2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 187
Tirtadanu Tirtadanu ◽  
Umi Chodrijah

Salah satu informasi yang diperlukan untuk merumuskan pengelolaan kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata Forsskal, 1775) yang berkelanjutan adalah parameter populasi dan tingkat pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji parameter populasi dan tingkat pemanfaatan kepiting bakau di perairan Sebatik. Penelitian dilakukan pada Maret-Desember 2017. Sampel kepiting bakau di peroleh dari hasil tangkapan nelayan dengan alat tangkap bubu di perairan Sebatik. Pertumbuhan dianalisis berdasarkan persamaan Von Bertalanffy dengan mengamati pergeseran struktur ukuran kepiting tiap bulan dan tingkat pemanfaatan diperoleh dari metode kurva konversi panjang dengan hasil tangkapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepiting bakau yang tertangkap bubu di perairan Sebatik berukuran lebar karapas (carapace width) antara 84-144 mmCW dengan rata-rata ukuran yang tertangkap adalah 107,05±12,3 mmCW pada kepiting jantan dan 110,2±8,86 mmCW pada kepiting betina. Pertumbuhan berat kepiting bakau jantan lebih cepat dibandingkan ukurannya (b=3,6) sebaliknya pertumbuhan berat kepiting bakau betina lebih lambat dibandingkan ukurannya (b=2,5). Nisbah kelamin kepiting bakau menunjukkan kondisi tidak seimbang (5,5 : 1) dengan proporsi jantan lebih dominan dibandingkan betina. Lebar karapas asimptotik (CW) kepiting bakau jantan adalah 151,2 mmCW dan betina adalah 140,5 mmCW. Laju pertumbuhan (K) kepiting bakau adalah 0,75 tahun-1 pada kepiting jantan dan 0,79 tahun-1 pada kepiting betina. Status pemanfaatan kepiting bakau telah berada dalam tahapan mendekati lebih tangkap (E=0,5-0,55) sehingga disarankan tidak melakukan penambahan upaya penangkapan kepiting bakau di perairan Sebatik. One of the information needed for formulating the sustainable management of mud crab is the availability of information on the population parameters and its exploitation rate. The current research aimed to study the population parameters and the exploitation rate of mud crab in Sebatik Waters. Field research was conducted in March – December 2017. Samples of mud crab were obtained from the catch of fisherman by trap in Sebatik Waters. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were constructed through monthly modals progression analysis of the size of carapace width frequencies distributions and the exploitation rate was estimated through the method of length converted catch curve. The results showed that the carapace width of mud crabs caught by trap in Sebatik Waters ranged between 84 to 144 mmCW with the mean size of 107.05±12.3 mmCW for male and 110.2±8.86 mmCW for female. The growth of weights of male crab (b=3.6) is faster than its size, while the growth of weight of female crab was slower than its size (b=2,5). The sex ratio of mud crab was unbalanced (5.5 : 1) that the proportion of male was more dominant than female. Asymptotic carapace width (CW) of mud crab was 151.2 mmCW for male and 140.5 mmCW for female. The growth rate (K) of mud crab was 0.75 year-1 for male and 0.79 year-1 for female. The exploitation status of mud crab was starting to overfishing (E=0,5-0,55) so it suggest to not increase the fishing effort of mud crab fishery  in Sebatik Waters.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
M. Tahmid, Achmad Fahrudin Dan Yusli Wardiatno

ABSTRAKKepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan salah satu potensi komoditas perikanan skala kecil yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Kelimpahan populasi dipengaruhi oleh upaya penangkapan dan kondisi ekosistem mangrove sebagai habitat utamanya. Produksi kepiting bakau di Teluk Bintan menurun dan penyebabnya belum diketahui dengan pasti. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kajian tentang biologi kepiting bakau di Teluk Bintan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status populasi kepiting bakau yang meliputi struktur ukuran, parameter pertumbuhan dan laju mortalitas dan eksploitasi. Pengambilan data kepiting bakau dilakukan dengan pendekatan yaitu fisher-based survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran kepiting bakau yang tertangkap mulai dari lebar karapas (CW) 64-172 mm, ukuran fase muda kepiting jantan yang tertangkap mencapai 46,62% dan betina mencapai 48,06%, keduanya hampir setengah dari tangkapan total, ini menunjukkan bahwa alat tangkap yang digunakan belum selektif. CW∞ jantan mencapai 176,93 mm lebih tinggi dari kepiting betina sebesar 169,58 mm, namun sebaliknya nilai koefesien K jantan (0,360) lebih kecil dari betina (0,390), sehingga pertumbuhan kepiting bakau betina lebih cepat dari jantan. Perkiraan angka kematian alami (M) jantan = 0,5566 dan kematian akibat penangkapan (F) jantan = 0,6434 sedangkan M betina = 0,59 dan F betina = 0,41. Laju eksploitasi (E) kepiting jantan mencapai 53,62%, ini dapat dikatakan telah terjadi lebih tangkap atau over eksploitasi. Kata kunci: Scylla serrata, parameter pertumbuhan, struktur ukuran, mangrove and Teluk Bintan ABSTRACTMud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the potential of small-scale fishery commodities that have high economic value. The abundance of the population is affected by the fishing effort and conditions mangrove ecosystem as its main habitat. Mud crab production in the Gulf of Bintan declined and the cause is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the biology of mud crab in the Gulf of Bintan. This study aims to assess the status of mangrove crab population that includes the size structure, parameters of growth and the rate of mortality and exploitation. Data retrieval is done with a mangrove crab fisher-based survey. The results showed that the size of mud crab caught from carapace width (CW) 64-172 mm, the size of the young phase male crabs caught females reached 46.62% and reached 48.06%, both are almost half of the total catch, it indicates that fishing gear used is not selective. CW∞ males reach 176.93 mm higher than the female crabs of 169.58 mm, but instead value koefesien K males (0.360) is smaller than females (0.390), so that the growth of female mud crabs faster than males. Estimated natural mortality rates (M) male = 0.5566 and deaths from arrest (F) male = 0.6434 while M females female F = 0.59 and = 0.41. The rate of exploitation (E) male crabs reached 53.62%, can be said to have occurred over fishing or over-exploitation. Keywords: Scylla serrata, growth parameters, structure size, mangrove and bay Bintan

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Tirtadanu Tirtadanu ◽  
Suprapto Suprapto ◽  
Ali Suman

Udang jinga (Metapenaeus affinis H. Milne Edwards, 1837) merupakan salah satu jenis udang ekonomis penting yang diusahakan di perairan Kotabaru dan saat ini produksinya cenderung mengalami penurunan. Salah satu data dan informasi yang diperlukan dalam mengkaji tingkat pemanfaatan dan dasar pengelolaannya adalah aspek biologi dan parameter populasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji aspek biologi dan parameter populasi udang jinga sebagai bahan kebijakan pengelolaan perikanan udang di perairan Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari – November 2016 di perairan Kotabaru. Parameter pertumbuhan diestimasi berdasarkan pergeseran modus struktur ukuran panjang dengan metode ELEFAN I. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata ukuran udang jinga (M. affinis) betina yang tertangkap adalah 23,6 ± 3,45 mmCL dengan modus ukuran 24 mmCL dan rata-rata ukuran udang jantan adalah 20,7 ± 2,9 mm dengan modus ukuran 18 mmCL. Nisbah kelamin udang jinga jantan dan betina adalah 1 : 2,5. Musim pemijahan udang jinga diduga berlangsung sepanjang tahun dan puncak pada bulan Maret. Ukuran rata-rata pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) udang lebih kecil dari ukuran rata-rata pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) (21,7 < 28,5 mm CL) sehingga sebagian besar udang tertangkap berukuran kecil dan belum memijah. Persamaan pertumbuhan udang jinga jantan  CL(t)=35,95(1-e-2.02(t+0,31) dan udang jinga betina CL(t)= 38,3(1-e-1,92(t+0,29)). Tingkat pemanfaatan udang (E) menunjukkan lebih tangkap (overfishing) yakni 0,70/tahun pada jantan dan 0,73/tahun pada betina. Dengan demikian disarankan untuk melakukan pengurangan upaya penangkapan sebesar 40% dan penutupan musim penangkapan di bulan Maret.The jinga shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was one of important commodity that was exploited in Kotabaru Waters, yet the production tend to be declined recently. The data and information on biological aspects and population parameters are needed to investigate the exploitation level and the basis of management measures. This research aims to investigate the biological aspects and population parameters of jinga shrimp Kotabaru waters, South of Kalimantan. This research was conducted on January – November 2016. The growth parameters were estimated as movement of length frequency mode by ELEFAN I method. The results showed that the mean size of female jinga shrimp (M. affinis) was 23,6 ± 3,45 mm CL and the mode was 24 mmCL. While, the mean size of male jinga shrimp was 20,7 ± 2.9 mm CL and the mode was 18 mmCL. The sex ratio of male and female shrimp was 1 : 2,5 . Spawning season of jinga shrimp was estimated throughout the year and the peak was in March. The length at first captured (Lc) was shorter than length at first matured (Lm) (21,7 < 28,5 mm CL). That means most of the catches was immature. The growth function of male and female jinga shrimp were and, CL(t)=35,95(1-e-2.02(t+0,31) respectively and CL(t)= 38,3(1-e-1,92(t+0,29)). The exploitation rate (E) of male and female shrimp fishing were  0,70/year 0,73/year, respectively. The reduction of fishing effort needed by 40% of the actual combined with the temporal fishing closure March.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Ria Faizah ◽  
Tirta Danu

