scholarly journals L’apport Des Marchés De Capitaux Au Financement Des PME Marocaines

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 250
M. Mohamed Oudgou ◽  
M. Mohamed Zeamari

Moroccan SMEs do not use generally capital market due to rigidity of the conditions. Moroccan authorities have introduced the measurements to deal with this problem and to encourage SMEs to access in the capital market since 2000. However, these measures were less efficient because they are multiple reason, but indeed, it still attributed to the financial and institutional conditions of access to capital market. The article target is to analyze capital market reforms and its contribution to financing Moroccan SMEs. In order to help us to determine the constraints of access the SMEs to direct finance. In fact, to achieve the target we need to adopt a methodology based on the analysis of secondary statistics and official reports of the main actors of the capital markets in Morocco.

Çetin Arslan ◽  
Didar Özdemir

Insider trading act is penalised ultima ratio with the aim of fighting against manmade market actions which outrage the principle of public disclosure and the element of trust in order to establish equality and good faith in capital markets. Insider trading is first disposed as a crime among the other capital market crimes (art.47/1-A-1) in the Capital Market Code no.2499 dated 28.07.1981 with the Amendment to the law no.3794 dated 29.04.1992 and at the present time it is rearranged as a self-contained crime type in article 106 of the Capital Market Code no.6362 dated 06.12.2012. In this study, the crime of insider trading is examined –in particular through the controversial points- as a comparative analysis between abrogated and current dispositions in Turkish Law.

2015 ◽  
Vol 07 (03) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Jing WAN

The Stock Connect scheme launched on 17 November 2014 was the first mutual market access between mainland China and Hong Kong stock markets. It is the biggest move ever in the opening up of the capital market. Experiences accumulated will be of great value to mainland regulators who will decide on how these experiences could be utilised for China’s future opening up of its capital markets and for accelerating renminbi internationalisation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hilda Hilmiah Dimyati

Abstract: Legal Protection for Investors in the Capital Market. Supervision in the financial services industry capital markets experienced a change of control by Bapepam-LK be supervised by the Financial Services Authority. Institutionally, Bapepam-LK is responsible to the Minister of Finance, as Bapepam-LK is under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, while the Financial Services Authority is responsible to Parliament or the public. Crucial aspect on which the formation of the FSA is not maximum protection of the interests of consumers of financial services. In accordance with the problems that occur as above, the authors feel the need to examine the legal protection in the capital market. This writing will also examine the parties are entitled to legal protection based on Law No. 8 of 1995 and the Capital Market Law No. 21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority. Abstrak: Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Investor Dalam Pasar Modal. Pengawasan di bidang industri jasa keuangan pasar modal mengalami perubahan dari pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Bapepam-LK menjadi diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Secara kelembagaan, Bapepam-LK bertanggung jawab kepada Menteri Keuangan, karena Bapepam-LK berada di bawah naungan Kementrian Keuangan, sedangkan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat atau masyarakat. Aspek krusial yang menjadi dasar pembentukan OJK adalah tidak maksimalnya perlindungan kepentingan konsumen jasa keuangan. Sesuai dengan permasalahan yang terjadi seperti diatas, maka penulis merasa perlu untuk meneliti tentang perlindungan hukum di pasar modal. Penulisan ini juga akan meneliti para pihak yang berhak atas perlindungan hukum berdasarkan pada Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pasar Modal dan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 Tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.1473

