scholarly journals Zitelle e zitellacce. Prejudices and scorn in the perception of widows and single women in Italy in the 19th century

Monica Miscali

Abstract: Living alone in the pre-industrial world often created more complications for women than for men. The main source of this discrimination was a widespread prejudicial and hostile attitude towards unattached women and widows in general. Past societies have generated both pejorative and celebratory words to describe women who have never been married or were widowed. Expressions such as “old maid”, “vecchia zitella” or the slightly more benevolent expression “poor widow” have become commonplace. The aim of this paper is firstly to highlight the negative prejudices suffered by single women and widows in past centuries. Secondly, it hopes to demonstrate the considerable change in society’s attitude towards unmarried women that accompanied the rise of the bourgeois society and that transformed the semantic sense of the otherwise neutral word zitella to the pejorative one it has today. Despite focusing on the particular case of Italy, it will also seek to give a brief overview of the situation in the rest of Europe.Key words: Widows, single women, zitella, prejudices, stereotypes, ItalyRésumé: Vivre seul dans le monde préindustriel a souvent créé plus de complications pour les femmes que pour les hommes. La principale source de cette discrimination était une attitude préjudiciable et hostile envers les femmes seules et les veuves en général. Les sociétés du passé ont généré de nombreux mots péjoratifs pour décrire les femmes qui n’ont jamais été mariées ou qui étaient veuves. Combien de fois avons-nous entendu des mots tels que «old maid», ou bien «vieille fille» ou encore l’expression apparemment bienveillante “pauvre veuve”. Le but de cet article est de mettre en évidence les préjugés négatifs qui ont été employé au cours des siècles passésafin de décrire les femmes célibataires et les veuves et de montrer comment l’attitude de la société envers les femmes célibataires a considérablement changé avec la montée de la société bourgeoise qui a transformé le sens sémantique du mot “zitella” originairement neutre en un terme au sens aujourd’hui péjoratifact francese. L’article se concentrera sur les cas de l’Italie, mais il cherchera aussi à donner un bref aperçu de la situation dans le reste de l’Europe.Mots-clés: Veuves, femmes célibataires, vieille fille, préjugés, stéréotypes, zitella  

M.V. Chernyshev

Fin-de-siècle is a French definition for “end of the age”, though also implying an era of changes in different spheres of social life within European society between 1890 and 1914. At the turn of the 20th century we can observe the phenomenon of formation of the new type of modernist political ideology “beyond Left and Right” which tended to adopt some sort of cultural revolt against decadent bourgeois society and associate it with new forms of political actions. Famous writers of the Fin-de-siècle Gabriele D’Annunzio and Maurice Barrès embodied in their writings this tendency. This essay argues that despite their claimed break with the tradition of the 19th century and search for individual liberation, the representatives of the new intellectual tradition put into practice some of the ideas that later were associated with European totalitarian ideologies of fascism and national socialism. This study attempts to describe development of views of the two writers on the national societies taking into consideration a certain number of dynamic tensions within the period of European fin-de-siècle: first of all, between the tendencies of Decadence which were evident in the last quarter of the 19th century and the desire for spiritual renewal, between the cult of personal perfection and the collective myth of political nationalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Aleksandra Wojda

<p>The article proposes a reflection concerning the connections between the voice representations or vocal practices, worked out towards the end of the Enlightenment period and in the first decades of the 19th century in the French cultural area, and the birth of the socio-economic system characteristic of the bourgeois society. The paper focuses, in particular, on political presuppositions – in the Aristotelian sense of the word « political » – on which all the uses of voice, both spoken and sung, are based. The objective of the study is to understand the status of voice and singing in the process of creation of a modern anthropology.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (184) ◽  
pp. 459-476 ◽  
Alex Demirović

The article argues that Adorno’s book Negative Dialectics is a major contribution to the Marxist debate. Adorno’s starting point is a critique of Marx’ eleventh Feuerbach-thesis that the world should not be longer interpreted but changed. After all the defeats that the left and Marxist theory had to experience since the middle of the 19th century Adorno argues for a renewal of theory by a self-reflexive turn of Marxism. As an important moment of this self-reflection a critical assessment of dialectics itself is necessary. Adorno criticized the traditional idea of the negation of negation and the expectation of a positive result as well as the notion of totality. Critically approaching Hegel, he sees him as the affirmative theorist of the tendency of the bourgeois society to totalize itself. In opposition to this – and in difference to any Hegel-Marxism – Adorno conceive of dialectics as negative i.e. it has itself a temporal index and is a form of intellectual appropriation of the world only under conditions of domination. To think in an emancipatory way then has as a consequence to develop a non-systematic theory and to be sensitive for the movements and contradictions of concepts that attract themselves and form constellations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 460
Tatyana V. Bessonova ◽  
Aigul F. Khanova