Udang tiger (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) di Tarakan merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor dan sudah dimanfaatkan cukup lama serta memiliki permintaan dan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Penelitian dinamika populasi dan status pemanfaatan udang tiger di perairan Tarakan dan sekitarnya dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi status stok sumberdaya udang agar pengelolaannya dapat berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari-November 2016 dengan metode survey. Status pemanfaatan diduga berdasarkan laju eksploitasi dan estimasi rasio pemijahan berbasis data panjang (LB-SPR). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan udang tiger memiliki panjang karapas asimptotik (CL∞) sebesar 65,45 mm, laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 1,55 /tahun dan nilai t0 sebesar -0,20/tahun sehingga diperoleh persamaan pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy CLt = 65,45(1 – e-1,55(t+-0,20)). Laju mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 6,56/ tahun, mortalitas alami (M) sebesar 1,95/tahun, mortalitas penangkapan (F) sebesar 4,62/tahun dan tingkat pemanfaatan (E) sebesar 0,70 /tahun. Tingkat pemanfaatan udang tiger di perairan Tarakan lebih besar dari tingkat pemanfaatan optimal sehingga disarankan untuk menurunkan upaya sebesar 40% dari upaya saat ini.Tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) was one of the export commodity and had been exploited for longtime ago so it was necessary to study about its population parameters and exploitation status for its sustainable management. This research aimed to study about the population parameters and exploitation status of tiger prawn. The research were carried out from January to November 2016 using survey method and the enumeration programme. The growth parameters were based on the Modal Progression Analysis. Exploitation status was estimated based on length based spawning potential ratio (LB-SPR). The results showed that the asymptotic length (CL∞) was 65.45 mm, the growth rate (K) was 1.55 /year and = t0 was -0,20/year so Von Bertalanffy Growth Model was CLt = 65.45(1 - e -1.55(t+-0.20)). Total mortality (Z) was 6.56/years, natural mortality was 1.95/years and fishing mortality was 4.62/years and the highest recruitment of tiger prawns occured in May. The exploitation rate (E) was 0,70/years. The exploitation rate now is higher then the optimal level so it is recommended to reduce 40% of the current efforts.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 129
Tegoeh Noegroho ◽  
Umi Chodrijah

