scholarly journals Alianzas en jardines interculturales bilingües y comunidades mapuche en la Región Metropolitana, Chile: Negociaciones en una zona de contacto

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 114
Rukmini Becerra Lubies ◽  
Simona Mayo González

The Intercultural and Bilingual Education program in Chile requires intercultural and bilingual preschools to work collaboratively with Mapuche communities to offer a relevant education for Indigenous children; however, no researchers have studied this partnership. In this context, the main objective of this study is to examine the relationships within the communities that have emerged around intercultural and bilingual preschools in Región Metropolitana, Chile. Using the notion of contact zone (Pratt, 1992) we analyze characteristics of the ties developed between members of the preschool institution and the participants of the Mapuche communities. To address this goal, we conducted a qualitative case study, and with ethnographic techniques we collected data using semi-structured interviews, participant observation and group conversations in two preschools; data were codified and categorized with thematic analysis. The main findings show that in this contact zone, the Mapuche communities participate primarily in cultural events, the Educators of Indigenous Language and Culture (ELCIs) are poorly valued and, outside the classrooms these partnerships are seen as learning spaces by the preschool teachers.

Aquichan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Michelle Ferraz Martins Jamarim ◽  
Camila Zucato da Silva ◽  
Gerusa Marcondes Pimentel de Abreu Lima ◽  
Cibele Leite Siqueira ◽  
Claudinei José Gomes Campos

Objectives: To know the most used types of touch and understand their meanings for physical therapists working in a hospital environment, from the perspective of their feelings, attitudes and behaviors during care. Materials and methods: Qualitative case study conducted by physical therapists working at a hospital in Brazil. For data collection, participant observation and semi-structured interviews were used as techniques. Data were analyzed according to the thematic content analysis proposed by Minayo. Results: 16 physical therapists participated in the study and, from the analysis of the empirical material, four thematic categories emerged: Instrumental touch as a fundamental resource of hospital physical therapy assistance; expressive touch: Its little presence does not mean absence of affection; physical therapist’s feelings related to touch and difficulty talking about touch means that there is a deficiency in training. Conclusions: The underuse of expressive touch revealed the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness in the formation of the physical therapist, which, added to the lack of self-knowledge, hinders the affection and the creation of bonds in relationships. All of this justifies the rare studies on affective touch in health, which reflects an area to be explored and the need to sensitize professionals to influence the quality and humanization of care.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
Rhyquelle Rhibna Neris ◽  
Márcia Maria Fontão Zago ◽  
Maria Ângela Ribeiro ◽  
Juliana Pena Porto ◽  
Anna Cláudia Yokoyama dos Anjos

Abstract Objective: To identify the meaning attributed to the experience of a spouse of a woman with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: Descriptive study, with a theoretical-methodological orientation based on medical anthropology and utilizing an ethnographic case study strategy. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Results: The meanings revealed that the diagnosis cause suffering. Chemotherapy was seen as giving hope of healing the wife's cancer. During this process, the spouse had to deal with the strong adverse effects of the treatment and subordinate to his wife to reduce the conflict experienced by the couple, which violated the rules of his masculinity. Religion and family were important support networks on this path. Final considerations and implications for practice: The results showed the importance of considering cultural aspects of spouses when they are faced with disease in their wives. The way spouses deal with breast cancer will depend on their cultural systems. Nursing care must be comprehensive and extend to spouses whose wives have breast cancer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 2099
Márcio Jacometti ◽  
Ellen Correa Wandembruck Lago ◽  
Leandro Rodrigo Canto Bonfim

This article aims at understanding how institutional work influenced the implementation of the Tourist Route Senses of Countryside (TRSC), located in two cities in Paraná, Brazil, between 2009 and 2018. It is a descriptive qualitative case study, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation, and documents, which were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results showed that the implementation of the route was based on creation, maintenance, and interruption of institutional work, and on alteration of the regulatory, normative, and cognitive pillars of the organizational field, involving different actors (public and private). The main theoretical contribution of the research was to identify the types of institutional work and to reconcile them with typologies of institutional pillars. Also, it has practical implications for public policymakers and organizational actors, intending to establish and institutionalize a tourism cluster in rural areas, considered a source of regional economic development.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (IV) ◽  
pp. 34-41
Hina Iqbal ◽  
Muhammad Saeed

