Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Yedi Purwanto

The polemic of Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 is back into hot issue to be discussed. It reminds to the public discussion in a long history and the dynamics of the appearance of this laws. This time, the spotlight is article 2, paragraph 1 of the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 which contains "Marriage is legitimate, if it is done according to the laws of each religion and the belief it". Against with the decision, any parties asked a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) for the article. This paper wants to give exposure of reactions of the people who are doing legal efforts with the proposal, as well as how to find the best solution for its completion. The core problem in this paper is to be appointed about whether or not may interfaith marriage. Referring to the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 and the 1945 Constitution, this paper will describe how the views of classical scholars, ulama (Muslim jurists), community leaders, officials and legal experts in the country explain about marriage in different religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Muammar Rachman

The formation of the 1974 Marriage Law is based on Islamic Law, which became a problem when the Constitutional Court gave a decision on the judicial review of the Marriage Law with a decision that was considered by the public that the decision was against Islamic law. The research problem in this article is, How is the Politics of Law in the Reform of Legislation in the Post-Constitutional Court Ruling on Marriage related to the status of children outside of marriage? Does the Constitutional Court Decision No 46 / PUU-VII / 2010 contradict Islamic law?The research approach used in this research is normative juridical. The results of the study indicate that children who are born must receive legal protection. If this is not the case, then the children who are born outside of marriage will suffer losses. The relationship between the child and the father does not only occur because of a legal marriage, but can also be based on evidence of a blood relationship between the child and the boy as the father. This is because birth is a legal result of a legal relationship in which there are reciprocal rights and obligations between the child, mother and father. This decision refers, because there is a relationship that is carried out without any legal conditions for marriage, both religiously and in a state, so that it does not cause harm which implies a child who has not done anything wrong. In conclusion, the Constitutional Court granted the renewal of the norm in article 43 of the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974, which is to provide constitutional rights for children born out of wedlock whether born from a legally valid marriage or not. The decision of the Constitutional Court related to the addition of article 43 paragraph (1) of this marriage law is still in the spirit of Islam as the struggle of Muslims to be able to apply their religious values in this law is not only legally religiously or nationally. Abstrak Pembentukan Undang-Undang (UU) Perkawinan Tahun 1974 berdasarkan Hukum Islam, menjadi permasalahan saat Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memutuskan judicial review atas UU perkawinan, bagi masyarakat bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Permasalahan penelitian ini,  Bagaimana Politik Hukum dalam Pembaharuan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dalam UU Perkawinan Pasca Putusan MK terkait dengan status anak diluar nikah? Apakah Putusan MK No 46/PUU-VII/2010 bertentangan dengan hukum Islam? Pendekatan penelitian ini yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menguraikan, anak yang lahir harus mendapat perlindungan hukum. Jika tidak, yang dirugikan adalah anak yang dilahirkan diluar perkawinan. hubungan anak dengan bapak tidak semata-mata terjadi karena adanya sebuah perkawinan yang sah, tapi berdasar pembuktian adanya hubungan darah antara anak dan laki-laki sebagai bapak. Hal ini karena kelahiran adalah akibat hukum dari hubungan hukum yang terdapat hak dan kewajiban secara timbal balik. Putusan ini mengacu, sebab adanya hubungan yang dilakukan tanpa adanya syarat pernikahan yang sah, baik secara agamadan negara, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kerugian yang berimplikasi pada anak yang tidak melakukan kesalahan. Pembaharuan norma dalam pasal 43 UU  Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974, memberikan hak konstitusional  anak yang dilahirkan di luar nikah baik yang lahir dari pernikahan yang sah secara agama atau tidak. Putusan MK terkait penambahan pasal 43 ayat (1) UU perkawinan masih bernafaskan Islam sesuai perjuangan ummat Islam untuk dapat menjalankan nilai-nilai agamanya dalam UU ini hannya tidak sah secara agama  dan Negara.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 185
Jefri Porkonanta Tarigan

