scholarly journals Educação ambiental, justiça ambiental e questões de gênero: a perspectiva de um grupo de educadoras ambientais comunitárias de Magé, RJ.Educación ambiental, justicia ambiental y cuestiones de género: la perspectiva de un grupo de educadoras ambientales comunitarias de Magé, RJ.Environmental education, environmental justice and gender issues: the perspective of a group of community environmental educators of Magé, RJ.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-170
Carolina Alves Gomes de Oliveira ◽  
Celso Pereira Sánchez

Este estudo se debruça sobre um grupo de educadoras ambientais comunitárias, que atuam em comunidades sob vulnerabilidade socioambiental em Magé, RJ. A partir do acompanhamento deste grupo, tivemos como objetivo levantar temas trazidos pelas educadoras que dialogassem com o movimento por justiça ambiental e com as discussões de gênero, como forma contextualizar as práticas da Educação Ambiental Crítica em meio a uma realidade de desigualdades. Os temas levantados evidenciam que os problemas socioambientais se sobrepõem às diversas situações de desigualdade e exclusão que se deflagram no território, inclusive as desigualdades gênero. O trabalho desenvolvido pelas educadoras apresenta as contradições trazidas, por um lado, pelas denúncias de um cotidiano de injustiças socioambientais e, por outro, de um trabalho educativo humanizador, que emerge da própria comunidade. Este estudio se centra en un grupo de educadoras ambientales comunitarias, que actúan en comunidades bajo vulnerabilidad socioambiental em Magé, RJ. A partir del seguimiento de este grupo, tuvimos como objetivo levantar temas traídos por las educadoras que dialogasen con el movimiento por justicia ambiental y con las discusiones de género, como forma de contextualizar las prácticas de la Educación Ambiental Crítica en medio de una realidad de desigualdades. Los temas levantados evidencian que los problemas socioambientales se superponen a las diversas situaciones de desigualdad y exclusión que se desencadenan en el territorio, incluidas las desigualdades de género. El trabajo desarrollado por las educadoras presenta las contradicciones traídas, por un lado, por las denuncias de un cotidiano de injusticias socioambientales y, por otro, de un trabajo educativo humanizador, que emerge de la propia comunidad. This study focuses on a group of community environmental educators, who work in communities under social and environmental vulnerability in Magé, RJ. From the follow-up of this group, we had as objective to raise themes brought by educators that dialogue with the movement for environmental justice and with the gender discussions, as a way to contextualize the practices of Critical Environmental Education in the midst of a reality of inequalities. The issues raised show that socio-environmental problems overlap with various situations of inequality and exclusion that are spreading in the territory, including gender inequalities. The work carried out by the educators presents the contradictions brought, on the one hand, by denunciations of a daily social and environmental injustices and, on the other hand, a humanizing educational work that emerges from the community itself.

I Ketut Ardhana

One of the main issues that has been discussed in Indonesia regarding the democracy process in a modern world is about the feminism and gender issues. On the one hand, women are considered to play limited roles, whilst on the other hand, the men have always been considered to play a significant role. This can be traced back in the long process of the Balinese history not only in terms of political aspect, but also in the context of socio cultural aspects. It is important to look at what has happened in the Balinese societies, since Bali is known as a Hindu mozaic in Southeast Asia. The Balinese society has its own culture based on local culture that is strongly influenced by the Indian or Indic culture. The Balinese society is a patrilineal system, in which a man has a higher position, but in fact it was even Bali had a woman princess, who was of mixed Javanese and Balinese heritage, a wife of King Udayana of Bali between the 10th and 11th century. Both of them were considered as the Balinese kings at the same time. In the era of these two kings they were successful in integrating between Hinduism and Buddhism. Until now, the Balinese believe the soul of Mahendradatta as Durga. The main questions that will be addressed in this paper are firstly: how do the Balinese interpret the female deities? Secondly, how do they worship them? Thirdly, what is the meaning of this worship in terms of religious and cultural aspects in the modern and postmodern time? By discussing these issues, it is expected that we will have a better understanding on how the Balinese worship the female deities in the prehistoric, classical, and modern times in the context of a global or universal culture

Margaret J. M. Ezell

John Bunyan’s writings have traditionally invited critical readings focusing on gender issues. With the scholarly recovery of the writings of radical sectarian women during the 1650s and 1660s and renewed study of libertine sexuality in the Restoration, our understanding of Bunyan’s representation of gender hierarchy and gender roles in his writings has become more complex. On the one hand, as a minister, he insisted on conformity to a biblically based gender hierarchy, and in works like The Life and Death of Mr. Badman (1680) he condemned the fashionable display of sexuality. On the other hand, Bunyan conceptualized the nature of the human relationship with God as requiring men to perform feminine roles and women to take on masculine traits.

