scholarly journals Mandibular Magnet Retained Complete Overdenture

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Glady Chumaidi ◽  
Agus Dahlan ◽  
Harry Laksono

Background: Complete denture in the lower jaw often has problems. The entire loss of the mandibular teeth often has a large resorption, so it is difficult to obtain retention and stability. Purpose: To report mandibular  magnet retained complete overdenture is can increase retention and stability in the lower jaw. Case: A 60-year-old man came to the Prosthodontics Clinic of RSGM Airlangga University with complaints of the old complete denture that made by previous dentist, is often unstable while talking and chewing, so the patient feel uncomfortable. The denture has been used for approximately four years. Therefore the patient wants to make a new complete denture. Case Management: PFM crown removed and 31,32,33,41,43 are treated with root canal treatment. Magnet keepers are fabricated on teeth 33,43, and metal copings are fabricated on teeth 31,32,41. The complete lower denture is attached to the magnet. Acrylic material denture are chosen. Discussion: Overdenture is a complete or partial denture that is placed above the tooth structure or the root of the original tooth which is the support of the denture. Overdenture treatment can maintain ridge height, reduced load of supporting elements, and avoid mucosal irritation. It’s necessary to add retention in the form of magnets to the teeth 33 and 43 to get good retention and stability. Conclusion: Mandibular  magnet retained complete overdenture is can increase retention and stability in the lower jaw so that the patient feels satisfied and comfortable because the dentures are more retentive and stable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Zieta Sakinah Emdi ◽  
Reni Nofika

Root canal treatment aims to maintain the condition of the teeth in order to keep them functioning. In practice, the treatment procedure does not always run smoothly, the operator can face undesirable conditions that can affect the prognosis of treatment. A common procedural error during root canal treatment is a lateral root perforation which must be treated immediately to avoid further damage. The success of the perforation treatment is determined by the materials used. One of the bicompatible materials to seal lateral perforations using MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate). Successful root canal treatment affects treatment outcomes, so proper restoration is required to reduce the risk of marginal leakage. The choice of final restoration in post-root canal treatment depends on the amount of remaining tooth structure, horizontal pressure and chewing load. For post-root canal treatment anterior teeth with intact marginal edges, direct restoration can be performed using composite resin

2015 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Fernanda Maria CESTO ◽  
Lorena DOMARESKI ◽  
Adriana Postiglione Bührer SAMRA ◽  
Karin Hermana NEPPELENBROEK ◽  
Nara Hellen CAMPANHA ◽  

The reestablishment of the vertical dimension of occlusion is an important phase during prosthodontics treatment. Its reduction can be a consequence of severe bruxism, and patient rehabilitation requires complex, expensive, and long treatments. In this context, an overlay removable partial denture is a viable alternative, as it represents a simple manufactured reversible treatment. As a temporary treatment, it does not require tooth wear, reestablishes vertical dimension of occlusion, and allows the patient to adapt to this new dimension until the definitive rehabilitation treatment can be planned and finished. This case report describes the temporary rehabilitation of a maxillary complete edentulous bruxist patient with excessive tooth wear on his lower jaw, seeking treatment at the Removable Prosthodontics Department at State University of Ponta Grossa to replace his upper complete denture. A new complete denture was made and the implementation of an overlay removable partial denture was proposed to be made to the lower arch, which provided aesthetics and function to the patient until the completion of the definitive work. The patient was instructed and guided about the causal factors and consequences of his parafunctional habit and was taught methods for self-perception to control frequency. For the final rehabilitation, a new maxillary complete denture with metal occlusal surfaces will be made as well as metaloceramic crowns with metal occlusal using intraradicular retention with cast posts. An occlusal splint will be inserted in the lower jaw as supportive therapy to control the parafunctional habit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 1317-1320
R. Sartaj ◽  
N. Khan ◽  
A. Mahmood ◽  
A. Noor ◽  
M. Sajid ◽  

Background: Teeth in the oral cavity are affected by caries, trauma or fracture which causes pulpal diseases in the teeth. Dentists performed root canal treatment to treat these diseases. Caries fracture or trauma along with root canal treatment can weaken the tooth structure. Tooth structure is lost in root canal treatment. Dehydration after pulpectomy can effect on survival of the tooth. That is why an important intention should be paid to restore endodonticaly treated tooth. Study was performed in Multan Dental College Multan. Methods: Study design was cross sectional survey. The questionnaire was prepared for final year BDS students and house surgeons of Multan Dental College with the three conditions of anterior tooth structure; Condition A= Minimal tooth structure missing(less than 50%), Condition B=50% tooth structure missing, Condition C=maximum tooth structure lost (more than 50%). Data was collected randomly and analyzed and tabulated. Results: In condition A maximum participants (47.5%) preferred tooth colored restoration only. In condition B maximum participants (33%) choose tooth colored crown. In condition C maximum participants (67.5%) choose endopost and tooth colored crown. Conclusion: of study is that choice of material and technique of restoration is important for good results. Different dentists prefer different materials and techniques for restoration. Keywords: Endodonticaly treated tooth (ETT), Composite, Amalgam, Endopost