Fungsi negara tidak hanya sebagai regulator (pengatur) dan umpire (wasit), namun juga berfungsi sebagai provider (penyedia) dan entrepreneur (pengusaha). Oleh karena itu, sudah seharusnya negara terlibat langsung dalam usaha penyediaan listrik untuk kepentingan umum bagi sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat sebagaimana amanat Pasal 33 UUD 1945. Usaha penyediaan listrik untuk kepentingan umum dengan unbundling system yaitu terpisahnya antara usaha pembangkitan, transmisi, distribusi, dan penjualan listrik, telah dinyatakan inkonstitusional oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Putusan Nomor 001-021-022/PUU-I/2003, bertanggal 15 Desember 2004. Namun kemudian adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 149/PUU-VII/2009, bertanggal 30 Desember 2010, justru dipandang sebagai peluang dibolehkannya kembali sistem unbundling dalam usaha penyediaan listrik sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 10 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistirkan. Hal tersebut kemudian mendorong diajukannya kembali permohonan pengujian terhadap ketentuan Pasal 10 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2009. Melalui Putusan Nomor 111/PUU-XIII/2015, bertanggal 14 Desember 2016, Mahkamah Konstitusi pun menegaskan bahwa unbundling dalam usaha penyediaan tenaga listrik adalah tidak sesuai dengan konstitusi.The function of the state is not only as a regulator and referee, but also serves as provider and entrepreneur. Therefore, the state should be directly involved in the business of electric providing for the public interest to the greatest prosperity of the people as mandated by Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. The unbundling system in electric providing for the public interest is the separation between the business of generation, transmission, distribution, and sales. The unbundling system has been declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in Decision Number 001-021-022/PUU-I/2003 dated December 15, 2004. However, the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 149/PUU-VII/2009 dated 30 December 2010, is judged as an opportunity to re-enable the unbundling system in the business of electric providing as stipulated in Article 10 paragraph (2) of Law Number 30 Year 2009 about Electricity. It then encourages the re-submission of the petition for judicial review of the provisions of Article 10 paragraph (2) of Law Number 30 Year 2009. Then, through Decision Number 111/PUU-XIII/2015, dated December 14, 2016, the Constitutional Court confirm that unbundling in the business of providing power electricity for public interest is inconstitutional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 834
Anna Triningsih ◽  
Oly Viana Agustine

Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai lembaga yang lahir berdasarkan amandemen UUD 1945 memiliki fungsi sebagai lembaga terakhir penafsir konstitusi atau yang sering disebut sebagai the final interpreter of constitution. Fungsi ini biasanya dilaksanakan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam kewenangannya menguji undang-undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Terhadap frasa, ayat, pasal atau undang-undang yang dianggap tidak jelas atau multitafsir telah dimohonkan untuk diberikan penafsiran sesuai dengan konstitusi. Pun demikian dengan frasa keadilan sosial yang terdapat dalam beberapa undang-undang yang telah diputus Mahkamah Konstitusi. Terdapat 16 (enam belas) putusan dengan 10 (sepuluh) isu konstitusional dalam pengujian undang-undang selama periode 2003–2010 dalam bidang ketenagalistrikan, minyak dan gas bumi, ketenagakerjaan, sistem jaminan sosial nasional, sumber daya air, penanaman modal, pajak penghasilan, pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dan pertambangan mineral dan batu bara. Dari 10 isu konstitusional tersebut, dalam pertimbangan hukumnya Mahkamah lebih sering memilih menggunakan interpretasi gramatikal, interpretasi historis, interpretasi teleologis atau sosilologis dan interpretasi komparatif atau perbandingan. Mahkamah Konstitusi menyatakan bahwa keadilan sosial dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945, mengandung makna “penguasaan negara” artinya negara harus menjadikan penguasaan terhadap cabang produksi yang dikuasainya itu memenuhi tiga hal yang menjadi kepentingan masyarakat: ketersediaan yang cukup, distribusi yang merata, dan terjangkaunya harga bagi orang banyak. Dengan dikuasai oleh negara, keadilan sosial diartikan mencakup makna penguasaan oleh negara dalam luas yang bersumber dan diturunkan dari konsepsi kedaulatan rakyat Indonesia atas segala sumber kekayaan “bumi, air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya”, termasuk pula di dalamnya pengertian kepemilikan publik oleh kolektivitas rakyat atas sumber-sumber kekayaan dimaksud. The Constitutional Court as an institution born based on the amendments to the 1945 Constitution has a function as the final interpreter of constitution. This function is usually carried out by the Constitutional Court in its authority to examine laws against the 1945 Constitution. Regarding phrases, verses, articles or laws that are deemed unclear or multiple interpretations have been requested to be interpreted in accordance with the constitution. Even so with the phrase social justice contained in several laws that have been decided by the Constitutional Court. There are 16 (sixteen) decisions with 10 (ten) constitutional issues in judicial review during the 2003–2010 period in the fields of electricity, oil and gas, employment, national social security systems, water resources, investment, tax income, management of coastal areas and small islands and mining of minerals and coal. Of the 10 constitutional issues, in its legal considerations the Court often chooses to use grammatical interpretations, historical interpretations, teleological or sosilological interpretations and comparative or comparative interpretations. The Constitutional Court stated that social justice in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, contained the meaning of "state control" means that the state must make control of the controlled branch of production fulfill three things that are in the public interest: adequate availability, equitable distribution and affordability. By being controlled by the state, social justice is interpreted to include the meaning of control by the state in a broad sense that is derived and derived from the conception of the sovereignty of the people of Indonesia over all sources of wealth "earth, water and natural wealth contained in it" the people for the intended sources of wealth.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-86
Endang Nur Ulfah

Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana atau biasa disebut dengan KUHP adalah warisan kolonial Belanda yang diberlakukan di Indonesia melalui asas konkordasi dan disahkan melalui UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 serta diberlakukan untuk umum melalui UU Nomor 73 Tahun 1958. Artinya, KUHP yang sedang berlaku bukan terbentuk sesuai dengan karakteristik masyarakat Indonesia meskipun ada penyesuaian, itu dianggap tidak cukup. Karena itu, pembaruan KUHP secara universal juga perlu dilaksanakan agar kontras dengan bangsa Indonesia. Pengajuan permohonan uji materiil terhadap pasal dalam KUHP dengan Nomor Perkara 46/PUU-XIV/2016 merupakan gambaran bahwa pembaruan KUHP juga dikehendaki oleh masyarakat banyak. Artikel ini dibuat bertujuan untuk menggambarkan betapa lapuknya KUHP dan memberikan pengetahuan kepada pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menyegerakan pembaruan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui tiga tahap. Pertama, wawancara dengan ahli yaitu peneliti-peneliti MK RI. Kedua, studi kepustakaan untuk memperkuat jarum analisis betapa urgennya suatu pembaruan. Ketiga, obserasi yang dilakukan selama proses persidangan perkara. Salah satu kewenangan Mahkamah konstitusi adalah menguji Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-undang Dasar. Dalam permohonan tersebut, Pasal 284 ayat (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), Pasal 285, dan Pasal 292 KUHP menggambarkan bahwa betapa pentingnya pembaruan KUHP karena keidaksesuaian ruh yang ada didalamnya. Pasal-pasal tersebut dipandang sudah sangat urgen untuk diubah. Pembaruan KUHP secara universal sangat urgen untuk disegerakan karena ini dapat menjadi faktor kriminogen bagi masyarakat dan dapat mencederai rasa keadilan. Harapannya Mahkamah Konstitusi dapat menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat tentang suatu hukum yang benar-benar hidup dalam masyarakat.The Penal Code or commonly called KUHP is the Dutch colonial legacy that prevailed in Indonesia through the principle of concordance and legalized with The Constitusion No. 1 of 1946 and enacted for the public through The Constitution No. 73 of 1958. Its means, Criminal Code that are applicable not formed by the characteristics of Indonesian society although there was an adjustment, it was not enough. Therefore, the universally Criminal Code reform should be carried out to contrast with the nation of Indonesia. The submission of judicial review of the clause of the Criminal Code with Case No. 46 / PUU-XIV / 2016 is a representation that reformation of Criminal Code is also desired by many people. This report aims to describe how old the Criminal Code is and provide the knowledge to interested parties to hasten the reform.The method of collecting data in this report through three stages. First, interviews with experts that researchers in The Constitutional Court of Indonesia. Second, the study of literature to strengthen a needle analysis of how the urgency of reform. Third, observation that committed during court proceedings.The one of authority of the Constitutional Court is reviewing the Constitution. In the petition, Article 284 paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), Article 285 and Article 292 illustrates how important reform the Penal Code because there is unsuittable spirit inside. Such articles deemed to have been very urgent to be changed. Reformation Penal Code universally is very urgent to be expedited because this can be a kriminogen factors for society and can injure the sense of justice. Hopefully the Constitutional Court can answer the necessary of community on a law that actually live in the community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Ridho Muhammad Purnomosidi ◽  
Ari Kamayanti ◽  
Iwan Triyuwono