Perikanan neritik tuna di perairan Barat Sumatera berkembang pesat beberapa dekade terakhir ini. Sementara belum banyak diperoleh hasil penelitian tentang populasi ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Penelitian tentang parameter populasi dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Desember 2013 di beberapa lokasi pendaratan ikan di Barat Sumatera. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh laju pertumbuhan, panjang asimptotik, laju kematian, laju eksploitasi, dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Estimasi parameter populasi menggunakan model analitik berdasarkan program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Data frekuensi panjang dikumpulkan berkesinambungan di beberapa tempat pendaratan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang cagak ikan tongkol lisong yang tertangkap berada pada kisaran 11-42 cmFL. Parameter pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy diperoleh nilai laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,54/tahun, panjang asimptotik (L ) sebesar 43,5 cm FL, dan umur ikan pada saat panjang ke-0 (-t0) sebesar -0,076/tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 1,96/tahun. Laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebesar ,07/tahun, dan laju kematian alami (M) 0,89/tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E) tongkol lisong di Barat Sumatera adalah 0,49/tahun atau berada pada tingkat eksploitasi moderat. Pola rekrutmen tongkol lisong terjadi dua kali dalam setahunnya, yaitu mencapai puncak pada bulan Maret dan Juni.Neritic tuna fishery in theWest Sumatra waters was developed very intensively in the captured.Meanwhile, study population of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) in those are still limited. Research in population parameters and recruitmen pattern of bullet tuna has been conducted in February-December 2013 based on several landing place inWest Sumatra. The aim of this study is to obtain asymptotic length, mortality rate, exploitation rate, and recruitment pattern of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei). Estimation of population parameters using an analytical model based on the program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Length frequency data collected continuously in themain landing places The results showed the fork length of bullet tuna was caught in the range 11-42 cm FL. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters obtained the growth rate value (K) of 0,54/year, asymptotic length (L ) of 43,5 cm FL, and fish age when the length to the-0 (-t0) of -0,076/year. Total mortality was 1,96/year. Fishing mortality rate (F) was 1,07/year and natural mortality rate (M) 0,89/year. The exploitation rate (E) of bullet tiuna in West Sumatra was 0,49 / year or are at a moderate level of exploitation. Recruitment patterns of bullet tuna happen twice in a year, which reached a peak in March and June.

2006 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
M. ZAFAR ◽  

Population parameters of male and female Scylla serrata were estimated using FiSAT software with length-frequency data collected from different areas of Cox’s Bazar, southeastern part of Bangladesh (Chakaria Sundarban, Moheshkhali and Kutubdia channel) to evaluate the growth parameters, mortality rates and exploitation levels. Asymptotic length (L∝) was 105.9 mm and 105 mm, and growth co-efficient (K) was 0.28/yr and 0.36/yr for male and female S. serrata, respectively. The natural mortalities of S. serrata were 0.49/yr and 0.58/yr and fishing mortalities were 0.35/yr and 0.38/yr for male and female accordingly. Recruitment of this species into the fishery takes place throughout the year. The exploitation level for S. serrata was found to be 0.41 for the male and 0.39 for the female. This study showed that the stocks of male and female S. serrata were not under fishing pressure (E< 0.50) in the Southeastern part of Bangladesh.

Rocío Tíjaro ◽  
Mario Rueda ◽  
Adriana Santos Martínez

During 1994, the catfish "chivo mapalé" (Cathorops spixii) was the second most abundant fishing resource in the "Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta" and the "Complejo de Pajarales", the main lacustrine-estuarine system of Colombia. Using commercial catch statistics and fishing explorations, the population parameters were determined reproductive cycle, growth, mortality, yield and biomass per recruit. Mature individuals were present all year around with peaks of ripeness and spawning from June to August during periods of little rain and dry, respectively. The mean maturity size was estimated at 23 cm. The growth parameters of the Von Bertalanffy function were: Loo = 32.5 cm and K = 0.38 year1, with a growth performance index of 2.6. Total (Z), natural (M) and fishing (F) mortality rates were estimated as 2.83, 0.96 and 1.87 year1, respectively. The exploitation rate E = 0.66 indicates that the resource is overfished. Therefore it is recomended a fishery regulation by decreasing the mortality rate to F = 1.0 year1 and increasing the cath mean size to 23 cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 890 (1) ◽  
pp. 012045
A R P Pane ◽  
D D Kembaren ◽  
Mahiswara ◽  
A Suman

