maximum protection
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Tyas Adi Putra Nugraha

Traditional Cultural Expression is an intellectual work that needs to be protected. Traditional Cultural Expression is rooted in three words: tradition, culture, and expression. The meaning of "expression", expresses a clear goal, idea or feeling. In this paper, the author raises an example of a traditional cultural expression, namely the cultural expression of traditional Acehnese songs owned by the local Acehnese people. Songs such as "Bungong Jempa", are a small example of the traditional wealth of the Acehnese people that should be preserved and protected by the government. The purpose of this study is to find out how is the protection related to traditional cultural expressions in Indonesia? And has the method of recording/inventorying traditional cultural expressions in Indonesia provided maximum protection for the cultural expressions of traditional Acehnese songs? The benefit of this research is that it is hoped that it can provide benefits for the development of legal knowledge in Indonesia and can provide insight or information to the public, especially regarding the object of copyright as one of the productive waqf in Indonesia.

Ika Ristia Rahman

Background: UV lights are free radicals that can cause damage to the skin, such as redness, burning, pigmentation, and even cancer. Kenikir leaf purified extract (ETDK) and Tampoi fruit peel extract (EKBT) contain flavonoid compounds. Flavonoid compounds can be antioxidants and sunscreens due to the presence of chromophore groups that can absorb UV rays to reduce exposure to the skin. Objectives: This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity and the ability of sunscreen nano cream Purified extract of Kenikir leaves and Tampoi fruit peel extract. Material and metode:  Nanocream is made with 3 ETDTK-EKBT combination formulas, II ETDK formulas, III EKBT formulas. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method and the sunscreen activity test using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method to calculate the SPF value of the preparation (Mansur's method). Result: The results showed that the nano cream formula had a strong antioxidant activity with the per cent inhibition of formula I 78.28%, formula II 68.49%, and formula III 73.00%. The activity test results as a sunscreen formulation of purified extract nano cream from Kenikir leaves and nano cream from Tampoi fruit peel extract had extra protection ability with a sun-protecting factor value of 7 while the nano cream formula combined extract with an SPF value of 10 gave the maximum protection category. Conclusion: nano cream have potential as antioxidants and sunscreens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 565-579
V. Pascari ◽  
L.G. Gagarina ◽  
V.V. Sliusar ◽  

The most promising way to increase voters’ confidence in the remote electronic voting (REV) procedure is a voting method based on Ethereum blockchain platform. However, the existing solutions using this method faced a range of problems: ensuring the secrecy of the vote and openness of the procedure for society, pressure on the voter and a guarantee of the reliability of the whole system. In this work, a method for constructing a REV is proposed that solves these problems. It is similar in structure to the traditional voting method, using the same principle and processes. The Ethereum blockchain based REV process is described in detail. It was shown that received votes are securely stored in the Ethereum blockchain network, and the correctness of the vote addressing to the selected candidate can always be checked in real time. The description of smart contract algorithm that implements the transfer of vote from voter to candidate using transactions and determines the winner who received the highest number of votes was provided. It was demonstrated that keccak256 hashing algorithm and secp256k1 elliptic curve signatures ensure transactions’ maximum protection, reliability, and non-rollability. The developed REV technique based on Ethereum blockchain platform increases the efficiency of data security and confidentiality, transparency and anonymity of the voting procedure, and solves the problem of coercion. The results of the work have been implemented programmatically and can be used not only in the electoral system, but also wherever there is need of remote voting.

Dushyant Kishan Kaul

Abstract This article explores how the Supreme Court of India, in applying the judicial doctrine of ‘essential practices’, has embarked on a dangerous exercise of determining whether a particular religious practice is significant enough to warrant constitutional protection under Article 25(1) or not. In tracing a string of judgments, it shows how courts have been guilty of making ill-founded observations about the validity of religious practices, thereby detrimentally affecting religious groups and minorities. Due to this constitutional transgression, the question of ‘what is essentially religious’ turned into the question of ‘what is essential in religion’. The court has neither the right nor the expertise to decide if the religious practice indeed is ‘essential’. State intervention is warranted only based on constitutionally stipulated restrictions of ‘public order’, ‘morality’ and ‘health’. The cardinal rule ought to be of limited state intervention but maximum protection.

