grammatical structure
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Ksenia G. Kostina

Introduction. Any language’s verb system has many resources for denoting various actions of people. The relations of the action or state of the subject to its object are determined by the grammatical category of the voice, represented in the Udmurt language by the pairs of causative – non-causative, reflexive – non-reflexive forms of voices. The article considers the functioning of the verb’s reflexive voice in the modern Udmurt language, including the etymology of the voice’s affix, the grammatical meanings of reflexive verbs. Materials and Methods. The main material of the research is based on the Udmurt-Russian Dictionary (2008) and the texts of Udmurt writers included into the National Corpus of the Udmurt Language. The article used a set of such research methods as descriptive, continuous sampling, contextual analysis, taking into account the situational conditioning of the verb voice. On specific examples, the use of these methods makes it possible to consider the structure, dynamics and features of the functioning of the reflexive voice of the verb in the Udmurt language. Results and Discussion. As a result of the research, for the first time, among the reflexive voice’s groups we include verbs of passive voice. The reason of it is the low probability of using passive constructions in colloquial speech. The frequent cases of using passive meanings of verbs in the literature and in the press are defined by the calcified translation of foreign-language constructions. Conclusion. The grammatical structure of the Udmurt language is represented by two binary voice’s forms: reflexive/non-reflexive voice and causative/non-causative voice. Specific indicators of reflexive voice are affixes -ськ(ы)-/-ск(ы), -иськ(ы)-/-üськ(ы)-. From the point of view of semantic content, five semantic groups of returnable pledges are distinguished: reflexive, medial, reciprocal, impersonal, passive. The proposed classification is determined by the specifics of the relations between the subject and the object of action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 436-452
Naira I. Martiryan

The coverage of significant world events in various mass media and the attitude of the journalists differ substantially. Newspaper headlines give the opportunity to navigate in the information flow and find the most important and interesting information. The headlines of the Russian-language newspapers in the Republic of Armenia are analyzed. The relevance of the research lies in the need to study headings from the point of view of their functions, grammatical structure, the use of punctuation marks in them, and their semantic components. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the grammatical, semantic, punctuation features and functions of headings in the Russian-language press in Armenia. The following methods were used: continuous sampling, statistical, descriptive, including methods of observation and comparison, component analysis, comparative analysis. The research material included the articles of the newspapers Respublika Armenia and Golos Armenii of June - July 2021. Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions were made: in the Russian-language press of Armenia, all types of sentences are used as headlines; almost all punctuation marks are used in the titles; headings form thematically organized groups. The peculiarities of the headlines of the modern Russian-language press in Armenia are determined by such factors as the tendency of the language to expressiveness, dialogue, democratization, creativity and the author's principle in the design of the heading. Taking into account the tendency to change the proportion of types of speech activity and highlight the most demanded and important at the present time - reading, the study of the linguistic features of the newspaper and journalistic style, in particular the headlines, is very relevant. The results of the study are promising, since they make a significant contribution to the study of the modern Russian-language press in the Republic of Armenia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 32-42
Emnijeta Ahmetović

Classified as a Germanic language and evidently a common language, a lingua franca of the world, after years of development, English has formed a number of varieties differing in many areas, including vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and in some cases, accent. As a result of its widespread, it is crucial to know which variety is used, yet preferred by learners, and observe differences between them. Therefore, the current study aimed to examine the two most commonly used, often mixed, varieties of English, namely American English and British English, in one high school in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moreover, we aimed , to see whether students are aware of the significant differences in spelling, vocabulary, and grammatical structure. In doing so, 50 randomly selected high school students were given a test consisting of written differences related to lexical items, spelling, as well as differences visible in grammar. The findings revealed that the majority of participants prefer British English, though they are not totally aware of the differences in the mentioned areas between these two varieties; as a result, they are frequently mixing them. Lacking knowledge about these two primary varieties of English would, undeniably in some cases, lead to misunderstanding; thus, teachers should pay more attention and give more effort to raise the learners’ awareness of different varieties and their distinctive aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Світлана [Svitlana] Соколова [Sokolova]

