scholarly journals Ketahanan Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Tembakau Cerutu terhadap Penyakit Lanas dan Busuk Batang Berlubang Resistance of Tobacco Germplasms Against Black Shank and Hollow Stalk

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Titiek Yulianti

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh aksesi tembakau cerutu yang tahan terhadap penyakit lanas dise-babkan oleh patogen <em>Phytophthora nicotianae </em>vßdH var. <em>nicotianae </em>Waterhouse dan busuk batang berlu-bang yang disebabkan oleh patogen <em>Erwinia carotovora</em> sebagai sumber genetik pada persilangan untuk me-rakit varietas unggul baru.<em> </em>Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium dan rumah kasa dan semi lapangan pada <em>polybag</em> di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat, Malang, mulai bulan Maret sampai dengan De-sember 2008. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Unit perlaku-an terdiri dari 10 tanaman tembakau cerutu. Parameter pengamatan adalah persentase tanaman sakit. Ino-kulasi <em>Phytophthora nicotianae </em>pada tanaman dilakukan pada 1 bulan setelah tanam dengan cara membuat luka/sayatan pada pangkal batang kemudian diolesi suspensi patogen dan ditutup dengan kapas steril yang dibasahi dengan air steril untuk menjaga kelembapan. Inokulasi <em>E. carotovora</em> dilakukan pada dua minggu setelah tanam (MST) yaitu pada akar yang disayat terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan pisau <em>cutter</em> seba-gai media masuknya inokulum pada bagian tanaman. Suspensi inokulum yang digunakan 10 ml dengan ke-rapatan 10<sup>8</sup>/ml per <em>polybag</em>. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh enam aksesi tembakau cerutu tahan terhadap <em>P. nicotianae</em> yaitu: S-2235, S-2272, S-2361, S-2399, S-2400, dan S-2403. Sedangkan aksesi yang tahan ter-hadap <em>E. carotovora</em> adalah: S-2234, S-2236, S-2271, S-2272, S-2298, S-2299, S-2361, S-2399, S-2400, dan S-2401.</p><p>This study aimed to examine the resistance level of 30 cigar tobacco accessions to <em>Phytophthora nicotianae</em>, the causal agent of black shank, and <em>Erwinia carotovora</em>, the causal agent of hollow stalk. The resistant lines will be used as resistant genetic source in breeding process to construct premium variety (ies). The screen-ing test was conducted in a glass house from March–December 2008 arranging in randomized block design with three replicates. Each unit of tobacco accessions consisted of 10 plants and percentage of wilt/diseased plant assessed to determine the resistant degree. <em>P. nicotianae</em> was inoculated on wounded bottom stem beneath the soil level 1 month after transplanting. Whilst <em>E. carotovora</em> was infested in sterilized soil 10 ml with concentration of 10<sup>8</sup> per polybag two weeks after tobacco seedlings were transplanted. The root sys-tems were wounded to facilitate the bacterium enter the cells. Results of the test show that 6 of 16 tested accessions were resistant, ie. S-2235, S-2272, S-2361, S-2399, S-2400, and S-2403 to <em>P. nicotianae</em>; and 10 accessions were resistant to <em>E. carotovora</em> ie. S-2234, S-2236, S-2271, S-2272, S-2298, S-2299, S-2361, S-2399, S-2400, and S-2401.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 89

