scholarly journals A maradó fogak gyökér-korona aránya egészséges, fiatal magyar, német és japán populációkban

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (46) ◽  
pp. 1848-1855
Boglárka Rencz ◽  
Buthina Alhaddad ◽  
Boglárka Remport ◽  
Noémi Katinka Rózsa ◽  
Mitsuo Iinuma ◽  

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A maradó fogak gyökér-korona arányának meghatározása nagy jelentőséggel bír a fogászati kezelési terv kialakításában és későbbi módosításában. Célkitűzés: Egészséges magyar, német és japán fiatalok maradó fogai gyökér-korona arányának meghatározása és összehasonlítása. Módszer: Hölttä módszerét alkalmaztuk. A mérés 95 magyar, 104 japán és 110 német fiatal páciens 2001 és 2006 között készült panorámaröntgen-felvételén történt. Eredmények: A gyökér-korona arány különbsége a nemek között nem szignifikáns, az egymásnak megfelelő antagonista fogak között sok esetben, de nem mindig, szignifikáns. A legnagyobb gyökér-korona arányt mindhárom populációban az alsó szemfogakon és az alsó második praemolaris fogakon mértük; a felső molarisok esetén a legkisebb az arány. A három nemzetet összehasonlítva szignifikáns különbséget (p≤0,001) nem találtunk egyetlen fogtípus esetében sem. A japán és a német populáció között minden fogtípus esetén szignifikáns volt a különbség a gyökér-korona arányokban. A japán és a magyar populáció összehasonlításakor a fogtípusok felénél találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. A magyar és a német populációt összehasonlítva nagyon kevés fogtípusnál találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. Megbeszélés: Az alsó állcsont fogainak gyökér-korona arányértékei nagyobb mértékben térnek el a populációk között, mint a felső állcsont fogainak esetében. A gyökér-korona arány átlagértéke a német populációban a legnagyobb. A második legnagyobb arányértékkel a magyar populáció rendelkezik, utána pedig a japán, néhány fogtípus kivételével: felső kismetszők, felső szemfogak és felső első molarisok. Következtetés: A legnagyobb gyökér-korona arány különbséget a német és a japán populáció között, a legkisebbet a magyar és a német populáció között találtuk. Cikkünk megmutatja az egyes fogtípusok gyökér-korona arányának normálértékét fiatal, egészséges magyar, német és japán populációban. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(46): 1848–1855. Summary. Introduction: Defining the root-crown ratio of the permanent teeth is important in making or changing proper treatment plans in dentistry. Objective: To define and compare the root-crown ratios of the permanent teeth of healthy, young Hungarian, German, and Japanese populations. Method: We adapted Hölttä’s method. 95 Hungarian, 104 Japanese and 110 German young patients’ panoramic X-rays (made between 2001 and 2006) were involved in the investigation. Results: Difference between the genders was found non-significant; between the corresponding antagonists many times, but not all significant. The highest root-crown ratios were found in all investigated populations by the lower canines and premolars, the lowest by the upper molars. P≤0,001 was not found among the three populations. Significant differences were found between Japanese and German populations by all tooth-types; between Japanese and Hungarian populations by near half of the tooth-types; between Hungarian and German populations by only a few tooth-types. Discussion: More significant differences were found in root-crown ratios in the lower jaw among the populations. The mean value of the root-crown ratios was the highest in the German population; medium in the Hungarian population; and the least in the Japanese population, with a few exceptions: upper lateral incisors, canines and first molars. Conclusion: The biggest differences were found between the German and Japanese populations; the least between the Hungarian and the German populations. Our paper describes the control values of the root-crown ratios of the tooth types in young, healthy Hungarian, German, and Japanese populations. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(46): 1848–1855.

1986 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-260

Forty four patients with forty seven wrists suffering from Kienböck’s disease were re-examined. The mean observation time was 20.5 years. In all forty seven wrists the treatment had been immobilization. Using a standard X-ray projection, and a reliable method of ulnar variance measuring, the ulnar variance was determined by three observers independently. Comparing the result with the ulnar variance in normal wrists we found the so-called “ulnar minus variant” overrepresented in patients with Kienböck’s disease. However, comparing X-rays taken at the time of diagnosis with X-rays at re-examination, we found in eight out of forty seven wrists that a subchondral bone formation in the distal radius opposite the lunate bone had taken place. This bone formation will tend to enhance the negative value of ulnar variance measurements, and suggests an explanation of the overrepresentation of “ulnar minus variants” in Kienböck’s disease. Excluding these eight wrists from the material and comparing the mean ulnar variance value in the remaining thirty nine wrists with the mean value in normal wrists no statistical difference was shown. Based on these observations it seems unlikely that the “ulnar minus variant” has any bearing on the cause of Kienböck’s disease.