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Marihot Janpieter Hutajulu

<p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p> </p><p>Keberadaan pasar modal di Indonesia dibutuhkan mengingat peranannya yang penting untuk menyokong kondisi perekonomian negara. Namun pasar modal sebagai lembaga yang berasal dari sistem ekonomi liberal-kapitalistik tidak serta merta dapat dengan mudah diadopsi dan diatur tanpa disesuaikan dengan filosofi bangsa Indonesia. Melalui tulisan ini, Penulis hendak menganalisis kesesuaian tujuan pengaturan dan pengembangan pasar modal di Indonesia dengan konsep Negara Kesejahteraan Indonesia pasca Amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Analisis tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa tujuan pengembangan pasar modal Indonesia adalah mewujudkan masyarakat yang adil dan makmur, namun tujuan pengaturan pasar modal itu sendiri belum sesuai dengan konsep negara kesejahteraan Indonesia serta belum memenuhi harapan konstitusional bangsa ini.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><em><strong>Abs</strong><strong>tract</strong></em><strong></strong></p><p>In Indonesia the existence of capital market is needed considering the important role to support the country's economy. But the capital market as an institution derived from the liberal-capitalistic economic system can not necessarily be adopted and arranged without adjustment to the philosophy of the Indonesian nation. Through this article, the author analyzes the suitability of regulation and development of capital markets in Indonesia with the concept of Indonesian welfare state after the amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945. The analysis of this paper draws a conclusion that the purpose of the Indonesian capital market development is to realize a just and prosperous society, but the goal of the capital market regulation itself is not in accordance with the concept of Indonesia as well as the concept of welfare state and thus has not met expectations of the nation's constitutional expectations.</p><p> </p>

Riswan Efendi Tarigan

Capital Markets is part of the financial market, which is related to the supply and demand of the need for long-term funding. Capital Markets was formed and developed with aims to support the implementation of national development in order to improve the distribution, growth, and stability of the national economy towards the improvement of society welfare. However, so far the capital market in Indonesia is still around 0.5% of the total population which is too small compared to capital markets in other advanced countries. One solution for increasing community involvement in the capital market, despite educating in smart and sustainable way, is developing and implementing efficient information systems, so that made it easier for market participants to undertake investment activities. This paper examines how and to what extent the role of information system enhances the capital market in Indonesia, which aims to plan the subsequent strategic step so that the development of Indonesia’s capital market is able to compete in globalmarket.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Muhammad Abdul Ghoni

Abstract: Islamic teaching that is a straight path but not a rigid religion, it is a line-giver to the problems encountered by humans in the course of their lives. Muslims should have a concept that contains a way of life to face the development and progress of the times with various problems. One area that is always warm to talk about is the economy. This problem is getting wider, more varied and more complex. It is not uncommon to find it complicated, especially when confronted with Islamic law. One of them is about the capital market. This journal tries to examine from the perspective of jurisprudence about the jala of the existing capital markets. If we look at the system of stock bidding mechanisms in the capital market, it will be clear that there is a similarity with the capital system contained in the conception of Islamic fiqh, known as mudharabah or qirodh. It is seen from the investors, executors, the nature of capital, capital, and profit sharing of the same shape. Thus, the system of buying and selling of shares in the stock market is clearly visible equation with mudharabah in Islamic jurisprudence.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Suharsono ◽  
Aryo Wibisono

In a stock exchange in the capital market, the most in demand by investors is stocks. Shares are securities which shows the ownership of the company, so that shareholders have the right to a dividend or other distribution of profit sharing as well as by the company to its shareholders. The capital market is an indicator of economic progress and support the economy of a country. In this decade, the stock market has experienced rapid development due to pressure from technological change, liberalization and globalization. These changes affect the behavior of the capital markets and cause long-term balance and improving the relations between the world's capital markets. Otherwise interconnected capital markets if the two separate markets have the same movement and the correlation between the movement of the index. Capital markets in the region are likely to have the same movement and the effects of contagion (contagion effect) is high (1). During the observation period, October 2015 to March 2016, there was a phenomenon in which IHSG is not always the same and has a correlation with the movement of world stock market indices. It is also supported by the differences found in the results of some previous studies. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between stocks bluechip : Astra International Tbk (ASII), Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR), Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI), Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga (AGRO) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI ). The analytical method used in this study is Multivariate Time Series, especially Vector Autoregression (VAR). The results of this study with the model produces the best model VAR (2), AGRO = 11.56 - 4.03*ASII(-1) - 4.40*ASII(-2) + 3.76*UNVR(-1) + 1.27*UNVR(-2) + 1.38*AALI(-1) + 2.54*AALI(-2) + 0.73*AGRO(-1) + 0.14*AGRO(-2) + 5.40*BRI(-1) - 1.34*BRI(-2). The value of AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) = 4.47 Keywords: BLUE CHIP, Stock Price, VAR.

