scholarly journals أثر قول الصحابي في الفقه الإسلامي

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
سيتي هناء

The influence of Qawl al-Shahâbî in Islamic Law.Islamic law is dynamic because it always responds to legal problems that concern social life. This dynamic has been supported by the limitless sources of Islamic law. There are two types of Islamic sources: undebatable sources (muttafaq ‘alayh) such as Alquran, hadîts, ijmâ’and qiyas, and debatable sources (mukhtalaf fîh) such as maslahah mursalah, istihsân, ‘urf, qawl al-shahâbî, istishhâband sadd al-dzarâ’i’. Qawl al-Shahâbîhas an important position in the formation of Islamic law because the fuqahâmuch refer to them when wanting to issue fatwâ. The disagreements of ulama over evidence do not die on rejection, but intensify on the use of the law as the main source.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v14i2.1290

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Gibtiah Gibtiah ◽  
Yusida Fitriati

<p>Abstract: Social life is one of human nature that has innate.<br />One characteristic of social life is the constant change in the<br />community. There is no society ever stop at a certain point of all<br />time, but constantly changing and moving forward. Changes<br />that occur sooner or later be able to change the joints staple of<br />people's lives. This paper explores social change and renewal of<br />Islamic law by using the method of determination of the law<br />“sadd al dzari’ah”.</p><p><br />ملخص: الحیاة الاجتماعیة ھي واحدة من طبیعة الإنسان الذي لدیھ الفطریة . واحدة<br />من سمات الحیاة الاجتماعیة ھي التغییر المستمر في المجتمع. لا یوجد أي مجتمع<br />تتوقف أبدا عند نقطة معینة في كل العصور، ولكن تتغیر باستمرار، و تتحرك إلى الأمام<br />. التغیرات التي تحدث عاجلا أو آجلا تكون قادرة على تغییر الأساسیة مفاصل حیاة<br />الناس. وتبحث ھذه الورقة التغییر الاجتماعي والتجدید في الشریعة الإسلامیة باستخدام<br />طریقة تحدید القانون.</p><p>Kata kunci : metode penggalian hukum, sadd al-dzari’ah</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Tarmizi Tahir

Maslahah is the study of the aims and the objectives of Islamic Law. Maslahah is often used by Ulema as a method in resting the law to answer the legal problems that arise. Al-Ghazali mentioned various types of Maslahah viewed from whether it is acknowledged or not by the Shari’ah, which is divided into three types: Maslahah that is acknowledged by the Shari’ah, Maslahah that is rejected by the Shari’ah, and Maslahah that is neither acknowledged nor rejected by the Shari’ah. Studying the term Maslahah that is associated with the development of modern society is of utmost importance. Maslahah can act as the necessary foundation for the realization of all human interests, both general and specific. So the spirit of Islam, shalih li kullizamaninwamakanin can be realized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Ahmad Fahri Yahya Ainuri

Abstract As Indonesian people, of course we are familiar with religious groups with transnational ideologies that are oriented towards replacing government systems with Islamic systems (Imamat / Khilafah) based on the Qur'an and Hadith. Actually there is nothing wrong with the group's vision because the khilahfah system is a product of ijtihad of the predecessor ulama and normatively does not contradict Islamic law. It's just that the effort to coerce to change the law which has become a collective agreement in a country can legally be said as an act of rebellion and the act is not constitutionally justified. To address this phenomenon, the writer wants to give an understanding that implicitly our country (Indonesia) has actually implemented laws that are in accordance with Islamic sharia because the Pancasila ideology which is used as a national and state paradigm is fully in line with the sharia maqashid as contained in the Koran 'and Hadith which fully aims to educate people to become human beings who are deified, humane, united, just manifested into a common life (social life). Keywords: Islamic maqashid, Epistemology, Pancasila Education. Abstrak Sebagai masyarakat Indonesia, tentu kita tidak asing dengan adanya kelompok beragama dengan ideologi transnasional yang berorientasi mengganti sistem pemerintahan dengan sistem Islam (Imamah/Khilafah) yang berlandaskan al-Qur’an dan Hadis. Sebenarnya tidak ada yang salah dengan visi kelompok tersebut karena sistem khilahfah merupakan produk ijtihad para ulama pendahulu dan secara normatif tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Hanya saja, usaha melakukan paksaan untuk merubah undang-undang yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan bersama dalam suatu negara secara yuridis bisa dikatakan sebagai tindakan pemberontakan dan tindakan tersebut tidak dibenarkan secara konstitusional. Untuk mensikapi fenomena tersebut penulis ingin memberikan pemahaman bahwa secara implisit negara kita (Indonesia) sebenarnya sudah menerapkan undang-undang yang sesuai dengan syari’at Islam karena ideologi pancasila yang dijadikan sebagai paradigma berbangsa dan bernegara sepenuhnya sejalan dengan maqashid syariah yang tertuang dalam al-Qur’an dan Hadis yang spenuhnya bertujuan untuk mendidik masyarakat menjadi manusia yang berketuhanan, berperikemanusiaan, bersatu, adil yang termanifestasi ke dalam kehidupan bersama (kehidupan sosial). Kata Kunci : maqashid syariah, Epistemologi, Pendidikan Pancasila.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Nasruddin Yusuf

