2021 ◽  
pp. 125-135
I. О. Holodenko ◽  
E. М. Korneieva

The article is dedicated to the exploration of problematic aspects of the provision of educational services by higher education institutions in conditions of COVID‑19 pandemic. In conclusion, in conditions of COVID‑19 pandemic because of the sudden transition to distantce studying higher education institutions (in Ukraine and worldwide) faced with not only the issues of organisation and teaching distantly (including technical and communication issues), but also with the problem of keeping balance of the public interest and the principle of autonomy of higher education institutions. The attention is drawn to the fact that the solution of the problems of legal regulation of education in the context of the COVID‑19 pandemic should be carried out taking into account the fact that the activation of distance learning in Ukraine is not a learning strategy, but a necessity due to quarantine restrictions. In addition, in connection with the emergence of new pandemics in the modern world, it is necessary to establish special norms aimed at allowing education in higher education institutions in the context of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Furthermore, it is conclusion made about feasibility to apply of some measures needed for the successful realization of the distant learning programs in conditions of safe digital environment by making some changes to current laws and regulatory of Ukraine.

2020 ◽  
pp. 59-66
Petrychenko L.O.

У статті відстоюється положення, що духовну безпеку населення України здатне забезпечити лише демократичне правове суспільство, побудоване на основі правової компетентності та соціальної дові-ри його громадян, вияву високої громадянської позиції; одним із перспективних шляхів підтримання у суспільстві сталості і духовної безпеки, втілення ідей рівності і недискримінації є підвищення рівня правової культури та освіченості.Вищу освіту розглянуто як чинник розбудови правової держави, де правова культура громадян тісно пов’язана з усіма елементами правової системи формування правової культури молоді. Формування правової культури студентства визначене як тривалий процес, що реалізується в основному у середо-вищі ЗВО, визначає ступінь і характер правового розвитку особистості в суспільній правовій культурі, тісно взаємопов’язане з правовою освіченістю людини, зокрема, її розвиненою правосвідомістю, вмін-нями і навичками реалізовувати свої права, підпорядкувати поведінку вимогам правових норм.На основі аналізу наукової літератури встановлено, що складниками правової культури студентства є: повага до правових норм суспільства; наявність дієвих правових знань, норм права; висока культура, широка ерудованість; правові навички щодо реалізації суб’єктивних прав і свобод; особисто вмотиво-вана стала правомірна поведінка; громадсько-правова активність.Доведено, що у середовищі ЗВО є потреба у створенні цілісної системи формування правової куль-тури студентства із застосуванням різноманітних механізмів заохочення громадянської активності молоді, поширення студентського самоврядування, розвитку форм волонтерської діяльності та взаємо-допомоги. Визначено й охарактеризовано основні структурні компоненти системи формування право-вої культури студентської молоді у ЗВО: цільовий (формування всіх складників правової культури сту-дентства на основі принципів поінформованості та знань, доступності правової допомоги і підтримки, індивідуального підходу та толерантного ставлення; дотримання безпеки); суб’єкт-суб’єктний (надава-чі освітніх послуг, споживачі освітніх послуг, а також освітні стейкхолдери); організаційно-змістовий (зміст навчання студентів, специфіка виховної роботи та рівень студентського самоврядування тощо). The article defends the position that the spiritual security of the Ukrainian population can be ensured only by a democratic legal society, built on the basis of legal competence and social trust of citizens, the demonstration of a high civil position. One of the perspective ways to maintain sustainability, spiritual security in society and the implementation of the ideas of equality and non-discrimination is to increase the level of legal culture and education.High education is seen as a factor in building the rule of law, where the legal culture of citizens is closely linked to all elements of the legal system of youngsters’ legal culture. Students’ formation of the legal culture is defined as a long process, implemented mainly in environment of high education institutions. It determines the degree and character of individual’s legal development in public legal culture. Its closely interrelated with the legal personal education, including developed legal awareness, skills and abilities to realize own rights, and subject behavior to the requirements of legal norms.Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the components of students’ legal culture are established. These are: respect the legal norms of society; availability the effective legal knowledge, legal norms; high culture, wide erudition; legal skills in the exercise of subjective rights and freedoms; personally motivated constant lawful behavior; social and legal activities.It is proved that there is a need to create an entire system of forming the students’ legal culture with the use of various mechanisms to encourage civic activity of young people, the spread of students’ government, the development of forms of volunteerism and mutual assistance. The main structural components of the system of formation students’ legal culture in higher education institutions are defined and characterized. Objective component (formation of all components the students’ legal culture on the basis of awareness and knowledge principles, availability of legal assistance and support, individual approach and tolerant attitude; safety). Subject-subjective component (providing the educational services, consumers of educational services, as well as educational stakeholders). Organizational and maintenance component (content of students’ education, specifics of educational work and the level of students’ self-government, etc.).

