation of economic policy measures which are provided to secure Ukrai­nian economic policy.

Tadeusz Kowalski

Purpose: The chapter identifies the complexities of Covid-19’s impact on the economy. The empirical part presents and assesses initial reactions of inflation, industrial production, unemployment rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate, and shifts in the GDP expenditure structure. Design/methodology/approach: Acomplete Keynesian macroeconomic model is used to outline how the negative shock hit the economies. The model shows potential implications of the use of reactive economic policy measures. Based on the model, the empirical part provides comparative analyses of reactions of four economies of the European Monetary Union (EMU) – namely France, Germany, Italy and Spain – two non-EMU economies of Hungary and Poland, and two major large open economies: the USA and Japan. Findings: The Covid-19 pandemic has sent a universal, global shockwave with asymmetric outcomes in individual economies. Covid-19 hit all economies and struck both the demand side and – after ashort time lag – the supply side. Although interconnected, the economies have maintained notable structural differences and, therefore their autonomous reactions to negative demand and supply shocks were diverse. Practical implications: The complete macroeconomic Keynesian model allows for the conceptualization of the transmission of the Covid-19 shock on the economy’s supply and demand sides. The model is also a helpful tool in the analysis of the potential role of economic policy in reaction to the supply and demand shocks triggered by the pandemic. Originality and value: The empirical analyses unveil the eight economies’ differentiated reactions to similar counter-crisis policy measures. Their scale in all cases pushed the state back to the center of economic life. This structural shift requires attention and systematic theoretical and empirical studies.

Significance Mexico’s new government submitted its 2019 economic package to Congress on December 15, including the budget and revenue legislation, and macroeconomic assumptions and projections. Aggregate figures show no departure from the fiscal orthodoxy of recent decades. The proposed spending reshuffle is nevertheless significant, involving ambitious projects that may bring undue fiscal pressures. Impacts AMLO will pursue new investment projects and social programmes as soon as possible. Further jolts to investor confidence would increase country risk perceptions, pushing up debt refinancing costs. Additional economic policy measures seeking to boost long-term growth are likely in 2019.

Subject Nigerian economic policy. Significance Predicting the policy direction of President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term appears complicated given inconsistencies in key appointments to his administration. His new cabinet is composed of political loyalists unlikely to oppose his protectionist agenda. Conversely, Buhari has revamped his economic team to include free marketeers and staunch critics of his economic record thus far. However, recent policy measures suggest that the latter will have limited effect on the president’s underlying agenda. Impacts Plans to comply with OPEC production cuts will further worsen the outlook for foreign reserves and the naira. The slight acceleration of GDP growth to 2.3% this year may not be sustained into 2020 if protectionist policies persist. Improvements in the overall business environment ranking mask ongoing weakness in crucial indicators such as electricity supply.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-50
N. A. Akindinova ◽  
M. P. Dabrowski ◽  
A. A. Shirov ◽  
D. R. Belousov ◽  
I. B. Voskoboynikov ◽  

The issues to be discussed at the panel included: can past experience of economy recovery following crises of 1998 and 2008 be helpful at present; what sectors were driving growth of the Russian economy in the last decade, and are they able to perform this role in the future; what growth rate is feasible in 2021; what amendments to the national projects aimed at boosting growth are likely. In addition to that the panel participants specified key factors affecting productivity and output trends in Russia, suggested ways to support economy in the course of “coronacrisis”, and pointed out to economic policy measures that could accelerate economic growth.

2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Zoran Grubišić ◽  
Sandra Kamenković

AbstractThe global economic crisis has affected the whole world, including Serbia. Countries with different degrees of development reacted with different measures of economic policy, both monetary as well as fiscal. Economic authorities in Serbia have encountered certain limiting factors in the selection of measures, first of all taking into account the unfinished transition process. This paper will examine whether the applied monetary and fiscal policy in Serbia is adequate according to the position which Serbia occupies by the Mundell-Fleming model, as well as to identify the starting position for future economic policy measures.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 16
Damir Piplica

<p>All the Governments of Croatia should acknowledge the importance of the economic policy<br />that will encourage higher saving rates thus enabling correlation with the investment rate with<br />the scope of reaching important macroeconomic goals, such as the GDP and employment<br />rates increase, etc., without in any way endangering the macroeconomic stability of the<br />national economy. Regardless of the great impact savings had on the investments, the<br />implementation of the economic or investment policy on behalf of the Right-wing<br />Government of Croatia had a great impact in creating the discrepancy in the<br />saving-investment ratio, than it was the case with the Left-wing Government of Croatia. If the<br />Right–wing Government of Croatia starts implementing the economic policy with the sole<br />scope of reaching higher saving rates than the former ones, complying with their ideology,<br />and focusing less on how to opportunistically reach middle voters, they will influence<br />effectively the saving and investment correlation, thus lessening the saving-investment gap<br />and reaching the macroeconomic stability. However, if the Right-wing Government<br />opportunistically turn to the “middle voters” instead of following their ideology`s programme,<br />this could lead to the decrease in efficiency of some economic policy measures with the goal<br />of reaching a certain saving-investment correlation. On the other hand, with the growth in<br />saving rates, Left-wing Government of Croatia can influence effectively its correlation with<br />the investment rates, but still in a lesser proportion compared to the Right–wing Government<br />of Croatia. With the Left–wing Government of Croatia opportunistically orienting on the<br />“middle voters” that would facilitate their position in achieving the macroeconomic stability<br />and thus enforcing their influence on the saving-investment correlation, as would not be the<br />case if only complying with their left oriented party`s programme.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
Anita Potocskáné Kőrösi ◽  
Tünde Bokorné Kitanics ◽  
Péter Bertalan

2022 ◽  
pp. 158-167
Tamás Nyári

The purpose of the study. To examine how the situation of thermal tourism in Somogy county developed during the period of socialism. The importance of the use of thermal wells for tourism or industrial purposes was considered by the county council and the organizations of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP). Applied methods. Literature review, especially the development of thermal tourism. The overview includes general processing of economic and tourism history. We place great emphasis on the use of archival materials. It is also important to examine the local press and use the collections of legislation. Outcomes. In Hungary, more and more economic policy measures have been taken since the 1960s to develop tourism. In some rural areas, this was linked to the increased number of oil drillings at the time, as hot water was found in many cases during the test drillings, on which thermal tourism could later be built. Despite the fact that Somogy County was already a prominent tourist destination through Lake Balaton, until the mid-1970s, 22 springs were found during the test drillings where the temperature of the water breaking to the surface exceeded 35 °C. Some of these wells were closed, but the issue of their exploitation could not be circumvented, which caused a number of problems due to a lack of material and human resources. At the same time, the Somogy County Council and county organizations of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP) took the issue of thermal tourism extremely seriously and developed a concept for their development on two occasions. However, this only applied only to four major spas: Nagyatád, Igal, Csokonyavisonta and Kaposvár. The smaller spas were entrusted to local maintainers.

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