Supaino Supaino

This paper aims to examine the problems of conventional bank interest and the Islamic capital market in the perspective of Islamic law. The debate regarding the concept of interest and usury against additional rewards (benefits) from conventional banking products and the Islamic capital market has become a polemic in the life of Indonesian Muslim communities. The opinion of the scholars in addressing interest in the context of conventional banking and usury has generated its own debate, as well as the capital market in the perspective of sharia. This research is a literature research using both classical and contemporary fiqh books, holy books and journals regarding conventional bank interest and Islamic capital markets which are analyzed descriptively. In conclusion, conventional bank interest is a part of a form of usury which is prohibited, although there are differences of opinion among scholars in it. Likewise, the capital market, while it related to the Islamic capital market, there are various opinions of Islamic law scholars and it has given birth to the decision of Majma 'Fiqh. Keywords: Conventional Bank, Sharia Capital Market, Islamic Law

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Gita Masria Hutapea ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni ◽  
Yulia Efni

<em>In the midst of a national economic growth downturn that affected the capital market as a subsystem of the economy, now Indonesia capital market industry began to look at the development of the application of the principles of sharia as an alternative investment instruments in capital markets activities in Indonesia. The growth of the Islamic capital market in Indonesia is quite encouraging, but the Islamic capital market exposure is still minimal. Lack of public understanding about the Islamic capital market into doubt for investors to invest in the capital market. With the background of the problem, this research aims to investigate the level of efficiency increase of capital markets in Indonesia to see the influence of the capital market and the asymmetry of information on abnormal return. The population in this study are all listed company listed on the Stock Exchange 2014-2018 period as many as 626 companies with a total sample of 238 companies were selected based on criteria predetermined. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression and the results showed that the type of capital markets significant negative effect on abnormal returns and the information asymmetry significant positive effect on abnormal returns. The continued development of the Islamic capital market information asymmetry and abnormal returns are also lower so the efficiency of the capital market has also increased. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression and the results showed that the type of capital markets significant negative effect on abnormal returns and the information asymmetry significant positive effect on abnormal returns. The continued development of the Islamic capital market information asymmetry and abnormal returns are also lower so the efficiency of the capital market has also increased. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression and the results showed that the type of capital markets significant negative effect on abnormal returns and the information asymmetry significant positive effect on abnormal returns. The continued development of the Islamic capital market information asymmetry and abnormal returns are also lower so the efficiency of the capital market has also increased.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Tine Badriatin ◽  
Lucky Radi Rinandiyana ◽  
Sri Sudiarti ◽  
Asep Saepudin

Abstrak: Pengenalan pasar modal pada kalangan generasi muda khususnya bagi mahasiswa baru dalam meningkatkan literasi dan inklusi keuangan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam berinvestasi maka kegiatan ini dilaksanakan melalui metode seminar dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 150 orang mahasiswa tingkat 3, dimana harapannya dengan adanya kegiatan ini mahasiswa dapat lebih mengenal budaya investasi dengan mengubah paradigma dari saving society menjadi investing society. Kegiatan ini belum begitu mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dalam hal kesadaran berinvestasi di pasar modal sehingga masih diperlukan pembelajaran dan pelatihan secara berkelanjutan dimana hal ini ditandai dengan hanya 5 orang peserta yang tertarik untuk membuka rekening efek, Namun secara pengetahuan dari mereka sudah bertambah luas dimana lembar pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada peserta mengenai pengenalan pasar modal yang disampaikan dapat terisi dengan baik dan benar. Abstract:  The introduction of the capital market among young people, especially for new students in increasing financial literacy and inclusion to increase knowledge in investing, this activity was carried out through a seminar method with a total of 150 students level 3, where the hope was that with this activity students could get to know investment culture by changing the paradigm from saving society to investing society. This activity did not yet get optimal results in terms of awareness of investing in the capital market so that it was still needed continuous learning and training where it was marked by only 5 participants who were interested in opening a securities account, but the knowledge from them had expanded where the question sheets given to participants regarding the introduction of capital markets which can be filled properly and correctly

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