scholarly journals Economic and biological characteristics of the biotypical composition of spring wheat varieties

Irina S. Brailova ◽  
Natalya I. Yurieva ◽  
Yulia V. Belousova ◽  

The aim of this work is to study the component composition and intravarietal polymorphism of storage proteins of three soft and one hard varieties of spring wheat and their relationship with a complex of economically valuable traits. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 by the department of genetics and immunity at the institute, in the conditions of the southeast of the Central Black Earth Region. In the course of the work, the identification of gliadin biotypes was carried out by electrophoresis in 6.5% polyacrylamide gel, the results of which revealed that the genome of the studied varieties contains: Chernozemnouralskaya 2 (5 biotypes), Voronezh 18 (5 biotypes), Voronezh 20 (4 biotypes) and a solid variety Voronezhskaya 13 (1 biotype). The selected biotypes were propagated for 3 years, analyzed and evaluated according to the indicators of the structural analysis of the elements of productivity and quality. Based on this, their economic and biological characteristics were given. It was found that biotypes 3 and 4 of the Chernozemnouralskaya variety 2, biotypes 1 and 2 of the Voronezhskaya 18 variety, biotypes 1 and 2 of the Voronezhskaya 20 variety proved to be the most productive relative to the standard during the study period. As for the quality indicators, as a result of the research the difference in quality of gliadin biotypes was revealed, which is important to take into account in breeding work to increase genetic diversity when creating high-quality varieties. The ones with the best quality were: biotype 1 of the Chernozemnouralskaya variety 2, biotypes 2 and 3 of the Voronezhskaya 18 variety. The best biotypes, distinguished by a complex of economically valuable traits, which differ from the initial variety, can be used in further breeding work for the accelerated creation of highly productive and high-quality spring wheat varieties.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-8
М. М. Ivanisov ◽  
D. M. Marchenko ◽  
E. I. Nekrasov

The current paper has presented the characteristics of the new winter bread wheat varieties of unified type developed by the FSBSI Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”. Winter wheat is the most valuable grain food crop grown in vast areas. Breeding plays an important role in increasing production volume and improving grain quality as the basis of the country’s food fund. Expanding grain crops area, among which wheat predominates, there is a problem of crop rotation. Therefore, the development of unified varieties capable of producing stable high grain yields after various forecrops is one of the most urgent areas of breeding work for winter bread wheat. The purpose of the current study was to characterize the new winter bread wheat varieties of unified type developed by the FSBSI Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” according to the main economically valuable traits. Due to the intensive breeding work over the past decade, on the basis of some of the best zoned varieties ‘Ermak’, ‘Stanichnaya’, ‘Donskoy syurpriz’ there was developed a number of new promising genotypes, which are already being used in production sowings of winter wheat in the Rostov region and other regions of our country. The new winter bread wheat varieties of unified type ‘Lydia’, ‘Kapitan’, ‘Lilit’, ‘Krasa Dona’, ‘Volnitsa’, ‘Volny Don’, ‘Zhavoronok’ and ‘Polina’ are more productive than their parental forms. In combination with grain of high quality, resistance to bio and abiotic environmental factors, they are very valuable, beneficial for cultivation and improvement of the production of commercial wheat grain of high quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-257 ◽  
L. M. Babenko ◽  
H. M. Hospodarenko ◽  
R. V. Rozhkov ◽  
Y. F. Pariy ◽  
M. F. Pariy ◽  

In today’s wheat production, the trends focused on the revival, selection and implementation of forgotten regional grain crops, the so-called "antique" cereals, have been clearly identified. One of these is the ancient hexaploid species of wheat – spelt (Triticum spelta). One of the main reasons that have contributed to the revival of this type of wheat in recent years is its tolerance to growing conditions and capacity to endure the natural and climatic factors of the environment, which allows it to be grown without an excessive use of plant protection products. It is precisely because of this feature that hulled wheat is referred to as "environmentally friendly”. Spelt is capable of yielding stable crops without strict adherence to the production technology and may be a great alternative to soft wheat. The growth in demand for this crop is also due to a complex of economic and valuable traits inherited from its wild ancestors. This review analyzes and summarizes the information about the origin of spelt, presents biological characteristics, discusses the perspectives for using the species in breeding work when implementing interspecific hybridization and compares the structure and genome evolution. The achievements on the revival of spelt as an independent species and its use as a source of economic and valuable traits in breeding programs of crosses with soft wheat are highlighted, examples of successful use of the economic and valuable traits of spelt for the improvement and creation of new high-quality wheat varieties are presented. Data on this superiority of grain from this species over that of genetically close wheat species are presented. The varietals’ characteristics for spelt varieties of Ukrainian selection are given. Such important spelt characteristics as resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors, high quality grain composition and yield have been analyzed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 149-151 ◽  
V. M. Bebyakin ◽  
I. A. Osyka ◽  
T. V. Kulagina

