hungarian population
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Genes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
László Madar ◽  
Lilla Juhász ◽  
Zsuzsanna Szűcs ◽  
Lóránt Kerkovits ◽  
Mariann Harangi ◽  

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is one of the most common autosomal, dominantly inherited diseases affecting cholesterol metabolism, which, in the absence of treatment, leads to the development of cardiovascular complications. The disease is still underdiagnosed, even though an early diagnosis would be of great importance for the patient to receive proper treatment and to prevent further complications. No studies are available describing the genetic background of Hungarian FH patients. In this work, we present the clinical and molecular data of 44 unrelated individuals with suspected FH. Sequencing of five FH-causing genes (LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, LDLRAP1 and STAP1) has been performed by next-generation sequencing (NGS). In cases where a copy number variation (CNV) has been detected by NGS, confirmation by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) has also been performed. We identified 47 causal or potentially causal (including variants of uncertain significance) LDLR and APOB variants in 44 index patients. The most common variant in the APOB gene was the c.10580G>A p.(Arg3527Gln) missense alteration, this being in accordance with literature data. Several missense variants in the LDLR gene were detected in more than one index patient. LDLR variants in the Hungarian population largely overlap with variants detected in neighboring countries.

Tamás Madarász ◽  
Enikő Kontor ◽  
Emese Antal ◽  
Gyula Kasza ◽  
Dávid Szakos ◽  

Coronavirus disease (SARSCoV-2) appeared in 2019 was confirmed as pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020. Stay-at-home order had an impact on consumers’ food purchase habits, as people around the world were able to leave their homes solely in extremely severe or urgent cases. In our research, we delve into the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on consumers’ food purchase habits. The research involved 3000 consumers during the first wave of coronavirus. The sample represents the Hungarian population by gender and age. To achieve the research goals, we applied multivariate statistical tools. The findings suggest that the pandemic could not change consumer attitude significantly, but the order of factors influencing purchases changed. Consumer motivation factors were organized into four well-distinguished factors: Healthy, domestic, and environmentally friendly choice; Usual taste and quality; Reasonable price; Shelf life. Due to the lack of outstanding data during segmentation, we developed four segments by hierarchical cluster analysis: Health- and environment-conscious women; Price sensitive young people; Taste-oriented men; Quality-oriented intellectuals. The results confirm that food manufacturers and traders need to be prepared for further restrictions in the future.

Ágnes Backhausz ◽  
István Z. Kiss ◽  
Péter L. Simon

AbstractA key factor in the transmission of infectious diseases is the structure of disease transmitting contacts. In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic and with some data based on the Hungarian population we develop a theoretical epidemic model (susceptible-infected-removed, SIR) on a multilayer network. The layers include the Hungarian household structure, with population divided into children, adults and elderly, as well as schools and workplaces, some spatial embedding and community transmission due to sharing communal spaces, service and public spaces. We investigate the sensitivity of the model (via the time evolution and final size of the epidemic) to the different contact layers and we map out the relation between peak prevalence and final epidemic size. When compared to the classic compartmental model and for the same final epidemic size, we find that epidemics on multilayer network lead to higher peak prevalence meaning that the risk of overwhelming the health care system is higher. Based on our model we found that keeping cliques/bubbles in school as isolated as possible has a major effect while closing workplaces had a mild effect as long as workplaces are of relatively small size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-99
Ágnes Sántha ◽  
Balázs Telegdy ◽  
Orsolya Gergely ◽  
Laura Nistor

Abstract The paper addresses the issue of contamination fear within the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The everyday lives and feelings of the ethnic Hungarian population in Transylvania, Romania, were investigated with an online survey in the middle of the lockdown, in April 2020. In the search for the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of perceived infection risk, we rely on descriptive and two-variable analysis as well as explanatory regression models controlling for covariates. The results show that respondents perceive public places to hold the highest risk of contamination from the virus. In the article, we also draw the sociodemographic profile of the “fearful” and “brave” attitudes towards the threat represented by the virus. Perceived infection risk is higher for the elderly, the more educated, and the non-religious people. The paper reveals that respondents’ concerns, beyond that of infection, are predominantly economic in character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (46) ◽  
pp. 1848-1855
Boglárka Rencz ◽  
Buthina Alhaddad ◽  
Boglárka Remport ◽  
Noémi Katinka Rózsa ◽  
Mitsuo Iinuma ◽  

