scholarly journals Traduzir o intraduzível: o impacto dos textos sagrados orientais no ocidente

Felipe Santos

Resumo: As obras do remoto Oriente foram trazidas para a Europa ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX para serem estudadas inicialmente com intenção polêmica, visando a fortalecer as crenças coloniais na superioridade ocidental. Porém o seu estudo tomou caminhos imprevisíveis, colocando em causa a identidade religiosa e cultural da Europa dominante e as crenças religiosas dos conquistadores. No final a cultura do vencido acabou conquistando a do arrogante vencedor, segundo o paradigma horaciano (Hor., Epistulae 2.1.156-7). Um novo mundo “antigo” surge ante os olhos estupefatos dos homens de pensamento, um mundo cuja pervivência poderia e deveria ser estudada in situ. Deu-se uma revolução cultural tão importante como a provocada pelo renascimento da cultura greco-latina e a descoberta de novos continentes e populações no século XV, ou a dos novos mundos astronômicos, físicos e da história natural ao longo da Idade Moderna. As principais consequências da vitória da Filologia se fizeram sentir no mundo da teologia e da filosofia.Palavras-Chave: Orientalismo; Gramática comparada; tradução.Abstract: The Eastern Sacred texts arrived at Europe during the XVIII and XIX centuries and were supposed to help Christian conversions: proselytizers and missionaries assumed that translating them to European languages would bring to general derision the beliefs of the Eastern colonized nations, and will bring support to the cultural supremacy of the West. However, such translations acted more as a vehicle for Eastern religion to enter the West, rather than to the West to convert the East. The article summarizes the lives of important Orientalists, and presents the first translations of the Persian, Chinese and Indian classics.Keywords: Orientalism; Compared gramar; translation.

Steve Bruce

Understanding why Islam has contributed little to contemporary religious and spiritual innovations allows us to see the principles underlying cultural borrowing. With its creator God, authoritative text, religious dogmas, and defined ways of life, Islam is too much like Christianity for cultural appropriation, and there is a considerable Muslim presence in the West that constrains borrowing. Such appropriation is easiest when ideas are not embedded in a large faith community (feng shui is an example), when they are retrieved from an ancient and undocumented past (as with Celtic Christianity), or when they are entirely fictional (as with the supposed characteristics of Atlantis).

Isabela Furtado Guiotti ◽  
Maria Eduarda Cançado Schuttenberg ◽  
Lucas Pedrosa Lange ◽  
Maria de Fátima Dias de Sousa Brito ◽  
Enzo Brito Teixeira ◽  

Introdução: Cerca de 1 em 100 mil mulheres é diagnosticada com câncer vaginal invasivo ou in situ, sendo mais frequente o do tipo escamoso e na idade média de 60 anos. Nos EUA, a incidência de neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar (NIV) 3 ou neoplasial intraepitelial de alto grau (HSIL) foi de 2,86 por 100 mil mulheres no ano 2000. Em ambas as lesões de alto grau, a associação com a infecção por papilomavírus humano (HPV) é frequente. Relato de caso: C.R.J., 53 anos, atendida em 2017 por verrugas genitais não responsivas ao ácido tricloroacético. Negava infecção sexualmente transmissível, comorbidades e tabagismo. Apresentava cinco verrugas vulvares e colposcopia: zona de transformação normal. Prescreveu-se imiquimod por três semanas, sem melhora das lesões. A paciente foi submetida à exérese das lesões persistentes, com resultado de condiloma acuminado. Retornou em 2019 com mácula plana em fúrcula vaginal de bordas elevadas, sem acetorreatividade, cuja biópsia revelou neoplasia intraepitelial vaginal (NIVA) III, com focos de microinvasão. Realizou a excisão cirúrgica, e o anatomopatológico evidenciou NIV III com margem cirúrgica comprometida. Em 2020 foi submetida à ampliação da margem, com resultado: NIV III ulcerada associada a NIV II, infecção por HPV. O tratamento foi complementado com imiquimod três vezes por semana por quatro semanas. Ao retorno, a paciente demonstrou ausência de áreas hipercrômicas ou acetorreativas. Conclusão: O epitélio anogenital é derivado da cloaca embrionária e inclui colo do útero, vagina, vulva, ânus e 3 cm inferiores da mucosa retal até a linha dentada. Uma vez que toda a região compartilha a mesma origem embriológica, é susceptível a agentes exógenos semelhantes, como infecção por HPV. Neoplasias intraepiteliais nessa área são frequentemente multifocais (focos dentro do mesmo órgão) e multicêntricos (focos envolvendo mais de um órgão). Paciente com infecção prévia por HPV é considerada de risco para o surgimento de HSIL, mesmo se as manifestações prévias forem de baixo grau, que não são consideradas precursoras dos cânceres anogenitais. A maioria dos HSIL vulvares é multifocal e está localizada na parte não pilosa da vulva. As lesões são frequentemente elevadas ou verrucosas e brancas. Lesões maculares ocorrem principalmente em superfícies mucosas adjacentes. Não há aparência clínica patognomônica, e mais de um desses padrões podem ser vistos no mesmo paciente. O risco cumulativo de 10 anos de desenvolver carcinoma escamoso vulvar com HSIL é de 9,7%. A NIVA de alto grau tem história natural menos conhecida, e Aho et al., em acompanhamento por 15 anos de 23 pacientes, encontraram progressão para invasão em 9% em quatro anos. Pobre em sintomas, a avaliação colposcópica e a biópsia dirigida são o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico. No seguimento de pacientes com HSIL anogenital, é essencial o exame pélvico cuidadoso, contemplando colo, vagina, vulva e região perianal. A cada avaliação, múltiplas biópsias podem ser necessárias, sempre que forem identificadas novas lesões à avaliação colposcópica.

