2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23 ◽  
Agustinus Anung Widodo ◽  
Fayakun Satria ◽  
Lilis Sadiyah

<p>Dalam rangka mendeskripsikan status pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan sumberdaya tuna neritik di perairan Samudera Hindia (WPP 572 dan 573) telah dilakukan analisis terhadap informasi tentang jenis dan produksi tuna neritik yang disajikan dalam Statistik Perikanan Tangkap di Laut Menurut WPP tahun 2005-2012 (DJPT, 2013) serta data hasil penelitian berbasis di PPS Cilacap dan PPN Sibolga tahun 2011. Rekomendasi ‘working party’ tentang tuna neritik dari IOTC dikaji sebagai langkah pengelolaan perikanan tuna neritik di Indonesia. Hasil analisis dan kajian menunjukkan bahwa sumberdaya ikan tuna neritik yang tertangkap nelayan Indonesia di perairan WPP 572 dan 573 meliputi tongkol lisong (<em>Auxis rochei</em>), tongkol krai (<em>Auxis thazard</em>), tongkol komo atau kawakawa (<em>Euthynnus affinis</em>) dan tongkol abu-abu (<em>Thunnus tonggol</em>). Tuna neritik tertangkap sebagai by-product dari pukat cincin, jaring insang hanyut, pancing tonda, pancing ulur dan bagan. Tahun 2011 produksi neritik tuna di Samudera Hindia khususnya WPP 572 dan 573 mencapai 121.818 ton atau 29,4% dari total produksi tuna neritik nasional. Tuna neritik jenis tongkol lisong dan krai yang tertangkap jaring insang hanyut yang berbasis di Cilacap &gt; 70% merupakan ikan yang telah dewasa. Adapun tongkol komo yang tertangkap pukat cincin yang berbasis di Sibolga sekitar 55,5% merupakan ikan dewasa. Belum ada langkah-langkah pengelolaan secara spesifik terhadap sumberdaya tuna neritik di Indonesia. Merujuk hasil Working Party on Neritic Tuna pertama dan kedua tahun 2011 dan 2012, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) merekomendasikan adanya kerjasama antar negara anggota IOTC yang saling berdekatan didalam melakukan pengelolaan sumberdaya neritik tuna. Langkah pertama adalah dilakukan perelitian mengenai populasi melalui studi mtDNA untuk memastikan status stok dan populasinya.</p><p> </p><p>The species of neritic tuna caught by fishers in the Indian Ocean particularly FMAs 572 and 573 consisted of frigate tuna (<em>Auxis thazard</em>), bullet tuna (<em>Auxis rochei</em>), longtail tuna (<em>Thunnus tonggol</em>) and kawa-kawa/eastern little tuna (<em>Euthynnus affinis</em>). These species are by-product of purse seine, drifting gillnet, trolling lines, and lift net. In 2011, production of the neritic tuna from FMAs 572 and 573 reached 121,818 mt or about 29.4% of the national production. More than 70% of catch of neritic tuna especially frigate and bullet tuna caught by drifting gillnet based at Cilacap were matured fish, and kawa-kawa caught by purse seine based at Sibolga about 55.5% of total catch was mature. There are no specific management measures for neritic tuna resources in Indonesia. First and Second IOTC Working Parties on Neritic Tuna in 2011 and 2012 recommended among IOTC’s member countries that are geographically close to each other to conduct a management collaboration of neritic tuna which begins with identifying the status of stock and population through a study mtDNA or other proper methodology.</p>

David Brewster

This chapter examines Indian and Chinese perspectives of each other as major powers and their respective roles in the Indian Ocean. It focuses on the following elements: (a) China’s strategic imperatives in the Indian Ocean Region, (b) India’s views on its special role in the Indian Ocean and the legitimacy of the presence of other powers, (c) China’s strategic vulnerabilities in the Indian Ocean and India’s wish to leverage those vulnerabilities, (d) the asymmetry in Indian and Chinese threat perceptions, and (d) Chinese perspectives of the status of India in the international system and India’s claims to a special role in the Indian Ocean. The chapter concludes that even if China were to take a more transparent approach to its activities, significant differences in perceptions of threat and over status and legitimacy will produce a highly competitive dynamic between them in the maritime domain.

2019 ◽  
Vol IV (II) ◽  
pp. 56-66
Fakhr Ul Munir ◽  
SanaUllah ◽  

India and China are the world's fast mounting economies influencing global politics affecting 2.5 billion of their subjects via their policies. Both states account for one-fifth of the total populace of the globe. Asia's overall progress, peace, prosperity and stability is directly influenced by the relations of these two Asian competitors. It is anticipated that by 2025, these states would be world's economies. However, bilateral disputes and enmity wield greater regional and global implications, which are intensely required to be resolved for the best and prosperous future. One of the most crucial aspects aggravating Sino-Indian relations is the asylum given to Dalai Lama and the status of Tibet. China has been assisting Pakistan economically and technically to build Gwadar Port, supporting Sri Lankan northern Hambantota Port, extending sustenance to Bangladesh's Chittagong Port, and furthering support to the Myanmar Port lying at the coastal region of the Indian Ocean. However, the strained relations for decades between India and China had given little space for healthy trade, increasing from 3 billion $ in 2000 to 20 billion $ in 2010.