2021 ◽  
Ankita M George ◽  
Michelle Wille ◽  
Jianning Wang ◽  
Keith Anderson ◽  
Shari Cohen ◽  

Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a highly contagious systemic viral disease of dogs, that regularly spills-over into other animal species. Despite widespread vaccination, CDV remains endemic in many parts of the world. In this study we report an outbreak of distemper in ferrets in two independent research facilities in Australia. We found that disease severity varied, although most animals had mild to moderate disease signs. Histopathology results of animals with severe disease presented the typical profile of distemper pathology with multi-system virus replication. Through the development of a discriminatory PCR paired with full genome sequencing we revealed that the outbreak at both facilities was caused by a single, novel lineage of CDV. This lineage was highly divergent across the H gene, F signal peptide and full genome and had less than 93% similarity across the H gene to other described lineages, including the vaccine strain. Molecular analysis indicates that this strain belongs to a distinct lineage that diverged from other clades approximately 140 to 400 years ago, and appears to be unique to Australia. Given the differences in key viral proteins of this novel CDV strain, a review of the efficacy of the CDV vaccines currently in use in Australia is warranted to ensure maximum protection of dogs and other vulnerable species. In addition, enhanced surveillance to determine the prevalence of CDV in ferrets, dogs and other at-risk species in Australia would be useful to better understand the diversity of CDV in Australia.

2021 ◽  
Constantine Vardavas ◽  
Katerina Nikitara ◽  
Alexander Mathioudakis ◽  
Michele Hilton-Boon ◽  
Revati Phalkey ◽  

Background: School closures have been used as a core Non pharmaceutical intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic, however the role of educational settings in COVID-19 transmission is still unclear. Methods: This systematic literature review assessed studies published between December 2019 and April 1, 2021 in Medline and Embase, which included studies that assessed educational settings from approximately January 2020 to January 2021. The inclusion criteria were based on the PCC framework (P-Population, C-Concept, C-Context). The study Population was restricted to people 1-17 years old (excluding neonatal transmission), the Concept was to assess child-to-child and child-to-adult transmission, while the Context was to assess specifically educational setting transmission clusters. Results: Fifteen studies met inclusion criteria, ranging from daycare centers to high schools and summer camps, while eight studies assessed the re-opening of schools in the 2020-2021 school year. In principle although there is sufficient evidence that children can both be infected by and transmit SARS-CoV-2 in school settings, the SAR remain relatively low -when NPI measures are implemented in parallel. Moreover, although the evidence was limited there was an indication that younger children may have a lower SAR than adolescents. Conclusions: Transmission in educational settings in 2020 was minimal -when NPI measures were implemented in parallel. However, with an upsurge of cases related to variants of concern, continuous surveillance and assessment of the evidence is warranted to ensure the maximum protection of the health of students and the educational workforce, while also minimising the numerous negative impacts that school closures may have on children.

2021 ◽  
Maciej Czerkies ◽  
Marek Kochańczyk ◽  
Zbigniew Korwek ◽  
Wiktor Prus ◽  
Tomasz Lipniacki

We observed the interference between two prevalent respiratory viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza A virus (IAV, H1N1), and characterized its molecular underpinnings in alveolar epithelial cells (A549). We found that RSV induces higher interferon (IFN) β production than IAV and that IFNβ priming confers higher protection against infection with IAV than with RSV. Consequently, we focused on the sequential infection scheme: RSV-then-IAV. Using the A549 WT, IFNAR1 KO, IFNLR1 KO, and IFNAR1–IFNLR1 double KO cell lines we found that both IFNβ and IFNλ are necessary for maximum protection against subsequent infection. Immunostaining revealed that preinfection with RSV partitions the cell population into a subpopulation susceptible to subsequent infection with IAV and an IAV-proof subpopulation. Strikingly, the susceptible cells turned out to be those already compromised and efficiently expressing RSV, whereas the bystander, interferon-primed cells are resistant to IAV infection. Thus, the virus–virus exclusion at the cell population level is not realized through a direct competition for a shared ecological niche (single cell) but rather achieved with the involvement of specific cytokines induced within the host innate immune response.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-245
Indah Mahendra Wardani ◽  
Rissa Laila Vifta