2012 ◽  
pp. 98-119
Rita Biancheri

Up to now, in the traditional biomedical paradigm the terms "sex" and "gender" have either been used synonymously and the insertion of gender among the determining elements of conditions of wellbeing/disease has been difficult, and obstructed by disciplinary rigidities that retarded the acceptance of an approach which had already been largely found to be valid in other areas of research. The effected simplification demonstrated its limitations in describing the theme of health; but if, on the one hand, there has been a growing awareness of a subject which can in no way be considered "neutral", on the other hand there continues to be insufficient attention, both in theoretical analysis and in empirical research, given to female differences. The article is intended to support that the sick individual is a person, with his/her genetic heritage, his/her own cultural acquisitions and personal history, and own surrounding life context; but these and similar factors have not traditionally been taken into consideration by official medicine and welfare systems, despite a hoped-for socio-health integration.

Patrick Colm Hogan

The introduction first sets out some preliminary definitions of sex, sexuality, and gender. It then turns from the sexual part of Sexual Identities to the identity part. A great deal of confusion results from failing to distinguish between identity in the sense of a category with which one identifies (categorial identity) and identity in the sense of a set of patterns that characterize one’s cognition, emotion, and behavior (practical identity). The second section gives a brief summary of this difference. The third and fourth sections sketch the relation of the book to social constructionism and queer theory, on the one hand, and evolutionary-cognitive approaches to sex, sexuality, and gender, on the other. The fifth section outlines the value of literature in not only illustrating, but advancing a research program in sex, sexuality, and gender identity. Finally, the introduction provides an overview of the chapters in this volume.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2007-2016
Yoram Reich ◽  
Eswaran Subrahmanian

AbstractDesign research as a field has been studied from diverse perspectives starting from product inception to their disposal. The product of these studies includes knowledge, tools, methods, processes, frameworks, approaches, and theories. The contexts of these studies are innumerable. The unit of these studies varies from individuals to organizations, using a variety of theoretical tools and methods that have fragmented the field, making it difficult to understand the map of this corpus of knowledge across this diversity.In this paper, we propose a model-based approach that on the one hand, does not delve into the details of the design object itself, but on the other hand, unifies the description of design problem at another abstraction level. The use of this abstract framework allows for describing and comparing underlying models of published design studies using the same language to place them in the right context in which design takes place and to enable to inter-relate them, to understand the wholes and the parts of design studies.Patterns of successful studies could be generated and used by researchers to improve the design of new studies, understand the outcome of existing studies, and plan follow-up studies.

2012 ◽  
pp. 95-113
Rita Biancheri

Up to now, in the traditional biomedical paradigm the terms "sex" and "gender" have either been used synonymously and the insertion of gender among the determining elements of conditions of wellbeing/disease has been difficult, and obstructed by disciplinary rigidities that retarded the acceptance of an approach which had already been largely found to be valid in other areas of research. The effected simplification demonstrated its limitations in describing the theme of health; but if, on the one hand, there has been a growing awareness of a subject which can in no way be considered "neutral", on the other hand there continues to be insufficient attention, both in theoretical analysis and in empirical research, given to female differences. The article is intended to support that the sick individual is a person, with his/her genetic heritage, his/her own cultural acquisitions and personal history, and own surrounding life context; but these and similar factors have not traditionally been taken into consideration by official medicine and welfare systems, despite a hoped-for socio-health integration.

