scholarly journals Suicide and associated factors across life span

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-12 ◽  
Maria Cristina Franck ◽  
Ângela Malysz Sgaravatti ◽  
Daniel Scolmeister ◽  
Viviane Fassina ◽  
Clarissa Cassini Bettoni ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective To assess the epidemiological and toxicological profile of all suicide victims in 2017 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods The victims were classified by gender, age, parental absence, city, suicide form, death context, and toxicological results, using the police occurrences and the reports issued by the Instituto-Geral de Perícias do RS. Multiple correspondence analysis and the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel X 2 test were used to evaluate associations between the parameters studied. Results There were 1,284 suicides (11.3 cases/100,000 inhabitants) in RS in 2017, 80% of which were men and 46% were young and old. Porto Alegre had the highest number of victims and the region of the Vale do Rio Pardo, the highest rate (20.8 cases/100,000 inhabitants). The hanging was the most used medium and the depression, the most mentioned context in the occurrences. The presence of ethanol was observed in 30% of the samples analyzed, with an adult male profile associated with the presence of other psychotropic substances, whose class was most frequently detected with anxiolytics. The nitrite was the most detected poison among the samples sent for this purpose. There was an association between parental absence and young people, between suicidal intoxication method and women and among young people and the presence of illicit compounds. Conclusion Mortality due to suicide continues to increase in RS, which, historically, has the highest Brazilian index. The information obtained in this study supports new research, promoting awareness raising, guidance to health services and the elaboration of more preventive public policies.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (suppl 3) ◽  
pp. S424-S434 ◽  
Neiva Isabel Raffo Wachholz ◽  
Jair Ferreira

The survival of children with AIDS has increased considerably with the use of more effective antiretrovirals, but the benefits of this therapy are limited by the difficulty of adherence to the treatment. This cross-sectional study aimed to estimate the prevalence of non-adherence to antiretrovirals among children residents in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and identifying associated factors. There were 194 child caregivers interviewed. The technique utilized to evaluate adherence allowed the detection of lack of understanding of the prescribed antiretroviral regimens, as well as conscious loss of doses. Non-adherence was defined when the child had taken less than 80% of the prescribed medication during the 24h period prior to the interview. A general prevalence of non-adherence was 49.5%, which was higher than that estimated. The non-institutional caregivers had a prevalence rate of 55.7%, while the institutional caregivers had 22.2%. In multivariate analysis, the education of the caregiver was found to have a borderline association with the outcome. Institutionalized children and those taken care of by people with a higher educational level appeared to have more protection against non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 4
Indira Granda ◽  
Fabiana De Amorim Marcello

The aim of this text is to discuss the concept of “young potentiality” outside the essential and humanist record, which is bound to the action proposed by the representation of the young protagonist individual – almost a hegemonic model in youth-directed actions in Brazil. We seek to think that other senses of young potentiality could be offered by other youth experiences in contemporary times. To this end, we have established a debate about the central concept of the text – the one of potentiality – starting from the discussions developed by Giorgio Agamben. Methodologically, the study was oriented to a proposal of ethnographic inspiration, emphasizing on an idea of “participant presence,” developed from July to November of 2015 in Sábado Cultural: Circuito de Cultura e Arte [Cultural Saturday: Culture and Art Circuit], a youthful experience marked by cultural meetings at different points on the outskirts of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We have selected a few elements of Sábado Cultural practices to show how the meetings promoted in this space enabled us to make assumptions about young people and their multiple forms of experiencing their youth and how this is currently linked to another type of “young potentiality.”

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (25) ◽  
pp. 46 ◽  
Carla Renata Antunes de Souza Gomes

<p>Este artigo apresenta o periódico literário <strong>O Guayba</strong> que circulou em Porto Alegre de 1856 a 1858 e seu papel como difusor da cultura literária produzida na Província, entendendo-o como um espaço de formação dos jovens para atuação na imprensa e no exercício da opinião pública. Os aspectos analisados são: a estrutura do jornal como empresa e suas estratégias de relacionamento e manutenção de público leitor, assim como, do conteúdo, principalmente, os editoriais que expressam os temas mais importantes para os redatores do jornal: o papel da educação e da imprensa na formação político-literária dos jovens na sociedade sul-rio-grandense.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This article presents an analysis on the literary journal <strong>O Guayba</strong> which circulated in Porto Alegre from 1856 to 1858 and its diffuser role of literary culture produced in the Province, understanding it as a training space for young people to act in the press and in the exercise of public opinion. The aspects analyzed are the newspaper's structure as a company and its relationship strategies and readership maintenance, as well as the content, especially concerning the editorial expressing the most important topics for journal editors: the role of education and press in the political and literary education of young people in the society of Rio Grande do Sul.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Newspapers; Literary culture; Nineteenth century; Porto Alegre; Press.</p>

Karen Leandra ávila da Silva ◽  
Marcelo Félix Alonso ◽  
Sabrina Feltes de Moura ◽  
Túlio Felipe Verdi Filho

Resumo O monitoramento contínuo da qualidade do ar local é extremamente importante para a gestão ambiental de uma cidade, mas nem sempre viável pelo alto custo dos equipamentos. Por conta disso, investe-se muito na utilização da modelagem numérica no estudo da qualidade do ar, que é altamente dependente de inventários de emissões dos poluentes e seus precursores. Nesse contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo da dispersão do monóxido de carbono (CO) na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando o sistema de modelagem numérica CCATT-BRAMS, com ênfase nas fontes veiculares. Foram analisados dois períodos - janeiro de 2009 e janeiro de 2016 - utilizando-se as informações dos inventários de gases precursores elaborados pela FEPAM para os anos base de 2009 e 2013, respectivamente, distribuídos espacialmente com o auxílio do pré-processador de emissões PREP-CHEM-SRC utilizado pelo CCATT-BRAMS. No geral, as simulações representaram coerentemente os dados observados pela rede de monitoramento, com RMSE abaixo de 0,3 na maioria das estações avaliadas. Análises de sensibilidade também revelaram que, para o período avaliado, aproximadamente 40% da concentração de CO sobre a cidade de Porto Alegre foi devido ao transporte de larga escala, proveniente das cidades localizadas ao norte, dentro da Região Metropolitana.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-160
Pedro Henrique Araújo dos Santos ◽  
Juliana Kelly Dantas da Silva

