scholarly journals Diseño de soluciones químicas para la extracción de ácido desoxirribonucleico en productos biotecnológicos

UGCiencia ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Lázaro Núñez Cárdenas
Tween 20 ◽  

<p>Una de las técnicas utilizadas para la identificación de los organismos genéticamente modificados o transgénicos, es la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Para ello, se extrae de la muestra de interés, el ácido desoxirribonucleico con calidad amplificable y a concentraciones adecuadas; mediante el empleo de métodos químico-físicos, mecánicos o enzimáticos. Sin embargo, para la obtención de mejores resultados, se realiza la combinación de estos métodos. Tal es el caso del procedimiento basado en el uso del detergente catiónico bromuro de cetil trimetil amonio; ampliamente reportado en literatura temática. Con el objetivo de obtener alternativas al uso de este reactivo, para la extracción de ácido desoxirribonucleico, se diseñaron nuevas variantes; que combinan el uso de sustancias químicas como: Urea, Guanidio, Tween 20, Sarcosil y Dodecil Sulfato de Sodio y se siguieron los procedimientos establecidos para la extracción de ácidos nucleicos según el método CTAB. Al comparar los valores de las concentraciones de ácido nucleico extraído de las muestras de arroz, trigo, maíz, soya, tabaco y plátano, se obtienen concentraciones similares de ácido desoxirribonucleico de calidad amplificable, en los métodos diseñados, respecto al método que emplea Bromuro de cetil trimetil amonio. Sin embargo, al realizar un análisis económico, se determinó que con la aplicación de urea y Dodecil Sulfato de Sodio, se obtiene un ahorro económico del 48.3% en costo de reactivos; equivalente a 0.5 dólar por cada muestra analizada. Estos resultados manifiestan, la posibilidad de emplear métodos alternativos, al CTAB, para la extracción de ácido desoxirribonucleico en matrices complejas. </p>

László G. Kömüves ◽  
Donna S. Turner ◽  
Kathy S. McKee ◽  
Buford L. Nichols ◽  
Julian P. Heath

In this study we used colloidal gold probes to detect the intracellular localization of colostral immunoglobulins in intestinal epithelial cells of newborn piglets.Tissues were obtained from non-suckled newborn and suckled piglets aged between 1 hour to 1 month. Samples were fixed in 2.5 % glutaraldehyde, osmicated and embedded into Spurr’s resin. Thin (80 nm) sections were etched with 5% sodium ethoxide for 5 min, washed and treated with 4 % sodium-m-periodate in distilled water for 30 min. The sections were then first incubated with blocking buffer (2 % BSA, 0.25 % fish skin gelatin, 0.5 % Tween 20 in 10 mM Trizma buffer, pH=7.4 containing 500 mM NaCl) for 30 min followed by the immunoreagents diluted in the same buffer, 1 hr each. For the detection of pig immunoglobulins a rabbit anti-pig IgG antiserum was used followed by goat anti-rabbit IgG-Au10 or protein A-Au15 probes.

1972 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-174 ◽  
Artur Ber

ABSTRACT Hypophysectomy was performed at the same time as ovariectomy in 19 rats aged 6 weeks; in addition a fragment of the animal's own ovary was implanted into the greater omentum. The graft took but there was complete cessation of the growth of the implant and a decrease in body and uterine weights as compared to 15 ovariectomized controls of the same age killed after one month. This shows that the pituitary is indispensable for the growth of ovarian implants but not for their take. In 84 spayed rats aged 3 weeks with ovarian implants, methallibure (6 mg/day in a 0.2% solution of Tween 20) was given by gavage during one month. Some of them were treated with PMSG (20 IU/day), HCG (20 IU/day) or with oestradiol benzoate (0.05 mg/day) only or in combinations. As controls, there were 74 spayed rats with ovarian implants, seven of which received Tween 20, and 67 were untreated. No differences were found between the two control groups. Methallibure alone caused arrest of the development of the implants and uteri and a decrease in body weight. In the methallibure treated animals HCG stimulated the growth of the implant which was, however, smaller than that in the controls, while PMSG restored the weight of the implant even above that of the control rats. Oestradiol benzoate caused a further diminution in the size of the implants but augmented considerably the influence of HCG on the implants. It had no effect on the weight of the implant in rats treated with PMSG. It is concluded that FSH is the principal implant growth-promoting factor and that oestrogens appear to act in two directions. They decrease the gonadotrophin output from the pituitary thus inhibiting the growth of the implants, but in the presence of gonadotrophins they act directly on the implants, promoting their development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Divya Thakur ◽  
Gurpreet Kaur ◽  
Sheetu Wadhwa ◽  
Ashana Puri