Hadiths are not sacred texts as the Koran. However, the hadith is always the second reference after the Koran and occupies an important position in Islamic studies. Considering the writing of the hadith which was carried out hundreds of years after the Prophet Muhammad died, many opinions were crossed over the validity of a hadith. so that this raises some groups to doubt and deny the truth of the hadith as a source of law. This paper will focus on discussing the study of the determination of the validity of hadith as a source of law according to Imam Syafii. This paper uses the library research method with the study of text analysis, therefore the author refers directly to the books written by Imam Shafi'i and makes comparisons with books written by the Muhadits. The findings in this research that about the debate about the hadith tradition as a source of law in Islam, al-Syäfi'iy seems to hold on the opinion that the provisions contained in the hadith are in the laws of the Qur'an; With katalam, the hadith of Nabı can only add to the law in the Qur'an. He said that the existing form of command, both the Qur'an and the hadith, is based on the same source, even though it is through a different path.Keywords:Hadith, Al-Quran, Imam Shafi'i, Muhadits, Islamic Law. Hadits bukanlah teks suci sebagaimana Al-Quran.Namun, hadits selalu menjadi rujukan kedua setelah Al-Quran dan menempati posisi penting dalam kajian keislaman.Mengingat penulisan hadits yang dilakukan ratusan tahun setelah nabi Muhammad SAW wafat, maka banyak terjadi silang pendapat terhadap keabsahan sebuah hadits.sehingga hal tersebut memunculkan sebagian kelompok meragukan dan mengingkari akan kebenaran hadits sebagai sumber hukum. Tulisan ini akan fokus membahas tentang telaah terhadap penetapan kesahihan hadits sebagai sumber hukum menurut Imam Syafii. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode library research dengan studi analisa teks, karena itu penulis merujuk langsung kitab-kitab yang ditulis oleh Imam Syafi`I dan melakukan perbandingan dengan kitab yang ditulis oleh para muhadits.Temuan dalam riset ini bahwa tentang perdebatan soal keshahihan hadits sebagai sumber hukum dalam Islam, alSyäfi'iy nampak beıpegang pada pendapat bahwa ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam hadis berada dalam hukum-hukum Alquran; Dengan katalam, hadis Nabı dapat saja menambah hukum yang ada dalam Alquran.Ia mengatakan bahwa wujud perintah yang ada, baik dan alquran maupun hadis, adalah berpangkal dari sumber yang sama, meskipun melalui jalur yang berbeda.Kata Kunci:Hadits, Al-Quran, Imam Syafi`i, Muhadits, Hukum Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-150
Abdul Rasyid Ridho

The existence of the ḥudūd theory is due to the thoughtlessness of the ummah which is marked by the dependence of all legal problems on their priests. What was conveyed by the previous ulamas still held firm without trying to conduct a review, whether his opinion was still relevant to current conditions. This is what causes Islamic law can not develop as the times progress. Therefore Muhammad Syahrūr abolished the ability of previous scholars to think by offering the concept of ḥudūd (boundary theory). For Syahŕ ther law must be Ş instead of li kulli zamān wa then  (the law must be applicable in every time and place

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-243
Muhammad Yunan Putra

Human is to depend on the law; which it created by human self or God’s firmness.  The law is understand as the instrument control of human attitude to range between person and others, environment, their leader, nation, and God, even tough the property.  In this context, the writer try to analyze the concept of epistemology and principle formulation of Islamic law, those, writer use library approach.  Result of analyze shows that, Islamic Law in philosophy subjectively and it resource from value in Islamic concept. Meanwhile, in the side formulation law, Islamic law has the religion habitual in which the judge can take it to policy the problems as the low in social life.  In this terms, it based on the theory in Islam such as ; tauhid, judgment, amar makruf nahi mungkar, equal, at-ta’wun, and tolerance. Finally, Islamic Low can be resource of Positive Low which it to policy the problems in social life

