methods of measurement
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М.Ю. Штерн ◽  
И.С. Караваев ◽  
М.С. Рогачев ◽  
Ю.И. Штерн ◽  
Б.Р. Мустафоев ◽  

The electrical contact resistance significantly affects the efficiency of thermoelements. In the case of high doped thermoelectric materials, the tunneling mechanism of conductivity prevails at metal-semiconductor interface, which makes it possible to obtain a contact resistance of less than 10-8 Ohm•m2. Low resistance values significantly complicate its experimental determination. Work present three techniques and a measuring stand for the investigation of contact resistance. The techniques are based on the measurement of the total electrical resistance, which consists of transient contact resistance and the resistance of the thermoelectric material with its subsequent exclusion. The developed techniques differ in the arrangement of the investigated contacts on the samples, in the methods of measurement and processing of the obtained results, and make it possible to determine the specific contact resistance of the order of 10-10 Ohm•m2.

Asma Ali ◽  
Simone Perna

Indicators are being used in many agricultural sustainability assessment methods, but disputes about a common indicator for the definition of sustainability have resulted in so many various indicators and methods of measurement. The objective of this review is to provide a bibliometric analysis of sustainability pillars and indicators that has been widely applied. In addition, this paper evaluates the impact of pillars and indicators on scientific research through the analysis of their citation and trend. Using Scopus database, a total of 30 articles have been selected. The search revealed more than 500 indicators, and the top 3 indicators of each pillar which were considered in 7 articles or more are (soil erosion, crop diversity and pesticides) for environmental pillar, (education and training) for social pillar are and (Profitability, productivity and farm income) for economic pillar. Results showed that the environmental pillar is the most tackled in terms of the number of articles (n=22) and the most cited with a mean citation of about 60. The pesticide is the oldest indicator in terms of its average year of publication in 2011, the most cited indicator of more than 250 in 2005 and has the highest mean citation of about 42. The least cited indicators are farm income and training with less than 10 mean citation. Nowadays, the economic pillar is considered one of the most discussed and widely implemented with a total of 7 published articles in 2020.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (6) ◽  
pp. 99-101
V. Yatsenko ◽  
G. Avetisov ◽  
D. Vzorov ◽  
S. Burtsev ◽  
O. Yatsenko ◽  

Purpose: to develop a method for experimental study of the distribution of radionuclide 241Am in human organs and tissues during wound admission to clarify the process of formation of doses of alpha radiation. Material and methods: in clinical practice of Burnazyan FMBC of the FMBA of Russia To improve the method of determination, an experiment was performed to determine the depth of radionuclide on pigskin with the location of 241Am point sources behind different thicknesses. Results: the used methods of measurement, tested on pigskin, allowed to obtain the dependence of the localization depth of radionuclide 241Am on the measured on the surface of the tissue ratios of photons with different energies. Conclusion: Set the ratio of photons with different energies on the thickness of the barrier (depth), and proven methodology allow you to go directly to the planning of experimental studies on the barrier effect created in the bone material, and including a radionuclide, the formation of doses of alpha radiation on the bone marrow.

2021 ◽  
Solomon Ubani

Territories are becoming new areas for conservationist replanting and forestation. Excavators are capable of producing entrainment s for new reservations. There lacks knowledge of soil conditions and methods of measurement of fertility of the developments. This research improves knowledge on the subject of excavations. To decide on territories which can be a best fit for excavations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2144 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
A A Ashmarin ◽  
A A Lozovan ◽  
S Ya Betsofen ◽  
V S Moiseyev ◽  
E P Kubatina ◽  

Abstract Methods of measurement and mechanisms of formation of residual stresses in the surface layers of metal alloys after ion nitriding, as well as in heat-shielding and refractory coatings are considered. Examples of the application of a technique based on the peculiarities of elastic anisotropy for measuring residual stresses in heterogeneous surface layers, for which the standard technique of diffraction tensometry “sin2Ψ” is not applicable, are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Ewa Polak

The article presents problems related to life quality, life satisfaction and sense of happiness, their determinants, methods of measurement and dependence on the level of wealth and other conditions. Life quality is an abstract blurred term which depends on numerous factors. There is not any single, comprehensive definition, measure or cause of such phenomena as life quality, economic well-being or sense of happiness. Their evaluation depends on economic, political, cultural and social conditions and also on individual features, expectations and attitudes. More and more often, next to hard economic coefficients, social indicators are applied, and synthetic measures of the level of life quality or social and economic well-being are developed. The level of social development is strongly affected by the quality of human capital. The article presents an attempt at matching parameters and indicators which characterise various aspects of life quality and applying them for the development of synthetic measures of life quality in its different aspects. It is also aimed at comparing them with the current results obtained by research studies in this field. The aim of the article is to provide an assessment of diversification in the levels of living conditions observed in some selected countries – its size, specificity and cause-effect relations with the use of the listed parameters and measures. The research on life quality should be applied to the assessment of the efficiency of social and economic policy which has been currently implemented.

Trials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ebony Richardson ◽  
Alison McEwen ◽  
Toby Newton-John ◽  
Karine Manera ◽  
Chris Jacobs

Abstract Background Reproductive genetic carrier screening is a type of genetic testing available to those planning a pregnancy, or during their first trimester, to understand their risk of having a child with a severe genetic condition. There is a lack of consensus for ‘what to measure’ in studies on this intervention, leading to heterogeneity in choice of outcomes and methods of measurement. Such outcome heterogeneity has implications for the quality and comparability of these studies and has led to a lack of robust research evidence in the literature to inform policy and decision-making around the offer of this screening. As reproductive genetic carrier screening becomes increasingly accessible within the general population, it is timely to investigate the outcomes of this intervention. Objectives The development of a core outcome set is an established methodology to address issues with outcome heterogeneity in research. We aim to develop a core outcome set for reproductive genetic carrier screening to clarify and standardise outcomes for research and practice. Methods In accordance with guidance from the COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) Initiative, this study will consist of five steps: (i) a systematic review of quantitative studies, using narrative synthesis to identify previously reported outcomes, their definitions, and methods of measurement; (ii) a systematic review of qualitative studies using content analysis to identify excerpts related to patient experience and perspectives that can be interpreted as outcomes; (iii) semi-structured focus groups and interviews with patients who have undertaken reproductive genetic carrier screening to identify outcomes of importance to them; (iv) Delphi survey of key stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, and researchers, to refine and prioritise the list of outcomes generated from the previous steps; and (v) a virtual consensus meeting with a purposive sample of key stakeholders to finalise the core outcome set for reporting. Discussion This protocol outlines the core outcome set development process and its novel application in the setting of genetic testing. This core outcome set will support the standardisation of outcome reporting in reproductive carrier screening research and contribute to an evolving literature on outcomes to evaluate genetic testing and genetic counselling as health interventions. COMET core outcome set registration

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