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Tembakau bondowoso merupakan tembakau lokal rajangan yang<br />berkembang di Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur. Saat ini ada delapan<br />kultivar dengan karakter produksi, mutu, dan ketahanannya terhadap<br />penyakit yang berbeda. Layu bakteri (Ralstonia solanacearum), busuk<br />batang berlubang (Pectobacterium carotovorum), dan lanas (Phytophthora<br />nicotianae) merupakan penyakit yang sering menyebabkan turunnya<br />produksi tembakau bondowoso. Evaluasi ketahanan delapan kultivar<br />tembakau bondowoso (Samporis, Serumpung, Marakot, Samporis Lokal,<br />Samporis AH, Samporis CH, Samporis B. Disbun, dan Deli) terhadap<br />ketiga patogen tersebut dilaksanakan di laboratorium dan rumah kasa Balai<br />Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas) mulai bulan April sampai<br />dengan Oktober 2011. Penelitian terhadap ketiga patogen tersebut<br />dilakukan secara terpisah. Masing-masing kultivar ditanam sebanyak 10<br />tanaman, 1 tanaman/polibag. Setiap perlakuan (kultivar) diulang 3 kali dan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK). Inokulasi R.<br />solanacearum dan P. carotovorum dilakukan secara terpisah 24 jam<br />sebelum transplanting. Inokulasi P. nicotianae dilakukan dengan dua cara,<br />yaitu melalui akar dan pangkal batang. Inokulasi akar sama dengan cara<br />inokulasi bakteri. Inokulasi pangkal batang dilakukan pada tanaman<br />berumur 2 minggu setelah transplanting. Pengamatan intensitas penyakit<br />dilakukan setiap minggu selama 11 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa kultivar Samporis CH, Samporis, dan Deli tahan terhadap P.<br />carotovorum, R. solanacearum, dan P. nicotianae. Kultivar Samporis CH.,<br />Samporis, dan Deli ketahanannya lebih tinggi terhadap ketiga patogen,<br />dengan intensitas penyakit berkisar antara 3,3%-6,7%. Kultivar Marakot<br />sangat rentan terhadap ketiga patogen tersebut dengan tingkat keparahan ≥<br />50%. Demikian pula kultivar Samporis AH yang rentan terhadap R.<br />solanacearum, P. nicotianae dan P. carotovorum dengan intensitas<br />penyakit 23,3-53,3%. Oleh karena itu, kultivar Samporis CH, Samporis,<br />dan Deli cocok dikembangkan pada lahan endemik penyakit tular tanah di<br />Kabupaten Bondowoso.<br />Kata kunci: tembakau  bondowoso, Pectobacterium  carotovorum<br />Phytophthora  nicotianae, Ralstonia  solanacearum,<br />ketahanan</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Bondowoso tobacco is a local type of sliced tobacco which is<br />restrictedly cultivated in Bondowoso Regency, East Java. There are eight<br />cultivars known, ie. Samporis, Serumpung, Marakot, Samporis Lokal,<br />Samporis AH, Samporis CH, Samporis B. Disbun, and Deli with their own<br />distinctive characters on their production, quality, and resistance to<br />diseases. Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), hollow stalk rot<br />(Pectobacterium carotovorum), and blackshank (Phytophthora nicotianae<br />are the main cause of bondowoso tobacco production loss. Evaluation on<br />the resistance level of the cultivars to the three pathogens above has been<br />conducted at a laboratory and screen house scale in Indonesian Sweetener<br />and Fibre Crops Research Institute from April to October 2011. The<br />evaluation of each pathogen was conducted separately. Each evaluation of<br />the pathogen per cultivar used 10 plants planted individually in a polybag.<br />The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 3<br />replicates. R. solanacearum and P. carotovorum were separately<br />inoculated on the test plants 24 h before transplanting. The inoculation of<br />P. nicotianae was done twice via the root and stem. Disease intensity was<br />observed weekly for 11 weeks. The results showed that Samporis CH,<br />Samporis, and Deli cultivars were resistant to P. carotovorum, R.<br />solanacearum and P. nicotianae, whereas Samporis and Deli cultivars<br />were more resistant to the pathogens (disease intensity ranged 3.3-6.7%).<br />Marakot cultivar was very susceptible to all of the three pathogens (disease<br />intensity ≥ 50%). Similarly, Samporis AH cultivar was also susceptible to<br />the pathogens with disease intensity ranged 23.3-53.3%. The study<br />indicated that Samporis CH, Samporis, and Deli cultivars are suitable to be<br />cultivated in the endemic soil born pathogen areas of Bondowoso<br />Regency.<br />Key words: bondowoso  tobacco, Pectobacterium  carotovorum,<br />Phytophthora  nicotianae, Ralstonia  solanacearum,<br />resistance</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33