1963 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 30-43 ◽  
J. N. Coldstream

On the east slope of Lower Gypsades hill, about 100 metres west of the Temple Tomb, a chamber tomb came to light in August 1958, when a cutting for a new water pipe was driven through the area (A in Plate 9 a). In the course of this operation, part of a plain larnax (iii) was sliced off, and much earth removed from the west end of the collapsed chamber: at no point, however, had the municipal workmen penetrated to the tomb floor.The chamber was approached by a sloping dromos (Plate 9 a: length 2·80 metres; max. width 1 metre), roughly cut into the natural kouskouras rock: its walls were approximately perpendicular. Although the gradient varied a good deal, there was no suggestion of a stairway.The blocking wall was found in good condition. Of especial interest were the numerous fragments of larnakes that had been built into its fabric: some of them could be recognized as belonging to each of the three fragmentary larnakes (i, ii, v) whose scattered pieces were found below and around the two undisturbed burials in the chamber (iii, iv). We may thus distinguish two periods in the history of the tomb: larnakes i, ii, and v were evidently smashed up in order to make room for iv and iii, which must have been deposited in that order. The debris of v was found under iv, with a few adult bones in its wreckage. Part of i lay on the floor near the south-west corner, where two plain vases (2, 3) were found in situ, hence, also, came most of the fragments of the fine L.M. IIIA 2 stirrup vase (1), although its other pieces were scattered all over the floor of the tomb. This small group of offerings may belong to the disturbed adult skeleton, whose skull lay up against the lower edge of iii. Curiously, some fragments of i and ii were also found above the broken lid of iv (Plate 9 b): perhaps the lid of the later larnax was accidentally smashed at the time of the funeral, in which case the debris from earlier burials could have been piled up above it, as a rough and ready means of protection.

Mana ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-73 ◽  
Johannes Fabian

Desde que a antropologia se tornou uma disciplina, o trabalho de campo e a pesquisa in situ, bem como os estudos de objetos materiais guardados/exibidos em museus tornaram-se ambos parte da produção de conhecimento antropológico. O colecionismo científico/acadêmico tornou-se cheio de premissas teóricas e procedimentos metodológicos concebidos sob o paradigma da "história natural". Lidar com essa herança é tão importante quanto e não menos difícil do que responder aos desafios pós-coloniais enfrentados pelos museus etnográficos em qualquer lugar. O renascimento dos estudos de cultura material desempenhou um papel crucial nessas reorientações e desenvolvimentos e foi pelo menos tão significativo quanto a "virada literária" da antropologia na direção do movimento da cultura como texto. A criação de arquivos de textos virtuais pode ser (e provavelmente já é) relevante para a documentação de coleções.