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-72
Håkan Larsson

Håkan Larsson: Sport and gender This article concerns bodily materialisation as it occurs in youth sport. It is based on interviews with teenagers 16 to 19 years of age doing track and field athletics. The purpose of the article is to elucidate how the notion of a “natural body“ can be seen as a cultural effect of sports practice and sports discourse. On the one hand, the body is materialised as a performing body, and on the other as a beautiful body. The “performing body“ is a single-sexed biological entity. The “beautiful body“ is a double-sexed and distinctly heterosexually appealing body. As these bodies collide in teenager track and field, the female body materialises as a problematic body, a body that is at the same time the subject of the girl’s personality. The male body materialises as an unproblematic body, a body that is the object of the boy’s personality. However, the body as “(a problematic) subject“ or as “(an unproblematic) object“ is not in itself a gendered body. Rather, these are positions on a cultural grid of power-knowledge relations. A girl might position herself in a male discourse, and a boy might position himself in a female discourse, but in doing so, they seem to have to pay a certain price in order not to be seen as queer.

2020 ◽  
Masoud Etemadifar ◽  
Shadi Ghourchian ◽  
Nazanin Mahinparvar ◽  
Mehri Salari ◽  
Fatemeh Etemadifar ◽  

This study aimed to compare the efficacy of rituximab versus Cyclophosphamide on active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). The randomized clinical trial was performed from 2015 to 2017 in multiple sclerosis (MS) clinics affiliated to Isfahan MS society (IMSS). Patients were randomized to two groups, and one of them received Rituximab that was repeated every six months in case of medical indication. The other one received a monthly pulse of methylprednisolone plus cyclophosphamide (Endoxan, Baxter, UK) until two years. Expanded disabilities status scale (EDSS), clinical, and MRI findings were assessed every six months. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. 39 patients in the Rituximab group and 30 in the Cyclophosphamide group with similar age and gender distribution were entered for analysis. At baseline, the mean number of attacks in the Rituximab group was significantly more than the Cyclophosphamide group (P=0.0001). After 6, 12, and 18 months of treatment, the rate of attacks was similar between groups although it increased significantly in the Rituximab group (P=0.030) after 24 months of treatment. EDSS was increased in the Rituximab group more than the other group at the end of the study. Both drugs were well-tolerated by patients. The EDSS was increased in the Rituximab group but the disability score did not worsen in the Cyclophosphamide group. Both therapies were associated with a reduction in disease attacks and improvement in radiologic findings in a two-year period of follow-up. © 2019 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Acta Med Iran 2019;57(8):484-491.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (01) ◽  
pp. 67

Theofogicaffy, Islam is one and absolutely correct. However, historicaffy, after being understood and translated into the real life, Islam is not single, but various or plural that manifests at feast in three schools of thoughts: Traditional Islam, Revivalist Islam (fundamentalism), and Liberal Islam (Progressive). The group of Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) represents the fast school of thoughts. Even though it is stiff young (ten years), JIL becomes populer because it frequentfy proposes the new thoughts that often evoke controversions in the community. The reformation of thoughts proposed by JIL covers four areas: first, reformation in politics. In this context, JIL gives a priority to the idea of secularism; Second, reformation in socio-religion. Dealing with this, JIL proposes the concept of pluralism; Third, reformation in individual freedom. In this case, JIL gives a priority to the idea of liberalism both in thoughts and actions;fourth, reformation in women. Regarding this, JIL proposes the idea of gender equaliry. This reformation thought of JIL receives pro and con in the community. On the one hand,some of them panne and fulminate it; on the other hand, the other ones support and give appreciation. In such situation, JIL grows as a thought and Islamic progressive movement in Indonesia. Key Words: Islamic Thought, JIL, Secularism, Pluralism, Liberalism, and Gender Equality.

2021 ◽  
Michal Brzezinski

This paper estimates how previous major pandemic events affected economic and gender inequalities in the short- to medium run. We consider the impact of six major pandemic episodes – H3N2 Flu (1968), SARS (2003), H1N1 Swine Flu (2009), MERS (2012), Ebola (2014), and Zika (2016) – on cross-country inequalities in a sample of up to 180 countries observed over 1950-2019. Results show that the past pandemics have moderately increased income inequality in the affected countries in the period of four to five years after the pandemic’s start. On the other hand, we do not find any robust negative impacts on wealth inequality. The results concerning gender inequality are less consistent, but we find some evidence of declining gender equality among the hardest hit countries, as well as of growing gender gaps in unemployment within the four years after the onset of the pandemic.

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