Abstract Crab is one of the resources that can be found in almost all areas in Indonesia, and its export increases every year. However, increase in its exploitation and mangrove forest damage affect crab availability. Scylla serrata is one of the crab commodities for export in Asahan sea, North Sumatera. Scientific studies are necessary to determine the fishing season and the exploitation status of crabs in the area. Therefore, this study was carried out for 3 years, i.e. in April–December 2018, February–December 2019, and March–December 2020, at one crab landing site in Asahan. The fishing season for S. serrata in this area occurred all year long, with peak seasons in April–June and September–December. The crab’s carapace width (CW) was 65–175 mm, where 71.2% of which were below 120 mm. Its carapace width at first capture (CWc) increased from 103.2 mm to 112.1 mm. Its fishing mortality (F) was 1.40 per year, higher than its natural mortality (M) (0.84 per year). Therefore, its exploitation rate (E) was 0.63, indicating that the species was already overfished. Suggested measures to control the fishing activity include limiting the crab size for capture in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 12 Year 2020 and improving the environment of mangrove habitats.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
M. Tahmid, Achmad Fahrudin Dan Yusli Wardiatno

ABSTRAKKepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan salah satu potensi komoditas perikanan skala kecilyang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Kelimpahan populasi dipengaruhi oleh upaya penangkapan dankondisi ekosistem mangrove sebagai habitat utamanya. Produksi kepiting bakau di Teluk Bintanmenurun dan penyebabnya belum diketahui dengan pasti. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kajiantentang biologi kepiting bakau di Teluk Bintan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji statuspopulasi kepiting bakau yang meliputi struktur ukuran, parameter pertumbuhan dan laju mortalitasdan eksploitasi. Pengambilan data kepiting bakau dilakukan dengan pendekatan yaitu fisher-basedsurvey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran kepiting bakau yang tertangkap mulai dari lebar karapas(CW) 64-172 mm, ukuran fase muda kepiting jantan yang tertangkap mencapai 46,62% dan betinamencapai 48,06%, keduanya hampir setengah dari tangkapan total, ini menunjukkan bahwa alattangkap yang digunakan belum selektif. CW∞ jantan mencapai 176,93 mm lebih tinggi dari kepitingbetina sebesar 169,58 mm, namun sebaliknya nilai koefesien K jantan (0,360) lebih kecil dari betina(0,390), sehingga pertumbuhan kepiting bakau betina lebih cepat dari jantan. Perkiraan angkakematian alami (M) jantan = 0,5566 dan kematian akibat penangkapan (F) jantan = 0,6434 sedangkanM betina = 0,59 dan F betina = 0,41. Laju eksploitasi (E) kepiting jantan mencapai 53,62%, ini dapatdikatakan telah terjadi lebih tangkap atau over eksploitasi.Kata kunci: Scylla serrata, parameter pertumbuhan, struktur ukuran, mangrove and Teluk BintanABSTRACTMud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the potential of small-scale fishery commodities that havehigh economic value. The abundance of the population is affected by the fishing effort and conditionsmangrove ecosystem as its main habitat. Mud crab production in the Gulf of Bintan declined and thecause is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the biology of mud crab in theGulf of Bintan. This study aims to assess the status of mangrove crab population that includes the sizestructure, parameters of growth and the rate of mortality and exploitation. Data retrieval is done witha mangrove crab fisher-based survey. The results showed that the size of mud crab caught fromcarapace width (CW) 64-172 mm, the size of the young phase male crabs caught females reached46.62% and reached 48.06%, both are almost half of the total catch, it indicates that fishing gearused is not selective. CW∞ males reach 176.93 mm higher than the female crabs of 169.58 mm, butinstead value koefesien K males (0.360) is smaller than females (0.390), so that the growth of femalemud crabs faster than males. Estimated natural mortality rates (M) male = 0.5566 and deaths fromarrest (F) male = 0.6434 while M females female F = 0.59 and = 0.41. The rate of exploitation (E)male crabs reached 53.62%, can be said to have occurred over fishing or over-exploitation.Keywords: Scylla serrata, growth parameters, structure size, mangrove and bay Bintan

