2018 ◽  
Vol 97 (6) ◽  
pp. 531-536
Irina N. Fedina ◽  
E. A. Preobrazhenskaya ◽  
P. V. Serebryakov ◽  
V. B. Pankova

The article presents scientific evidence showing the role of extraaural manifestations in the course of professional sensorineural hearing loss in workers exposed to industrial noise. The leading place in the structure of concomitant pathology is occupied by circulatory diseases (44-75%), which have an average degree of professional conditionality, among which arterial hypertension dominates. A high percentage of people with high blood pressure is noted among underground miners (46.7%), mechanical engineering workers (45.5%). Diseases of the cardiovascular system potentiate the effect of noise and contribute to the earlier formation and progression of hearing loss, its progredient course, increase the risk of the occupational hearing loss. Changes in indices of central hemodynamics in the course of work can be considered as a universal adaptive response of the body to the exposure of environmental factors. Changes in the indices of the functional state of the cardiovascular system are combined with disorders of lipid metabolism, with an increase in the degree of exertion of regulatory systems and a decrease in the functional reserves of the body as the professional experience increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hiroyuki Yamakawa ◽  
Tomoko S. Kato ◽  
Jaeduk Yoshimura Noh ◽  
Shinsuke Yuasa ◽  
Akio Kawamura ◽  

Thyroid hormones (THs) are synthesized in the thyroid gland, and they circulate in the blood to regulate cells, tissues, and organs in the body. In particular, they exert several effects on the cardiovascular system. It is well known that THs raise the heart rate and cardiac contractility, improve the systolic and diastolic function of the heart, and decrease systemic vascular resistance. In the past 30 years, some researchers have studied the molecular pathways that mediate the role of TH in the cardiovascular system, to better understand its mechanisms of action. Two types of mechanisms, which are genomic and non-genomic pathways, underlie the effects of THs on cardiomyocytes. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the action of THs in the cardiac function, the clinical manifestation and parameters of their hemodynamics, and treatment principles for patients with hyperthyroid- or hypothyroid-associated heart disease. We also describe the cardiovascular drugs that induce thyroid dysfunction and explain the mechanism underlying the thyroid toxicity of amiodarone, which is considered the most effective antiarrhythmic agent. Finally, we discuss the recent reports on the involvement of thyroid hormones in the regulation of myocardial regeneration and metabolism in the adult heart.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 784-787
Insha M. I. Ansari ◽  
Savita S. Angadi

Ear is a very important sensory organ of hearing. Loss of hearing has a very negative impact on one’s social, pro- fessional and personal life. According to WHO (1st March 2020), there are over 5% of the world’s population are suffering from hearing loss. It is estimated that by the year 2050, 1 in every 10 people will have hearing loss. There are many modern interventions which have been used nowadays like hearing aids, etc. But it is not possible for everyone to afford such treatment. To provide effective and alternative treatment for the betterment of society with simple and less expensive local administrative treatment with the help of Ayurvedic modalities i.e. Karnapoorana (instillation of medicated volatile oil into external auditory canal) of Bilwa Taila (Bilwa oil), Katu Taila (Katu oil), Arka (volatile oil), etc. Arkas are prepared by the combination of Jala (water) and Agni (fire) and it assimilates in the body very quickly, hence it can be used in the management of Badhirya (dwindle hearing). Considering all this, the study is planned for the Evaluation of Vacha Arka Karnapoorana in Badhirya W.S.R. To Sensory Neural Hear- ing Loss. Keywords: Sensorineural hearing loss, Vacha Arka, Badhirya, Karnapoorana.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (5) ◽  
pp. 635-639
Andrei V. Gordeev ◽  
Elena A. Galushko ◽  
Natalia M. Savushkina

The significant humoral effect of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on the regulation of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure has long been widely known. However, the identification and interpretation of new components of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in recent years can significantly expand the range of its potential effects on the body. The anti-inflammatory effect of drugs that block angiotensin II and its receptors, including in rheumatic diseases, can become practically significant for General therapists by their effect on reducing the concentration of inflammatory mediators and angiogenesis processes. The organoprotective and anti-inflammatory potentials of drugs that reduce the production of at demonstrated in vitro and in vivo experiments allow us to consider them as first-line angiotropic agents in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, especially in the presence of pathology of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