<p><strong>The effect of tobacco curl disease on the yield and quality of eight Virginia tobacco varieties</strong></p><p>Tobacco leaf curl disease is one of the important diseases on Virginia tobacco which especially occurs in dry condition. The use of resistant varieties is one of the most effective way to control the disease. This experiment was lo evaluate the effect of tobacco curl disease on tobacco varieties (DB 101, Coker 319, Coker 176, Coker 48, Coker 86, and Coker 371 Gold) and two promising lines (T.45/T.65 and T.45/T.69). The experiment was conducted in Pekuwon, Sumberrejo, Bojonegoro from April to October 1997. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design with three replications. The tobacco seedlings wee transplanted in 0.9 m x 0.6 m spacing and 9.0 m x 9.0 m plot size. The fertilizer dosage applied are 300 kg ZA + 108 kg SP-36 + 156 kg ZK per ha The parameters observed including percentage of diseased plant, productive leaves, as well as the yield and quality of leaves. The esults showed that Coker 371 Gold variety showed the lowest disease percentage (6.89%), decrease in productive leaves was high (71.86%), Whereas the two promising lines, were T.45/T.6S and T.45/T.69 showed that the percentage of diseased plants wee not significantly different compared with DB 101, Coker 319, and Coker 48, but the decrease in productive leaves was lower. The yield of these promising lines were 10.12-10.30 kg/81 m!, grade indexes 86.04-87.27, and crop indexes are 88.31-88.63. Coker 176 was the most susceptible variety. The percentage of diseased plant, flue- cured yield, grade index, and crop index on Coker 176 wee 42.67%, 7.77 kg/81 m!, 86.09, and 66.89, respectively.</p>

Agrikultura ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Helmi Kurniawan ◽  
Ineu Sulastrini ◽  
Tarkus Suganda

ABSTRACTResistance Test of Potato Clones Derived from Crossing of Atlantic x Repita to Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans)Late blight, incited by Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive disease of potato. The management that is effective and environmentally-friendly is the use of resistant variety. The objective of this study was to test the resistance of the six potato clones (AR 04, AR 05, AR 06, AR 07, AR 08 and AR 09) derived from crossing var. Atlantic x var. Repita to late blight caused by P. infestans. Var. Atlantic, Repita and Granola were used as susceptible, resistant and susceptible but the most-grown variety, respectively. Field test was located in Ciwidey, one of the potato growing center where late blight is endemic since potatoes are continuously grown. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with 3 replicates. The result showed that clones AR 07 and AR 08 were more resistant than the other potato clones, but it still below the resistance level var. Repita. However, based on statistical test on the diseases development (AUDPC), clone AR 08 could be categorized as resistant, equal with of the resistance level of var. Repita.Keywords: Potato clones, Rsistance, P. infestansABSTRAKPenyakit hawar daun yang disebabkan Phytopthora infestans merupakan penyakit utama pada tanaman kentang. Pengendalian yang efektif dan ramah lingkungan adalah dengan penanaman varietas tahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ketahanan 6 klon kentang (AR 4, AR5, AR6, AR7, AR 8, dan AR9) yang merupakan hasil persilangan antara var. Atlantic (produksi tinggi tetapi rentan) dengan var. Repita, sebagai tetua tahan terhadap penyakit hawar daun yang disebabkan oleh P. infestans. Varietas Atlantic, Repita dan Granola digunakan sebagai pembanding. Pengujian ketahanan dilakukan di Ciwidey, yang merupakan salah satu sentra produksi kentang di Jawa Barat dan endemik penyakit hawar daun. Perlakuan ditata menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon AR 07 dan Klon AR 08 memiliki ketahanan yang lebih baik dibanding klon-klon kentang lainnya, namun tingkat ketahanannya masih di bawah cv Repita. Namun, berdasarkan uji statistik terhadap nilai perkembangan penyakit (AUDPC) klon AR 08 dapat dikategorikan tahan, sama dengan derajat tahan var. Repita.Kata Kunci: Klon kentang, Ketahanan, P. infestans