Background: Metronidazole (MTZ) is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent with beneficial therapeutic properties. The hydrophilic nature of molecule limits its penetration across the skin. Existing commercial formulations have limitations of inadequate drug concentration present at target site, which requires frequent administration and poor patient compliance. Objective: The aim of current study was to develop and evaluate water in oil microemulsion of Metronidazole with higher skin retention for treatment of inflammatory skin disorders. Methods: Pseudo ternary phase diagrams were used in order to select the appropriate ratio of surfactant and co-surfactant and identify the microemulsion area. The selected formulation consisted of Capmul MCM as oil, Tween 20 and Span 20 as surfactant and co-surfactant, respectively, and water. The formulation was characterized and evaluated for stability, Ex vivo permeation studies and in vivo anti-inflammatory effect (carrageenan induced rat paw edema, air pouch model), anti-psoriatic activity (mouse-tail test). Results: The particle size analyses revealed average diameter and polydispersity index of selected formulation to be 16 nm and 0.373, respectively. The results of ex vivo permeation studies showed statistically higher mean cumulative amount of MTZ retained in rat skin from microemulsion i.e. 21.90 ± 1.92 μg/cm2 which was 6.65 times higher as compared to Marketed gel (Metrogyl gel®) with 3.29 ± 0.11 μg/cm2 (p<0.05). The results of in vivo studies suggested the microemulsion based formulation of MTZ to be similar in efficacy to Metrogyl gel®. Conclusion: Research suggests efficacy of the developed MTZ loaded microemulsion in treatment of chronic skin inflammatory disorders.

2002 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
E.T. lsometsä

ResumenLa autopsia psicológica es una de las herramientas más valiosas de la investigación sobre el suicidio consumado. El método implica recoger toda la información disponible sobre el fallecido por entrevistas estructuradas de los miembros de la familia, los parientes o los amigos, así como del personal sanitario que le atendió. Además, se recoge información de las historias médicas y psiquiátricas disponibles, otros documentos y el examen forense. Así, una autopsia psicológica sintetiza la información de múltiples informantes y registros. La primera generación de autopsias psicológicas estableció que más del 90% de los suicidas que consumaron el acto había sufrido trastornos mentales habitualmente comórbidos, la mayoría de ellos trastornos del estado de ánimo, trastornos por uso de sustancias o ambos. Además, revelaron un infratratamiento notable de estos trastornos mentales, a menudo a pesar del contacto con los servicios psiquiátricos u otros servicios sanitarios. Los estudios de autopsia psicológica más recientes han utilizado sobre todo diseños de casos y controles, y han podido de este modo estimar mejor el papel de diversos factores de riesgo para el suicidio. El futuro de los estudios de autopsia psicológica puede estar más centrado en las interacciones entre los factores de riesgo o los dominios de factores de riesgo, en algunas poblaciones suicidas específicas de mayor interés para la prevención del suicidio, o la combinación de la metodología de la autopsia psicológica con mediciones biológicas.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 4746
Marcela Sofia Pino ◽  
Michele Michelin ◽  
Rosa M. Rodríguez-Jasso ◽  
Alfredo Oliva-Taravilla ◽  
José A. Teixeira ◽  

Agave bagasse is a residual biomass in the production of the alcoholic beverage tequila, and therefore, it is a promising raw material in the development of biorefineries using hot compressed water pretreatment (hydrothermal processing). Surfactants application has been frequently reported as an alternative to enhance monomeric sugars production efficiency and as a possibility to reduce the enzyme loading required. Nevertheless, the surfactant’s action mechanisms in the enzymatic hydrolysis is still not elucidated. In this work, hot compressed water pretreatment was applied on agave bagasse for biomass fractionation at 194 °C in isothermal regime for 30 min, and the effect of non-ionic surfactants (Tween 20, Tween 80, Span 80, and Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400)) was studied as a potential enhancer of enzymatic saccharification of hydrothermally pretreated solids of agave bagasse (AGB). It was found that non-ionic surfactants show an improvement in the conversion yield of cellulose to glucose (100%) and production of glucose (79.76 g/L) at 15 FPU/g glucan, the highest enhancement obtained being 7% regarding the control (no surfactant addition), using PEG 400 as an additive. The use of surfactants allows improving the production of fermentable sugars for the development of second-generation biorefineries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Viktória Temesfői ◽  
Kinga Molnár ◽  
Péter Kaltenecker ◽  
Barbara Réger ◽  
Árpád Szomor ◽  