Academic writing plays a pivotal role in developing research proposals. The present study aimed to explore the grammatical errors that M.Phil/PhDs scholars commit in academic writing. The present study employed a qualitative case study designed to explore the challenges in the English language faced by the M.Phil and PhDs scholars. The 20 Ph.D. and 36 M.Phil scholars were selected by busing purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by using two self-developed semi-structured interviews protocol. Thematic analysis approach was employed for data analysis. The findings revealed that all the participants reported that correct use of tenses was a big hurdle that entailed the other grammatical mistakes and reduced the report quality because all the lexical aspects are linked with these mechanics. The study recommended that English language courses be offered to postgraduate, M. Phil and Ph.D. scholars to learn the technical aspects of the language and provide students with online interactive programming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-237
Rosyanne Louise Autran Lourenço ◽  
Eliana Barbosa dos Santos

Este artigo visa a apresentar, sob uma perspectiva ecológica de letramento, resultados da análise de práticas sociodiscursivas do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua de Acolhimento, de imigrantes refugiados no Brasil, realizadas por meio do WhatsApp. Teoricamente, o estudo circunscreve-se às dimensões analíticas de letramento (MOREAU et al., 2013), sob a perspectiva ecológica dos estudos linguísticos (VAN LIER, 2004, 2010), fundamentando-se em pressupostos referentes aos recursos multimodais das tecnologias digitais (LEFFA, 2006; MORAN, 2013) e à função mediadora da linguagem (VIGOTSKI, 1971), em especial, do Português Língua de Acolhimento (BARBOSA; SÃO BERNARDO, 2017) e de suas implicações referentes à noção de afetividade (LEITE, 2012). Metodologicamente, trata-se de estudo qualitativo de caso (STAKE, 1994), de base etnográfica virtual (SANTOS; GOMES, 2013) cuja geração dos dados ocorreu por meio de observação participante (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1998) e notas de campo (FETTERMAN, 1998). Sua relevância reside na urgência no processo de imersão de imigrantes refugiados em práticas sociodiscursivas que viabilizem a obtenção de condições mínimas de vida digna e a garantia de autonomia em sua agência no país de destino (COSTA; TAÑO, 2018). Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que a abordagem ecológica de práticas de letramento em ambiente virtual amplia a compreensão das articulações inerentes ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas, propiciando ao docente melhores condições de promover a autonomia dos estudantes, em contexto de imigração, na condução de soluções que atendam às suas necessidades mais prementes, voltadas para as práticas sociais de imersão no país de chegada.   This article aims to present, in the light of an ecological perspective of literacy, the results of the analysis of sociodiscursive practices of the teaching-learning process of Portuguese as a Host Language, through WhatsApp by refugee immigrants in Brazil. Theoretically, the study is limited to the ecological perspective of linguistic studies (VAN LIER, 2004, 2010) and analytical literacy dimensions (MOREAU ET AL., 2013) based on assumptions regarding the multimodal resources of digital technologies (LEFFA, 2006; MORAN, 2013) and the mediating function of language (VIGOTSKI, 2009) in particular the Portuguese Host Language (BARBOSA; SÃO BERNARDO, 2017) and its implications regarding the notion of affectivity (LEITE, 2012). Methodologically, it is a qualitative case study (STAKE, 1994) with a virtual ethnographic basis (SANTOS; GOMES, 2013) whose data generation occurred through participant observation (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1998) and field notes (FETTERMAN, 1998). Its relevance resides in the urgency in the process of refugee immigrants sociodiscursive practices that make it possible to obtain minimum conditions of dignified life and guarantee autonomy at their agency in the destination country (COSTA; TAÑO, 2018). The research results suggest that the ecological approach to literacy practices in a virtual environment broadens the understanding of the articulations inherent to the language teaching-learning process, providing the teacher better conditions to promote the autonomy of the students in the context of immigration, in driving solutions that meet their pressing sociodiscursive needs, focused on social immersion practices in the country of arrival.

