2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Puji Rahmadi ◽  
Reny Puspasari

<p>Ikan Malalugis adalah ikan pelagis kecil yang merupakan hasil tangkapan utama nelayan di perairan Laut Sulawesi. Pada tahun 2012 dilaporkan bahwa perikanan pelagis kecil menjadi salah satu hasil perikanan yang penting, dan hasil tangkapan yang dominan dari perikanan pelagis kecil tersebut adalah ikan malalugis biru (Decapterus macarellus). Jenis ikan malalugis memiliki sifat bermigrasi dan membentuk gerombolan kecil yang mana sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungannya. Tipe arus pasut di Teluk Manado (Laut Sulawesi) merupakan arus pasut bolak balik (reversing current). Banyaknya arus yang begitu aktif merupakan salah satu faktor yang mendukung habitat ikan malalugis. Diduga kekhasan sifat distribusi arus di daerah laut Sulawesi ini yang membuat kelimpahan ikan malalugis relatif tinggi di perairan Sulawesi Utara dibandingkan dengan daerah perairan lainnya di Indonesia. Kelimpahan ikan malalugis yang tinggi mendorong ikan ini menjadi komoditas penting dalam sektor perikanan di Laut Sulawesi. Meski demikian pada tahun 2012 dilaporkan bahwa tingkat produksi ikan malalugis mengalami penurunan. Hal ini diduga karena terlalu tingginya tingkat eksploitasi atau diakibatkan oleh adanya perubahan dalam kondisi ekosistem ikan tersebut di Laut Sulawesi. Oleh karena itu studi ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji tingkat daya dukung lingkungan terhadap keberlangsungan sumberdaya perikanan malalugis di wilayah perairan Laut Sulawesi.</p><p><br /><em>Malalugis fish is a small pelagic fish that constitute the main catch of fishermen in the waters of North Celebes Sea. In 2012 it was reported that small pelagic fishery became one of the important fishery products and it was dominated by the species of Malalugis (Decapterus macarellus). This species has a typical behavior which was highly mobility and forming fish schooling and strongly influenced by environmental conditions. The type of tidal current in North Sulawesi coast is reversing current. This kind of current could make a very active current in the water which is suitable for the habitat of Malalugis. This distinctiveness of current was considered as a trigger for relatively high abundance of Malalugis in this area compared to its </em><em>abundance in other water body of Indonesian territory. In 2012, total catch of this species has been reported to be decreased; thismay caused by either high level of exploitation nor changing on its habitat or even both. This study was conducted to investigate the capability of ecosystem and habitat of Malalugis to support its sustainability.</em></p>

Muhammad Kurnia ◽  
. Sudirman ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

ABSTRACT<br />Effort to exploitation the fishery resources can do in various ways, catching effort by use of hand line is one of the efforts in the field of fisherie. The study was conducted in the Sabutung Island Waters of Pangkep Regency, aims was to investigate the effect of different of hook size and the species composition of the catch of hand line using different of hook size. The effectiveness of hook size is determined by the highest of catches.The method used is experimental fishing on the fishing operation of hand line during 30 trips. Data analysis used normality test and ANOVA test done with SPSS 16.0. The results showed that the differences between hook size number 10 with number 8 and 12 gave influences to the amount of catch. It’s showed by sig score hook size no.10 is 0,00 and sig score hook size no.8 and 12 is 0,00 which them have sig score less than 0,05 and it meant H0 pushed away so it concluded that the hook size influenced the fishing catch. The compositions of fish catch during the study based on the amount and weight were short mackerel, Bigeye scad, Indian scad, yellow tail and diodon histrix. Short mackerel were the most species of fish caught during the research that is equal to 41,2% of the 364 tail of the total catch.<br /><br />Keywords: hand line, hook size, small pelagic fish<br />-------<br /><br />ABSTRAK<br /><br />Usaha mengeksploitasi sumber daya perikanan dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai macam cara, salah satu diantaranya adalah usaha perikanan tangkap dengan menggunakan pancing ulur (hand line). Penelitian dilakukan pada September-Nopember 2012 di Perairan Pulau Sabutung Kabupaten Pangkep, bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan ukuran mata pancing dan komposisi hasil tangkapan dari tiga ukuran mata pancing yang berbeda sehingga diperoleh ukuran mata pancing yang efektif. Efektifitas ukuran mata pancing ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah tangkapan terbanyak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode experimental fishing, dengan operasi penangkapan ikan sebanyak 30 trip. Analisis data menggunakan uji kenormalan dan uji ANOVA dengan SPSS 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan mata pancing no.10 dengan no.8 dan 12 berpengaruh terhadap jumlah dan berat hasil tangkapan pancing ulur. Hal ini dilihat dari nilai sig mata pancing no.10 sebesar 0,00 dan sig mata pancing no. 8 dan 12 sebesar 0,00 yang menunjukan nilai sig kurang dari 0,05. Ini menunjukan H0 ditolak sehingga disimpulkan bahwa ukuran mata pancing berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan. Komposisi hasil tangkapan selama penelitian berdasarkan jumlah dan berat terdiri atas kembung lelaki, selar bentong, layang, ekor kuning dan ikan buntal. Ikan kembung lelaki adalah jenis ikan yang paling banyak tertangkap selama penelitian yaitu sebesar 41,2% yaitu 364 ekor dari keseluruhan hasil tangkapan.<br /><br />Kata kunci: pancing ulur, ukuran mata pancing, ikan pelagis kecil

