economic security
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Licheng Peng ◽  
Xiaowei Ma ◽  
Wanwan Ma ◽  
Yuanxiang Zhou

To effectively evaluate the level of economic security of water resources (WES) in China and analyze its influencing factors, a comprehensive evaluation model of WES and a regression analysis model of influencing factors are established based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2017. It is found that, first, WES in China presents a fluctuating upward trend. Second, different regions have different economic security levels for their water resources in China, among which WES in the central region is the highest. Third, there is a U-shaped correlation between economic development and WES, and the population, pollution control level, technological innovation have negative impacts on WES. Moreover, this study also finds that with upgrades to the industrial structure and level of human capital, there will be improvements to WES. However, the external coefficient and the investment scale of fixed assets have a negative impact on the economic security of water resources. This is helpful to utilize the water resources, and improve the water resources safety management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 384-399
O. V. Kozhevinа ◽  
L. A. Belyaevskaya-Plotnik

The article is a continuation of a number of scientifc studies conducted by the authors within the framework of government assignments and grants, dedicated to identifying the relationship between the economic security of territories and the development of "green" entrepreneurship on them.Purpose: of the study is to model the assessment of the state of economic security of territories under various conditions of the transition to "green" entrepreneurship, taking into account the action of external and internal factors. "Green" entrepreneurship is a priority area for the development of Russian regions, consistent with the achievement of Russia's national strategic goals for the period up to 2030.Methods: in this work, cross-factor modeling and the method of integral analysis are used to calculate the composite index of the state of economic security and its structural components, taking into account the development of "green" entrepreneurship, supplemented by the method of a priori ranking of factors to assess the contribution of each component and justify the priority the selected factors affecting the level of economic security of the regions.Results: a three-component cross-factor model for assessing the state of economic security in certain regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow Region, Leningrad Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory) had been calculated and tested. The regions were ranked according to the value of each of the components, as well as separately according to the aggregate level of economic security. The necessity of stimulating the development of "green" entrepreneurship in each of the analyzed regions. Have been substantiated and stimulating and discouraging factors that have an impact on the level of economic security, taking into account "green" entrepreneurship, pointwise in each subject, have been identifed.Conclusions and Relevance: the proposed approach to assessing the impact of the identifed factors on the level of economic security of the regions, taking into account the development of "green" entrepreneurship on the basis of the developed cross-factor model, made it possible to build a rating of territories and identify stimulating and discouraging factors in their development. On the basis of which to determine the tools for influencing the economic security in a separate entity.

Eddy supriyono ◽  
Wisriati Lasima ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Junior ◽  
Sugeng Budiharsono ◽  
Kukuh Nirmala ◽  

This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosystem approach or EAA in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. A series of analyzes were carried out, namely the environmental carrying capacity analysis of aquaculture using pond environmental feasibility standards, analysis of critical factors for the sustainability of aquaculture using multidimensional scaling analysis, analysis of the sustainability status of aquaculture using pairwise comparison analysis and analysis of shrimp aquaculture management strategies based on EAA. using hierarchy process analysis. The results showed that the following strategies were needed: a) accelerating spatial planning and implementing programs in accordance with the directions for spatial use and control; b) institutional strengthening of capital cultivators in order to complement and improve facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the SOP; and c) increasing the level of education and providing a social and economic security system for members of the shrimp farming community

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Tom May ◽  
Katey Warran ◽  
Alexandra Burton ◽  
Daisy Fancourt

There are concerns that the socioeconomic consequences of COVID-19, including unemployment and financial insecurity, are having adverse effects on the mental wellbeing of the population. One group particularly vulnerable to socioeconomic adversity during this period are those employed freelance within the cultural industry. Many workers in the sector were already subject to income instability, erratic work schedules and a lack of economic security before the pandemic, and it is possible that COVID-19 may exacerbate pre-existing economic precarity. Through interviews with 20 freelancers working within the performing arts, visual arts, and film and television industries, this article explores the impact of the pandemic on their working lives. Findings suggest the pandemic is affecting the psychological wellbeing of freelancers through employment loss, financial instability and work dissonance, and illustrates the need for urgent economic and psychosocial support for those employed within the cultural sector.