Ayda Krisnawati ◽  

Abstract. Krisnawati A, Soegianto A, Waluyo B, Kuswanto. 2019. Selection of F6 soybean population for pod shattering resistance. Biodiversitas 20: 3340-3346. Pod shattering is one of the major soybean constraints in Indonesia. This research aimed to evaluate the resistance of soybean F6 population to pod shattering and characterize the selected lines for their agronomic performances. The materials used were 147 F6 lines derived from six crossing combinations. The check varieties consisted of Dega 1, Detap 1, and Anjasmoro. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with two replications. At R8 stage, thirty pods were randomly detached from five sample plants of each line to be used for evaluation of pod shattering resistance using an oven-dry method. The variability of pod shattering was showed after the treatment of 60°C oven temperature. The shattering resistance of 147 F6 lines was classified into 52 highly resistant, 49 resistant, two moderately resistant, ten susceptible, and 34 highly susceptible lines. The pod-shattering resistant lines could be used for further improvement in the breeding program. Anjasmoro variety was effective to be used as gene source for shattering resistant. Simultaneous selection based on yield (30% selection intensity) and shattering resistance selected six lines which have early maturity and large seed size, hence they could be further evaluated in several locations in the next breeding stage.

Dharma Oraon ◽  
Anjani Kumar ◽  
Ranjay Kumar Singh ◽  
U. K. Singh ◽  
Zunaid Alam

An On-Farm Trial (OFT) was conducted in the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 to assess the resistance level of different okra varieties against yellow vein mosaic virus in Kharif season of Chatra district of Jharkhand. The experiment was conducted in vegetable growing village Gidhour in Gidhour block of Chatra district in Jharkhand. The trial was designed in randomized block design consisting of 20 replications with three technological option i.e. TO-I Arka Abhay (N100P60K50), TO-II Arka Anamika (N100P60K50) and-III Pusa Makhmali (N100P60K50). For assessment related to yellow vein mosaic, percentage infestation in 5sqm and yield q/ha and economic was considered. The lowest infestation of yellow vein mosaic virus was observed in Pusa Makhmali variety i.e. (3.8%) with yield of 132.5 q/ha. It was also found superior in terms of Gross Income, Net Income and Benefit: Cost Ratio followed by Arka Anamika and Arka Abhay, respectively. Farmers’ response was also positive in all respects except the availability of varieties in local market.

Plant Disease ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 98 (11) ◽  
pp. 1551-1554 ◽  
Pingsheng Ji ◽  
Alexander S. Csinos ◽  
Lara L. Hickman ◽  
Unessee Hargett

Black shank, caused by Phytophthora nicotianae, is responsible for serious yield and quality reduction in tobacco production. Application of effective fungicides continues to be a viable component in developing integrated disease management programs. Experiments were conducted in 2011 to 2013 to determine the efficacy and application methods of a new fungicide, Zorvec (a.i. oxathiapiprolin), for management of black shank under field conditions. Oxathiapiprolin is the first member of a new class of isoxazoline fungicide. Application of Zorvec (0.35 liter/ha) onto tobacco seedlings 1 week prior to transplanting in conjunction with directed applications of the product at 0.7 liter/ha at first cultivation and lay-by (last cultivation) reduced black shank significantly compared to the nontreated control in the experiments conducted in 2011 and 2012. Application of Zorvec at 1.4 liter/ha through transplant water followed by directed sprays at first cultivation and lay-by at 0.7 liter/ha reduced black shank significantly compared with the nontreated control in 2012 and 2013 studies. These treatments were not significantly different (P = 0.05) in disease reduction compared to mefenoxam. All treatments involving Zorvec increased tobacco yield significantly (P = 0.05) or showed a tendency to increase tobacco yield over the nontreated control in all experiments conducted in 2011 to 2013. The results indicated that the new fungicide oxathiapiprolin was effective in reduction of P. nicotianae on tobacco.


Abstract. Tampubolon K, Purba E, Basyuni M, Hanafiah DS. 2019. Glyphosate resistance of Eleusine indica populations from North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 1910-1916.  Controlling of Eleusine indica populations in oil palm plantations using a similar mode of action of herbicide may cause resistant weed. Overall E. indica populations from oil palm plantations in North Sumatra, Indonesia have never been reported to be glyphosate-resistant. This research was aimed to determine the survival percentage and to classify the resistance of E. indica to glyphosate from oil palm plantations in 11 districts in North Sumatra Province. The research was conducted in the Weed Research Center Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara from October 2016 to August 2017. This research was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with the glyphosate-treatment using a recommended dose of two l ha-1 and three replications. The ESU0 population was collected in the soccer field of Politeknik Negeri Medan (Medan city) was used as a check, and has never been exposed to the herbicide. Parameters were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, and the means were compared using DMRT at a probability level of 5%. The results showed that 276 (65.56%) of 421 populations were classified as glyphosate-resistant, 88 populations (20.90%) were classified as glyphosate-resistant developing, and 57 populations (13.54%) were classified as glyphosate-susceptible. The highest range of dry weight of glyphosate-resistant E. indica populations were found in 5 districts including South Labuhanbatu District followed by the Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, Asahan, and North Labuhanbatu Districts. The observed resistance level and dry weight range in the present study indicated the failure in controlling E. indica due to continued use of glyphosate and the potency of E. indica distribution into other oil palm estates due to its high biomass production capability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-11 ◽  