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A maradó fogak gyökér-korona arányának meghatározása nagy jelentőséggel bír a fogászati kezelési terv kialakításában és későbbi módosításában. Célkitűzés: Egészséges magyar, német és japán fiatalok maradó fogai gyökér-korona arányának meghatározása és összehasonlítása. Módszer: Hölttä módszerét alkalmaztuk. A mérés 95 magyar, 104 japán és 110 német fiatal páciens 2001 és 2006 között készült panorámaröntgen-felvételén történt. Eredmények: A gyökér-korona arány különbsége a nemek között nem szignifikáns, az egymásnak megfelelő antagonista fogak között sok esetben, de nem mindig, szignifikáns. A legnagyobb gyökér-korona arányt mindhárom populációban az alsó szemfogakon és az alsó második praemolaris fogakon mértük; a felső molarisok esetén a legkisebb az arány. A három nemzetet összehasonlítva szignifikáns különbséget (p≤0,001) nem találtunk egyetlen fogtípus esetében sem. A japán és a német populáció között minden fogtípus esetén szignifikáns volt a különbség a gyökér-korona arányokban. A japán és a magyar populáció összehasonlításakor a fogtípusok felénél találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. A magyar és a német populációt összehasonlítva nagyon kevés fogtípusnál találtunk szignifikáns különbséget. Megbeszélés: Az alsó állcsont fogainak gyökér-korona arányértékei nagyobb mértékben térnek el a populációk között, mint a felső állcsont fogainak esetében. A gyökér-korona arány átlagértéke a német populációban a legnagyobb. A második legnagyobb arányértékkel a magyar populáció rendelkezik, utána pedig a japán, néhány fogtípus kivételével: felső kismetszők, felső szemfogak és felső első molarisok. Következtetés: A legnagyobb gyökér-korona arány különbséget a német és a japán populáció között, a legkisebbet a magyar és a német populáció között találtuk. Cikkünk megmutatja az egyes fogtípusok gyökér-korona arányának normálértékét fiatal, egészséges magyar, német és japán populációban. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(46): 1848–1855. Summary. Introduction: Defining the root-crown ratio of the permanent teeth is important in making or changing proper treatment plans in dentistry. Objective: To define and compare the root-crown ratios of the permanent teeth of healthy, young Hungarian, German, and Japanese populations. Method: We adapted Hölttä’s method. 95 Hungarian, 104 Japanese and 110 German young patients’ panoramic X-rays (made between 2001 and 2006) were involved in the investigation. Results: Difference between the genders was found non-significant; between the corresponding antagonists many times, but not all significant. The highest root-crown ratios were found in all investigated populations by the lower canines and premolars, the lowest by the upper molars. P≤0,001 was not found among the three populations. Significant differences were found between Japanese and German populations by all tooth-types; between Japanese and Hungarian populations by near half of the tooth-types; between Hungarian and German populations by only a few tooth-types. Discussion: More significant differences were found in root-crown ratios in the lower jaw among the populations. The mean value of the root-crown ratios was the highest in the German population; medium in the Hungarian population; and the least in the Japanese population, with a few exceptions: upper lateral incisors, canines and first molars. Conclusion: The biggest differences were found between the German and Japanese populations; the least between the Hungarian and the German populations. Our paper describes the control values of the root-crown ratios of the tooth types in young, healthy Hungarian, German, and Japanese populations. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(46): 1848–1855.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 458
Ágnes Hofmeister-Tóth ◽  
Ágnes Neulinger ◽  
János Debreceni

The progressive aging of developed societies, caused by profound demographic changes, brings with it the necessity of confronting the subject of discrimination against older people. In the last 50 years, many scales of ageism have been developed to measure beliefs and attitudes towards older adults. The purpose of our study was to adapt the full Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA) to Hungarian language and assess its reliability, validity, and psychometric properties. The sample of the study was representative of the Hungarian population, and the data collection took place online. In our study, we compare the dimensions of the scale with other international studies and present the attitudes and biases of the Hungarian population against the older people. The results of the study indicate that attitudes toward older people are more positive among women, older people, and people living in villages. In this study, we concluded that the Hungarian version of the Fraboni Scale of Ageism is a suitable instrument for both measuring the extent of ageism in the Hungarian population and contributing to further testing the international reliability, validity, and psychometric properties of the Fraboni Scale of Ageism.