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-206
Armansyah Armansyah

Status of the unregistered marriages in social life is assumed as the unwritten marriages in Nation. Meanwhile, it is legal in Islamic perspective although it not written in Religion Office based on constitution. The problem effect of Unregistered Marriages based on constitution No 23, 2006 is the kid can not receive their personal identity right, document of born, document of marriages, card of family, card of nationality. In Islamic law, the marriages law is one of the aspect which more applied by most of Muslim in the word compared the muamalah. The marriages is the fundamental aspect or mitsaan galidan assumed legal if the requirements fulfilled based on al-Qur’an and Hadits. Scholars explained the requirements of marriages are candidate of husband, and wife, guardian of marriages, two witnesses, take and give (Ijab and qabul). The constitution No 1, 1947 chapter 2 verse (1) said that Marriages is legal if it done based on the Law of each religionand it trust.

2013 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Nadratuzzaman Hosen ◽  
Deden Misbahudin Muayyad

This article explains about the Islamic law of gift from Bank to customers related to saving and gyro accounts of Islamic Bank. The Islamic Banks give gift directly  and  indirectly  to  new  ettstomers  and  old  customers  through drawing  (qur'ah) or lottery and non-drawing. There are disputes (ikhtilaf) among Islamic Law  Experts (Fuqaha’) about the status of law when Islamic Banks give the gift. Hanafi and  Syafi'i  Schools  of thought  opined  that  the gift  can  be given  to  the customers as long as there is no agreement between bank and costomers meanwhile the banks still have a debt to consumers, this is permissible. Maliki and Hanbali schools opined that the gift is not permissible during the time of borrowing and lending. Majority Islamic Exsperts allow to give gift after banks have already paid­ back the debt to consumers as long as there is no agreement between bank and cusiomers, but Maliki School do not allow lo give gift at that condition. Also, for giving gift should free from gambling or elements of gambling (muqamarah).  The method of this article is using literature reviews from classical Islamic Law's books and contemporary Islamic law's books related to drawing or lottery and gambling, meanwhile the aims if this mticle are to investigate the law status if gift from bank to new customers and old customers with direct and indirect ways.   Keywords : gift, saving and gyro accounts, disputes, drawing and elements of gambling

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-78
Aidil Alfin ◽  
Busyro Busyro

The differences of laws in marriage registration have generated argumentative conflicts among the ulama. Some of them agree and the others disagree. Ulama who agree say that proscribing secretly marriage (nikah siri) is in accordance to Islamic law. Even though the regulation about marriage registration has been written in The Indonesian Act No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and in the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesian, the practice of secret marriage is still existed among Indonesian Muslim society. They base their practices on what some of local ShafiiyahUlema say all the time that this kind of marriage is in accordance to shari’ah. It is common to say that Shafi’ischool of law is the largest shari’ahschool of law in Indonesia. In the sociology of Islamic law, most of the scholars in Indonesia who adhere to the Shafi'i school and also most of the Indonesian Muslim community adhere to the same school, may have a significant influence on the constraints of reform of Islamic law related to the registration of marriages in particular and other matters about marriage in general contained in the Law No. 1 of 1974 and the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-250
Sarmo Sarmo

This article discusses the practice of changing waqf for socio-educational purposes. The jurists of the fiqh schools argue over the permissibility of exchanging waqf land. As a country where the majority of the population is Muslim, Indonesia has made the guidelines for waqf which are stated in the law. No. 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf, Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning the implementation of law number 41 of 2004, and the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia. This study is field research conducted in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. This study concluded that the exchange of waqf land in this village was in accordance with the purpose of the waqf and in accordance with the law. No. 41 of 2004 Article 41 paragraph (3). The process of changing donated land for TK Diponegoro 136 is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning the implementation of law number 41 of 2004. Meanwhile, the relation of Islamic law to the exchange of waqf land in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency is debated in accordance with the rules used by each jurisprudence school. Referring to the argument of jalb al-maṣāliḥ wa dar 'al-mafāsid, the exchange of waqf land in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency is not against Islamic law because it brings more benefits.

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