Intentionality, scalar change, and non-culmination in Korean caused change-of-state predicates

Linguistics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 1233-1283 ◽  
John Beavers ◽  
Juwon Lee

AbstractThis paper investigates the interpretations of caused change-of-state predicates in Korean, and in particular non-culmination readings in which the result state inherent to the meaning of the predicate fails to obtain either fully (zero result) or partially. We argue that zero result readings require that the subject intended the coming about of the result state, while readings in which some result obtains (partially or completely) lack this entailment. Yet zero result interpretations are not reducible to ‘try’-constructions since the former but not the latter require the direct causation. Furthermore, zero result readings arise only in active voice, a grammatical constraint not explicitly discussed for other languages. We argue that the full suite of possible readings arises from two factors: a sublexical modality over worlds conforming to the agent’s intentions for zero result readings that arises from a special active voice inflection in Korean and a scalar semantics for change-of-state verbs that derives partial result readings as a type of degree achievement interpretation. An interaction of these two factors produce the range of possible readings for Korean change-of-state predicates. Finally, we discuss our account in relation to the Agent Control Hypothesis of Demirdache and Martin (2015) that agentivity properties of the subject are necessary for certain non-culmination readings, and suggest that Korean exemplifies the ACH provided that what counts as “control” includes intentionality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Yosuke Sato

This paper investigates the non-culminating, zero change-of-state construal of causative accomplishment verbs as well as its origin in Indonesian in order to shed light on the event/conceptual structure of this verb class. The paper first presents novel data illustrating that this construal is possible with an agentive subject, but not with a causer subject, thereby lending support to the Agent Control Hypothesis (Demirdache and Martin 2015), which is known to regulate the relationship between agentivity and non-culmination. The paper then addresses the question of why Indonesian exhibits this agentive-sensitive distribution of the non-culminating interpretation. This fact is argued to follow from a close interaction of Martin’s (2019) event-tokenization theory of two types of causation with the maximality requirement of the weak perfective operator (Altshuler 2014) independently developed for languages such as Thai, Hindi and Chinese. The proposed analysis receives support from time-frame adverbials and different interpretations imposed on VP complementation under aspectual predicates.

Perception ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-91 ◽  
Keiji Uchikawa ◽  
Hiromi Uchikawa ◽  
Robert M Boynton

Color samples selected from the OSA Uniform Color Scales set were viewed without any surround. Separate light sources were used to illuminate the samples and to control the state of adaptation of the subject, thereby separating two factors that are normally confounded. A color-naming procedure was used to assess shifts in color appearance produced by altering the spectral distributions of one or both light sources. The results confirm that chromatic adaptation, when it is the only factor operating, can mediate partial color constancy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-79
Ewa Willim

AbstractThe special properties that psych(ological) verbs manifest cross-linguistically have given rise to on-going debates in syntactic and semantic theorizing. Regarding their lexical aspect classification, while verbal psych predicates with the Experiencer argument mapped onto the subject (SE psych predicates) have generally been analyzed as stative, there is little agreement on what kinds of eventualities object Experiencer (OE) psych predicates describe. On the stative reading, OE psych predicates have been classified as atelic causative states. On the (non-agentive) eventive reading, they have been widely analyzed as telic change of state predicates and classified as achievements or as accomplishments. Based on Polish, Rozwadowska (2003, 2012) argues that nonagentive eventive OE psych predicates in the perfective aspect denote an onset of a state and that they are atelic rather than telic. This paper offers further support for the view that Polish perfective psych verbs do not denote a change of state, i.e., a transition from α to ¬α. The evidence is drawn from verbal comparison and the distribution of the comparative degree quantifier jeszcze bardziej ‘even more’ in perfective psych predicates. It is argued here that in contexts including jeszcze bardziej ‘even more’, the perfective predication denotes an onset of a state whose degree of intensity exceeds the comparative standard. While a degree quantifier attached to the VP in the syntax contributes a differential measure function that returns a (vague) value representing the degree to which the intensity of the Experiencer’s state exceeds the comparative standard in the event, it does not affect the event structure of the perfective verb and it does not provide the VP denotation it modifies with a final endpoint. As the perfective picks the onset of an upper open state, perfective psych predicates typically give rise to an atelic interpretation.

1991 ◽  
Vol 249 ◽  
Mohamed N. Rahaman

ABSTRACTThe sintering rate of a ceramic powder matrix can be reduced significantly by the presence of rigid inclusions. The factors that lead to this reduced sinterability have been the subject of much debate in the last 5–10 years. Recent work indicate that the reduction in the matrix sinterability is a processing-related problem. The main factors that control the sinterability of ceramic particulate composites include the packing of the matrix immediately surrounding the inclusions and interactions between the inclusions which constrain the matrix. A processing method which avoids the difficulties associated with these two factors is outlined. The method involves the synthesis of coated inclusion particles. Composites containing up to 40 volume percent inclusions can be freely sintered in the solid state to full density.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (4) ◽  
pp. 29-51
Varvara Nazarova

The problem of IPO underpricing became relevant in the late 1960s. Since then various theories were advanced connecting this phenomenon to many factors: from information asymmetry in the market to the cultural peculiarities of the host country. The article aims to identify factors that have a significant influence on the occurrence and magnitude of underpricing of shares in Russian companies preparing their IPOs. Research and theories of foreign and Russian authors devoted to the subject were analyzed, which uncovered 7 main factors, which are further considered in terms of their influence on the occurrence and magnitude of underpricing. To test the hypotheses, data for 138 IPOs of Russian companies for 1996-2015 was collected. Analysis showed that two factors influence the occurrence and the magnitude of the underpricing of Russian companies’ IPOs: the amount of accommodation and the provision of accommodation prices in the price corridor, announced by the company. In conclusion, recommendations for Russian issuers on the formation of the strategies of the IPO are made.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-123
Ahmed Samir Hassanein

