2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Zdzisław Ciećko ◽  
Andrzej Cezary Żołnowski ◽  
Monika Madej ◽  
Grażyna Wasiak ◽  
Janusz Lisowski ◽  

<p>The effect of ameliorating doses of hard coal fly ash (HCFA) on chemical properties of soil and on yields and chemical composition of crops was examined based on an experiment established in 1984. At first, typical agricultural crops were grown in the experiment, but in 1992 the field was turned into permanent grassland. The current study took place twenty-nine years after hard coal fly ash had been applied. Soil samples were collected from the 0–20 cm soil layer, corresponding to the compared treatments. The residual effect of HCFA doses increasing from 100 to 800 Mg·ha-1 caused a regular increase in the total content of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb, as well as the forms of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and B soluble in 0.1 M HCl. The total content of the analyzed microelements increased by a maximum of 30% for cadmium up to 176% for zinc. The highest increase in the content of soluble forms ranged from 25% for Fe to 760% for boron. The share of Znbd, i.e. permanently bound to soil, to Zntot, i.e. the total zinc form, was positively correlated with pH in KCl, the C:N ratio and the content of Cu permanently bound with soil. Regarding the share of Febd in Fetot, correlations with pH in H2O and in KCl, content of organic matter (SOM) and the C:N ratio were demonstrated. No such correlations were proven with respect to the other elements.</p><p> </p><p>W doświadczeniu założonym w 1984 roku badano działanie melioracyjnych dawek popiołów ze spalania węgla kamiennego (hard coal fly ashes – HCFA) na właściwości fizykochemiczne gleby oraz na plonowanie i skład chemiczny roślin uprawnych. W pierwszych latach badań uprawiano typowe rośliny rolnicze, a w 1992 zmieniono charakter uprawy na trwały użytek zielony. Obecne badania wykonano po dwudziestu dziewięciu latach od zastosowania HCFA. Próbki gleby pobrano z poziomu 0–20 cm w nawiązaniu do porównywanych obiektów. Następcze działanie rosnących dawek HCFA od 100 do 800 Mg·ha-1 powodowało zarówno wyraźnie regularny wzrost zawartości całkowitej – Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn i Pb, jak i form rozpuszczalnych w 0.1 M HCl – Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe i B. Zawartość całkowita rozpatrywanych mikroskładników maksymalnie wzrosła o 30% w przypadku kadmu do 176 % w odniesieniu do cynku. Maksymalny wzrost zawartości form rozpuszczalnych kształtował się od 25 % w odniesieniu do żelaza do 760 % w przypadku boru. Udział Znbd tj. trwale związanego z glebą w stosunku do jego formy ogólnej Zntot, istotnie dodatnio korelował z pH w KCl i stosunek C:N oraz z Cu trwale związaną z glebą. W odniesieniu do udziału Febd w Fetot wykazano korelacje z pH w H2O, pH w KCl, SOM i C:N ratio. W odniesieniu do pozostałych badanych pierwiastków takich zależności nie wykazano.</p>

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Kai Yang ◽  
Zejun Tang ◽  
Jianzhang Feng

Sandy soils are prone to nutrient losses, and consequently do not have as much as agricultural productivity as other soils. In this study, coal fly ash (CFA) and anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) granules were used as a sandy soil amendment. The two additives were incorporated to the sandy soil layer (depth of 0.2 m, slope gradient of 10°) at three CFA dosages and two PAM dosages. Urea was applied uniformly onto the low-nitrogen (N) soil surface prior to the simulated rainfall experiment (rainfall intensity of 1.5 mm/min). The results showed that compared with no addition of CFA and PAM, the addition of CFA and/or PAM caused some increases in the cumulative NO3−-N and NH4+-N losses with surface runoff; when the rainfall event ended, 15% CFA alone treatment and 0.01–0.02% PAM alone treatment resulted in small but significant increases in the cumulative runoff-associated NO3−-N concentration (p < 0.05), meanwhile 10% CFA + 0.01% PAM treatment and 15% CFA alone treatment resulted in nonsignificant small increases in the cumulative runoff-associated NH4+-N concentration (p > 0.05). After the rainfall event, both CFA and PAM alone treatments increased the concentrations of NO3−-N and NH4+-N retained in the sandy soil layer compared with the unamended soil. As the CFA and PAM co-application rates increased, the additive effect of CFA and PAM on improving the nutrient retention of sandy soil increased.