2018 ◽  
pp. 40-46
T. Lozinska ◽  
Yu. Fedoruk ◽  
S. Obrajyy

The article highlights the problems of forming the economically valuable features which affect the productivity of soft spring wheat varieties. The structural analysis data reveal that the number of spikelets in the investigated varieties of wheat ears ranged within 15.4 pcs. In the Triso variety to 20.1 pcs. in the Kharkivska 30, the rate for the variety standard was registered 16.0. The variability amplitude rate varied from 2.0 spikelets in Hordynya and Simkoda Myronivska varieties to 5.0 in the Kharkivska 30 and standart Elhiya Myronivska varieties. The variability range of spikelets number in an ear in the Hordynya, Simkoda Myronivska and Speranza varieties and the average one in all the other varieties was revealed. It was established that grains number in soft spring wheat varieties ranged from 41.1 grains in the Tria variety to 52.6 in the Hordynya variety, in the standard variety of Elehiya Myronivska the rate leveled 36.3. Thus, in all the studied varieties the number of grains in an ear exceeded the standard. The variability of grains number in an ear was significant in the Speranza variety, while in other varieties as well as in the standard sort of Elehiya Myronivska it was medium. It was shown that an ear grains weight in the varieties ranged from of 1.6 g in the Triso variety to 2.2 g in the Hordynya variety. This feature varied in the varieties by the variability range. The largest (1.1 g) it was in the the Hordynya and Speranza varieties, the smallest (0.5 g) – in the variety of Simkoda Myronivska. The variation factor proved significant variability of the trait in the Trizo and Speranza varieties and in the variety standard. All the other studied varieties were the average variability of grain weight in an ear. It was found that all but wheat varieties of soft spring wheat had high indices of 1000 seeds and this trait variation was insignificant indicated by the variation ratewhich was below 10 %. The correlation of crop yield and the basic economically valuable traits are analyzed; positive and negative correlations are established. It was noted that the crop yield of the studied soft spring wheat varieties correlates most closely with the number of grain in an ear (r = 0.77 ± 0.06) and the number of spikelets in an ear (r = 0.61 ± 0.07), and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to these data uppermost. Thus, the study of economically valuable traits of modern varieties of soft spring wheat reveals different variability nature and correlation degrees which enables to define the sources of economically valuable traits in the studied varieties and to further use them in research and selection programs as valuable parent material. Key words: spring wheat, varieties, productivity, ears number, grains number, grain weight, weight of 1000 seeds, correlation.

A.O. Smirnova ◽  
O.V. Rybachuk ◽  

In this paper, we consider two ways for obtaining hymatomelanic acid extraction into conventional Soxhlet extractions: directly from the peat and from the dry product of humic acid. The results of the study of the elemental composition of humic and hymatomelanic acids are presented, their similarities and differences are analyzed. In order to study the effect of humic and hymatomelanic acid preparations on the growth processes of spring wheat, a vegetation experiment was conducted. Peculiarities of biological action of the solutions and hymatomelanic and humic acids of different concentrations in spring wheat varieties “IREN” were investigated. The paper presents a method for determining the ash content of the studied peat, as well as, calculations of the economic feasibility of using preparations based on the hymatomelanic acids.

2021 ◽  
pp. 125-133
Г.Ю. Спотарь ◽  
С.А. Блинова ◽  
А.А. Шварцев ◽  
Я.И. Алексеев ◽  
С.М. Гориславец