Serhiy Blavatskyy

It has been attempted to make an empirical study of the framing of the Jewish pogroms upon the Ukrainian terrains in 1919 in the Ukrainian press in the West European languages in Europe (1919―1920s). For the first time, in the communication and media studies discourses, there have been elicited new, previously unknown, findings of specificity of the framing of the Jewish pogroms in the Ukrainian foreignlanguage periodicals. Those were: «Bulletiner fra det Ukrainske Pressburo» (Copenhagen, 1919—1920s), «La Voce dell “Ucraina”» (Roma, 1919—1920s), «The Ukraine» (London, 1919—1920s), «Bureau Ukrai nien de Presse: Bulletin d’Informations» (Paris, 1919—1920s), «France et Ukraine» (Paris, 1920), «L’Europe Orientale» (Paris, 1919—1920s), «Die Ukraine» (Berlin, 1918—1926s). First, it has been elucidated that the «attribution of responsibility» frame was dominant in the content of the Ukrainian foreign-language press in Western Europe. Second, the conclusion about dialectic of the frames of «attribution of responsibility» and «morality» in the coverage of the Jewish pogroms upon the Ukrainian terrains has been made. In this regard, we conclude that the «morality» frame was connected with the internationalization of this problematic in the geopolitical discourse of international relations of the postwar period. On the contrary, the frame of «attribution of responsibility» was linked to localization of the Jewish question in the multilateral conflict on the Ukrainian territories in 1919. The main conclusion of this paper is that the coverage of the Jewish pogroms in the Ukrainian foreign-language press in Europe was made primarily in counterpropaganda purposes. The follow-up studies are to make a comparative study of the stereotypes about Jews’ perception in the Ukrainian-language press both in Ukraine and abroad (in Europe or the USA), as well as in the West European and American press of the Ukrainian Revolution period (1917―1921s). Thus, these future studies will either refute or confirm the validity of the findings and conclusions of this research. Keywords: framing, the Jewish pogroms, the Ukrainian terrains, the foreign-language press, Europe.

Andriy Botsman ◽  
Olga Dmytruk

The purpose of this article is to give detailed description to all possible semantic and morphological features of Germanic preterite-present verbs. Some research has dealt with the problem of preterite-present present verbs; however, semantic and morphological functions of these verbs were studied only by singling out verb characteristics, peculiarities, potential possibilities in different Germanic languages without any alignment of the obtained results. There is little information available on preterite-present verbs within the west Germanic and North Germanic (Scandinavian) subgroups. Semantic aspect of these verbs was analysed by some scholars, but it is still unknown how these verbs were formed in other Indo-European languages (Baltic, Slavonic, Romantic). The contradicting point of the available research is how those verbs are reflected in Latin and Greek. In spite of the fact that preterite-present verbs were studied in detail in terms of phonological characteristics, their morphological and semantic peculiarities were not taken into account and compared. Special attention should be given to the functioning and correlation of phonological and morphological peculiarities of those verbs. This paper offers the results of a detailed and consistent analysis of phonological and morphological peculiarities of preterite-present verbs. The paper aims at determining the morphological characteristics of preterite-present verbs, which were formed under the influence of phonological processes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the connection of Germanic preterite-present verbs with possible sources in other Indo-European languages. The authors define a set of characteristics peculiar of preterite-present verbs semantics. The functions of these verbs are analysed in detail. The authors attempt to analyse the nature of these verbs. The attention is paid to the functions of preterite- present verbs not only in the Germanic languages, but in other Indo-European languages, too. The comparative historical method is used here as the main one. The authors see this valid way of investigation as reliable and appropriate for the preterite-present verb analysis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 100-122
Jason Kandybowicz

This chapter concludes the book by considering Anti-contiguity in a cross-linguistic context. It is shown that the proposal can be successfully applied to derive asymmetries in wh- in-situ distribution beyond the West African languages considered in Chapters 2–4. The chapter focuses on thirteen languages from diverse language families (Romance, Bantu, and Indo-Aryan, among others) and considers the implications of data from these languages for the final formulation of the Anti-contiguity condition. On the basis of these considerations, the Anti-contiguity constraint is parameterized. Among the languages considered against the backdrop of the Anti-contiguity proposal in this chapter are French; Spanish; Catalan; Zulu; Bàsàá; Duala; Shona; Lubukusu; Kiitharaka; Hindi-Urdu; Bangla; Iraqi Arabic; and Malayalam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. 5771-5790 ◽  
Eoghan Darbyshire ◽  
William T. Morgan ◽  
James D. Allan ◽  
Dantong Liu ◽  
Michael J. Flynn ◽  

