scholarly journals Motivasi dan Harapan Mahasiswa Difable terhadap Pendidikan Inklusi UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Muryanti MA ◽  
Tri Mulyani

Abstract  Inclusion education gives an expectation to group of disabled people to get an equal education as the non-disabled people do. With this education, it is expected that they get the same opportunity to get jobs in order to become more prosper. This writing investigates how the motivation and the expectation of disabled people towards inclusion education which is held by UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The method used is qualitative and the primary data is obtained through observation and interview with disabled students. The secondary data is obtained from some documents owned by PLD UIN which is used to run this inclusion education. The result of investigation shows that most of disabled students have the same motivation as the nondisabled students to get education and pursue their dream. The learning process in UIN itself has not met their expectation because the lack of facilities and assistant, and lecturer who have not possessed proper skills and knowledge to teach disabled students.

2019 ◽  
Muryanti Muryanti

Pendidikan inklusi memberikan harapan bagi kelompok difable untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang sama dengan warga negara lain. Dengan bekal pendidikan tersebut diharapkan mereka mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam memperoleh pekerjaan demi kesejahteraan untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Tulisan ini hendak mengkaji bagaimana motivasi dan harapan yang dimiliki oleh para difable terhadap pendidikan inklusi yang diselenggarakan oleh UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan penggalian data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap mahasiswa difable. Data sekunder diperoleh dari beberapa dokumen yang dimiliki oleh PLD UIN dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa motivasi difabel, mayoritas sama dengan mahasiswa lain untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dan mencapai cita-cita sama dengan mahasiswa normal. Proses pembelajaran di UIN belum sesuai dengan keinginan mereka karena banyak kekurangan dari sarana dan prasarana, pendamping mahasiswa difabel dan dosen yang kurang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mendidik kelompok difabel. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan inklusi, mahasiswa difable, motivasi dan harapan. Inclusion education gives an expectation to group of disabled people to get an equal education as the non-disabled people do. With this education, it is expected that they get the same opportunity to get jobs in order to become more prosper. This writing investigates how the motivation and the expectation of disabled people towards inclusion education which is held by UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The method used is qualitative and the primary data is obtained through observation and interview with disabled students. The secondary data is obtained from some documents owned by PLD UIN which is used to run this inclusion education. The result of investigation shows that most of disabled students have the same motivation as the non-disabled students to get education and pursue their dream. The learning process in UIN itself has not met their expectation because the lack of facilities and assistant, and lecturer who have not possessed proper skills and knowledge to teach disabled students. Keywords: Inclusion education, disabled students, motivation and expectation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 55-77
Nurhasnah Nurhasnah ◽  
Yogia Prihartini

The Arabic learning process is directed to encourage, guide, develop, and foster students' Arabic language skills, Arabic language skills will also support students in understanding the sources of Islamic teachings, such as the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, and other books that use Arabic . In the Arabic learning process, it is expected that students will have good abilities in learning Arabic. To achieve the expected objectives, the Hiwar learning strategy is to use the Hiwar (conversation) method. The lesson material consists of fluency in speaking by using Arabic.This research is a field research in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive in the form of secondary data and primary data. In analyzing the data, it begins with examining the data, after the data is collected then its contents are clarified and analyzed, then interpreted and concluded. The Arabic learning process at MAN 1 Payakumbuh has been implemented in accordance with the existing curriculum, based on Content Standards (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL), which explains that learning Arabic at Islamic Senior High School is a process of activities directed at encouraging, guiding, develop and develop fushha Arabic language skills, by prioritizing the ability to read and understand reading material. The ability to speak and compose sentences is aimed at strengthening reading skills, which is the main goal of learning, namely the ability to communicate as well as a provision for understanding Islamic teachings from the original sources, namely Al-Quran and Al-hadith. The conclusion of this study is that it turns out that students are still not able to carry out good faith in Arabic and cannot use it in daily conversations, because the learning strategies used are still not optimal due to the lack of media and supporting infrastructure that support the learning process of Hiwar. So that it hasn't got maximum results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay ◽  
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Sularsih Anggarawati