Educatio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-300
Anna Sebők

Összefoglaló. Ebben a cikkben Magyarországon elsőként vizsgálom a kognitív készségek szerepét a felsőoktatási végzettség megtérülésében. Az adatok a KRTK Adatbank Kapcsolt Államigazgatási Paneladatbázisából származnak (Sebők 2019). Az adatforrás lehetővé teszi a különböző államigazgatási adatbázisok együttes vizsgálatát a magyar lakosság 50%-os mintáján. Az elemzésben a 2008-ban 10. osztályos középiskolások kompetenciaeredményeit mint a korai kognitív készségek proxy változóját használom a hosszú távú diplomás pályakövetéses vizsgálatomban. A tanulmányban az oktatás hozamszámítási megközelítései közül a kereseti függvények módszerét alkalmazom. Summary. This paper investigates the role of cognitive skills in the return to higher education (HE) in Hungary. It makes use of linked Hungarian administrative data, which contains labor market and educational information of about 50 percent of the Hungarian population, for the period of 2003 and 2017 (Sebők 2019). The estimates are focused on the early carrier path of HE graduates who completed their National Assessment of Basic Competencies 10th class tests in 2008. The paper uses Mincer-type regression models with the test scores as the the proxy variables of cognitive skills.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1086
Zita Szentkereszty-Kovács ◽  
Szilvia Fiatal ◽  
Eszter Anna Janka ◽  
Dóra Kovács ◽  
Andrea Szegedi ◽  

Background: Psoriatic patients have considerably higher odds of being obese compared with the general population; however, the exact pathophysiological link between psoriasis and obesity needs to be elucidated. Methods: To investigate the association of psoriasis with established obesity-related gene variants, we conducted a population-based case-control study including 3541 subjects (574 psoriasis cases and 2967 controls from the general Hungarian population). Genotyping of 20 SNPs at ADIPOQ, BDNF, FTO, GNPDA2, LEPR, MC4R, NEGR1, NPY, PPARG, TMEM18, and UCP2 were determined, and differences in genotype and allele distributions were investigated. Multiple logistic regression analyses were implemented. Results: Analysis revealed an association between the G allele of the rs1137101 polymorphism (LEPR gene) and obesity risk (OR: 3.30 (1.45; 7.50), p = 0.004) in the early-onset group of psoriatic patients. Furthermore, the T allele of rs925946 polymorphism (BDNF gene) was also associated with increased risk of obesity in early-onset psoriasis (OR: 2.26 (1.24; 4.14) p = 0.008). Conclusions: Our results suggest that in psoriatic patients, there are prominent differences in the causes of obesity that should be accounted for, including not only environmental factors but also patient characteristics, such as the time of disease onset as well as genetic factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
Kristóf Süveges ◽  
Attila V. Molnár ◽  
Attila Mesterházy ◽  
Júlia Tüdősné Budai ◽  
Réka Fekete

This paper reports the occurrence of a North American salt-tolerant taxon, Diplachne fusca subsp. fascicularis (Lam.) P.M.Peterson et N.Snow in Hungary (Central-Europe). Two earlier Hungarian observations of D. fusca were known from 1915, near Győr (West Transdanubia), later the taxon was collected by Pénzes in 1958, in downtown Budatétény (central Hungary. Both observations seem to be occasional. Recently, the taxon has started spreading in Europe, mainly on rice paddy fields, with a serious invasion potential. In North America its appearance on ruderal habitats, as well as along roads and other linear infrastructures is a well known phenomenon. The Hungarian population was found near Cegléd (Central Hungary) on the roadside of the E40 primary main road in September 2018. In July 2019 more than one thousand (mostly vegetative) individuals were detected. The salt content of the habitat shows remarkable temporal and spatial variability. At one meter distance from the edge of the paved road soil salt content was higher in spring (after the winter de-icing regime), than in autumn. Salt concentration was highest in the vicinity of the road, and decreased with increasing distance from it. Germination tests revealed a significant negative effect of NaCl concentration on germination rates, but germination occurred even on extremely saline substrates with 1.5% NaCl concentration. Considering its biology and reproduction strategy, the further spread of Diplachne fusca is highly presumable.

Erika Juríková ◽  
Janka Mišeková

Over the last two decades, there has been more comprehensive and focused research on old prints produced by the historical Jesuit Trnava University. It existed in Trnava between 1635 and 1777, when it was moved to Buda (today's Budapest, Hungary) by the monarch Maria Theresa. Thus the university influenced the educational level of the Hungarian population in the 17th and especially the 18th century, and became the centre of Baroque education in what is today Slovakia. The establishment and existence of Trnava University was of fundamental importance for the development of many scientific disciplines, which was further multiplied by the titles published by the Academic Printing House. The aim of this study is to highlight those aspects of the activities of the university and individuals that have contributed to a major breakthrough in scientific knowledge and at the same time have been the subject of partial or systematic research since 2000.

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