2016 ◽  
Vol 722 ◽  
pp. 132-139 ◽  
Tomáš Váchal ◽  
Rostislav Šulc ◽  
Tereza Janků ◽  
Pavel Svoboda

This paper describes chemical properties of fly ash from Circulating fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC). There are shown thermal properties of fly ash using calorimetric measurement and the total content of calcium oxide CaO was determined. This paper describes the methods of measurement for determining these properties including granulometric measurement and chemical analysis. Also there were described and evaluated properties of fly ash and the reactivity of the fly ash was compared.

2017 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Abbas Mohajerani ◽  
Stephen Lound ◽  
George Liassos ◽  
Halenur Kurmus ◽  
Aruna Ukwatta ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-38 ◽  
Wojciech Stępień ◽  
Monika Kobiałka

Abstract The research was carried out continuously since 1923 in a permanent fertilisation experiment at the Experimental Station of SGGW in Skierniewice. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of long-term fertilisation (Ca, CaNPK, NPK) and crop rotation systems (rye monoculture without fertilisation with manure and five-field rotation with legume crop and manure fertilisation) on selected physical and chemical soil properties. Long-term fertilisation caused various degrees of change in many physio-chemical properties in three soil horizons (Ap, Eet, Bt): pH in KCl, cation exchange capacity, total exchangeable bases, base saturation, content of carbon, nitrogen and mineral forms of nitrogen (NO3, NH4) as well as the carbon-nitrogen ratio. The combined manure and mineral fertilisation increased the sorption capacity, total exchangeable bases, base cation saturation and total content of C and N in comparison to organic or mineral fertilisation. As a result of lime application, an increase in these parameters was determined with the exception of total contents of carbon and nitrogen, showing no differences or a decrease. A positive effect was confirmed in five-field crop rotation, which improves physicochemical soil properties in comparison to cereal monoculture. The C:N ratio narrows down with growing depth because more nitrogen than carbon migrates down the soil profile.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 344 ◽  
Kai Yang ◽  
Zejun Tang ◽  
Jianzhang Feng

Coal fly ash (FA) and polyacrylamide (PAM) are two common amendments for improving hydraulic properties of sandy soil. However, their interaction effect on infiltration-runoff processes in sandy soil has been scarcely reported. In this study, FA and anionic PAM granules were mixed thoroughly with a 0–0.2 m sandy soil layer at FA rates of 0%, 10%, and 15% (w/w soil), and PAM rates of 0%, 0.01%, and 0.02% (w/w soil) along with each FA rate. A simulated rainfall laboratory experiment (slope gradient of 10°, rainfall intensity of 1.5 mm/min) was conducted. During the rainfall, the cumulative runoff yield increased while the average infiltration rate decreased with increasing FA and PAM rates. A higher FA rate of 15% and varying PAM rates resulted in a prominent increase in cumulative sediment yield. After the rainfall, the two-dimensional distribution of water content retained in the soil profile reflected that both FA and PAM increased the water retention capacity of sandy soil, and the effect became more obvious at higher FA and PAM rates. The possible mechanism for the effect of FA and PAM on inhibiting water infiltration during the rainfall and retaining water in the soil layer after the rainfall is attributed to the filling of pores of the coarse soil particles by fine-sized FA particles and flocculation function and binding action of PAM.

2018 ◽  
Vol 760 ◽  
pp. 73-80 ◽  
Tomáš Váchal ◽  
Rostislav Šulc ◽  
Tereza Janků ◽  
Pavel Svoboda

This paper describes influence of milling on chemical properties of fly ash from Circulating fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC). Specific properties of fly ash was determined using calorimetric measurement. It was determined heat properties and total content of calcium oxide CaO. The following methods of measurement were also performed: granulometric measurement and chemical analysis. The ash properties of non-milled and milled ashes were also described and evaluated and the ash reactivity was compared.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Silvia DOLINSKÁ ◽  
Slavomír HREDZÁK ◽  
Vladimír ČABLÍK ◽  
Michal LOVÁS ◽  

Rare earth elements (REEs) extraction from wastes and/or by-products is alternative possibility of their winning. The occurrence ofREEs, namely 50.1 ppm of La, 100.1 ppm of Ce and 44.3 ppm of Nd was confirmed in solid fly ash samples from the coal fired heatingplant (TEKO, Inc. Košice, eastern Slovakia). The submitted contribution presents laboratory results of REEs leaching from coal fly ashusing 3M HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and H3PO4 at 80°C during 120 min.It was found, that recoveries 65.5% of La, 64.4% Ce and 64.3% of Nd into liquor may be attained after grain size reduction to below5 μm.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 1949-1957 ◽  
Zdzisław Ciećko ◽  
Andrzej Żołnowski ◽  
Monika Madej ◽  
Grażyna Wasiak ◽  
Janusz Lisowski

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