While the complementary regime of the International Criminal Court (icc) has been the subject of extensive examination in the literature, this article offers a new reading of the inability scenario that establishes a clear distinction between two different forms of inability under Article 17(3) of the Rome Statute. An in-depth analysis of this article as this review suggests, would show that the reason behind the inability of a national judicial system is attributed to one of two factors or even the two together; first, physical factors, in the case of ‘total or substantial collapse’, and second, legal factors, in the case of ‘unavailability of national judicial system’. Significantly, the aforementioned distinction is not limited to theoretical debate, but it has pivotal legal ramifications as the emerging practice of the icc shows, or rather does not show, as it seems that the icc confuses the two forms of inability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-190
Markus Bader ◽  
Yvonne Portele

Abstract Three experiments investigated the interpretation and production of pronouns in German. The first two experiments probed the preferred interpretation of a pronoun in contexts containing two potential antecedents by having participants complete a sentence fragment starting either with a personal pronoun or a d-pronoun. We systematically varied three properties of the potential antecedents: syntactic function, linear position, and topicality. The results confirm a subject preference for personal pronouns. The preferred interpretation of d-pronouns cannot be captured by any of the three factors alone. Although a d-pronoun preferentially refers to the non-topic in many cases, this preference can be overridden by the other two factors, linear position and syntactic function. In order to test whether interpretive preferences follow from production biases as proposed by the Bayesian theory of Kehler et al. (2008), a third experiment had participants freely produce a continuation sentence for the contexts of the first two experiments. The results show that personal pronouns are used more often to refer to a subject than to an object, recapitulating the subject preference found for interpretation and thereby confirming the account of Kehler et al. (2008). The interpretation results for the d-pronoun likewise follow from the corresponding production data.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-56 ◽  
Haoxiong Yang ◽  
Wen Wang

This paper studies the subject of pricing decisions of online dual-channel based on hybrid decisions wherein a manufacturer introduces direct online marketing channels beyond the traditional online retail channels. The purpose is to study how to balance the interests of different online channels and maximize the overall efficiency of the channel. Having considered both online channels' satisfaction and the hidden costs of channel selection, by means of the demand function of both channels derived from a consumer utility and selection model, the author investigates the impacts of these two factors on the online dual-channel pricing decisions. This article also further analyzes the impact of changes in these two factors for manufacturers, retailers and channel' total revenue, with the purpose to provide decision-making reference for the enterprises' managers in the supply chain to develop optimal pricing strategies.

Gary D. Prideaux

Over the past several years, a considerable amount of research on language comprehension has been carried out under the assumption that comprehension crucially involves language-independent cognitive strategies interacting with grammatical properties specific to a given language. Accordingly, the two factors of grammatical structure and cognitive strategies interact to render certain structures relatively more difficult to process than others. For example, it has been suggested that centre-embedded structures are more difficult to process than right-branching structures because centre-embedding interrupts the main clause and imposes a burden on short term memory, thereby making it relatively more difficult for the hearer to obtain closure on the entire sentence (Kuno 1974). Much attention within the cognitive strategies paradigm has been addressed to the comprehension of English complex sentences, and in particular to those sentences containing relative clauses. Since English permits relative clauses to be attached to NPs playing almost any grammatical role, and since, within a relative clause, the relativized NP can itself play almost any role, sentences containing relative clauses have provided a useful arena for testing various proposed cognitive strategies insofar as they relate to complex structures. In particular, much research has been addressed to SVO sentences in which a relative clause is formed on either the subject or object NP, and in which the relative pronoun is either subject or object.

1947 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 434-442
K. W. Yarnold

One object of the investigation was to determine the ideal contributions to warmth comfort in small ‘domestic’ rooms of air heating and radiation. It was soon found that in rooms heated by fires, subjects usually complained of cold backs when the equivalent temperature was in the region of 60–65° F., the accepted standard for buildings heated by convection, and preferred equivalent temperatures above 70° F.Since large-scale trials, using many observers, were clearly necessary, the reliability of 5 min. test periods was studied; these short periods were proved reliable so long as the subject had previously been in a comfortable room for an hour or so.It was found necessary, in rooms heated by fires, to treat separately the side of the subject facing the fire and remote from it. The cooler side must be exposed to an equivalent temperature not much less than 65° F., while radiation falling on the warm side is to be regarded as a very desirable, but nonessential, bonus. These conclusions were confirmed by field work in the subjects' own homes.The eupatheoscope and globe thermometer were modified to enable conditions acting on the two sides of the body to be assessed separately.The extent to which radiation acting on the front of the body could compensate for a cold back to produce what was called ‘minimum comfort’ was also studied. It was shown that down to back equivalent temperatures of about 56° F. an increase of 2° in front equivalent temperature will compensate for a fall of 1° in back equivalent temperature, but below 56° F. compensation fails.The physical basis of sensations of stuffiness and freshness were also investigated. Throughout these experiments care was taken to ensure that the subjects were neither too hot nor too cold. In these conditions, only two factors appear to be important. First, the air temperature should be as low as possible. To obtain warmth comfort with a low air temperature some high temperature source of radiation is generally necessary. The peak wave-length of the radiation emitted by the fire is also of great importance, a striking change in the personal sensations occurring, for example, as the wave-length increases from 2 to 3μ. In general, those wavelengths which are absorbed in the outer layers of the skin cause sensations of stuffiness, and those which are not give rise to feelings of freshness. Peaks at 3, 4·1 and 4·7 μ should therefore be avoided in the design of gas and electric fires.

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