1982 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 589-595
W. T. Sanders ◽  
J. P. Cassinelli ◽  
K. A. van der Hucht

Preliminary results of three X-ray surveys are presented. Out of a sample of 20 stars, X-rays were detected from four Wolf-Rayet stars and two 08f+ stars. The detected stars have about the same mean value as 0 stars for the X-ray to total luminosity ratio, LX/L = 10−7, but exhibit a much larger variation about the mean. The spectral energy distributions are also found to be like that of 0 stars in that they do not exhibit large attenuation of X-rays softer than 1 keV. This indicates that for both the 0 stars and WR stars much of the X-ray emission is coming from hot wisps or shocks in the outer regions of the winds and not from a thin source at the base of the wind. The general spectral shape and flux level place severe restrictions on models that attribute the lack of hydrogen emission lines to extremely high temperatures of the gas in the wind.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 121-126
Elias Alibeyki ◽  
Saeid Karimkhani ◽  
Sepide Saadatmand ◽  
Parvaneh Shokrani

Abstract Purpose: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is one of the most frequent malignancies among pediatric patients. One of the common causes of death in HL survivors after radiation therapy (RT), is radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD). The aim of this study was to compare several dosimetric parameters for two methods of early stage Hodgkin lymphoma radiotherapy with reference to potential risk of RIHD. Materials and Methods: Using a series of computed tomography slices of 40 young patients, treatment planning was done in two methods of HL RT, including involved field (IFRT) and involved site (ISRT) in doses of 20, 30, and 35 Gy. Contouring of clinical target volume as well as the organs at risk, including the heart, was performed by a radiation oncologist. The mean and maximum dose of heart (Dheart-mean and Dheart-max), the volume of heart receiving a dose more than 25 Gy (V25), and the standard deviation of dose as a dose homogeneity index in heart, were used to compare the RIHD risk. Results: The mean value for Dheart-mean in ISRT method in all doses was less compare to IFRT. Maximum reduction in mean value of Dheart-mean occurred at moving from 30 Gy IFRT to ISRT by 9.53 Gy (p < 0.001) and minimum was between 35 Gy IFRT and ISRT. The mean value for Dheart-max was fewer in IFRT rather than ISRT and the maximum difference was between 35 Gy IFRT and ISRT (1.35 Gy). The mean of V25 of heart was 26.66% and 23.74% in 35 Gy IFRT and ISRT, respectively, and dose distribution was more homogeneous in IFRT. Conclusions: If Dheart-max and V25 of heart or homogeneity of dose distribution in heart are considered as determining factors in RIHD, then IFRT can be considered optimum, especially in 35 Gy IFRT; while, assuming the Dheart-mean as the most important factor in RIHD, superiority of ISRT over IFRT is observed.

Jones & Sykes have observed that the superlattice lines in X-ray photographs of AuCu 3 , are not always as sharp as the main lines, and that the broadening depends markedly on the indices of the line. They explain these phenomena by assuming that the crystals of AuCu 3 contain many ‘anti-phase nuclei’ in which the superlattice is organized in different ways. In the present paper it is shown that the integral breadth of a reflexion from a crystal in which all the unit cells are not the same is λ J 0 /cos θ ƒ J t dt , where J t is the mean value of the product FF* of the structure factors of two unit cells separated a distance t in the hkl direction. Detailed calculations are made of the broadening to be expected from five different ways in which the nuclei can ‘change step’. Closest agreement with the observed broadening is given by a manner of ‘ changing step ’ in which the gold atoms avoid one another.