The aim of this study is to desing a construct of public accountability concept that is independent of lifeworld colonization brought by the concept of New Public Management. This study emphasize its analysis on process-oriented accountability and one that liberates public communication. This study will shed a light on process responsibility, one that is not limited to information presentation but more than that, as a moral responsibility of government executive. In this study, I approach the problem through the eyes of Habermas’s critical perspective. Using Habermas's approach, I want to understand the colonization of accountability lifeworld in society. In relation to budget accountability issues, public discussion space would be the main issue.The findings of this study is that accountability, judging from the quality of service delivery, has eroded its meaning. That is, the service providers have not been able to give an adequate account for the service that they are doing, such as trying to produce a quality of service according to the wishes of the people. Therefore, the current accountability process still needs improvement, so that public officials providing service would have a sense of public responsibility when providing services to the public. Public accountability of service provided appears to disregard public discussion space that creates equality in determining what is needed and what is given to the public.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Jentel Chairnosia

The enactment of Law Number 32 Year 2004 is a manifestation of the development ofadvanced democracy, namely all local chief elected directly by the people except the positionof the Governor of Yogyakarta. However, in its development, the implementation of theGeneral Elections of Regional Head gave rise to dissatisfaction which resulted in the appealof the results of the General Election to the court for various reasons. The presence of theConstitutional Court as an institution that resolved the dispute over the General Election ofRegional Heads has not been able to provide justice to the public, especially the emergenceof many Constitutional Court rulings that cause debate. In its development, the ConstitutionalCourt abolished its authority in the settlement of disputes in the General Election of RegionalHeads as stipulated in Decision Number 97 / PUU-XI / 2013. The Constitutional Court is ofthe opinion that the Constitutional Court only has the authority to resolve election disputes ofDPR, DPD, President/Vice President because the election is done nationally, while theelection is conducted in certain areas only. In addition, the volume of incoming cases relatedto election disputes more than the law review case which is the main authority of theConstitutional Court, so that this can affect the quality of the decisions of the ConstitutionalCourt considering the dispute resolution of the results of the General Election should beterminated within fourteen days. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i2.7090

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 728 ◽  
Mei Susanto

Doktrin Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang dahulu dipercaya hanya sebagai negative legislature telah bergeser menjadi positive legislature. Menjadi pertanyaan, apakah doktrin MK sebagai negative legislature maupun positive legislature, dapat pula dimaknai sebagai negative budgeter dan positive budgeter dalam pengujian Undang-Undang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (UU APBN). Berdasarkan hasil kajian konseptual dan pendalaman terhadap beberapa putusan MK dalam pengujian UU APBN, secara nyata dan dalam keadaan tertentu, doktrin MK sebagai negative legislature dapat dimaknai sebagai negative budgeter dalam bentuk pernyataan mata anggaran tertentu dalam UU APBN bertentangan dengan UUD 1945. Bahkan dapat pula dimaknai sebagai positive budgeter karena MK juga mengharuskan pemerintah dan DPR untuk menambahkan mata anggaran tertentu dalam UU APBN. Hal tersebut tidak lain sebagai bentuk diakuinya supremasi konstitusi, sehingga MK yang berperan sebagai the guardian constitution harus menjaganya. Apalagi dalam UUD 1945 terdapat pasal yang spesifik menyebut batas minimal anggaran pendidikan 20% dan pasal-pasal lain yang mengharuskan APBN harus dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat.The doctrine of the Constitutional Court which was previously believed to be only as a negative legislature has shifted into positive legislature. The question, is the doctrine of the Constitutional Court as a negative legislature and a positive legislature can also be interpreted as a negative budgeter and a positive budgeter in the judicial review of the State Budget Law. Based on the result of conceptual study and deepening of several decisions of the Constitutional Court in the judicial review of the State Budget Law, in real and in certain circumtances, the doctrine of the Constitutional Court as a negative lagislature can be also interpreted as a negative budgetary in the form of specific budget items in the State Budget Law contradictory to the 1945 Constitution. Also as a positive budgeter because the Constitutional Court requires the executive and the legislative to add a specific budget in the State Budget Law. It is a form of recognition of constitutional supremacy, so that the Constitutional Court can role as the guardian constitution. Moreover in the 1945 Constitution there is a specific article that mentions the minimum limit of 20% education budget and other articles that require the state budget should be used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat

Abstract.Article 13 paragraph 1 of Act Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power states that all court hearings are open to the public, unless the Act says otherwise. Therefore, a judicial review trial must be open to the public. If the trial process of the judicial review is carried out in a closed manner, it can be considered a legal defect, because it is contrary to Article 13 paragraph (3) of the Law. The Law of the Supreme Court is not regulated that the judicial review is closed, because in the judicial review there is a need for openness or principle of audiences of parties or litigants must be given the opportunity to provide information and express their opinions, including the defendant as the maker of Legislation invitation under the law, so that the impact of the decision will need to be involved.Keywords: Judicial Review, Audi Alteram Et Partem Principle, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court Abstrak.Pasal 13 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 48 Tahun 2009 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman menyebutkan semua sidang pemeriksaan pengadilan terbuka untuk umum, kecuali Undang-Undang berkata lain. Oleh karena itu,  judicial review persidangan harus dilakukan terbuka untuk umum. Apabila proses persidangan judicial review ini dilakukan secara tertutup, maka dapat dinilai cacat hukum karena bertentangan dengan Pasal 13 ayat (3) Undang-Undang tersebut. Undang-Undang Mahkamah Agung pun tidak diatur bahwa persidangan judicial review bersifat tertutup, karena dalam judicial review perlu adanya keterbukaan atau asas audi alteram et partem atau pihak-pihak yang berperkara harus diberi kesempatan untuk memberikan keterangan dan menyampaikan pendapatnya termasuk pihak termohon sebagai  pembuat Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di bawah Undang-Undang sehingga akan terkena dampak putusan perlu dilibatkan.Kata Kunci: Judicial Review, Asas Audi Alteram Et Partem, Mahkamah Agung, Mahkamah Konstitusi.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 700
Yogi Zul Fadhli

Judicial review as an extraordinary legal effort has constitutionally regulated by Indonesian law. However, in the administrative court, related with the dispute of location determination for the public interest, judicial review is dispensed by the Article 19 of Supreme Court Regulation No. 2 of 2016. Those article is unconstitutional because theoretically contrary with the Constitution of Indonesia and disharmonious in the types, hierarchy and substantive of the proportionality principle. Thus, human rights violation is rising especially for the people that being victims of land grabbing of development project for the public interest and disorganize of the system procedures in administrative court.

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
Puspaningtyas Panglipurjati

AbstractThe Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage has several criticized articles but after the Law is being discussed for a period of time in the Program Legislasi Nasional, there has no specific progress been made by the Parliament unless the Law is not being a part of Program Legislasi Nasional Prioritas during 2015-2019 . Due to that matter, the citizens asked  Constitutional Court to make a judicial review to some articles which they believed as inconstitutional. The results of the judicial review, in some cases, with regard to the review of Article 43 (1) concerning anak luar kawin has given a positive effect to The Marriage Law reformation but in other cases, the citizens have to wait for longer period to have the Marriage Law reformed. To have the kind of Marriage Law that is embodies humanity, fairness and highly civilized, Constitutional Court has to take into account Sila Kedua Pancasila, Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab as their basic consideration so Indonesia will have the Marriage Law that not only fair and has high certainty but also useful. Keywords: Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974, Judicial Review, Constitutional Court, PancasilaIntisariUndang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan (UUP) masih mengandung ketentuan yang menimbulkan berbagai kritik. Usaha untuk melakukan reformasi melalui revisi UUP belum membuahkan hasil, hingga saat ini belum ada pembahasan lebih lanjut meskipun revisi UUP telah lama menjadi Program Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas) namun hingga Prolegnas 2015-2019, revisi UUP belum masuk ke dalam Prolegnas Prioritas. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat menggunakan haknya untuk mengajukan judicial review terhadap beberapa pasal dalam UUP kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai cara untuk melakukan reformasi terhadap Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia. Beberapa putusan Mahkamah Konsitusi terhadap judicial review UUP telah menunjukkan upaya reformasi UUP meskipun beberapa yang lain belum. Salah satu putusan penting yang memberi dampak positif terhadap reformasi UUP adalah dikabulkannya permohonan judicial review Pasal 43 ayat (1) UUP mengenai status anak luar kawin. Demi mewujudkan Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia yang humanis, adil dan beradab, penggunaan prinsip yang terkandung dalam Sila Kedua Pancasila yaitu Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab sangat penting sehingga putusan judicial review Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak hanya mencerminkan kepastian hukum dan keadilan melainkan juga kemanfaatan.Kata kunci: Undang-Undang Perkawinan, Judicial Review, Mahkamah Konstitusi.

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