BACKGROUND: Recent studies proved that metabolic changes in malignant disorders have an impact on protein glycosylation, however, only a few attempts have been made so far to use O-GlcNAc analysis as a prognostic tool. Glucose metabolism is reported to be altered in hematological malignancies thus, we hypothesized that monitoring intracellular O-GlcNAc levels in Rai stage 0-I (Binet A) CLL patients could give deeper insights regarding subtle metabolic changes of progression which are not completely detected by the routine follow-up procedures. OBJECTIVE: In this proof of concept study we established a flow cytometric detection method for the assessment of O-GlcNAcylation as a possible prognostic marker in CLL malignancy which was supported by fluorescence microscopy. METHODS: Healthy volunteers and CLL patients were recruited for this study. Lymphocytes were isolated, fixed and permeabilised by various methods to find the optimal experimental condition for O-GlcNAc detection by flow cytometry. O-GlcNAc levels were measured and compared to lymphocyte count and various blood parameters including plasma glucose level. RESULTS: The protocol we developed includes red blood cell lysis, formalin fixation, 0.1% Tween 20 permeabilisation and employs standardized cell number per sample and unstained controls. We have found significant correlation between O-GlcNAc levels and WBC (R2= 0.8535, p< 0.0029) and lymphocyte count (R2= 0.9225, p< 0.0006) in CLL patients. Interestingly, there was no such correlation in healthy individuals (R2= 0.05664 for O-GlcNAc vs WBC and R2= 0.04379 for O-GlcNAc vs lymphocytes). CONCLUSION: Analyzing O-GlcNAc changes in malignant disorders, specifically in malignant hematologic diseases such as CLL, could be a useful tool to monitor the progression of the disease.

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 520-529
R. Verheul

ResumenEsta revisión resume las publicaciones recientes sobre trastornos de la personalidad entre per-sonas con abuso de sustancias. En primer lugar, se mostrará que los trastornos de la personalidad son afecciones comórbidas muy prevalentes entre los individuos adictos. En segundo lugar, se afirma que es probable que múltiples relaciones etiológicas complejas expliquen esta comorbilidad. Por último, se ana-lizará la pertinencia ch’nica de la evaluación habitual de los rasgos de personalidad (inadaptados) en individuos admitidos para tratamiento por abuso de sustancias.

1983 ◽  
Vol 210 (2) ◽  
pp. 577-581 ◽  
H Wakeyama ◽  
K Takeshige ◽  
S Minakami

NADPH-dependent 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol (DCIP) reductase activity in the homogenate of phagocytosing pig polymorphonuclear leucocytes was twice that of the resting cells and the activity in the phagocytic vesicles corresponded to the activity increment due to phagocytosis. The apparent Km value of the reductase activity in the vesicles for NADPH was 30 microM, which is similar to that of the NADPH-dependent superoxide (O2-) formation. Increasing the DCIP reductase activity by increasing the DCIP concentration caused a decrease in the O2- –forming activity, the NADPH oxidation rate being constant and independent of the dye concentration. p-Chloromercuribenzoate and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide at low concentrations inhibited the O2- –forming activity of the vesicles without inhibiting the DCIP reductase. Quinacrine inhibited both O2- formation and DCIP reduction. The DCIP reductase activity could be extracted with a mixture of deoxycholate and Tween-20, which extracts the O2- –forming activity. The reductase activity in the extract was enhanced 2-fold by the addition of FAD, and its apparent Km was 0.085 microM. These results indicate that the NADPH-dependent DCIP reductase activity of the phagocytic vesicles is catalysed by a flavin-containing component of the O2- –forming system.

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