2021 ◽  
A.M. Satarkulova ◽  
B.M. Melisova ◽  
Sh.Yu. Aisaeva

The article presents the results of assessment and dynamic control over the functional state of military men in the midlands conditions. Depending on the initial type of autonomic regulation, groups with vagotonic (24%), sympatotonic (26%) and normotonic (50%) directions of regulatory processes were identified. It has been established that the state of optimal working voltage with more economical functioning of regulatory mechanisms is characteristic of carriages; for sympathotonics - an overstrain of regulatory mechanisms, and for normotonics - a moderate tension of regulatory systems with the mobilization of the functional reserves of the body. Key words: heart rate variability, functional state, types of autonomic regulation, midlands, military men.

Alfiya Dinislamovna Volgareva ◽  
Elmira Radikovna Shaikhlislamova ◽  
Lyaylya Marselyevna Masyagutova ◽  
Liliya Kazimovna Karimova ◽  
Galina Ganinovna Gimranova ◽  

Most jobs in the oil and petrochemical industries are characterized by exposure to industrial noise, air pollution of the working area with harmful chemicals, dynamic and static loads, forced working posture, and nervous and emotional overstrain. The complex, long-term impact of these factors on workers leads to the development of fatigue, disruption of the adaptive mechanisms of the body and the formation of pathology of the hearing organ. These changes are most pronounced at the initial stages of the formation of professional hearing loss. In order to study the role of immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of occupational hearing loss, major groups of immunoglobulins (A, M, G, E) in blood serum were determined. The identification of mature T-cell populations was carried out by indirect immunofluorescence method with monoclonal antibodies of the ICO series (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD16+, CD20+) in 120 workers. The state of the immune status of employees of the main professions can be characterized by the presence of a tendency to form a secondary immunodeficiency state, manifested by the suppression of both cellular and humoral links. Violations of individual parts of the immune system among employees of «noise» industries reflect the level of adaptive reactions of the body and correlate with changes in the auditory analyzer and can develop long before the clinical manifestations of the disease. Identification of subclinical changes in the indicators of the immune system of the body of employees will allow timely preventive and pathogenetically justified rehabilitation measures, prevent the progression of the process and its transformation into professional hearing loss and preserve their ability to work for a long period.

E. V. Zibarev ◽  
I. V. Bukhtiyarov ◽  
V. V. Serikov ◽  
S. A. Kalinina ◽  
A. G. Merkulova

Introduction. Performing flights on modern types of aircraft is accompanied by an increase in the role of process automation, changes in the structure of the pilot’s information field, an increase in the number of controlled indicators throughout the flight time and, as a result, an increase in sensory loads that contribute to the development of chronic depletion of functional reserves of the body and fatigue of the pilot, which can cause accidents and plane crashes.The aim of the study is to assess the sensory loads of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft when they perform regular operating procedures in a Training center on fully functional complex simulators for training cadets, flight, dispatcher and technical personnel of civil aviation.Materials and methods. A hygienic study was conducted to assess the sensory loads of pilots in the framework of performing simulation flights on full-featured complex simulators in strict step-by-step accordance with the manual for flight operation of the aircraft (33 flights were performed with the participation of 66 pilots aged 30–55 years).Results. The data obtained indicate high levels of sensory loads in pilots, which are 9.5 times higher than the maximum values set by the Management of R 2.2.2006–05 and MI NTP. INT–17.01–2018. For 4 of the 6 evaluated indicators, sensory loads corresponded to class 3.2.Conclusions. The general assessment of the labor intensity class for members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft on the set of sensory loads corresponds to harmful strenuous work of the 3rd degree (4 indicators of sensory loads with class 3.2). The results of the study are the basis for the approval of new hygienic criteria for establishing a class of working conditions for certain indicators of sensory loads for members of flight crews of the aircraft of the civil aviation (CA) with the addition of their class 3.3. A real assessment of the pilot’s labor intensity should be obtained only on the basis of time-based measurements performed as part of a step-by-step analysis of the aircraft’s flight operation manual.