 Resumo: Nos dias atuais, percebemos que muitas são as dificuldades para a organização da juventude e a participação política nos espaços de poder e decisão existentes na sociedade. Em muitos dos espaços políticos os jovens não se sentem representados, nem tem oportunidades de defender seus interesses. Nesse contexto, percebe-se a ausência de formação política e oportunidades de participação do jovem na sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa está pautada no levantamento de elementos da participação social, cultura política dos jovens e da trajetória de organização da Rede de Juventudes do Seridó que contribuem para a formação da consciência crítica dos jovens e favorecem o exercício do controle social e da promoção de políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude.  Palavras-chave: Juventude; Participação Social; Rede de Juventudes.  Abstract: Nowadays, we realize that there are many difficulties for the organization of youth and political participation in the spaces of power and decision in society. In many political spaces young people do not feel represented, nor do they have opportunities to defend their interests. In this context, one can perceive the lack of political formation and opportunities for youth participation in society. In this perspective, this research is based on the survey of elements of social participation, political culture of the young people and the organizational trajectory of the Youth Network of Seridó that contribute to the formation of the critical awareness of young people and favor the exercise of social control and promotion of public policies aimed at youth.  Keywords: Youth; Social Participation; Youth Network REFERÊNCIAS ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. NBR 14724: Informação e documentação. Trabalhos Acadêmicos - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2002. ABRAMO, Helena Wendel; BRANCO, Pedro Paulo Martoni. (Orgs). Retratos da Juventude Brasileira: análises de uma pesquisa nacional. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2005.  ALBUQUERQUE, Alexandre Aragão de, Juventude, Educação e Participação Política. Paco Editorial. Jundiaí, 2012.  ALMEIDA, Elmir de. Políticas públicas para jovens em Santo André In:_____. 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Temática ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
Henrique Esper ◽  
Cristóvão Domingos de Almeida

O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a repercussão da exposição de arte Queermuseu – cartografias da diferença na arte brasileira, com foco nas estratégias de visibilidade e resistência após o encerramento antes do prazo estipulado no Santander Cultural, em Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul. Fundamentamos nos conceitos de redes sociais digitais, estratégias de comunicação e organização como espaço de fortalecimento das atividades de resistência. A partir de registros das publicações nas páginas do Facebook e entrevistas, selecionamos as estratégias e as formas de aproximação com os públicos. Evidenciamos que as redes sociais podem servir como potencialidade de desenvolvimento, aproximação dos indivíduos e de resistência, num momento em que avança a narrativa do silenciamento e de negação das lutas das minorias.Palavras-chave: Comunicação. Resistência. Visibilidade. Redes Sociais. Queermuseu.

Barbara J. Risman

In this book Barbara J. Risman uses her gender structure theory to tackle the question about whether today’s young people, Millennials, are pushing forward the gender revolution or backing away from it. In the first part of the book, Risman revises her theoretical argument to differentiate more clearly between culture and material aspects of each level of gender as a social structure. She then uses previous research to explain that today’s young people spend years in a new life stage where they are emerging as adults. The new research presented here offers a typology of how today’s young people wrestle with gender during the years of emerging adulthood. How do they experience gender at the individual level? What are the expectations they face because of their sex? What are their ideological beliefs and organizational constraints based on their gender category? Risman suggests there is great variety within this generation. She identifies four strategies used by young people: true believers in gender difference, innovators who want to push boundaries in feminist directions, straddlers who are simply confused, and rebels who sometimes identify as genderqueer and reject gender categories all together. The final chapter offers a utopian vision that would ease the struggles of all these groups, a fourth wave of feminism that rejects the gender structure itself. Risman envisions a world where the sex ascribed at birth matters has few consequences beyond reproduction.

Nora Samir ◽  
Antonio Mendoza Diaz ◽  
Michael Hodgins ◽  
Simone Matic ◽  
Samira Bawden ◽  

The involvement of young people in the planning of research continues to be rare, particularly for young people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This paper describes our experience in establishing a Youth Research Advisory Group (YRAG) in South West Sydney (SWS), including barriers and successful strategies. One hundred and fifteen students between school Years 7 and 12 (ages 11–18) took part in at least one of five sessions between 2019 and 2021. In total, we carried out 26 YRAG sessions, with between five and 30 students in each. Sessions focused on mapping the health priorities of the participants and co-developing research project proposals related to their health priorities. Our work with students revealed that their main areas of concern were mental health and stress. This led to material changes in our research strategy, to include “Mental Health” as a new research stream and co-develop new mental health-related projects with the students. Important strategies that enabled our research included maintaining flexibility to work seamlessly with organisational and individual preferences, and ensuring our processes were directed by the schools and—most importantly—the students themselves. Strategies such as maintaining an informal context, responding rapidly to student preference, and regularly renegotiating access enabled us to engage with the students to deepen our understanding of their experiences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 217-218
Pamela Qualter ◽  
Bernie Carter

The unpredictable nature of inflammatory bowel disease symptoms and stigma can affect young people's ability to form close friendships and affect their social interactions. New research shows the importance of addressing the mental health and wellbeing of young people with Crohn's disease and colitis.

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