Aditya Nuraga ◽  
Bogi Budi Jayanto ◽  
Indradi Setiyanto

Bagan perahu merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap di PPN Karangantu yang beroperasi pada malam hari. Bagan perahu menarik ikan target tangkapan yaitu ikan pelagis kecil fototaksis positif menggunakan atraktor cahaya berupa lampu. Salah satu kendala nelayan bagan perahu adalah pencahayaan lampu mengalami pembiasan. Penggunaan lampu bawah air bertujuan untuk mengurangi pembiasan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan lampu bawah air terhadap hasil tangkapan bagan perahu dan mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan bagan perahu dengan dan tanpa lampu bawah air. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 10 trip menggunakan metode experimental fishing. Selisih berat total hasil tangkapan antara bagan perahu dengan dan tanpa lampu bawah air pada trip 1 sebesar 33,4 kg, trip 2 sebesar 38,9 kg, trip 3 sebesar 31,1 kg, trip 4 sebesar 41,1 kg, trip 5 sebesar 28,8 kg, trip 6 sebesar 30,5 kg, trip 7 sebesar 35,4 kg, trip 8 sebesar 34,3 kg, trip 9 sebesar 38,7 kg dan trip 10 sebesar 31,6 kg sehingga menunjukkan hasil tangkapan lebih banyak bagan perahu dengan lampu bawah air. Hasil tangkapan utama bagan perahu adalah ikan Teri (Stolephorus sp.) dan Cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.). Hasil tangkapan sampingan bagan perahu antara lain ikan Petek (Leiognathus sp.), Tembang (Sardinella sp.), Lemuru (Amblygaster sirm), Selar Kuning (Selaroides leptolepi) dan Layur (Lepturacanthus savala). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil yaitu terdapat pengaruh antara lampu bawah air dengan hasil tangkapan pada bagan perahu. Boat lift net is one type of fishing gear at PPN Karangantu which operates at night. Boat lift net attracts the target catch fish, the small pelagic fish is positive phototaxis using a light attractor in the form of a lamp. One of the constraints of fishermen on the boat chart is that the lighting has experienced refraction. Underwater lamp aims to reduce refraction.The purpose of this research is to know the effect of underwater lamp usage on boat lift net fishing catch and to know the composition of boat lift net with and without using underwater lamp. This research was conducted for 10 trips using experimental fishing methods. The difference in total catch of boat lift net with and without underwater lamp on trip 1 is 33,4 kg, trip 2 is 38,9 kg, trip 3 is 31,1 kg, trip 4 is 41,1 kg, trip 5 is 28,8 kg, trip 6 is 30,5 kg, trip 7 is 35,4 kg, trip 8 is 34,3 kg, trip 9 is 38,7 kg and trip 10 is 31,6 kg so it shows the catch is more the boat lift net with underwater lamp. Fish targets of the boat lift net are Anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) and Cuttlefish (Loligo sp.). The bycatches of boat lift net are Pony fish (Leiognathus sp.), Fringescale sardinella (Sardinella sp.), Indian sardinella (Amblygaster sirm), Trevally (Selaroides leptolepi) and Hairtail fish (Lepturacanthus savala). The conclusion that can be drawn that there is an influence between underwater lamp and catches on the boat lift net.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Revols DCh Pamikiran

Kapal pukat cincin kecil merupakan kapal ikan yang umum digunakan untuk menangkap ikan pelagis kecil pada beberapa lokasi perairan di Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sesama dimensi ukuran utama dan antara dimensi ukuran utama dengan kemampuan muat pada 41 sampel kapal pukat cincin yang tersebar di beberapa lokasi di Sulawesi Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara dimensi utama kapal pukat cincin memiliki model persamaan B=1,855+1,149L dengan r=0,74; D=-3,817+9,277L dengan r=0,70, dan hubungan antara panjang (L) dan kapasitas muat (GT) kapal pukat cincin menuruti model persamaan GT pukat cincin=2,154L0,043L dengan r=0,95. Kata kunci: muatan kotor, kapal pukat cincin, Sulawesi Utara.   Small Purse-Seiner is a fishing vessel which is commonly used in catching small pelagic fish in several locations in North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the principle dimensions and between principle dimension with loading capacity (Gross Tonnage, GT).  This research was conducted on 41 purse seiners from several locations in North Sulawesi. The results showed that relationship bet­ween the principle dimensions followed the equation models B=1.855+1.149L, with r=0.74; D=-3.817+9.277L, with r=0.70, and the relationship between the length (L) and load capacity (GT) purse seiner is fitted by the following mathematical model: GT purse seiner=2.154L0.043L with r=0.95. Keywords: gross tonnage, small purse-seiner, North Sulawesi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
P.H. Dhiju Das ◽  
C.G. Joshy ◽  
Leela Edwin

