scholarly journals ultural Impact of Chinese Guanxi : Quantitative Analysis for The Relationship Between Guanxi and Corruption in China.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
이준태 ◽  
Sains Insani ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-27
Megat Ayop Megat Arifin ◽  
Abd. Halim Ahmad

Whitsleblowing is one of the positive practices in organizations that are able to raise the level of integrity among the members of an organization. However, the roles of whistleblowing also inevitably invites a response, especially among members of the organization itself. This is because such practices are viewed as one factor that may be detrimental to the organization in addition to revealing the reporter (whistleblower) to some external threats and intimidation of discrimination within the organization. This paper is an attempt to examine the relationship between perceptions of members of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) Contingent of Perak through the role of whistleblowing practices to increase the perception of the integrity of the members. Next, identify the purpose of the whistleblowing and its effect on the integrity of the members of the organization. This study used a descriptive quantitative analysis to identify patterns of relationship that exists between the perception of whistleblowing practices with perceptions of increased integrity based on three basic variables of demographic factors, response to whistleblowing and the impact of making the report. The results showed that members of the Perak’s police have a positive perception of whistleblowing practices which are seen to be done in improving the integrity of the members.Keywords: whistleblowing, perception, RMP members, culture, integrity, organization, influence. ABSTRAK: Whitsleblowing merupakan salah satu amalan positif dalam organisasi yang mampu untuk meningkatkan tahap integriti ahli-ahli dalam sesebuah organisasi. Namun begitu, amalan whistleblowing juga turut tidak dapat mengelak daripada mengundang pelbagai respon khususnya dalam kalangan ahli organisasi itu sendiri. Amalan sebegini turut dilihat sebagai salah satu faktor yang boleh memudaratkan organisasi di samping mendedahkan pelapor (whistleblower) kepada beberapa bentuk ancaman ugutan dari luar dan diskriminasi dalam organisasi. Kertas ini merupakan satu upaya untuk melihat perkaitan antara persepsi anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) Kontinjen Perak melalui peranan amalan whistleblowing terhadap persepsi peningkatan integriti anggota. Seterusnya, mengenalpasti maksud whistleblowing dan pengaruhnya terhadap tahap integriti anggota dalam organisasi. Kajian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif berbentuk deskriptif bagi mengenalpasti corak hubungan yang wujud antara persepsi terhadap amalan whistleblowing dengan persepsi terhadap peningkatan integriti berdasarkan tiga pembolehubah asas iaitu faktor demografi, tanggapan terhadap whistleblowing dan kesan daripada tindakan membuat laporan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa anggota PDRM Perak mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap whistleblowing yang mana ianya dilihat perlu dilaksanakan dalam meningkatkan integriti anggota.Kata kunci: whistleblowing, persepsi, amalan, anggota PDRM, budaya, integriti, organisasi, pengaruh.  

Proceedings ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Sebastiano Trevisani

Modern Earth Scientists need also to interact with other disciplines, apparently far from the Earth Sciences and Engineering. Disciplines related to history and philosophy of science are emblematic from this perspective. From one side, the quantitative analysis of information extracted from historical records (documents, maps, paintings, etc.) represents an exciting research topic, requiring a truly holistic approach. On the other side, epistemological and philosophy of science considerations on the relationship between geoscience and society in history are of fundamental importance for understanding past, present and future geosphere-anthroposphere interlinked dynamics.

1989 ◽  
Vol 121 (5) ◽  
pp. 705-713 ◽  
Nobuyuki Sato ◽  
Minoru Irie ◽  
Hiroshi Kajinuma ◽  
Kazuo Suzuki

Abstract. Adipocytes from streptozotocin-diabetic rats showed a markedly reduced lipolytic response to glucagon concomitant with a 90% or greater decrease in the number of glucagon receptors per cell. In contrast, β-adrenergic receptors assessed by [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding and lipolysis stimulated by isoproterenol, dibutyryl 3′5′-cyclic AMP and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine were reduced by only 10–25% in diabetic rats compared with controls. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the relationship between the amount of cell-bound glucagon and the hormone-stimulated lipolysis revealed that the function of the remaining 10% of glucagon receptors remained intact in cells from diabetic animals. These findings suggest that the lipolytic cascades, including β-adrenergic receptors, in adipocytes are not greatly impaired by diabetes, and therefore, the unresponsiveness of these cells to glucagon is mostly due to a marked reduction in the number of glucagon receptors, probably as a result of a down-regulation by postprandial hyperglucagonemia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 21-34
Zuraida Zuraida