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Shofi Firda Safitri ◽  
Sunaryo Sunaryo ◽  
Ali Djunaedi

 ABSTRAK: Kepiting Bakau (Scylla sp.) merupakan sumberdaya kelautan penting di Indonesia dan permintaan terhadap komoditi Kepiting Bakau cenderung meningkat, baik di pasar lokal maupun mancanegara. Peningkatan permintaan Kepiting Bakau dapat menyebabkan terganggunya populasi kepiting di alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji biomorfometrik Kepiting Bakau (Scylla sp.) yang meliputi ukuran lebar karapas Kepiting Bakau, hubungan lebar karapas dan berat, nisbah kelamin, faktor kondisi dan tingkat kematangan gonad Kepiting Bakau di perairan Bandengan Kendal pada November 2018 sampai Februari 2019. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa jumlah Kepiting Bakau yang diamati sebanyak 1914 ekor, terdiri atas 897 betina dan 1017 jantan, terdapat empat spesies Kepiting Bakau yang tertangkap di perairan Bandengan Kendal, yaitu Scylla serrata, Scylla tranquebarica, Scylla paramamosain dan Scylla olivacea, perbandingan betina dan jantan 1:1,19. Ukuran lebar karapas berkisar antara 43,75-165,5 mm dengan berat berkisar antara 23-660 g. Hubungan lebar karapas dengan berat bersifat allometrik negatif. Nilai faktor kondisi yang didapatkan berkisar 1,66–1,189. Tingkat kematangan gonad kepiting betina didominasi oleh TKG I dan II, pada bulan November 2018 – Februari 2019 di perairan Bandengan Kendal belum terjadi masa puncak pemijahan.  ABSTRACT: Mud crabs (Scylla sp.) are important marine resources in Indonesia and demand for mud crabs tends to increase, both in local and foreign markets. Increased demand for Mangrove Crabs can cause disruption to the population of crabs in nature. This study to examine the morphometrics of Mud Crabs (Scylla sp.) Which include the size of the width of the Mud Crab carapace, the relationship between carapace width and weight, sex ratio, condition factors and the level of maturity of the Mud Crab in Bandengan Kendal waters from November 2018 to February 2019. The descriptive explorative methods was used in this research. The results showed that the number of mud crabs caught from November 2018 to February 2019 was 1914, consisting of 897 females and 1017 males, there were four species of mud crabs caught in Kendal Bandengan waters, namely Scylla serrata, Scylla tranquebarica, Scylla paramamosain and Scylla olivacea, comparison of females and males 1: 1,19. Carapace widths range from 43.75 - 165.5 mm with weights ranging from 23 - 660 g. The relationship between carapace width and weight are negative allometric. The obtained condition factor values range from 1.66 - 1.189. The maturity level of female crab gonads are dominated by TKG I and II, thus it is suspected that in November 2018 - February 2019 in the waters of Bandengan Kendal, the spawning peak has not yet occurred.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Ali Suman ◽  
Ap'idatul Hasanah ◽  
Khairul Amri ◽  
Andina Ramadhani Putri Pane ◽  
Pratiwi Lestari

The high market demand for mud crabs (Scylla serrata) has caused intensive fishing for this resources and tended to threaten their sustainability. Studies of population characteristics are the main bases for formulating management measures for sustainable utilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the population characteristics of mud crabs in the waters of Kendari Bay and its surrounding waters. The study was conducted from January to November 2016 using survey method. The study results revealed that the mud crab growth pattern in Kendari Bay was negative allometric and that the ratio of males and females was imbalance. The length at first maturity (Lm) was at a carapace width of 109.8 mm. The growth rate (K) was 1.01 per year and the maximum carapace width (L) was 206 mm. The estimated total mortality rate (Z), fishing mortality rate (F), and natural mortality rate (M) were 3.20 per year, 2.17 per year, and 1.03 per year, respectively. The exploitation rate (E) was 0.68 per year. Therefore, the exploitation rate had reached 136%, which is categorized as overfishing. In order to ensure the sustainability of the mud crabs, there is needed to apply the precautionary approach, such as reducing fishing effort by 36% of the current situation.

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