In this study, we attempted to identify and characterise the spatial variability of small pelagic fish abundance using geostatistical methods. The small pelagic fish abundance was estimated in terms of spatial parameters using generalised additive models (GAMs). The ring seine fishing grounds in the south-eastern Arabian Sea exhibited seasonal variability in distribution. Results of the study would help in prediction of the major pelagic fishing grounds for traditional fishers which would help in reducing fuel and time spent on searching for the fishing ground leading to sustainable exploitation. The prediction model can contribute to the management of pelagic fishery along the Kerala coast.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Sri Turni Hartati ◽  
Setiya Triharyuni ◽  
Lilis Sadiyah

The coastal of Makassar Strait is one of main fishing grounds for purse seine vessels from northern part of Java which based at the following landing sites, i.e. Pekalongan, Tegal and Juwana. The purse seine fishery predominantly targets small pelagic fish. This paper attempts to present the current condition of small pelagic fishery in the Makassar Strait. Catch and effort (trip) data between 2004 and 2011 from the three landing sites were used to estimate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) using Schaefer & Fox models. The results showed a decreasing trend in the catch rate, from 30.83 tons/trip in 2004 to 12.27 tons/trip in 2011. The estimated MSY is at the range of 34,705- 37,930 tons with optimum efforts for 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips. Thus the level of purse seine fishing effort in 2011, i.e. 3,078 trips, was exceeding the optimum effort. The decreasing trend in the catch rate may indicate overfishing is occurring between 2004 and 2011. For management of the small pelagic fisheries in the waters of Makassar Strait, important action recommended is fishing effort restrictions. The effort allowed would be only in the range of 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips, and the fishing capacity needs to be controled.

Safruddin Safruddin ◽  
Rachmat Hidayat ◽  
Mukti Zainuddin

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the dinamic oceanographic condition and fluctuation in the catch of small pelagic fish. Study on the dinamic oceanographic conditions were focused on the sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC) and water depth. The study took place in the area of Gulf of Bone located, data collection was started from April to September 2017. The data were collected using experimental fishing metode (large liftnet) and applications of remote sensing in satellite oceanography, which then analysed using Geographic Information System (GIS) dan Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). The result showed that the distribution of small pelagic fish tends to be within the area of temperature ranging from 29.5 to 30.0oC, the chlorophyll-a from 0.7 to 0.9 mg.m-3 and concentrated within the coastal area with in waters depth maximum of 100 m.Keywords: Oceanography, small pelagic fish, distribution, fishing ground, Gulf of Bone

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 59 ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Duto Nugroho ◽  
Suwarso Suwarso

The Java Sea is one of the important fishing areas for small pelagic fishery in Indonesia. The production of the fishery was dominated by five fish species groups. To support the management of  that  fishery,  an  assessment  of  the  stock  of  the  five  predominant  small  pelagic  fish  species groups was conducted. Based on the result of analysis, the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the stock of five predominant small pelagic fish species was about 244.6 thousand tons. Meanwhile, the MSY of the stock of the whole exploitable small pelagic fish species was about 315.5 thousand tons. The optimum fishing effort (EMSY) was 1032 units. The total fishing effort was higher than EMSY and the fish stock was likely over-exploited since 2000. To ensure the optimal fish production of the small pelagic fish stock in the Java Sea, it is necessary to recover fish stock by controlling fishing effort to EMSY. The time which it takes for the fish stock to recover was about two years when fishing effort was reduced from its level in 2009 to EMSY.

Khusnul Khatimah Hasrun ◽  
M Natsir Nessa ◽  
Hasrun Abdullah

Barru Regency has various potentials for capture fisheries, including small pelagic fish such as flying fish (Decapterus spp). Until now, fly fishing in Barru Regency is still open access. So it is necessary to monitor the catch per unit effort. The identification of the type of catch is done visually. Data processing through the Schaefer Model approach. The results showed that the sustainable potential of flying fish in the waters of Barru Regency, Schaefer model (1954), was 6774.59 tons, the maximum sustainable fishing effort (fMSY) was 384 units. Meanwhile, JTB for the sustainable potential of flying fish is 5419.67 tons with a maximum number of fishing effort units of 212 units / year. The status of the utilization of flying fish resources in Barru Regency waters has been categorized as dense exploitation with a high level of cultivation. Even though they have not passed the MSY and Fopt values, caution is needed in their use.

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