Dental Update ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (9) ◽  
pp. 747-754
Manahil Maqbool ◽  
Tahir Yusuf Noorani ◽  
Jawaad Ahmed Asif ◽  
Saleem D Makandar ◽  
Nafij Bin Jamayet

The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast the different types of endodontic access cavity designs based on the current available evidence. Four types of access cavity designs, namely, traditional endodontic access cavity design (TEC), contracted/conservative endodontic access cavity design (CEC), ultra-conservative or ninja endodontic access cavity design (NEC) and truss endodontic access cavity design (TREC) have been suggested, and the latter three are currently in the limelight. Studies in vitro have been performed comparing the TECs, CECs, TRECs and NECs; except for the TECs, the other three types have not undergone clinical trials on patients. The choice of endodontic access cavity design affects fracture strength of the tooth, but remnants of pulpal tissue, due to ineffective instrumentation, can cause root canal treatment failure. CPD/Clinical Relevance: Root canal treatment with new access cavity designs has been proposed. However, there is lack of evidence to support such practices. It is important to consider the potential deleterious effects of such access cavity designs rather than emphasizing the preservation of tooth structure alone.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-35 ◽  
Nessrin A Taha ◽  
Harold H Messer

Root-filled teeth are weakened by loss of strategic tooth structure through restorative procedures and caries, rather than by the endodontic procedures. Therefore, prompt restoration is required to minimise coronal leakage and the risk of tooth fracture. However, restorability should be confirmed before root canal treatment begins, by removing caries and existing restoration to evaluate the residual tooth structure. Based on the remaining tooth structure, the restoration is planned to maximise the longevity of root-filled teeth as a functional unit. This review considers risk factors for survival of root-filled teeth and principles of restoration, rather than detailed techniques, including direct and indirect restorations. Ssummary and conclusions Restorability and the type of definitive restoration should be determined, at least provisionally, before root canal treatment is begun. The restoration is crucial for the long-term survival and function of the root-filled tooth. The choice and design of the restoration should be based on the principles of conservation and protection of remaining tooth structure, which requires some form of cuspal protection for most posterior teeth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-120
E. V. Vusataya ◽  
R. G. Pomogalov

Successful and predictable endodontic treatment requires knowledge of root canal anatomy and morphology variations. In cases where X-ray images do not help to clarify the anatomy of the root canals, it is recommended to use magnifying devices. The second premolar of the lower jaw is one of the most diffcult teeth for endodontic treatment due to variations in internal morphology, additional root canals, apical deltas, and lateral canals. Diagnostic radiographs in different projections are important for getting an idea of the number of existing root canals. The purpose of root canal treatment is to clean the root canal of pathogenic microbes and infected pulp, prevent the formation of toxic products, and protect the periapical tissue. The presence of root canal variability increases the complexity of endodontic treatment. The complex anatomy of the root canals, the presence of additional channels, unnoticed by the dentist, can cause the failure of endodontic treatment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Nur Cecilia Herdianti ◽  
Soekobagiono Soekobagiono ◽  
Agus Dahlan

Background: Complete denture is a removable denture replacing all the missing teeth and tissue in the upper jaw and lower jaw. The purpose of making complete denture is to improve the function of chewing, aesthetic functions and maintaining patient's oral health. Complete edentulous ridge will causes resorption, until it become flat. A flat ridge is associated with difficulties in providing successful dentures. Purpose: This case report aims to reported the treatment of complete edentulous maxillary and mandibular with a flat ridge using semi-adjustable articulator. Case(s): A 63-year-old male patient visited the Prosthodontic Clinic of Dentistry Faculty, Airlangga University with complete edentulous maxillary and mandibular, also flat ridge in his mandibular.  Case Management: This case is using semi-adjustable articulator (Stratos 300). Some accessories in Stratos 300 were used in this case, such as centric tray to help determine the height of bite, gnathometer M to help the process of functional impression and bite block, also tooth arrangement with 2D templates. Conclusion: The use of semi-adjustable articulator (Stratos 300) could restore stomatognathic function in accordance with patient’s condition.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Monika Prima Dewi Ayuningtyas Subroto ◽  
Ema Mulyawati ◽  
Pribadi Santoso

Gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar (PSA) biasanya mengalami kehilangan struktur gigi yang luas oleh karena karies, faktor iatrogenik, restorasi sebelumnya dan fraktur. Pengurangan dentin di dalam saluran akar akan menyebabkan saluran akar menjadi tipis, sehingga restorasi konvensional dengan pasak logam dapat menyebabkan fraktur akar. Untuk meminimalkan fraktur akar tersebut, telah dikenal pasak fiber yang memiliki modulus elastisitas yang sama dengan dentin. Pada saluran akar yang lebar dan ireguler serta struktur mahkota yang minimal, dibutuhkan pasak customized fiber reinforced composite dengan inti yang dapat memperkuat struktur gigi yang sudah lemah. Studi kasus ini melaporkankasus restorasi gigi non vital pasca PSA dengan dinding saluran akar tipis, yang berhasil dirawat dengan customized fiber reinforced composite indirect. Seorang pasien wanita usia 27 tahun dirujuk ke Bagian Konservasi Gigi karena mengalami over instrumentasi saluran pasak pada gigi incisivus lateralis kiri atas. Pada pemeriksaan radiograf, tampakdinding saluran akar sangat tipis. Restorasi ini dilakukan dalam 3 kali kunjungan. Pada kunjungan pertama dilakukan pencetakan saluran pasak dengan teknik double impression. Pasak customized fiber reinforced composit indirect, dibuat dalam cetakan saluran pasak menggunakan resin komposit Premise Indirect (Kerr) yang diperkuat dengan pita fiber (Construct, Kerr). Inti dan pasak yang sudah dibentuk, disinar menggunakan Light Cure selama 20 detik di setiap sisi, lalu polimerisasi disempurnakan dengan oven selama 20 menit. Pada kunjungan kedua dilakukan insersi pasak dan pencetakan mahkota jaket dengan teknik double impression. Pada kunjungan ketiga dilakukan insersi mahkota jaket. Gigi non vital pasca PSA dengan dinding saluran pasak yang tipis dapat direstorasi dengan customized fiber reinforcedcomposite indirect dengan baik. Indirect Customized Fiber Reinforced Composite Post In Upper Left Lateralis Incisivus With Thin-Walled Root. Excessive tooth structure loss after root canal treatment is usually present due to caries lesion, iatrogenic factor, previous restoration, and fracture. Intra-radicular dentin removal during root canal treatment may result in thin root canal wall structures, therefore conventional restoration using metallic post frequently leads to irreparable root fractures. In order to minimize the root fracture risk, fiber post has been known as an ideal choice because of its similar modulus elasticity characteristic to dentin. The wide and irregular root canal accompanied with minimum remaining tooth structure needs a customized fiber reinforced composite post to strengthen the preserved tooth structure. This article reports a succesfulrestoration of a non vital post root canal treatment tooth with thin root canal walls using indirect customized fiber-reinforced composite post. A 27-year-old female patient with over instrumentation in root canal of the upper left lateral incisor was referred to the Department of Conservative Dentistry. The radiograph examination finds that there was a very thin wall of the remaining root canal structure. The restoration was carried out in 3 visits. In the first visit, post canal impression was obtained using double impression technique. Indirect customized fiber reinforced composite post was made in the mold using composite resin Premise Indirect (Kerr) reinforced with fiber band (Construct, Kerr). The formed post and core were light cured for 20 seconds, and then refined by oven polymerization for 20 minutes. In the second visit, the post was inserted and crown impression was obtained using double impression technique. In the third visit, the jacket crown was inserted. The root canal treated tooth with remaining thin post canal wall could be restored with indirect customized fiber reinforced composite.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL3) ◽  
pp. 1691-1696
Vaishnavi Sivakali Subramanian ◽  
Pradeep S ◽  
Aravind Kumar S

A root canal treatment will have a loss of coronal and radicular tooth structure. This will affect the anchorage of the teeth. Therefore, post- retained crowns are indicated to prevent fracture. The study aims to associate age, tooth-related and gender distribution in patients undergoing prefabricated metal post after root canal treatment. The details of the 86,000 patient records were reviewed and analysed from DIAS (dental information archiving system), out of which 451 case records of the patients who underwent prefabricated posts after root canal treatment were retrieved. The collected data were cross-verified and compiled together in an excel sheet. Compiled data were statistically analysed with the help of SPSS software (23.0). In this study, we can contemplate that there is a significant association between age and type of teeth underwent prefabricated metal posts, l8-30 yrs of age group patients had more posts after root canal treatment compared with other age groups (p<0.05). On comparing the gender to the type of teeth which had posted after root canal treatment, female patients had more number of posts compared to male patients. There is a significant difference seen (p < 0.05). Within the limitations of the study, maxillary premolars are predominantly used prefabricated metal post in females. Mandibular molars are commonly treated among male patients and maximum metal post are given after root canal treatment in less than 40 years of age as the masticatory forces are more, so to support the remaining tooth structure rigid posts are required after root canal treatment.

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