positive result
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ximena Moreno ◽  
Jean Gajardo ◽  
María José Monsalves

Abstract Background Different factors are associated with late life depression and diagnosis, including gender. It has also been reported that depression among older people is underdiagnosed. As a result, the mental health needs of this group are insufficiently met. The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in the factors associated with positive screens for depression and self-reported diagnosis among older adults in Chile. Methods Data from 3786 older adults who participated in the Social Protection Survey in 2016 were analysed. PHQ-9 was used to identify screen-positive cases. Self-reported diagnosis of depression was used to determine the proportion of people with a screen-positive result who had received a diagnosis of depression. Logistic regression models were used to determine sociodemographic and health factors associated with depression and underdiagnosis in older men and women. Results The prevalence of a screen-positive result was 20.91% (5.83% major depressive disorder) among men, and 36.38% (12.43% major depressive disorder) among women. 18.77% of men and 34.11% of women with a positive depression screening had received a diagnosis. More educated men were more likely to receive a diagnosis. Older age was associated with a lower probability of diagnosis among older women. Conclusions Our results suggest that depressive disorders are undiagnosed in a high proportion of older adults in Chile. Gender is a relevant factor in the underdiagnosis of depression in this group. Further research is needed to understand the factors involved in these gaps, to improve detection and provide timely support and treatment.

Viruses ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Ana Banko ◽  
Danijela Miljanovic ◽  
Ivana Lazarevic ◽  
Ivica Jeremic ◽  
Aleksa Despotovic ◽  

Development of lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs) is one of the well-known life-threatening complications in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. However, there is a lack of definitive conclusions regarding the role of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) activity in RA initiation and progression, especially in promoting LPDs. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that reported an EBV positive result in RA-LPD patients and controls were conducted. Studies published before 27 July 2021 were identified through PubMed, Web of Science, and SCOPUS. A total of 79 articles were included in the systematic review. The prevalence of EBV positive result among RA-LPD patients was 54% (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.45–1.64). There was a statistically significant association between EBV presence and LPD susceptibility in RA patients in comparison with all controls (OR = 1.88, 95% CI = 1.29–2.73) and in comparison with LPD patients only (OR = 1.92, 95% CI = 1.15–3.19). This association was not shown in comparison with patients with autoimmune diseases other than RA who developed LPD (OR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.30–2.09). This meta-analysis confirmed a high prevalence of EBV in the RA-LPD population. Furthermore, it provides evidence for the association between EBV presence and LPD susceptibility in RA patients, but not in those with other autoimmune diseases who developed LPD.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1049-1065
Md. Mahfuzar Rahman Chowdhury

Environmental problems are enormous around the world and threaten the global environment. In most cases, these problems are caused by rapid growth of population and poverty. Climate change and sustainable development are inter-linked and are priority issues in the development continuum. Any adverse impact on the environment and biodiversity can cause the restriction of resources and limit available options. Concerted efforts of all the states can bring positive result to address the effects of climate change. Compliance with the treaty provision and sharing of resources and actions among the states can ensure proper utilization of resources and sustainable development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-251
Yu.M. Stepanov ◽  
T.S. Tarasova ◽  
M.V. Stoikevych ◽  
Yu.A. Gaydar ◽  
N.S. Fedorova

Background. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a global problem today, with a growing prevalence in the world. It significantly increases the economic burden on the health care system. Recently, many studies indicate the important role of immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) in the formation of chronic inflammation in IBD and the possibility of using it as a biomarker of the inflammatory process. The purpose was to improve the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases by studying the status of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the mucous membrane of the colon in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). Materials and methods. We have examined 34 patients with IBD, 25 with UC and 9 with CD, of them 20 women and 14 men, with an average age of (38.8 ± 3.0) and (38.2 ± 3.7) years, respectively. Patients were divided into groups depending on the noso­logy and severity of the disease. All patients underwent endoscopic examination of the colon to establish or clarify the diagnosis, and biopsy specimens were taken for histological and immunohistochemical examination. Results. In 13 (38.3 %) of 34 examined patients, a positive result for the presence of tissue IgG4 (≥ 10 cells in the field of view) was found. Among patients with UC, 48 % have a positive result of immunohistochemical examination of tissue IgG4, in people with CD, this figure is 11.1 %. This gives us reason to say that in UC, elevation of tissue IgG4 levels occurs 4.4 times more often. Positive tissue IgG4 in patients with moderate UC was found 1.1 times more often than in severe UC. Among patients with mildly active disease, tissue IgG4 was not detected. Conclusions. In UC, IgG4-positive cells in the mucous layer of the colon are more common than in CD, which makes it possible to use this indicator for the differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Positive tissue IgG4 is more common in moderate form than in severe one.

Solomon Pavliashvili ◽  
David Gubeladze

The maximum use of the potential of Georgia's agriculture and the targeted use of natural resources is vital for the development of the sectoral economy. The main guarantee of achieving a positive result for the country is the implementation of a clearly defined, effective agricultural policy aimed at competitive production, assistance in attracting financial resources, and encouragement of agricultural activities, conducting agrotechnical measures during the growing season of agricultural crops and determining the norms and terms of irrigation.