2021 ◽  
Amanda Josephine Picken

<p>This research examined the use of learning stories as a way to gather, analyse and use evidence to support the development of social studies conceptual understandings. This is important because there is limited research in New Zealand related to social studies assessment in secondary school environments, or in the monitoring of conceptual changes in understanding. The limited research that can be drawn upon highlights the challenges social studies teachers face teaching and assessing conceptually.  Sociocultural theory featured strongly throughout the research, through the decision to investigate learning stories as an assessment approach, as well as the lens with which to approach the methodology. In order to investigate the Learning Story Framework, as an intervention, a qualitative design-based methodology was utilised involving one in-depth case study. The research composed of three iterative phases, gathering evidence using semi-structured interviews, participant observation and documentation analysis, including reflective journals.  The findings suggested that learning stories can be used to support the development of conceptual understandings in conjunction with a reflective class culture, strong community relationships, clarity of planning for and sharing conceptual understandings, and support for students to critically reflect.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Nadine T Hillock ◽  
Tracy L Merlin ◽  
Jonathan Karnon ◽  
John Turnidge ◽  
Jaklin Eliott

Abstract Background There is a disparity in the economic return achievable for antimicrobials compared with other drugs because of the need for stewardship. This has led to a decline in pharmaceutical companies’ willingness to invest in the development of these drugs and a consequent global interest in funding models where reimbursement is de-linked from sales. Objectives To explore the perspective of stakeholders regarding the feasibility of de-linked reimbursement of antimicrobials in Australia. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants sourced from the pharmaceutical industry and individuals representing public-sector payers or regulators. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, coded and thematically analysed using the framework method. Results Five key themes were identified in the interviews: funding silos are a barrier to de-linking reimbursement; varying levels of supporting evidence are (currently) required for funding depending upon setting; funding status or cost is used as a stewardship tool; a de-linked model may cost more; and concerns regarding governance and access to antimicrobials exist in the private sector. Conclusions Australia’s current multi-tiered funding of medicines across different levels of government was perceived as a barrier to de-linked reimbursement. Participants felt that the responsibility for antimicrobial funding and stewardship should be integrated and centralized. Implementing a nationally funded de-linked reimbursement model for new antimicrobials would require a review of funding decision-making criteria, given that most MDR infections are off-label indications and could not then be funded through the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Findings from this study could be applicable to other countries with reimbursement frameworks similar to Australia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-293 ◽  
Karen Yukari Hayashida ◽  
Andrea Bernardes ◽  
Vanessa Gomes Maziero ◽  
Carmen Silvia Gabriel

This study's objective was to identify changes in decision-making arising from the revitalization of the participatory management model and how these changes impacted the daily work of the nursing staff, as well as to identify potential difficulties. This qualitative case study was conducted in a public hospital in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 nursing workers and the Health Technical Assistant. We used thematic content analysis for data analysis. The revitalization of the management model was not comprehensive because many professionals were oblivious to the process. Shared actions did not occur and adherence to the model was hampered because the workers were not fully informed of the assumptions concerning this management model. For the implementation of this model to be effective, teamwork and the inclusion of all the stakeholders should be reviewed in order to achieve more cooperative and qualified work.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-222
Sevket Hylton Akyildiz

The majority of British Muslims live in cities such as London, Leicester, Birmingham and Bradford—and academic research thus far has reflected a city and post-manufacturing town emphasis. This paper investigates the as yet undocumented history and mosque politics of Muslims living in the small town of Eastbourne, East Sussex, using participant observation and unstructured and semi-structured interviews. Firstly, I conceptualise my case study group by highlighting some differences found in a small town in terms of the origins of its Muslims, their ethnic heterogeneity, and residential spatial distribution. Secondly, I explore mosque politics in terms of mosque planning, public reactions to mosque rebuilding, and mosque management issues.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 157-165
Felicia R. Truong

Up to 75 percent of charter principals in the United States leave the role within five years. Understanding how early-career principals conceptualize the role could help strengthen principal preparation and in-service training. This study analyzed early-career charter principals’ descriptions of the principalship in order to understand their framework for what it means to be a good principal. A qualitative case study was used, focused on semi-structured interviews with 15 charter school principals. Charter school principals in this study primarily defined being a ‘good’ principal using examples and descriptions of soft skills and personality traits.

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