Omni-Akuatika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 92
Heri Widiyastuti ◽  
Andina Ramadhani Putri Pane ◽  
Moh Fauzi ◽  
Thomas Hidayat

Mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) is one of the important economical caught in the Indian Ocean West Sumatra waters captured using purse seine. Increased production of mackerel scad will lead to increased exploitation, causing population changes. Therefore, research was carried out to find out the biological aspects of the fish so that resource management can be done. The sampling was conducted in Lampulo, Sibolga, and Air Bangis from February to November 2016 with total samples of 716 fishes. This research was conduct to study some biological aspects which consist of size distribution, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, gonad maturity level, the length at first capture, and length of the first maturity in Indian ocean west Sumatera waters. The results showed that the size of the mackerel scad had ranged between 16 - 33.6 cm FL and the average was 24.5 cm. Growth patterns are allometric negative, sex ratio male and female in an unbalanced condition. The mackerel scad is most caught by purse seine in maturity condition. The average length at first captured was 25.08 cm FL and length at first mature was 20.47 cm FL. These were an ideal biological condition and must be maintained because it provides an opportunity for fish to increase the population. The mesh size purse must follow the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 71/2016 that adjusted for minimum at 1 inch. Keywords: Mackerel scad, Indian Ocean, purse seine

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yoke Hany Restiangsih ◽  
Anthony Sisco Panggabean ◽  
Erfind Nurdin

Sumberdaya ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan ikan ekonomis penting dan utama di Indonesia. Tingginya tingkat pemanfaatan ikan cakalang di Samudra Hindia menjadi hal yang sangat rawan dan perlu kehati-hatian dalam pengelolaannya. Tersedianya data dan informasi tentang musim pemijahan merupakan bagian dari pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui status sumberdaya bagi upaya pengelolaannya. Penelitian ikan cakalang dilakukan berdasarkan pengambilan contoh biologi dibeberapa tempat pendaratan ikan (Palabuhan Ratu, Prigi dan Labuhan Lombok). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Nopember 2016. Pendugaan musim pemijahan menggunakan pendekatan indeks kematangan gonad (IKG) bulanan. Distribusi ukuran ikan yang tertangkap dengan menggunakan pancing tonda berkisar antara 24 – 66 cm. Ukuran rata-rata pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) pada panjang 41,6 cm, ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) 42,5 cm. Berdasarkan fluktuasi IKG musim pemijahan ikan diduga berlangsung pada bulan April dan Nopember.Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) are most important and economically fish in Indonesia. The highest exploitation skipjack in the Indian Ocean is very vulnerable are requires caution in its management. The availability of data and information about the spawning season is a part of the knowledge needed to determine the status of resources for management efforts. This research was carried out based on biological sampling at several fish landing sites (Palabuhanratu, Prigi, and Labuhan Lombok). This research was conducted from January until to November 2016. Estimating of the spawning season was used a monthly Gonado Somatic Index (GSI) approach. The range of size distribution from of fish caught using troll line were 24 until 66 cm. The average size of first caught (L50%) at a length was 41.6 cm, the size of the length of first maturity (Lm) was 42,5 cm. Based on the GSI fluctuation, spawning season was done in April and November.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Agustinus Anung Widodo ◽  
Ignatius Trihargiyatno ◽  
Regi Fiji Anggawangsa ◽  
Wudianto Wudianto