Fernanda Britto de Melo Silva

RESUMO Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde os odontomas são tumores odontogênicos originados do epitélio e do ectomesênquima odontogênico. São subdivididos em tipo complexo e composto, sendo este último apresentando uma maior prevalência. Frequentemente, os odontomas são detectados durante as primeiras duas décadas de vida, sendo a idade média no momento do diagnóstico de 14 anos. Em sua maioria é completamente assintomática, sendo descoberta durante o exame radiográfico de rotina ou por retardo na erupção de dentes próximo ao odontoma. Ao exame radiográfico, apresentam geralmente áreas radiopacas com semelhança dentária. O método terapêutico indicado para o tratamento é a enucleação da lesão, apresentando um excelente prognóstico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico do paciente N.Y.R.,13 anos de idade, sexo masculino, melanoderma, atendido na clínica de Diagnóstico Bucal da Universidade Federal Fluminense apresentando odontoma localizado na região anterior de maxila, ocasionando a retenção dos dentes permanentes 22 e 23. O procedimento foi realizado sob anestesia local em ambiente ambulatorial, sem intercorrências cirúrgicas. O mesmo segue em controle a cerca de doze meses para acompanhamento da erupção dos dentes pela clínica de Ortodontia.Palavras-chave: Odontoma; Maxila; Tratamento.             ABSTRACT Odontomas are odontogenic tumors originating from the epithelium and odontogenic ectomesenchyma, considered as developmental anomalies (hamartoma), instead of true neoplasms. They are subdivided into complex and compound types, the latter being more prevalent. Often, odontomas are detected during the first two decades of life, with the mean age at the time of diagnosis being 14 years. It is mostly asymptomatic, being discovered during the routine radiographic examination or when x-rays are taken to determine why a tooth has not yet erupted. At radiographic examination, they appear as a radiopaque mass surrounded by a radiolucent halo. The therapeutic method indicated for the treatment is the enucleation of the lesion, presenting an excellent prognosis. This study aims to report the clinical case of the NYR, 13 years old male patient, melanoderma, attended at the Oral Diagnosis Clinic of the Fluminense Federal University presenting odontoma located in the anterior region of the maxilla, causing the retention of the permanent teeth 22 and 23. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting, without surgical complications. The patient is in control about twelve months to follow the eruption of teeth by the Orthodontics clinic.Key words: Odontoma; Maxilla; Therapy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (40) ◽  
Fernanda Britto de Melo Silva

RESUMO Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde os odontomas são tumores odontogênicos originados do epitélio e do ectomesênquima odontogênico. São subdivididos em tipo complexo e composto, sendo este último apresentando uma maior prevalência. Frequentemente, os odontomas são detectados durante as primeiras duas décadas de vida, sendo a idade média no momento do diagnóstico de 14 anos. Em sua maioria é completamente assintomática, sendo descoberta durante o exame radiográfico de rotina ou por retardo na erupção de dentes próximo ao odontoma. Ao exame radiográfico, apresentam geralmente áreas radiopacas com semelhança dentária. O método terapêutico indicado para o tratamento é a enucleação da lesão, apresentando um excelente prognóstico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico do paciente N.Y.R.,13 anos de idade, sexo masculino, melanoderma, atendido na clínica de Diagnóstico Bucal da Universidade Federal Fluminense apresentando odontoma localizado na região anterior de maxila, ocasionando a retenção dos dentes permanentes 22 e 23. O procedimento foi realizado sob anestesia local em ambiente ambulatorial, sem intercorrências cirúrgicas. O mesmo segue em controle a cerca de doze meses para acompanhamento da erupção dos dentes pela clínica de Ortodontia.Palavras-chave: Odontoma; Maxila; Tratamento.             ABSTRACT Odontomas are odontogenic tumors originating from the epithelium and odontogenic ectomesenchyma, considered as developmental anomalies (hamartoma), instead of true neoplasms. They are subdivided into complex and compound types, the latter being more prevalent. Often, odontomas are detected during the first two decades of life, with the mean age at the time of diagnosis being 14 years. It is mostly asymptomatic, being discovered during the routine radiographic examination or when x-rays are taken to determine why a tooth has not yet erupted. At radiographic examination, they appear as a radiopaque mass surrounded by a radiolucent halo. The therapeutic method indicated for the treatment is the enucleation of the lesion, presenting an excellent prognosis. This study aims to report the clinical case of the NYR, 13 years old male patient, melanoderma, attended at the Oral Diagnosis Clinic of the Fluminense Federal University presenting odontoma located in the anterior region of the maxilla, causing the retention of the permanent teeth 22 and 23. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting, without surgical complications. The patient is in control about twelve months to follow the eruption of teeth by the Orthodontics clinic.Key words: Odontoma; Maxilla; Therapy.

1990 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-93 ◽  
R.M. Frank ◽  
M.L. Sargentini-Maier ◽  
J.C. Turlot ◽  
M.J.F. Leroy

