Enhanced electrochemical stability of PtRuAu/C catalyst synthesized by radiolytic process

2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (7) ◽  
pp. 1037-1045 ◽  
Satoru Kageyama ◽  
Akio Murakami ◽  
Satoshi Ichikawa ◽  
Satoshi Seino ◽  
Takashi Nakagawa ◽  


Carolyn Nohr ◽  
Ann Ayres

Texts on electron diffraction recommend that the camera constant of the electron microscope be determine d by calibration with a standard crystalline specimen, using the equation

Kin Lam

The energy of moving ions in solid is dependent on the electronic density as well as the atomic structural properties of the target material. These factors contribute to the observable effects in polycrystalline material using the scanning ion microscope. Here we outline a method to investigate the dependence of low velocity proton stopping on interatomic distances and orientations.The interaction of charged particles with atoms in the frame work of the Fermi gas model was proposed by Lindhard. For a system of atoms, the electronic Lindhard stopping power can be generalized to the formwhere the stopping power function is defined as

A. Kosiara ◽  
J. W. Wiggins ◽  
M. Beer

A magnetic spectrometer to be attached to the Johns Hopkins S. T. E. M. is under construction. Its main purpose will be to investigate electron interactions with biological molecules in the energy range of 40 KeV to 100 KeV. The spectrometer is of the type described by Kerwin and by Crewe Its magnetic pole boundary is given by the equationwhere R is the electron curvature radius. In our case, R = 15 cm. The electron beam will be deflected by an angle of 90°. The distance between the electron source and the pole boundary will be 30 cm. A linear fringe field will be generated by a quadrupole field arrangement. This is accomplished by a grounded mirror plate and a 45° taper of the magnetic pole.

N. J. Zaluzec

The ultimate sensitivity of microchemical analysis using x-ray emission rests in selecting those experimental conditions which will maximize the measured peak-to-background (P/B) ratio. This paper presents the results of calculations aimed at determining the influence of incident beam energy, detector/specimen geometry and specimen composition on the P/B ratio for ideally thin samples (i.e., the effects of scattering and absorption are considered negligible). As such it is assumed that the complications resulting from system peaks, bremsstrahlung fluorescence, electron tails and specimen contamination have been eliminated and that one needs only to consider the physics of the generation/emission process.The number of characteristic x-ray photons (Ip) emitted from a thin foil of thickness dt into the solid angle dΩ is given by the well-known equation

G. Cliff ◽  
M.J. Nasir ◽  
G.W. Lorimer ◽  
N. Ridley

In a specimen which is transmission thin to 100 kV electrons - a sample in which X-ray absorption is so insignificant that it can be neglected and where fluorescence effects can generally be ignored (1,2) - a ratio of characteristic X-ray intensities, I1/I2 can be converted into a weight fraction ratio, C1/C2, using the equationwhere k12 is, at a given voltage, a constant independent of composition or thickness, k12 values can be determined experimentally from thin standards (3) or calculated (4,6). Both experimental and calculated k12 values have been obtained for K(11<Z>19),kα(Z>19) and some Lα radiation (3,6) at 100 kV. The object of the present series of experiments was to experimentally determine k12 values at voltages between 200 and 1000 kV and to compare these with calculated values.The experiments were carried out on an AEI-EM7 HVEM fitted with an energy dispersive X-ray detector.

V. Annamalai ◽  
L.E. Murr

Economical recovery of copper metal from leach liquors has been carried out by the simple process of cementing copper onto a suitable substrate metal, such as scrap-iron, since the 16th century. The process has, however, a major drawback of consuming more iron than stoichiometrically needed by the reaction.Therefore, many research groups started looking into the process more closely. Though it is accepted that the structural characteristics of the resultant copper deposit cause changes in reaction rates for various experimental conditions, not many systems have been systematically investigated. This paper examines the deposit structures and the kinetic data, and explains the correlations between them.A simple cementation cell along with rotating discs of pure iron (99.9%) were employed in this study to obtain the kinetic results The resultant copper deposits were studied in a Hitachi Perkin-Elmer HHS-2R scanning electron microscope operated at 25kV in the secondary electron emission mode.

Zhifeng Shao

Recently, low voltage (≤5kV) scanning electron microscopes have become popular because of their unprecedented advantages, such as minimized charging effects and smaller specimen damage, etc. Perhaps the most important advantage of LVSEM is that they may be able to provide ultrahigh resolution since the interaction volume decreases when electron energy is reduced. It is obvious that no matter how low the operating voltage is, the resolution is always poorer than the probe radius. To achieve 10Å resolution at 5kV (including non-local effects), we would require a probe radius of 5∽6 Å. At low voltages, we can no longer ignore the effects of chromatic aberration because of the increased ratio δV/V. The 3rd order spherical aberration is another major limiting factor. The optimized aperture should be calculated as

E.M. Waddell ◽  
J.N. Chapman ◽  
R.P. Ferrier

Dekkers and de Lang (1977) have discussed a practical method of realising differential phase contrast in a STEM. The method involves taking the difference signal from two semi-circular detectors placed symmetrically about the optic axis and subtending the same angle (2α) at the specimen as that of the cone of illumination. Such a system, or an obvious generalisation of it, namely a quadrant detector, has the characteristic of responding to the gradient of the phase of the specimen transmittance. In this paper we shall compare the performance of this type of system with that of a first moment detector (Waddell et al.1977).For a first moment detector the response function R(k) is of the form R(k) = ck where c is a constant, k is a position vector in the detector plane and the vector nature of R(k)indicates that two signals are produced. This type of system would produce an image signal given bywhere the specimen transmittance is given by a (r) exp (iϕ (r), r is a position vector in object space, ro the position of the probe, ⊛ represents a convolution integral and it has been assumed that we have a coherent probe, with a complex disturbance of the form b(r-ro) exp (iζ (r-ro)). Thus the image signal for a pure phase object imaged in a STEM using a first moment detector is b2 ⊛ ▽ø. Note that this puts no restrictions on the magnitude of the variation of the phase function, but does assume an infinite detector.

M. D. Coutts ◽  
E. R. Levin

On tilting samples in an SEM, the image contrast between two elements, x and y often decreases to zero at θε, which we call the no-contrast angle. At angles above θε the contrast is reversed, θ being the angle between the specimen normal and the incident beam. The available contrast between two elements, x and y, in the SEM can be defined as,(1)where ix and iy are the total number of reflected and secondary electrons, leaving x and y respectively. It can easily be shown that for the element x,(2)where ib is the beam current, isp the specimen absorbed current, δo the secondary emission at normal incidence, k is a constant, and m the reflected electron coefficient.

Peter Rez

In high resolution microscopy the image amplitude is given by the convolution of the specimen exit surface wave function and the microscope objective lens transfer function. This is usually done by multiplying the wave function and the transfer function in reciprocal space and integrating over the effective aperture. For very thin specimens the scattering can be represented by a weak phase object and the amplitude observed in the image plane is1where fe (Θ) is the electron scattering factor, r is a postition variable, Θ a scattering angle and x(Θ) the lens transfer function. x(Θ) is given by2where Cs is the objective lens spherical aberration coefficient, the wavelength, and f the defocus.We shall consider one dimensional scattering that might arise from a cross sectional specimen containing disordered planes of a heavy element stacked in a regular sequence among planes of lighter elements. In a direction parallel to the disordered planes there will be a continuous distribution of scattering angle.

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