Lingual and Extralingual Aspects of Surzhyk Functioning in UkraineSurzhyk is a mixed type of speech that is typical within modern Ukraine, where we can observe the coexistence of two major language codes, namely Ukrainian and Russian. These are represented by both literary variants and numerous subcodes, primarily Ukrainian dialects (including transitional dialects, with features related to Russian and Belarusian dialectal areas) and Russian colloquial speech with elements of slang. Some language scholars rank Surzhyk as a separate language subcode – as a peculiar type of pidgin – and try to study its structure (lexical composition, grammatical structure) and areal distribution of elements accordingly. At present, in addition to “classical” Surzhyk, a new type of mixed speech has also arisen on the Russian phonetic-grammatical basis with the involvement of a large number of Ukrainian lexemes (original or borrowed by the Ukrainian language), mainly terms, taken from different fields. This new type of mixed speech is Russian-Ukrainian Surzhyk.The report analyzes several samples of mixed speech. On the basis of this analysis, criteria for the qualification of a text are proposed either as an example of Surzhyk, or simply as speech with signs of interference. Such criteria include lingual (Ukrainian or Russian phonetic basis, levels of interference, number of foreign language implementations, variations within the text), social (language is higher in status at the moment of the occurrence of the phenomenon; the scope of the functioning of the idiom itself), territorial (depending on the speaker’s place of inhabitance – urban or rural) and personal (native/first language of the speaker, level of education, knowledge of the literary language). It was concluded that the new mixed speech differs from Surzhyk in terms of the number of used units of another language, linguistic levels of manifestation, scope of distribution, conditions of occurrence and personal characteristics of speakers, among which the level of education and possession of standard subcodes are of leading importance. It is a tran­sitional phenomenon in the process of the formation of Ukrainian as a state language. Językowe i pozajęzykowe aspekty funkcjonowania surżyka w UkrainieSurżyk to mieszany typ mowy, typowy dla współczesnej Ukrainy, gdzie obserwujemy współistnienie dwóch języków, ukraińskiego i rosyjskiego. Języki te są reprezentowane zarówno przez ich warianty literackie, jak i liczne subkody, przede wszystkim przez dialekty ukraińskie (w tym również dialekty przejściowe do rosyjskiego i białoruskiego obszaru dialektalnego) oraz przez potoczną odmianę języka rosyjskiego z elementami slangu. Niektórzy językoznawcy uważają surżyk za odrębny subkod językowy – swoisty rodzaj pidginu – i podejmują próby analizy jego struktury (leksykonu, gramatyki) i uwarunkowań z zakresu geografii językowej. Obecnie obok „klasycznego” surżyka pojawił się nowy typ mowy mieszanej, oparty na bazie fonetyczno-gramatycznej języka rosyjskiego, z udziałem dużej liczby leksemów ukraińskich (oryginalnych lub zapożyczonych do języka ukraińskiego), głównie terminów z zakresu wielu dziedzin. Ten nowy rodzaj mowy mieszanej to surżyk rosyjsko-ukraiński.W niniejszym tekście poddano analizie próbki tego typu mowy mieszanej. Na podstawie analizy zaproponowano kryteria dwojakiej kwalifikacji tekstu, bądź jako przykładu surżyka, bądź po prostu jako przykładu mowy z cechami interferencji. Kryteria te mają charakter lingwistyczny (ukraińska lub rosyjska baza artykulacyjna, zakres interferencji, liczba jednostek zaadaptowanych z języków obcych, poziom wariancji tekstowej), socjologiczny (język o wyższym statusie w momencie wystąpienia danego zjawiska; zakres funkcjonowania idiomu), terytorialny (w zależności od miejsca zamieszkania mówiącego – miejski lub wiejski) i indywidualny (ojczysty/pierwszy język mówiącego, poziom wykształcenia, znajomość języka literackiego). Stwierdzono, że nowa mowa mieszana różni się od surżyka pod względem liczby używanych jednostek z innego języka, płaszczyzny językowej jego realizacji, zasięgu i warunków jego występowania, indywidualnych cech mówiących, wśród których poziom wykształcenia i znajomość subkodów standardowych mają pierwszorzędne znaczenie. Mamy tu do czynienia ze zjawiskiem przejściowym w procesie uzyskiwania przez język ukraiński statusu języka państwowego.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-301
Conor Barry

Abstract This essay explores the use of the notions of grammar and governmentality in the work of Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky. The goal is to exhibit the contrast but also mutual influence of these thinkers. Chomsky places his own linguistic theory in what he calls a tradition of Cartesian linguistics. Foucault’s presents an archaeology of general grammar in the French Classical Era. Chomsky and Foucault equally posit principles of governmentality. Both differ in terms of what they think the study of language brings to our understanding of ethical and political freedom. Governmental structure and grammatical structure, for Foucault, are always conventional, rather than essential – merely expressions of power dynamics. For Chomsky, the innate and natural human universality implied by underlying structures, in contrast, intimates a path to freedom from governmental coercion and oppression.