<p>The article is devoted to the study of a Kazan philistine costume of the first half of the 19th century as an integral feature of social quality in the conditions of the class system. This period in Russian history is the time of transition to a bourgeois society, during which the views on fashion and beauty changed, which was reflected in the dress and appearance of people. The main source that allows to recreate a philistine image of that period is the description of the Kazan philistine property, drawn up during the transfer to the trusteeship or sold for debts. The analysis of archival materials, most of which were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, made it possible to reconstruct a Russian petty bourgeois suit and to present a visual image of an ordinary citizen and the townspeople of the period under study. The approaches to the study of this issue are based on the methods used in microhistory and historical anthropology with the use of lexical-semantic analysis elements. The study showed that philistine clothing is a social marker reflecting the social-cultural identity of an urban commoner, taking into account gender and ethnic-confessional features. The costume of an urban commoner as a whole retained a traditional image for Russia, which was formed during the era prior to Peter I, which was reflected, among other things, in lexical archaisms. In the first half of the 19th century the social-cultural mentality of a petty bourgeois remained generally at the level of a class-based mentality.</p>

Asmaa M. Saleh

Deafness has been considered an exceptional condition and people who have this individuality are recognized all over the world as weak, fragile, deformed, and in great need for help from other “fit “people. The problem of integrating deaf people in their societies has been risen since the 19th century. There appeared two camps; one which advocated for teaching the deaf individuals the skills that enable them to blend in the world of “hearing people “while the other camp, the manualists, called for teaching and learning sign language as a means of communication. Amid all the conflicts between those two camps appeared literary works that dealt with this issue. In Children of a Lesser God which was written 1980 by the American playwright Mark Medoff, there is a manifestation of this conflict presented by the dramatist through the characters of his play and through a love relationship between a hearing man and a deaf woman. The play depicts the suffering of a deaf woman in a hearing society and the abuse she gets from people who are unable to appreciate her uniqueness as a human being. She faces a hostile attitude starting from her parents, society, and eventually from the man she love. The current work aims at exploring the leading female character in the play and how her deafness has added to the restrictions she experiences as a woman

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Kristina Milković

The paper presents the foundation of Mirogoj in 1876 as the central cemetery of Zagreb. Since the 1850s, Zagreb had been developing as the capital of Croatia in the modern sense of the word, as a Gründerstadt. As early as the 1860s, the public was of the opinion that a central cemetery should be established outside the city limits. This idea came to fruition in the mid-1870s, in the context of urbanization and modernization of the city. The founding of Mirogoj was an expression of modernity and self-awareness of the bourgeois society, as well as the new sensibilities and aesthetics characteristic of the 19th century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (65) ◽  
pp. 197
Wilian Augusto Inês ◽  
Bruno Vinicius Kutelak Dias

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo analisar e compreender a família nuclear burguesa oitocentista e como a figura feminina é representada no romance Rio do Esquecimento (2016), da escritora portuguesa contemporânea Isabel Rio Novo. A obra se desenvolve em torno de diferentes núcleos familiares e, por isso, optamos por analisar somente a personagem Maria Adelaide, da família Clarange. Frisa-se que o aporte teórico de nossa pesquisa é baseado nos circunscritos de teóricos que elaboraram estudos contundentes sobre a sociedade burguesa, a família nuclear e a figura feminina no século XIX, como: Hobsbawm (1977), Andrade (2013), Vaquinhas (2004), Kehl (2008), entre outros. Como resultado averiguou-se que a obra evidencia uma sociedade na qual predomina o autoritarismo masculino e a submissão da figura feminina no seguimento às regras sociais impostas pela sociedade machista e patriarcal, deixando de viver suas próprias escolhas e, consequentemente, sua liberdade, para expressar seus sentimentos e suas vontades, além de evidenciar a sociedade burguesa e como ela era obcecada pela aparência e pelas regras morais que muitos bravejavam e defendiam com orgulho, mas que uma grande parcela não as praticava, tornando ainda mais evidente a hipocrisia social.Palavras- chave: Família; Representação da mulher; Ficção portuguesa contemporânea; Isabel Rio Novo.Abstract: This article aims to analyze and understand the 19th century bourgeois nuclear family and how the female figure is represented in the novel Rio do Esquecimento (2016), by contemporary Portuguese writer Isabel Rio Novo. The work is developed around different family nuclei and, therefore, we chose to analyze only the character Maria Adelaide, from the Clarange family. It is emphasized that the theoretical contribution of our research is based on the circumscriptions of theorists who elaborated strong studies on bourgeois society, the nuclear family and the female figure in the 19th century, such as: Hobsbawm (1977), Andrade (2013), Vaquinhas (2004), Kehl (2008), among others. As a result, it was found that the work shows a society in which male authoritarianism predominates and the submission of the female figure following the social rules imposed by the macho and patriarchal society, ceasing to live its own choices and, consequently, its freedom, to express his feelings and his will, in addition to showing bourgeois society and how it was obsessed with appearance and moral rules that many proudly defended and defended, but that a large portion did not practice, making social hypocrisy even more evident.Keywords: Family; Representation of women; Contemporary Portuguese fiction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-55
Takashi Takekoshi

In this paper, we analyse features of the grammatical descriptions in Manchu grammar books from the Qing Dynasty. Manchu grammar books exemplify how Chinese scholars gave Chinese names to grammatical concepts in Manchu such as case, conjugation, and derivation which exist in agglutinating languages but not in isolating languages. A thorough examination reveals that Chinese scholarly understanding of Manchu grammar at the time had attained a high degree of sophistication. We conclude that the reason they did not apply modern grammatical concepts until the end of the 19th century was not a lack of ability but because the object of their grammatical descriptions was Chinese, a typical isolating language.

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