2022 ◽  

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 confronted health and also social services globally with unprecedented challenges. These amounted to a combination of increased demands for support to individuals and families whose physical and mental health and economic security were threatened by the rapid spread of the virus and the imposed limitations to direct contacts with service users. This constituted a situation for which there was no immediate historical parallel but from which important lessons for better preparedness for future global disasters and pandemics can be drawn. There existed no specific introductions to or textbooks on social work responses to pandemics and the nearest usable references concerned social work involvement in the HIV/AIDS epidemic and in the aftermath of natural disasters. Frontline social workers were at first forced to improvise ways of establishing and maintaining contacts with service users partly through electronic means and partly by taking personal risks. This is reflected in an initial delay in the production of comprehensive theoretical reflections on the practice implications of the new situation. Practitioners resorted to pragmatism, which became manifest in numerous episodic practice accounts and brief statements in social work journals which nevertheless contain important messages for new practice developments. Notably, the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) opened an online exchange and advice platform for social workers globally and also hosted a series of webinars. Nevertheless, books with collections of contributions from various practice fields and geographical areas soon began to appear. In view of the interdisciplinary nature of social work responses required in the pandemic the use of publications from a wider range of academic disciplines and related professions was indicated for this review.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Peter van der Sleen ◽  
Pieter A. Zuidema ◽  
John Morrongiello ◽  
Jia Lin J. Ong ◽  
Ryan R. Rykaczewski ◽  

AbstractMarine fish populations commonly exhibit low-frequency fluctuations in biomass that can cause catch volatility and thus endanger the food and economic security of dependent coastal societies. Such variability has been linked to fishing intensity, demographic processes and environmental variability, but our understanding of the underlying drivers remains poor for most fish stocks. Our study departs from previous findings showing that sea surface temperature (SST) is a significant driver of fish somatic growth variability and that life-history characteristics mediate population-level responses to environmental variability. We use autoregressive models to simulate how fish populations integrate SST variability over multiple years depending on fish life span and trophic position. We find that simulated SST-driven population dynamics can explain a significant portion of observed low-frequency variability in independent observations of fisheries landings around the globe. Predictive skill, however, decreases with increasing fishing pressure, likely due to demographic truncation. Using our modelling approach, we also show that increases in the mean and variance of SST could amplify biomass volatility and lessen its predictability in the future. Overall, biological integration of high-frequency SST variability represents a null hypothesis with which to explore the drivers of low-frequency population change across upper-trophic marine species.

T. Smetanina ◽  
A. Kuznecov ◽  
M. Perfil'eva

All organizations involved in creating added value can be described using business models that represent their activities in an aggregated form. The business model answers an important business question about its value and effectiveness. The relationship of the business model with the quality management system (QMS) of the organization expands its ability to create a competitive business unit. If the organization's quality management system complies with international standards (ISO), then the level of competitiveness of a given business unit can be defined as international. Integration processes taking place in socio-economic relations provide for a significant role of standards in the activities of organizations that meet world standards. By creating a chain of interconnection of business models with the QMS, it is possible to increase the international and global level of sustainability of business units, as well as the territories in which they are located. The consequence of these processes is the increase in the efficiency of the implementation of development strategies and the reduction of risks caused by the loss of economic security.

2022 ◽  
Nazirhan Gadzhiev ◽  
Sergey Konovalenko ◽  
Mihail Trofimov

The monograph is devoted to the place and role of ecology and environmental safety in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of society. In the conditions of the forced transition of the economies of the leading countries of the world from an industrial type to a new formation of a green economy aimed at ensuring the preservation of ecological systems and the maximum reduction of damage to the biodiversity of ecological systems, the Russian Federation faces the task of forming a new course of socio-economic development of society focused on the preservation of natural potential and ecology at a level normal for the maintenance of the vital activity of society, flora and fauna in the foreseeable future and in the long term. The role and importance of environmental safety in the system of ensuring the economic security of the state are outlined, the concept of the ideology of "Global Commons" in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of society is considered, the problems and prospects of the implementation of the program "Green Course of Russia" are analyzed, special aspects of environmental audit, accounting and control, damage assessment in the field of ecology are investigated. Special attention is paid to the forecast of the dynamics of key environmental indicators for the medium term. The main directions of increasing the effectiveness of the mechanism for ensuring environmental safety in a market economy are proposed. For a wide range of readers interested in environmental economics. It will be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 127-135
N. V. Yakovenko ◽  
R. V. Ten

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 269-277
Mishchuk Ievgeniia ◽  
Riabykina Yekateryna ◽  
Ushenko Natalya ◽  
Hamova Oksana ◽  
Tkachenko Sergii ◽  

The article shows that in Society 5. 0 intellectual capital is a key factor forming economic security of enterprises. The priority of structural components of intellectual capital as a factor of enterprise economic security formation is determined. Features of mining and beneficiation enterprises operation are considered while structuring intellectual capital. The resulting criteria for assessing efficiency of the intellectual capital use during economic security formation are established. Three key groups of competences of personnel necessary for economic security formation are identified. It is substantiated that organic connection of intellectual capital structural elements will enable forming economic security of the enterprise during the current period and providing economic security parameters in the long term. Based on the data obtained from mining and beneficiation enterprises, it is demonstrated that this will be possible due to growth of an innovative level of technological processes which will contribute to product quality enhancement that, in turn, will expand the client base.

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