2008 ◽  
Vol 104 (11/12) ◽  
D.R. Walwyn

Despite the importance of labour and overhead costs to both funders and performers of research in South Africa, there is little published information on the remuneration structures for researchers, technician and research support staff. Moreover, there are widely different pricing practices and perceptions within the public research and higher education institutions, which in some cases do not reflect the underlying costs to the institution or the inherent value of the research. In this article, data from the 2004/5 Research and Development Survey have been used to generate comparative information on the cost of research in various performance sectors. It is shown that this cost is lowest in the higher education institutions, and highest in the business sector, although the differences in direct labour and overheads are not as large as may have been expected. The calculated cost of research is then compared with the gazetted rates for engineers, scientists and auditors performing work on behalf of the public sector, which in all cases are higher than the research sector. This analysis emphasizes the need within the public research and higher education institutions for the development of a common pricing policy and for an annual salary survey, in order to dispel some of the myths around the relative costs of research, the relative levels of overhead ratios and the apparent disparity in remuneration levels.

Iurii Teslia ◽  
Hryhoriy Zaspa

Modern world trends in education are aimed at the digital transformation of educational institutions. Traditional approaches to higher education institutions informatization through their automation no longer meet the requirements of the time. Therefore, new approaches are needed, based on the digitalization of educational processes aimed at creating digital universities. For this purpose, the current state of information systems in higher education institutions use and the issue of higher education institutions digital transformation were studied. The problem of automation tools separation was revealed, which does not allow to effectively implement digitalization projects, does not allow to create a single system of building digital universities. It is proposed to solve the digital transformation of higher education institutions problem based on the use of concentric information technology developed in this study, which integrates all information bases, methods and means of solving functional problems into a single digital space to maximize information needs of higher education institutions. This technology is based on the following developed in the study: 1) concentric model of information technology of digital transformation of higher education institutions, which allows to integrate methods and tools of information management to create a single higher education institutions digital space; 2 functionally independent method of information management of higher education institutions, which allows to create universal tools of informatization, which are independent of the composition and specifics of the construction of the created tools of solving functional problems; 3) interlayer information interaction methods, providing reflection in the processes of each of the layers of changes in the information environment of neighboring layers. The results of the study were used in the construction of information and analytical system of the university educational activities support, which was developed and implemented at Cherkasy State Technological University.

Olena Korchynska

Introduction. Higher education has been constantly upgrading, competition in the educational services market is intensifying in recent years. This leads to an increase in the role of marketing in the activities of higher education institutions. It is necessary to constantly look for new ways to improve the efficiency of the management of higher education institutions. Such an opportunity exists only with the constant use of marketing and the improvement of its tools. In connection with the mentioned, important and actual tasks of the present time is research and improvement of the methodology of developing an advertising campaign of higher education institutions in order to enable educational institutions to overcome existing problems in their marketing activities and develop this trend in the future. Methods. Commonly used methods of research are used in the course of the research: dialectic, monographic method, abstract and logical, method of scientific generalization, and specific methods of statistical processing of information. Results. The article deals with the general situation on the domestic market of educational services. The specifics of advertising activity of educational institutions are revealed, in particular, the necessity to study this issue, due to its urgency and lack of elaboration, is substantiated. Advertising activity is considered as a necessary condition and factor of sustainability, the competitiveness of the educational institution and its success in the education market. It is indicated on the preconditions of reorientation of priorities of educational activity into the sphere of improvement of marketing activity and advertising process of an educational institution, as well as tasks, which should carry out advertising activity in the field of educational services. Discussion. Further research is planned to be carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of the use of modern marketing tools by higher education institutions. Keywords: market of educational services, marketing activity, advertising, institutions of higher education, competition, image of educational institution.