A comparative study of the mean lead concentrations in enamel and dentin of human premolars and permanent molars was conducted by means of a systematic sampling procedure with energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis. In a first series of analyses, no significant statistical differences in mean lead concentrations at various levels of enamel and dentin were noted between young patients of Strasbourg and those of small villages of Alsace, nor between elderly patients living in these two locations, despite the fact that motor traffic was significantly lower in the rural zones. However, in both locations, a significantly higher concentration of lead was observed in enamel and dentin in relation to age. In a second series of analyses, the mean lead concentrations of both dental hard tissues of premolars and permanent molars of young individuals from Strasbourg, rural Alsace, and Mexico City were compared. Significantly higher mean lead concentrations were found in enamel and dentin samples from Mexico City. This was most evident for inner coronal dentin (5.7 and 6.1 times greater than in teeth of Strasbourg and rural zones of Alsace, respectively) and for pulpal root dentin (6.9 and 8.9 times greater than in teeth of Strasbourg and rural zones of Alsace). It is proposed that the higher lead concentrations are related to the higher lead content of motor gasoline and to more intense traffic conditions. The dental hard tissues appear to be of value for the study of environmental lead pollution.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Jordan H. Trafimow ◽  
Alexander S. Aruin

Both clinical and biomechanical problems affecting the shoulder joint suggest that investigators should study force transmission into and out from the scapula. To analyze force transmission between the humeral head and the glenoid, one must know the position of the glenoid. Studies have analyzed the position of the scapula from the positions of three palpable points, but the position of the glenoid relative to three palpable points has not been studied. Dry scapulae () were subjected to X-rays and a critical angle, (which relates the plane determined by the three palpable points on the scapula to a plane containing the glenoid center and the first two palpable points) was calculated. The mean value for was degrees. The obtained allows us to determine the position of the glenoid from three palpable points. This information could be used in calculation of forces across the shoulder joint, which in turn would allow optimizing the choice of strengthening exercises.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Agus Marjianto ◽  
Mieke Sylvia ◽  
Soegeng Wahluyo

Background: Tooth eruption, the movement of teeth toward the oral cavity clinically marked by the emergence of the cusp or incisal edge, is very important in determining the chronological age of a child. Unfortunately, tooth eruption in 6-12-year olds on the island of Madura has yet to be investigated. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze differences in permanent tooth eruption between boys and girls aged 6 to 12 years old on Madura. Methods: This study employed an observational analytic design in combination with a cross-sectional approach. The samples used in this study were selected by means of simple random sampling technique. Post-selection informed consent of the child subjects was obtained with their chronological age being assessed and determined prior to tooth eruption. The normality of the data was subsequently analyzed by application of a one sample non-parametric Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Thereafter, repeated Anova tests were conducted to determine differences in the permanent tooth eruption of the subjects. Results: Based on the normality test results, the significance value of the permanent maxillary teeth in the male subjects was 0.993, while that of their permanent mandibular teeth was 0.695. In contrast, the significance value of the permanent maxillary teeth in the female subjects was 0.970, while that of their permanent mandibular teeth was 0.918. According to the results of the repeated measure ANOVA test, differences existed in the eruption of the permanent maxillary and mandibular teeth between the males and females with a significance value (ρ) of 0.020. The mean value of permanent mandibular tooth eruption in the females was 56.59 ± SD 33.403, while that of their permanent maxillary tooth eruption was 50.77 ± SD 34.201. The mean value of the permanent mandibular tooth eruption in the males was 55.31 ± 33.024, while that of their permanent maxillary tooth eruption was 48.77 ± SD 34.201. Conclusion: On Madura, the permanent teeth of chronological 6-12-year old females, particularly their permanent mandibular canine teeth, erupt earlier than those of their male counterparts.

2008 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-114
Jelena Racunica ◽  
Vesna Ivetic ◽  
Nada Naumovic ◽  
Milanko Djuric

Introduction: Periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases in adults. Although the cause of periodontal disease is bacterial infection from the dental plaque, the level of destruction of periodontal tissues depends on risk factors, and smoking is one of the most important ones. Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the level of alveolar bone resorption in smokers. Materials and Methods: Radiographic examination of all present teeth was conducted in 30 smokers (12 men and 18 women) and 30 non-smokers (13 men and 17 women, control group), 20-60 years of age. Data on smoking habits, smoking period and the number of cigarettes a day were obtained using a questionnaire. The level of alveolar bone resorption was determined on retroalveolar X-rays, by measuring the distance from the amelo-cemental junction to the bone level on mesial and distal sides of each present tooth. Results: In smokers, significantly higher (p=0.00002) values of alveolar bone resorption (3.16 ? 2.07 mm) were found compared to the control group (1.72 ? 1.02 mm). In people who had been smoking for more than 15 years, significantly greater bone resorption was observed compared to those smoking for 15 years or less (p=0.00028). The interceptive relationship showed that smokers were at 2.98x greater risk (95% CI 1.04- 8.52) for the mean value of alveolar bone resorption of > 2 mm compared to non-smokers. Conclusion: The present results have shown that smoking increases alveolar bone resorption and that the period of smoking affects the level of resorption.

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