M.Z. Kruk ◽  
A.M. Liashevych ◽  
I.S. Chernukha ◽  
A.Z. Kruk ◽  
L.I. Levchuk

According to the authors, the assessment of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of the body during physical training and sports is of paramount importance because of the huge role of this system in the adaptation to physical activity of different nature, the optimal functioning of the organism in the most varied in terms of training activity. The analysis of the scientific literature shows that the deterioration of the indicators of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of the human body caused by the weakening of socio-economic conditions in the country, the influence of radioactive radiation, the deterioration of the quality of nutrition, the decrease of motor activity, etc. There is also a general increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases, deterioration of the body's functional reserves, systemic impaired posture, the presence of various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, a decrease in the level of physical fitness, etc. All this happens against the background of the weakening of the functions of the cardio-respiratory and nervous systems of the body during training and during the exams, which negatively affects the formation of health of future specialists. Therefore, since there is a tendency to deteriorate the health of students, in particular, the condition of their cardio-respiratory system, the question of improving it through the use of physical education is very relevant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 232-242
D. Marakushin ◽  
O. Melnichenko ◽  
L. Chernobay ◽  
O. Vasylieva ◽  
I. Isaeva ◽  

THE LEVEL OF ORGANISM FUNCTIONING AS AN INDICATOR OF PREMORBID CONDITIONS (REVIEW)Marakushin D., Melnychenko O., Chernobay L., Vasylieva O., Isaieva I., Karmazina I., Hloba N., Dunaeva O., Goncharova A. The state of the organism is the consequences of interaction with the environment, that is, the result of adaptation or maladaptation of the organism to the environment. The transition from health to illness can be seen as a process of gradually reducing the ability of a person to adapt to changes in social, educational, and production environments and surrounding conditions. Achievement of any level of functioning of an organism or its separate systems is provided through the activity of regulatory mechanisms. The mobilization of reserves occurs as a result of changes in the level of activity of regulatory systems. First of all, this is due to an increase in the tone of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. In those cases where the body constantly has a deficit of functional reserves to support homeostasis, there is a state of functional stress, which is characterized by the displacement of the autonomic balance in favor of the adrenergic mechanisms and the corresponding changes in the hormonal state. In the state of functional stress, all of the basic functions of the body are within physiological norm, but the organism spends functional reserves to maintain the normal level of functioning. The process of adaptation precedes the development of a disease that results from the lack of adaptation mechanisms, their reduction and disruption. The development of maladaptation is preceded by the state of adaptability, and after the maladaptation the state of the disease develops, i.e. all the conditions that precede the disease, that is, the failure of adaptation, are united in the premorbid state. The process of identifying the states that border between the norm and the pathology, when it does not yet have signs of the disease, that is, the premorbid states, is called premorbid diagnostics. Diagnostics of the premorbid states takes into account the use of methods and equipment that are designed for processing information in the range of relative functional stability of the organism with the definition of the vector of adaptation processes and that is an integral part of preventive medicine. Keywords: Premorbid condition, functional state of an organism, functional reserves of an organism, premorbid diagnostics, preventive medicine   Абстракт. РІВЕНЬ ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ ОРГАНІЗМУ ЯК ІНДИКАТОР ПРЕМОРБІДНИХ СТАНІВ(огляд літератури) Маракушин Д., Мельниченко О., Чернобай Л., Васильєва О., Ісаєва І., Кармазіна І., Глоба Н., Дунаєва О., Гончарова А. Стан організму є наслідком взаємодії з навколишнім середовищем, тобто результатом адаптації або дезадаптації організму до навколишнього середовища. Перехід від здоров'я до хвороби може розглядатися як процес поступового зменшення здатності людини адаптуватися до змін у соціальному, освітньому та виробничому середовищі та навколишніх умовах. Досягнення будь-якого рівня функціонування організму або його окремих систем забезпечується через діяльність регуляторних механізмів. Мобілізація резервів відбувається внаслідок зміни рівня активності регуляторних систем. Перш за все це пов'язано зі збільшенням тонусу симпатичного відділу вегетативної нервової системи. У тих випадках, коли організм постійно має дефіцит функціональних резервів для підтримки гомеостазу, виникає стан функціонального стресу, який характеризується зміщенням вегетативного балансу на користь адренергічних механізмів і відповідних змін гормонального стану. У стані функціонального стресу всі основні функції організму перебувають у фізіологічній нормі, але організм витрачає функціональні резерви для підтримки нормального рівня функціонування. Процес адаптації передує розвитку хвороби, що виникає внаслідок порушення процесів адаптації. Розвиненню дезадаптації передує стан адаптивності, а після дезадаптації розвивається стан захворювання, тобто всі умови, що передують захворюванню, об'єднуються в преморбідному стані. Процес ідентифікації станів, що межують між нормою і патологією, коли він ще не має ознак захворювання, тобто преморбідних станів, називається преморбідною діагностикою. Діагностика преморбідних станів враховує використання методів і обладнання, призначених для обробки інформації в діапазоні відносної функціональної стійкості організму з визначенням вектора адаптаційних процесів, що є складовою частиною профілактичної медицини. Ключові слова: Преморбідний стан, функціональний стан організму, функціональні резерви організму, преморбідна діагностика, профілактична медицина   Абстракт УРОВЕНЬ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ОРГАНИЗМА КАК ИНДИКАТОР ПРЕМОРБИДНЫХ СОСТОЯНИЙ (обзор литературы) Маракушин Д., Мельниченко А., Чернобай Л., Васильева О., Исаева И., Кармазина И., Глоба Н., Дунаева О., Гончарова А. Состояние организма - это последствия взаимодействия с окружающей средой, то есть результат адаптации или дезадаптации организма к окружающей среде. Переход от здоровья к болезни можно рассматривать как процесс постепенного снижения способности человека адаптироваться к изменениям в социальной, образовательной и производственной среде, а также в окружающих условиях. Достижение любого уровня функционирования организма или его отдельных систем обеспечивается за счет действия регуляторных механизмов. Мобилизация резервов происходит в результате изменения уровня активности регуляторных систем. Прежде всего, это связано с повышением тонуса симпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы. В тех случаях, когда организм постоянно испытывает дефицит функциональных резервов для поддержания гомеостаза, возникает состояние функционального стресса, которое характеризуется смещением вегетативного баланса в пользу адренергических механизмов и соответствующими изменениями гормонального состояния. В состоянии функционального стресса все основные функции организма находятся в пределах физиологической нормы, но организм тратит функциональные резервы для поддержания нормального уровня функционирования. Процесс адаптации предшествует развитию заболевания, которое возникает в результате отсутствия механизмов адаптации, их уменьшения и нарушения. Развитию дезадаптации предшествует состояние приспособляемости, и после дезадаптации развивается состояние заболевания, то есть все состояния, предшествующие заболеванию, объединяются в преморбидные состояния. Процесс выявления состояний, которые граничат между нормой и патологией, то есть преморбидных состояний, называется преморбидной диагностикой. Диагностика преморбидных состояний учитывает использование методов и оборудования, предназначенных для обработки информации в диапазоне относительной функциональной устойчивости организма с определением вектора адаптационных процессов и является неотъемлемой частью профилактической медицины. Ключевые слова: Преморбидные состояния, функциональное состояние организма, функциональные резервы организма, преморбидная диагностика, профилактическая медицина