Mau YS. 2018. Resistance response of fifteen sweet potato genotypes to scab disease (Sphaceloma batatas) in two growing sites in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Trop Drylands 2: 5-11. Field experiments were carried out in two growing locations involving potential sweet potato clones from East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia to: (i) evaluate scab resistance levels of the sweet potato clones, and (ii) identify sweet potato clones with good resistance level to scab disease. The experiment was carried out in the fields employing a Randomized Block Design with a mono-factorial treatment design in each location. The treatment assigned was sweet potato genotype, each consisted of two replicates. The variables observed were disease severity that was assessed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after inoculation (WAI), which then was used to calculate the Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) of the disease severity. The ANOVA of AUDPC was used to determine the treatment effect, and the disease severity at 8 WAI was used to assess scab resistance level of the sweet potato genotypes tested. The study results showed highly significant differences of disease severities among the tested sweet potato genotypes within each trial location. The majority of the genotypes tested were classified "resistant" or "moderately resistant" to scab disease, except the check clone SLM-01 and KRA-01 that were, respectively, "susceptible" and "moderately susceptible" to scab disease. The majority of sweet potato genotypes evaluated were consistent in their resistance performance in the two trial locations.

Agrikultura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Nono Carsono ◽  
Irma Mangatur ◽  
Fitri Utami Hasan ◽  
Santika Sari ◽  
Nenet Susniahti ◽  

ABSTRACTResistance of DB1 transgenic rice to the yellow rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)Decrease in rice production in Indonesia can be fulfilled by improving quality and quantity of rice. Rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) is an important pest that considered being detrimental to rice. The aim of this study was to determine resistance level of DB1 transgenic rice which compared to cv. Taichung-65 (wild-type), Ciherang and IR64 to the pest. Experiments were arranged in Completely Randomized Design and Randomized Block Design. The result showed that DB1 transgenic rice, Taichung-65, IR64 and Ciherang were susceptible with scale 9. The mortality of DB1 transgenic rice was not significantly different with Taichung-65, IR64 and Ciherang. The low levels of resistance in DB1 transgenic rice, Taichung-65, IR64 and Ciherang were also seen in development and growth time of S. incertulas. There was no disruption on development and growth of S. incertulas. DB1 genes were still not enough to provide maximum resistance to S. incertulas and still need to discover information of other genes that can be inserted and increase the resistance of rice to S. incertulas.Keywords: Transgenic rice, DB1 transgene, Yellow rice stem borerABSTRAKSerangan hama telah menurunkan produksi beras, salah satu hama utama di Indonesia adalah penggerek batang padi kuning (Scirpophaga incertulas). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat ketahanan padi transgenik DB1 dibanding dengan padi Taichung-65 (padi originnya), Ciherang dan IR64 terhadap penggerek ini. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian tingkat ketahanan terhadap S. incertulas pada padi yang diuji. Percobaan ditata dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padi transgenik DB1, Taichung-65, IR64 dan Ciherang tergolong padi berketahanan rentan dengan skala 9. Mortalitas padi transgenik DB1 tidak berbeda nyata dengan padi Taichung-65, IR64 dan Ciherang. Rendahnya tingkat ketahanan pada padi transgenik DB1, Taichung-65, IR64 dan Ciherang juga terlihat pada lama perkembangan dan pertumbuhan S. incertulas yang relatif sama, tidak tampak gangguan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan S. incertulas. Gen DB1 masih belum cukup untuk memberikan ketahanan maksimal terhadap S. incertulas. Perlu dicari sumber gen lain guna meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman padi terhadap S. incertulas.Kata Kunci: Padi transgenik, Gen DB1, Penggerek batang padi kuning

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