A. I. Tovsteleva

In the article, the current problem of reducing the cost of pipe‑rolling products, which is especially acute in the world market of metal products high competition conditions is considered. A significant share in the cost of pipe products stands at the cost of rolling tools. Reducing the cost of buying a deforming tool allows you to make considerable savings in the seamless pipes’ production. The article presents: analysis of the economic efficiency of manufacturing long cylindrical mandrels from a semi‑finished product – forged billet at OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding»; development of the technological process for the production of long mandrels depending on the required size; the results on the manufacture of long cylindrical mandrels from forged billet at OJSC «BSW – management company of «BMC» holding», as well as their industrial tests in the conditions of the pipe rolling shop. A positive result of using long mandrels of the PQF mill made of forged blanks was obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4(42)) ◽  
pp. 21-27
A. Babintseva ◽  
Y. Hodovanets ◽  
O. Makarova ◽  
O. Makarova

Introduction. One of the mechanisms of pathologic oxidative stress in neonates is intensification of membrane lipid peroxide oxidation. Malonic aldehyde (MA) is a secondary product used as an indicator of lipid peroxidation processes and therefore a marker of cellular membrane damage. Meanwhile, nowadays the mechanisms determining organ peculiarities of lipid and protein peroxidation as well as resistance to ischemic kidney damage are not studied completely and require further development.   Objective: to determine diagnostic value of MA in urine as a marker of renal dysfunction in full-term neonates with perinatal pathology of various degrees of severity.   Material and methods. One-centered cohort prospective study was carried out including 41 full-term children with disorders of general condition of a moderate degree of severity (І group); 36 full-term children with disorders of general condition of a severe degree without acute kidney damage (ІІА group); 30 full-term children with disorders of general condition of a severe degree with acute kidney damage (ІІB group) and 40 healthy children (ІІІ group). МА level in urine was determined by means of reaction with thiobarbituric acid at the end of the 3rd day of life. Results. The lack of a negative test diagnostic value with determination of MA in urine was determined when renal dysfunction had been found in full-term neonates with signs of perinatal pathology of a moderate severity. It was evidenced by AUROC 0,53 (95% CІ 0,50; 0,65, р>0,05) with a threshold value of the parameter ≤9,57 mcmol/L. A perfect discriminating ability to determine MA level in urine was demonstrated in diagnostics of disorders of the functional kidney state in children who had signs of severe postnatal adaptation disorders. It was evidenced by AUROC 0,81 (95% CІ 0,71; 0,91, р<0,001) with a threshold value of the parameter ≥ 9,58 mcmol/L; specificity  97,6% (95% CІ 87,1%; 99,9%), prognostic value of a positive result 95,7% (95% CІ 75,7%; 99,4%) and likelihood ratio of a positive result 25,1 (95% CІ 3,55; 76,7). Diagnostics of acute kidney injury in critically sick term neonates found a proper quality of the diagnostic pattern with determination of MA level in urine.  It was evidenced by AUROC 0,80 (95% CІ 0,66; 0,89, р<0,05) with a threshold value of the parameter ≥12,9 mcmol/L; specificity 91,4% (95% CІ 76,9%; 98,2%), %), prognostic value of a positive result 85,7% (95% CІ 66,2; 94,9%) and likelihood ratio of a positive result 7,0 (95% CІ 2,28; 21,5). Conclusions. Considering the value of reactions of pathologic oxidative stress in the formation of maladjustment syndromes, determination of MA in urine is suggested to be used as one of the possible markers of renal dysfunction in neonates which reflects the state of lipid peroxidation processes in the kidney structures and degree of their damage. 

John Klauder

A half-harmonic oscillator, which gets its name because the coordinate is strictly positive, has been quantized and determined that it was a physically correct quantization. This positive result was found using affine quantization (AQ). The main purpose of this paper is to compare results of this new quantization procedure with those of canonical quantization (CQ). Using Ashtekar-like classical variables and CQ, we quantize the same toy model. While these two quantizations lead to different results, they both would reduce to the same classical Hamiltonian if $\hbar\rightarrow0$. Since these two quantizations have differing results, only one of the quantizations can be physically correct. Two brief sections illustrate how AQ can correctly help quantum gravity and the quantization of most field theory problems.

Zhangul Togtoomurat ◽  
Zhanar Eskazinova

In this article, we will talk about methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages. Based on life experience, the disadvantages, and one – sided nature of some methods lead to the fact that they do not give a positive result in mastering foreign languages, although the students are fluent in grammar, as a result, they are unable to speak and think in the language they are learning. In order to eliminate these gaps, it is proposed to use effective methods of teaching students to the extent that they can use foreign languages in their lives, to practice non-thinking speech skills, and to achieve a level of thinking in the language they are learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-67
Anjan Bharali ◽  
Chimun Kr. Nath ◽  

This study aims to find out if Advertising claims of credence goods can shape Placebo effect and lead to repurchase decisions or not. The concept of extrinsic factors of a brand being an important ingredient in consumer satisfaction is the antecedent for the study. Studies have been made to show how Advertisement helps products and services to sell more. But very few have tried to connect it with credence goods and know how consumers perceive satisfaction for those products. Further the phenomenonof repurchase decisions of credence goods is still unrevealed. On the basis of focus group technique,data has been collected for five brands which are considered as credence goods and an analysis has been provided to seewhether advertising claims can create Placebo effect or not. The analysis of the factors involved in taking repurchase decision of credence goods has also been studied by selecting variables taken as basis. The results indicate that Advertising claims of credence goods can lead to Placebo effect for those where consumers have strong urge for a positive result after using the brand. The rationality of a consumer influences the repurchase decision inversely. There is a strong connection between Placebo effect, Rationality and Repurchase decision of credence goods. Marketers thus have to be cautious while publishing claims of such goods

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