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 725-735 ◽  
A. S. Safaryan ◽  
V. S. Sargsyan ◽  
T. V. Kamyshova ◽  
N. M. Akhmedzhanov ◽  
D. V. Nebieridze ◽  

The article is devoted to the influence of magnesium on the homeostasis of the body and, in particular, on the cardiovascular system. It describes the importance of the presence and effects of magnesium on various key processes and functions occurring in the body. The reasons for the lack of magnesium and ways to replenish it both in the natural way (eating, certain foods) and magnesium preparations are considered. The article provides examples of large randomized studies that prove the importance of the influence of normal magnesium levels on human health in general and on the state of the cardiovascular system. These studies show how magnesium deficiency increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and how it can be reduced. It is also shown which trace elements and vitamins are closely related to magnesium metabolism, and how they (in particular, potassium and vitamin B6) improve and facilitate the normalization of magnesium levels. It is noted how comorbidity decreases with the normalization of magnesium level – the higher the magnesium level in the blood plasma (closer to the upper limit and more), the less comorbidity and longer life expectancy. Magnesium is an absolutely essential ion and a good medicine. Magnesium deficiency and hypomagnesemia are quite common, difficult to diagnose (due to underestimation and rare level control) and accompany many diseases of the cardiovascular system and beyond. The widespread use of organic magnesium salts would improve the situation as a whole, due to their universal multiple effect on many processes in the body. This is an integral part of therapeutic and preventive measures in patients with already existing diseases and in people who do not have diseases, but who are at risk due to existing hypomagnesemia.

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