Ecotourism offers a different form of travel than mass tourism. Ecotourism also provides a learning process to protect and care for nature, and improve the welfare of local communities around or within the ecotourism destination. This study was conducted to find the right approach to developing ecotourism. The main focus is given to the potential of regional ecotourism, including human, cultural, and supporting resources. Research is also conducted to determine the perspective of tourists because meeting their needs cannot be sustainably separated from business goals. This study uses data sources grouped into two, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through several instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observations.Keywords: Social innovation, ecological tourism, entrepreneurial innovation, 

2019 ◽  
Dona Maya Sari ◽  
Zulfa ◽  
Jaenam ◽  

The purpose of this research is to describe the factors causing the Low Learning Outcomes of Historical learning in Students grade X IPS1 at SMA Negeri 12 Padang. The design that researcher used in this research was a qualitative design. The sample of this research is students of X IPS1 and history teachers at SMA Negeri 12 Padang. The researcher used observation, interview, and documentation technique to get primary data and secondary data. The validity data used triangulation theory to test the accuracy of the data. The analysis of data collection techniques, data reduction showed the conclusions. The results of this research is Internal factors that cause student learning outcomes to decline are in terms of intelligence, attitudes, talents and interests of many underachieved and talented students in the learning process, students' interest in history subjects is still lacking. Students’ Attitude in the learning process are less comfortable, generally students struggle and do not pay attention to the teacher in the teaching and learning process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-115
Fifi Aris Wulandari ◽  
Urip Meilina Kurniawati ◽  
Moh. Agung Rohimawan

The purpose of this study was to determine the problems of mathematics in "thematic learning at the SD / MI level.This research uses a qualitative approach. The qualitative research design was carried out with a library research (library research) using various sources of literature as a source of research data. Sources of data in this study consist of secondary data and primary data. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively which was presented systematically and objectively.The results of the study are students feeling bored, afraid when learning mathematics, the teacher still dominates in the learning process, the problems or problems conveyed by the teacher are still not contextual with the students' real life. Media, methods, strategies, and learning models applied by teachers do not pay attention to the characteristics of students. The thematic learning process of basic mathematics competence has not yet paid attention to the characteristics of mathematics learning, students have difficulty in understanding foreign symbols and languages. Solution to the problematics of mathematics in thematic learning, namely the teacher pays attention to 5 factors in the process of learning mathematics, namely personal, instructional, environmental, identity and socio-cultural factors. So the mathematical achievements of students can increase and have high-level thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-226
Syamsiyah Nasution

The purpose of research To determine student interest in the subject of Islamic education and strategies of teachers in the learning process to increase student interest in the subject of Islamic Education in SDN 147 Palembang. The research is a qualitative research, a study that aimed to describe and mengalisis phenomena and events .Teknik data collection through interviews, observation, questionnaire and documentation. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by researchers from the observation of the PAI teacher in the learning process in the classroom; to observe what strategies the teacher in the learning process, then the results of interviews with PAI teachers and principals; to determine student interest in the subject of PAI and development strategies for the improvement of teacher student interest in the subject of PAI, and the results of questionnaire to students; to gather data on student interest in the subject of PAI and strategies of teachers in thelearning process to increase studentinterest in the subject of PAI, while secondary data is data documentation consisting of the organizational structure, the profile of the school, teachers and state employees, the state of the student, and state-owned infrastructure sekolah.Adapun data management techniques through four stages namely; collecting data, classifying the data, explain the data, and draw conclusions. Based on the analysis of data it can be seen that, 1) Interest in learning fifth grade students on subjects PAI quite good. This is due to two factors that have supported the interests of learning, which is of concern and insentif.hal factor is evident from the presence in class, active involvement in the learning process, and compliance with the assignment of teachers either memorized or written. 2) Development of learning strategies used by teachers to increase student interest in the subject of Islamic Education in class V Elementary School 147 Palembang is good enough, it can be seen from the strategy gives attention of 80.90%, while the strategy is being or incentivize category enough is equal to 76.19%.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 492-505
Novrensistri Novrensistri ◽  
Marleni Marleni ◽  
Yanti Sri Wahyuni