2021 ◽  
Duc Thuan Vo

Information Extraction (IE) is one of the challenging tasks in natural language processing. The goal of relation extraction is to discover the relevant segments of information in large numbers of textual documents such that they can be used for structuring data. IE aims at discovering various semantic relations in natural language text and has a wide range of applications such as question answering, information retrieval, knowledge presentation, among others. This thesis proposes approaches for relation extraction with clause-based Open Information Extraction that use linguistic knowledge to capture a variety of information including semantic concepts, words, POS tags, shallow and full syntax, dependency parsing in rich syntactic and semantic structures.<div>Within the plethora of Open Information Extraction that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, incoherent and uninformative relation extractions can still be found. The extracted relations can be erroneous at times and fail to have a meaningful interpretation. As such, we first propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing with clause structures and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as meaningful extractable relations. Second, considering that choosing the most efficient seeds are pivotal to the success of the bootstrapping process when extracting relations, we propose an extended clause-based pattern extraction method with selftraining for unsupervised relation extraction. The proposed self-training algorithm relies on the clause-based approach to extract a small set of seed instances in order to identify and derive new patterns. Third, we employ matrix factorization and collaborative filtering for relation extraction. To avoid the need for manually predefined schemas, we employ the notion of universal schemas that is formed as a collection of patterns derived from Open Information Extraction tools as well as from relation schemas of pre-existing datasets. While previous systems have trained relations only for entities, we exploit advanced features from relation characteristics such as clause types and semantic topics for predicting new relation instances. Finally, we present an event network representation for temporal and causal event relation extraction that benefits from existing Open IE systems to generate a set of triple relations that are then used to build an event network. The event network is bootstrapped by labeling the temporal and causal disposition of events that are directly linked to each other. The event network can be systematically traversed to identify temporal and causal relations between indirectly connected events. <br></div>

2021 ◽  
Duc Thuan Vo

Information Extraction (IE) is one of the challenging tasks in natural language processing. The goal of relation extraction is to discover the relevant segments of information in large numbers of textual documents such that they can be used for structuring data. IE aims at discovering various semantic relations in natural language text and has a wide range of applications such as question answering, information retrieval, knowledge presentation, among others. This thesis proposes approaches for relation extraction with clause-based Open Information Extraction that use linguistic knowledge to capture a variety of information including semantic concepts, words, POS tags, shallow and full syntax, dependency parsing in rich syntactic and semantic structures.<div>Within the plethora of Open Information Extraction that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, incoherent and uninformative relation extractions can still be found. The extracted relations can be erroneous at times and fail to have a meaningful interpretation. As such, we first propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing with clause structures and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as meaningful extractable relations. Second, considering that choosing the most efficient seeds are pivotal to the success of the bootstrapping process when extracting relations, we propose an extended clause-based pattern extraction method with selftraining for unsupervised relation extraction. The proposed self-training algorithm relies on the clause-based approach to extract a small set of seed instances in order to identify and derive new patterns. Third, we employ matrix factorization and collaborative filtering for relation extraction. To avoid the need for manually predefined schemas, we employ the notion of universal schemas that is formed as a collection of patterns derived from Open Information Extraction tools as well as from relation schemas of pre-existing datasets. While previous systems have trained relations only for entities, we exploit advanced features from relation characteristics such as clause types and semantic topics for predicting new relation instances. Finally, we present an event network representation for temporal and causal event relation extraction that benefits from existing Open IE systems to generate a set of triple relations that are then used to build an event network. The event network is bootstrapped by labeling the temporal and causal disposition of events that are directly linked to each other. The event network can be systematically traversed to identify temporal and causal relations between indirectly connected events. <br></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-313
Nataliia Bazyma ◽  
Lesia Zalanovska ◽  
Iryna Brushnevska ◽  
Alina Ivanenko ◽  
Dina Shulzhenko ◽  