С помощью молекулярно-генетических и ампелографических методов проведена идентификация сортов винограда, относящихся к наиболее распространенным в мире техническим сортам западно-европейского происхождения. Генотипирование образцов проводилось с использованием 9-ядерных и 3-хлоропластных микросателлитных маркеров. На основании полученных профилей, по данным базы VIVC было установлено, что образец № 2 является сортом Каберне-Совиньон, образец № 4 - сортом Рисланер. Профиль образца № 1 совпадает с профилем сорта Мерло, за исключением разницы в двух парах нуклеотидов (п.н.) в одном аллеле локуса VVMD27, что можно объяснить редким случаем мутации в микросателлитной последовательности и не является достаточным основанием утверждать, что образец № 1 и Мерло являются разными сортами. Генетические профили образцов № 3 и № 6 соответствовали сортам сортогруппы Темпранильо, № 5 - сортам сортогруппы Рислинг рейнский, №7 - сортам сортогруппы Пино черный. Сорта в сортогруппах, полученные в результате соматических мутаций (связанных в основном с окраской ягод), имели одинаковый профиль. Принадлежность образцов к указанным сортам в сортогруппах была подтверждена ампелографическим методом. Использование для идентификации сортов в сортогруппах 6-9-ти SSR-маркеров в сочетании с ампелографическими методами позволяет получить достоверные результаты без удорожания работ. Однако дифференциация клонов и сортов, полученных в результате соматических мутаций, только SSR-маркерами потребует значительного увеличения их количества на 1-2 порядка либо использования высоковариабельных SSR-маркеров, таких как VRG ( Vitis riparia Götzhof). Таким образом, целесообразен более целенаправленный поиск полиморфизмов непосредственно в генах, отвечающих за определенные хозяйственно ценные признаки. В случае возникновения отличия в окраске ягод для дифференциации возможно использовать полиморфизм локуса гена VvMybA1, при изменении во вкусе и аромате ягод - в локусе гена VviDXS, при изменении лигнификации семян - в локусе гена VviAGL11, при повышении устойчивости к заболеваниям - в локусах соответствующих генов резистентности. The identification of grapes related to the most widespread wine varieties of West-European origin was carried out using molecular-genetic and ampelographic methods. Genotyping of samples was provided using 9- nuclear and 3-chloroplast microsatellite markers. Basing on the profiles obtained according to the VIVC database, it was established that Sample No. 2 is a ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’ variety, and Sample No. 4 is a ‘Rieslaner’ variety. The profile of Sample No. 1 coincides with the ‘Merlot’ profile, except for the difference in 2 base pairs (bp) in one allele of the VVMD27 locus, which can be explained by a rare case of mutation in microsatellite sequence, and is not a sufficient reason to insist that Sample No. 1 and the ‘Merlot’ are different varieties. The genetic profiles of Samples No. 3 and No. 6 corresponded to the varieties of ‘Tempranillo’ group, No. 5 - to the varieties of ‘Rhein Riesling’ group, and No. 7 - to the varieties of ‘Pinot Noir’ group. The varieties of the groups, obtained as a result of somatic mutations (mainly associated with color of berries), had the same profile. The ampelographic method confirmed the origin of samples in the mentioned groups of varieties. Using of 6-9-SSR-markers in combination with ampelographic methods to identify the varieties of groups allows obtaining reliable results without increasing the cost of work. However, differentiation of clones and varieties in groups with only SSR-markers will require a significant increase in their number by 1-2 orders, or using of highly variable SSR-markers, such as VRG ( Vitis riparia Götzhof). Thus, a more targeted search for polymorphisms directly in genes responsible for certain economically valuable traits is advisable. In case of occurrence a difference in the color of berries, it is possible to use for differentiation the polymorphism of VvMybA1 gene locus, when flavor and aroma of berries change - to use the VviDXS gene locus, when seed lignification changes - the VviAGL11 gene locus, when disease resistance increases - the loci of the corresponding resistance genes.

Russian vine ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 30-36
L.G. Naumova ◽  
V.A. Ganich ◽  

The article reflects the results of work on the mobilization, conservation, replenishment and study of genetic resources of grapevines of the Don ampelographic collection named after Ya.I. Potapenko (Novocherkassk, Ros-tov region) in 2019. Mobilization, conserva-tion, replenishment and study of plant bio-diversity, identification of new and assess-ment of stocks of used species, is gaining theoretical, scientific and practical signifi-cance, and is currently relevant. Most of the native and sparsely distributed grapevine varieties are now preserved only through col-lections. The process of grape selection is closely related to the need to preserve and replenish collections, since this is the main base for large-scale ampelographic and ge-netic selection works, which are currently effective and very effective in science and production and thus practically significant for the Russian grape-growing industry. Cur-rently, the preserved gene pool of grapevines in the collection includes 870 varieties, the collection is supplemented with 5 new grape varieties (Suholimanskij belyj, Traminer be-lyj, Granatovyj, Dostojnyj, Mriya). Two sources of economically valuable traits for high-quality wine – making were identified: Laсukere and Neizvestnyj donskoj varieties.

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