Olha Yeromenko

The article raises the topical issue of training competitive professionals capable of working under modern market conditions. The transition to market relations changes the education policy and the system of educational services provision. The professional destiny of a future manager and the success rate of an educational institution depend on the quality of providing educational services to graduate students specialised in educational institution management. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of a survey of graduate students aimed at determining the status of educational services given within the specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Educational Institution Management") in various higher education institutions of Ukraine. Monitoring the state of the educational services provided to graduate students majoring in educational institution management has been carried out on the basis of general scientific and empirical cognition methods: comprehensive study of quality training of master-course students, observation, survey in the form of questionnaires, analysis of graduate students’ responses, analogy. The criteria enabling graduate students to assess the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions have been defined: the fundamental nature of training; level of knowledge and experience of teaching staff; organization of the educational process; culture and communication level of teachers; reaction of teachers and administration of higher education institution to further demands of graduate students, etc. On the basis of the analysis and generalisation of the processed material, the basic demands of master-course students majoring in educational institution management for increase in the level of educational services have been defined: decrease in theorising of educational material; practice orientation; increase in the use of interactive teaching methods by teachers; expansion of the list of optional courses; increase in opportunities for individual counselling at a convenient time; involvement of leading specialists, experts, experienced educational institution managers in teaching; improvement of facilities and resources of an institution; increase in the level of additional educational services provision in higher education institutions. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that it is necessary to establish a flexible system of training master-course students majoring in educational institution management.

Olha Merdova ◽  
Marуna Shulga ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of administrative and legal regulation of practical training of applicants for higher education in higher education institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers. Today, practical training is an integral part of the educational process, which allows to ensure the acquisition of competencies and program learning outcomes provided by educational and professional programs. Based on the analysis of the Regulations on practical training of students and cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the authors have identified problematic issues of organization and conduct of various types of practical training. It is concluded that the existing mechanism of practical training of this category of persons and its normative expression needs to be improved, as it does not meet the needs of today, contains provisions that contradict other regulations, outdated terminology, does not take into account the organization of the educational process at the present stage of development. departmental education, etc. In addition, the draft Regulation on the practical training of applicants for higher education in higher education institutions with specific training conditions for the training of specialists for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine is being studied and is currently being discussed. The authors conclude that its provisions are unconditionally progressive, but make specific proposals to improve the proposed organizational and legal framework. In particular, it is proposed to specify the purpose of practical training, the mechanism of its organization for applicants for higher education by correspondence, persons studying under the program “2 years cadet - 1 year student», the order and grounds for involvement in public safety and order, clear determined their status, given the lack of specification of the rights and responsibilities of this category of persons in such activities.

Paul Katuse ◽  
Juliana Mulaa Namada ◽  
Francis W. Wambalaba

The concept of transnational education seems to have sprang from dormancy to heightened activity in the last three decades. Higher education institutions (HEI) have been growing and moving from one nation to another in pursuit of realization of certain set goals. These goals have a clear bearing on the mission of the institution. This chapter gives an overview of the perspectives open to HEI, it elaborates on the process of assessment of mission outcomes of an institution on the basis of its strategic fit between its resources and its environment. A more specific comparison of Baldridge criteria as a performance model with the business sector is explored; however, the basic assumption of the writers was that HEI are nonprofit-oriented organizations. Further, through a case study which is a university in Africa with historic connections to the US, the process of assessment is explained. It is through the experience which the team went through as the conducted the assessment that recommendations and conclusions were given.

Tristen Brenaé Johnson

The purpose of this chapter is to contextualize the challenges that the office of multicultural affairs staff at one state university experienced while moving to virtual learning formats. This study seeks to offer four specific recommendations and best practices for both multicultural affairs offices/centers and higher education institutions, in general, to ensure that students who utilize these virtual format spaces will continue to develop a sense of belonging within the institution. The author historicizes the formation of Black cultural centers and their development into multicultural affairs, tracks the public recognition of the essential importance of these centers and diversity and inclusion programming, and outlines the issues and problems the OMA staff faced in virtually providing a continued and ongoing sense of belonging for diverse students and staff. Higher education institutions can use these recommendations to inform the future of virtual multicultural affairs offices.

Cath Ellis ◽  
Sue Folley

This chapter examines why despite decades of research and overwhelming evidence questioning the pedagogical effectiveness of lecturing as a teaching and learning strategy, it remains the dominant pedagogical mode in most higher education institutions worldwide. The authors explore further why lectures are not the most appropriate teaching strategy in the current higher education climate for three main reasons: the way we now view ‘knowledge’; the information society in which we are currently immersed; and the diverse background and experience of today’s student population. The authors offer an alternative to the lecture which can achieve what a lecture aims to, but in a more student-centred way. Their alternative is informed by the contributing student approach, devised by Collis & Moonen (2001), whereby students collaboratively find, explore, share, and engage with the content which they would have otherwise received passively via a didactic lecture.

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