This research is motivated by the existence of a virus called Covid-19. This virus has entered various countries so that all activities are limited, including education which makes the learning process online (in the network). The same is true for students who live in Mapat Tunggul District, West Pasaman Regency, which is an isolated area, so that students there experience network problems when carrying out the online learning process. The formulation of the research problem is how the strategy of students in isolated areas to get internet network access for online learning in Mapat Tunggul District, Pasaman Regency. The theory used in this study is the structural-functional theory proposed by Talcott Parsons. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The informants involved experienced this network problem as many as 13 people. Data collection methods were used in two ways, namely observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. To achieve the validity of research data using triangulation techniques. Meanwhile, the unit of data analysis used was a group with data analysis by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the study it can be concluded that there are several strategies undertaken by students in overcoming network constraints such as students building social relations with fellow students studying online at hill 7, with the hill community 7, forming social groups with fellow friends who attend online lectures, and build social relations with neighbors.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-111
Bac Xuan Nguyen

Project “Construction of digital maps to support the study of Geography of Grade 12 students” is made to help Geography learners. The main objective of the research is to develop digital maps with appropriate contents and features to support effective geography learning process of high school students, particularly those in grade 12. To achieve this goal, secondary data in addition with primary data, specifically questionnaires and personal interview with related individuals have been collected to clarify the characteristics of geographylearning process in grade 12. Based on the data from the survey, the author has analyzed, designed and constructed appropriate digital maps.

2020 ◽  
Mufti Ma’sum

This research aims to evaluate the implementation of learning process quality assurance in the Faculty of Engineering program studies. Countenance Stake was performed which stresses two primary evaluations - (1) description and (2) judgment - as well as looking at three different stages of (1) antecedents, (2) transaction, and (3) outcomes. Data were collected by using several instruments, e.g. document study, closed questionnaires, observations and interview guidance. Primary and secondary data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Primary data that were gathered from interviews were analyzed qualitatively. Quantitative data analysis consisted of three stages: data reduction, data display and conclusion. The questionnaire instrument was developed from the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Jakarta (FT UNJ) quality assurance manual and Internal quality assurance system Universitas Negeri Jakarta standard documents. The questionnaire instrument used to collect transaction data was developed from the Internal Quality assurance system while the questionnaire used to collect learning outcomes was developed from regulation no. 14 on teachers and lecturers. These instruments have been validated by two experts. Research results show that: (1) The lesson planning (antecedence) of undergraduate informatics study program and culinary art study program (Tata Boga) were evaluated as good; (2) The learning process (transaction) of undergraduate informatics study program and culinary art study program (Tata Boga) was evaluated good and very good, respectively; (3) Theoutcome of undergraduate informatics study program and Tata Boga study program was categorized good and very good, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that, in general, the Internal Quality Assurance in FT UNJ performed well. Keywords: Program evaluation, internal quality assurance, learning process standard

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The livelihood of fishermen that importantly contributes to regional and rural development in coastal areas has been influenced by climate change and other pressures. On the other hand, the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be used by fishermen to develop their livelihood resilience. This research aims to explore the use of ICT and its implication to the livelihood resilience of fishermen. This research used qualitative research design using case study in Eretan Wetan Village, Indramayu Regency. The primary data was collected through interview, situational observation, activity observation, and physical artifact observation. Secondary data was also collected as supporting data to describe research context. The analysis was done using open coding to identify themes and to develop the description of those themes. The research found that fishermen that are used to ICT can improve their access to information, enhancing knowledge, enhancing and maintaining network and cooperation, and facilitating participation in the community, and eventually experiencing learning process. By experiencing learning process, fishermen will have the capability to identify information and knowledge, capability to understand challenge and opportunity, and capability to transfer and share knowledge using ICT. Therefore, fishermen will then have the capability to diversifies operational location of fishing and source of information and knowledge which are useful to redevelop access, assets, and self organization capability. These process will be cyclic and accumulate to strengthening their livelihood resilience.

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