Dalam rangka mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan dan inisiasi pengelolaan perikanan tuna neritik di WPPNRI 573, telah dilakukan penelitian dengan mengambil kasus perikanan tuna neritik berbasis di PPN Prigi-Jawa Timur. Data diperoleh melalui program port sampling pada tahun 2013-2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi tuna neritik yaitu tongkol lisong (BLT), tongkol krai (FRI), tongkol komo (KAW), dan tongkol abu-abu (LOT) rata-rata sebesar 8.120 ton per tahun. Dari jumlah tersebut, 99,56% diproduksi melalui perikanan pukat cincin (PS) dan sisanya dari perikanan jaring insang hanyut (dGN), payang (DS), dan pancing tonda-pancing ulur (TR-sHL dan dHL). CPUE nominal PS selama 5 tahun terakhir terus menurun, rata-rata 0,891 ton/hari. Komposisi jenis tangkapan PS meliputi BLT (91,52 %), FRI (6,68 %), KAW (1,78 %) dan LOT (0,01 %). Sebanyak 99% BLT yang tertangkap PS merupakan ikan yuwana, sedangkan FRI, KAW, dan LOT sebagian besar tertangkap pada ukuran dewasa masing sebanyak 73%, 70%, dan 55%. Tuna neritik termasuk spesies peruaya jauh, maka pengelolaannya di WPPNRI 573 harus mengacu pada acuan pengelolaan Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). Mengacu hasil Work Party Neritic Tuna (WPNT) IOTC tahun 2016 dan 2018, maka pengelolaan perikanan tuna neritik di WPPNRI 573 berbasis di PPN Prigi adalah sebagai berikut: (1) hingga 2025 jumlah hasil tangkapan BLT dan FRI harus dikendalikan masing-masing pada jumlah 9.818 ton dan 48 ton per tahun; (2) hingga 2023 tangkapan KAW ditetapkan pada jumlah ± 98 ton per tahun (80% jumlah tangkapan tahun 2013); dan (3) hingga tahun 2025 jumlah tangkapan LOT disarankan sama dengan tangkapan 2015 yaitu ± 1.13 ton per tahun. To describe the utilization and management initiation of tuna neritic fisheries in the Indonesian FMA-RI 573, a research has been conducted by taking the case at the Prigi Fishing Port, East Java. Data were obtained through the port sampling program in 2013-2017. Results show that the production of neritic tuna, namely bullet tuna (BLT), frigate tuna (FRI), kawa-kawa (KAW), and longtail tuna (LOT) was 8,120 tons per year on average. 99.56% of the amount were produced by purse seine (PS) fisheries, the rest came from drifting gill nets (dGN), danish-seine (DS), and the combination of trolling line and surface-deep hand line (TR-sHL and dHL) fisheries. The nominal CPUE of PS over the past 5 years has continued to decline, averaging 0.891 tons/day. The composition of PS catches includes BLT (91.52%), FRI (6.68%), KAW (1.78%) and LOT (0.01%). Large numbers (99%) of the BLT caught by PS were juvenile fish, while at the same time FRI, KAW, and LOT were mostly caught at the adult stage. Neritic tuna is a highly migratory species, so its management in the Indonesian FMARI 573 must refer to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission-IOTC recommendations. Referring to the results of WPNT-IOTC in 2016 and 2018, the management of neritic tuna fisheries in the Indonesian FMA-RI 573 based at Prigi Fishing Port is as follows: (1) up to 2025, the catches of BLT and FRI must be controlled at 9,818 and 48 tons per year, respectively; (2) up to 2023, the catches of KAW are set at ± 98 tons per year (80% of the total catch in 2013); and (3) up to 2025, the catch of LOT is recommended the same as in 2015, which is ± 1.13 tons per year.

2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-439 ◽  
A. Maarten BRAND ◽  
Pieter P. G. VAN DEN BOOM ◽  

AbstractDetailed anatomical and chemical studies conducted on recent collections made in almost all suitable habitats on Réunion, a small remote tropical island in the Indian Ocean, yielded a surprising diversity in the widespread lichen genus Micarea (Pilocarpaceae, Lecanorales). Twenty-one species are recognized, including 13 described here as new to science. They are: Micarea alectorialica, M. bebourensis, M. borbonica, M. boryana, M. cilaoensis, M. hyalinoxanthonica, M. isidiosa, M. melanoprasina, M. pseudocoppinsii, M. pseudolignaria, M. sublithinella, M. takamakae and M. tenuispora. Notes on local ecology and important biogeographical features are also given and a key to the species is provided. Isidiiform areolae are reported for the first time in the genus (M. isidiosa and M. tenuispora), as well as the production of protolichesterinic and confluentic acids (M. sublithinella and M. takamakae, respectively). Two groups within the genus are species-rich on the island: the M. peliocarpa group with possibly 5 species, including 3 new to science, and the M. prasina group with 4 species, including 2 new to science. Micarea levicula is reported here for the first time since its description, and the status of the material that can be referred to M. micrococca s. lat. needs further study.

2012 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 1501-1510 ◽  
Monin J. Amandè ◽  
Emmanuel Chassot ◽  
Pierre Chavance ◽  
Hilario Murua ◽  
Alicia Delgado de Molina ◽  

Abstract Amandè, M. J., Chassot, E., Chavance, P., Murua, H., Delgado de Molina, A., and Bez, N. 2012. Precision in bycatch estimates: the case of tuna purse-seine fisheries in the Indian Ocean. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: . Estimating bycatch, i.e. the incidental catch of non-target marine animals and undersized individuals of target species, by raising observer data to the whole fishery is routine practice. The annual bycatch of the European tropical tuna purse-seine fishery over the period 2003–2009 was estimated at 11 590 t [95% confidence interval: (8165–15 818 t)], corresponding to 4.7% of the tuna landings. An analysis of the variability in the precision of this estimate, based on generalized linear models and Monte Carlo simulations, showed that the current sampling coverage of the tropical tuna fishery observer programme, which is 4.6% of the fishing trips, resulted in large uncertainties in bycatch estimates by species, i.e. none of the estimates have a relative root mean square error smaller than 50%. Although the overall magnitude of bycatch of the fishery appeared to be small, the current sampling coverage was insufficient to give any reliable estimate for low-occurring species, such as marine turtles, some oceanic pelagic sharks, and some billfishes. Increasing the sampling coverage would likely improve bycatch estimates. Simulation outputs were produced to help define (i) trade-offs between the priority species to be monitored, (ii) the estimation precision, (iii) expected accuracy, and (iv) the associated sampling costs.

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