Sunlight emits electromagnetic radiation consisting of infrared, visible light, and UV radiation. High sun exposure can have an impact on skin damage. Corn silk is a waste from the cultivation of corn crops whose utilization is still very limited. Corn silk extract contains phenolic, flavonoids, and carotenoids that are efficacious as antioxidants and sunscreens. This study aims to find out the potential of antioxidants and sunscreens in corn silk extract and cream. This study by reviewing 5 articles consisting of 1 international article and 4 accredited National articles that discuss the activity of antioxidants and sunscreens both extracts and corn silk cream (Zea mays L.) published in 2011-2021. The results of the study of the five articles show that the compounds contained in corn hair extract that have antioxidant activity and sunscreen are phenolic, flavonoid, and carotenoids. Corn hair extract (Zea mays L.) has a very strong antioxidant activity category and has activity as an ultra protection category sunscreen. Corn silk cream have a very weak antioxidant activity and have maximum protection sunscreen activity. Both of corn silk extract and cream have antioxidant and sunscreen activity in the presence of secondary metabolite compounds phenolic, flavonoid, and carotene. ABSTRAK Sinar matahari memancarkan radiasi elektromagnetik yang terdiri dari inframerah, cahaya tampak, dan radiasi sinar UV. Paparan sinar matahari yang tinggi dapat berdampak pada kerusakan kulit. Rambut jagung merupakan limbah hasil budidaya tanaman jagung yang pemanfaatannya masih sangat terbatas. Rambut jagung mengandung fenolik, flavonoid, dan karotenoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan dan tabir surya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi antioksidan dan tabir surya pada ekstrak dan krim rambut jagung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji sebanyak 5 artikel yang terdiri dari 1 artikel Internasional dan 4 artikel Nasional terakreditasi yang membahas aktivitas antioksidan dan tabir surya baik ekstrak maupun dalam bentuk sediaan krim rambut jagung (Zea mays L.) yang dipublikasikan tahun 2011-2021. Hasil studi dari kelima artikel menunjukkan bahwa senyawa yang terkandung dalam ekstrak rambut jagung yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan tabir surya adalah fenolik, flavonoid, dan karotenoid. Ekstrak rambut jagung (Zea mays L.) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan kategori sangat kuat dan memiliki aktivitas sebagai tabir surya kategori proteksi ultra. Sediaan krim rambut jagung memiliki aktivitas antioksidan kategori sangat lemah dan memiliki aktivitas tabir surya kategori proteksi maksimal. Ekstrak maupun sediaan krim rambut jagung memiliki aktivitas baik antioksidan maupun tabir surya dengan adanya kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder fenolik, flavonoid, dan karoten.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 242
Suryani Suryani ◽  
Yudi Ahmad Faisal ◽  
Muhammad Anwar Fathoni ◽  
Lukman Santoso

The implementation of Islamic economy in Indonesia is due to the fact that Islam has a comprehensive and universal teaching in all human life aspects, including economy. One encouraging Islamic banking development in Indonesia is indicated by the operation of banks accommodating the Sharia principles. The rapid development of Sharia banking requires an immediate implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) System to provide a maximum protection for the stakeholders, especially customers. The implementation of GCG is expected to help Sharia banking minimize the poor financing quality, increase the bank assessment accuracy, infrastructure, and business decision making quality as well as become the early detection to high risk business areas, products, and services. The implementation of GCG system is greatly important since Sharia banking is the intermediary institution requiring the public or stakeholders’ trust.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2155
Cristina Gabriela Burca-Busaga ◽  
Noelia Betoret ◽  
Lucía Seguí ◽  
Jorge García-Hernández ◽  
Manuel Hernández ◽  

To benefit the health of consumers, bioactive compounds must reach an adequate concentration at the end of the digestive process. This involves both an effective release from the food matrix where they are contained and a high resistance to exposure to gastrointestinal conditions. Accordingly, this study evaluates the impact of trehalose addition (10% w/w) and homogenization (100 MPa), together with the structural changes induced in vacuum impregnated apple slices (VI) by air-drying (AD) and freeze-drying (FD), on Lactobacillus salivarius spp. salivarius (CECT 4063) survival and the bioaccessibility of antioxidants during in vitro digestion. Vacuum impregnated apple slices conferred maximum protection to the lactobacillus strain during its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, whereas drying with air reduced the final content of the living cells to values below 10 cfu/g. The bioaccessibility of antioxidants also reached the highest values in the VI samples, in which the release of both the total phenols and total flavonoids to the liquid phase increased with in vitro digestion. The addition of trehalose and homogenization at 100 MPa increased the total bioaccessibility of antioxidants in FD and AD apples and the total bioaccessibility of flavonoids in the VI samples. Homogenizing at 100 MPa also increased the survival of L. salivarius during in vitro digestion in FD samples.

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