Abstract. We examine processes driving the vertical distribution of biomass burning pollution following an integrated analysis of over 200 pollutant and meteorological profiles measured in situ during the South AMerican Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) field experiment. This study will aid future work examining the impact of biomass burning on weather, climate and air quality. During the dry season there were significant contrasts in the composition and vertical distribution of haze between western and eastern regions of tropical South America. Owing to an active or residual convective mixing layer, the aerosol abundance was similar from the surface to ∼1.5 km in the west and ∼3 km in the east. Black carbon mass loadings were double as much in the east (1.7 µg m−3) than the west (0.85 µg m−3), but aerosol scattering coefficients at 550 nm were similar (∼120 Mm−1), as too were CO near-surface concentrations (310–340 ppb). We attribute these contrasts to the more flaming combustion of Cerrado fires in the east and more smouldering combustion of deforestation and pasture fires in the west. Horizontal wind shear was important in inhibiting mixed layer growth and plume rise, in addition to advecting pollutants from the Cerrado regions into the remote tropical forest of central Amazonia. Thin layers above the mixing layer indicate the roles of both plume injection and shallow moist convection in delivering pollution to the lower free troposphere. However, detrainment of large smoke plumes into the upper free troposphere was very infrequently observed. Our results reiterate that thermodynamics control the pollutant vertical distribution and thus point to the need for correct model representation so that the spatial distribution and vertical structure of biomass burning smoke is captured. We observed an increase of aerosol abundance relative to CO with altitude both in the background haze and plume enhancement ratios. It is unlikely associated with thermodynamic partitioning, aerosol deposition or local non-fire sources. We speculate it may be linked to long-range transport from West Africa or fire combustion efficiency coupled to plume injection height. Further enquiry is required to explain the phenomenon and explore impacts on regional climate and air quality.

1986 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-44
Mary Ann Palmer Niemczycki

The Genesee Valley has long been recognized as a center of Iroquois development, but the connection between Owasco sites in the Genesee and Iroquois sequences in the adjacent regions has never been adequately demonstrated. Attempts to identify transitional Owasco-Iroquois sites in this region have been hampered by the use of diagnostic criteria based on data from eastern New York. This article examines ceramic patterns in the Genesee and establishes a regional cultural sequence based on ceramic criteria which have local diagnostic significance. This sequence reveals the transition from Owasco to Iroquois culture begins in the Genesee with a sudden influx of Ontario Iroquois ceramic traits from the west ca. 1250 A.D. This Owasco-Ontario Iroquois connection in the Genesee negates certain assumptions regarding Iroquois origins and alters our current concept of in situ development.

Arts ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 32 ◽  
Martin de la Iglesia

Between the late 1980s and early 1990s, interest in the cyberpunk genre peaked in the Western world, perhaps most evidently when Terminator 2: Judgment Day became the highest-grossing film of 1991. It has been argued that the translation of Katsuhiro Ōtomo’s manga Akira into several European languages at just that time (into English beginning in 1988, into French, Italian, and Spanish beginning in 1990, and into German beginning in 1991) was no coincidence. In hindsight, cyberpunk tropes are easily identified in Akira to the extent that it is nowadays widely regarded as a classic cyberpunk comic. But has this always been the case? When Akira was first published in America and Europe, did readers see it as part of a wave of cyberpunk fiction? Did they draw the connections to previous works of the cyberpunk genre across different media that today seem obvious? In this paper, magazine reviews of Akira in English and German from the time when it first came out in these languages will be analysed in order to gauge the past readers’ genre awareness. The attribution of the cyberpunk label to Akira competed with others such as the post-apocalyptic, or science fiction in general. Alternatively, Akira was sometimes regarded as an exceptional, novel work that transcended genre boundaries. In contrast, reviewers of the Akira anime adaptation, which was released at roughly the same time as the manga in the West (1989 in Germany and the United States), more readily drew comparisons to other cyberpunk films such as Blade Runner.

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