The clinical-psychological-pedagogical picture of autistic personality disorders of a child is highly complex and diverse compared to other mental development disorders. The divergence of researchers' views on the autism clinic leads to a scientific discussion on the problem of conceptual and terminological base of definitions and concepts, so, as a consequence, the problem has a conceptual and diagnostic orientation. Summarizing the research of scientists, we highlight the characteristic manifestations of autism in older preschool age: lack of mental activity; violation of the interaction of mental functions; unevenness, partialness of intellectual development; gross violations of purposefulness and arbitrariness of attention; lack of lively interest, interest in the new, environmental research; the tendency to perceive information as if passively absorbing it into whole blocks; the reaction of departure from the influences of the environment directed on the child; adverse reaction or no reaction at all when trying to draw attention to the objects of the surrounding reality; rapid exhaustion and oversaturation with any purposeful activity; difficulty concentrating; difficulties in symbolization, transfer of skills from one situation to another; impaired formation of social and communicative functions. Having analyzed many scientific studies, we can determine the number and variety of speech disorders in children with autistic disorders: challenging to interpret crying; limited barking; lack of imitation of sounds; phonography of speech; mutism; echolalia; words-stamps, phrases-stamps; neologisms; limited use of pronouns; lack of speech in speech; speech autonomy; speech disorders; inability to form words; violation of the semantic, syntactic, grammatical structure of speech; violation of speech melody; violation of prosodic components of speech; inability to engage in dialogue; specificity of the development of monologue speech.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Abubakar M. Ashir

Sentiment analysis is widely used in a variety of applications such as online opinion gathering for policy directives in government, monitoring of customers, and staff satisfactions in corporate bodies, in politics and security structures for public tension monitoring, and so on. In recent times, the field met with new set of challenges where new algorithms have to contend with highly unstructured sources for sentiment expressions emanating from online social media fora. In this study, a rule and lexical-based procedure is proposed together with unsupervised machine learning to implement sentiment analysis with an improved generalization ability across different sources. To deal with sources devoid of syntactic and grammatical structure, the approach incorporates a ruled-based technique for emoticon detection, word contraction expansion, noise removal, and lexicon-based text preprocessing using lexical features such as part of speech (POS), stop words, and lemmatization for local context analysis. A text is broken into number of tokens with each representing a sentence and then lexicon-dependent features are extracted from each token. The features are merged together using a combining function for a given text before being used to train a machine learning classifier. The proposed combining functions leverage on averaging and information gain concepts. Experimental results with different machine leaning classifiers indicate that improved performance with great deal of generalization capacity across both structured and nonstructured sources can be realized. The finding shows that carefully designed lexical features reinforce learning process in unsupervised learning more than using word embeddings alone as the features. Obtained experimental results from movie review dataset (recall = 74.9%, precision = 70.9%, F1-score = 72.9%, and accuracy = 72.0%) and twitter samples’ datasets (recall = 93.4%, precision = 89.5%, F1-score = 91.4%, and accuracy = 91.1%) show the efficacy of the proposed approach in comparison with other state-of-the-art research studies.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260697
Bin Huang ◽  
You Tang

Background Along with the vigorous development of Internet technology, increasing the functions of the various types of equipment, network communication easy and diversity, at the same time, the amount of data is very huge, under the network bandwidth limitations, through long lead to a data need to be cut into more, one by one, transfer times, information delay problems. Results Aiming at the problems of poor data integrity, low efficiency and poor serialization efficiency of traditional data storage information, this article introduces Protobuf technology to study the serialization of data storage information. The serpentine gap method is used to complete the allocation interval of the sequence nodes, so that the working state and the resting state always maintain a dynamic balance. According to the first-level rules, the storage data of the completed target node is obtained, and the grammatical structure and the semantics of the target data are analyzed, Meanwhile corresponding correspondences are established, and the data storage information is serialized. In order to verify the effectiveness of Protobuf’s data storage information serialization method, a comparative experiment is designed. By using three methods of HDVM, Redis and Protobuf to serialize JSON data, the comparative analysis shows that HDVM has the longest processing time and Protobuf has the shortest processing time, and the data integrity is not affected. The simulation data shows that the Protobuf serialization method has short conversion time, high space utilization, and the Obvious advantages in correctness and integrity. It is vary suitable for serialization of JSON data in the case of limited bandwidth.

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