Abstract : Contract employees are employees who work at the company with a certain time limit, and can be dismissed at any time, this affects employees' perceptions of career development at the company and also affects employee commitment to the company. This study aims to examine the relationship between perceptions of career development and organizational commitment for contract employees. Perceptions of career development variables and organizational commitment were measured using a scale. The subjects of this study were 48 contract employees, with the determination of the sample based on accidental sampling. The analysis technique used in this research is quantitative analysis using Karl Pearson's product moment with SPSS version 20 for Windows. Based on the research results, it is known that the perception of career development with organizational commitment on contract employees. There is a significant positive correlation (r.0.813 with sig <0.05) between the variable perceptions of career development and organizational commitment for contract employees, namely 0.000 and the significance value is below / less than 0.05, this means that the higher (positive) the perception of career development, the higher employee commitment to the company and vice versa, the lower (negative) perceptions of employee career development, the lower employee commitment to the company. On the perception of career development has the most categories at low (negative) with a contribution of 50% and organizational commitment at most has a low category with contributions 46%.   Keywords:   Contract Employees, Organizational Commitment, Perceptions of Career Development.   Abstrak : Karyawan kontrak merupakan karyawan yang bekerja di perusahaan dengan batasan waktu tertentu dan sewaktu-waktu dapat diberhentikan, hal ini mempengaruhi persepsi karyawan terhadap pengembangan karirnya pada perusahaan tersebut dan juga mempengaruhi komitmen karyawan pada perusahaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan persepsi pengembangan karir terhadap komitmen organisasi pada karyawan kontrak. Variabel persepsi pengembangan karir dan komitmen organisasi diukur dengan menggunakan skala. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 48 karyawan kontrak , dengan penentuan sampel berdasarkan accidental sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan product moment karl pearson dengan program SPSS versi 20 for Windows. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa persepsi pengembangan karir dengan komitmen organisasi pada karyawan kontrak, ada korelasi positif yang signifikan (r.0.813 dengan sig < 0.05) antara variabel persepsi pengembangan karir  dengan komitmen organisasi pada karyawan kontrak yaitu 0.000 dan nilai signifikansinya dibawah/lebih kecil 0.05, ini berarti bahwa semakin tinggi (positif) persepsi pengembangan karir maka semakin tinggi komitmen karyawan pada perusahaannya begitu sebaliknya semakin rendah (negatif) persepsi pengembangan karir karyawan maka semakin rendah komitmen karyawan pada perusahaannya. Pada persepsi pengembangan karir memiliki kategori paling banyak pada tingkat rendah (negatif) dengan kontribusi 50% dan komitmen organisasi paling banyak memiliki kategori rendah dengan kontribusi 46%.   Kata Kunci :  Karyawan Kontrak, Komitmen Organisasi, Persepsi Pengembangan Karir 

1996 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 774-780 ◽  
K. C. Cole ◽  
Y. Thomas ◽  
E. Pellerin ◽  
M. M. Dumoulin ◽  
R. M. Paroli

A new treatment is proposed for quantitative analysis of two-component polymer systems by infrared spectroscopy. Like much previous work, it is based on a ratio involving two peaks in the same spectrum. The relationship between such a ratio and the concentration of a given polymer is inherently nonlinear. It is shown that this nonlinearity can be well described by a simple equation derived from the laws of optical transmission. This equation has the form χ1 = m1 + m2 R/(1 + m3 R), where χ1 is the weight fraction of polymer 1, the mi are adjustable coefficients, and the ratio R is equal to Aa/( Aa + Ab). The quantities Aa and Ab are the absorbances (peak heights or areas) at two frequencies a and b of which the first is associated mainly with polymer 1 and the second with polymer 2. This equation has been applied to various peak combinations in spectra of miscible blends of poly(phenylene ether) with polystyrene (both mid-IR and near-IR data) and immiscible blends of polypropylene with polyethylene (mid-IR data). It is shown that the equation is valid in all cases, covering the full concentration range from 0 to 100% even when the peaks used for the analysis involve absorption by both polymers. It is therefore believed to be of broad general usefulness for the analysis of polymer blends and copolymers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-293 ◽  
Sven Svensson

The aim of this article is to study the relevance of the division of labour to the formation of organizational trust. Trust is defined as a phenomenon related to the resources available to a person in a given social position, a social position which in turn is related to the division of labour. It is argued that work externalization constitutes a division of labour, and that differing access to resources for internal and external workers explains variations in trust. The theoretical propositions are tested in a quantitative analysis of 711 external workers and internal employees in a Swedish organization. The results lend partial support to the theory. External employees are found to be less likely have strong trust in their co-workers. The relationship is mediated by perceptions of shared norms in the organization.

2021 ◽  
Kerry Alistair Nitz

<p>Iris Hanika’s commercially and critically successful novel Treffen sich zwei makes use of several techniques in the characterisation of its protagonists. Many of its reviews focus on the author’s deliberate placement of links to a wider literary context. Their interest extends from questions of genre-mixing through to the identification of direct quotes from other authors’ works. The critical preoccupation with intertexts demonstrates their importance for the readers’ response to the novel. More specifically, certain reviews highlight the important role intertexts play in the characterisation of the protagonists. This study catalogues the intertexts, metaphors and parodies in Treffen sich zwei and, by means of quantitative analysis, identifies high-level patterns in the use of these techniques. In particular, patterns are identified between, on the one hand, the different narrative functions of the intertexts and, on the other hand, the different ways in which they are interwoven in the text. The data also shows that distinct patterns are associated with each of the two protagonists and that certain patterns change in the course of the novel in parallel with the changes in the relationship between them. This quantitative evidence is supported by a more detailed, qualitative approach, which examines how specific intertexts or metaphors are used for the purposes of characterisation. In addition, variations in voice are used to distinguish the two main protagonists in a manner consistent with the intertexts and metaphors. It is thanks to the combination of these techniques that the theme of meeting encapsulated in the title, Treffen sich zwei, is woven into the textual fabric of the novel.</p>

Amparo García Cuadrado

This article approaches the study of the private library of the Murcian land surveyor Francisco Falcón de los Reyes, from the first half of the eighteenth century, which constitutes a clear example of the relationship between education and written culture. From the data extracted from a postmortem inventory and the subsequent appraisal and partition of goods among the heirs, we carried out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of said library. First, the text provides a biographical profile of this geometer, a descendant of slaves (new Christians), and describes the formative precariousness of these professionals in their time. The quantitative analysis of the bibliographic collection and its comparison with other private collections from similar socioeconomic fields indicate the importance of this particular collection. The qualitative study of authors and titles shows, on one hand, the high degree of mathematical training of the subject, who is shown to be a recipient of the fundamentally Valencian pre-illustrated reformist scientific mainstream, and, on the other hand, the purpose with which those books were incorporated into the funds of the collection. Together with the library, which we could call professional, due to its scientific nature, the inventoried religious matter in the form of printed documents makes up another interesting part of the collection, one of a catechetical nature in its various formative levels

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