scholarly journals EVALUASI KETAHANAN BEBERAPA AKSESI JAMBU METE (Anacardium occidentale L.) TERHADAP HAMA Helopeltis antonii SIGN. (HEMIPTERA: MIRIDAE)

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 149

<p>Penelitian evaluasi ketahanan beberapa aksesi jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) terhadap hama Helopeltis antonii Sign. (Hemiptera: Miridae) telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit dan Rumah Kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (BALITTRO) Bogor, mulai bulan April sampai Desember 2004, bertujuan untuk menguji ketahanan beberapa aksesi jambu mete terhadap H antonii. Perlakuan tcrdiri atas sembilan aksesi jambu mete, yaitu (1) Balakrisnan (B-02), (2) Madura (L3-3), (3) Jatiroto Jambon (III/4-5), (4) Gunung Gangsir 180, (5) Madura (M4-2), (6) Jogya Putih (XII/8), (7) Mojoketo (XIII/8), (8) Tegineneng (A3-2), dan (9) Wonogiri (C6-5). Penelitian terdiri atas (a) preferensi tanpa pilihan, disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) diulang 5 kali, dan (b) preferensi dengan pilihan, disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) diulang 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jambu mete aksesi Mojokerto (XIII-8) dan Balakrisnan (B-02) merupakan aksesi jambu mete tahan dan toleran terhadap hama //. antonii.</p><p>Kata kunci: Anacardium occidentale L, ketahanan, hama, Helopeltis antonii</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>The evaluation of resistances of some cashew lines (Anacardium occidentale I,.) to Helopeltis Antonii Sign. (Hemiptera: Miridae)</strong></p><p>The research on the evaluation of resistances of some cashew lines (Anacardium occidentale L.) to Helopeltis antonii Sign. (Hemiptera: Miridae) was conducted in the Pest and Diseases Laboratory and Green House Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute Bogor, from April to December 2004, to test the resistances of some cashew lines to H. antonii. The treatment consisted of nine cashew lines that is, (1) Balakisnan (B-02), (2) Madura (L3-3), (3) Jatiroto Jambon (I1I/4-5), (4) Gunung Gangsir 180, (5) Madura (M4-2), (6) Jogya Putih (XII/8), (7) Mojokerto (XIII/8), (8) Tegineneng (A3-2), and (9) Wonogiri (C6-5). The research consisted of, (a) preferences without choice, compiled in a randomized completely block design (RCBD) replicated 5 times, and (b) preferences with choice, compiled in a randomized completely block design (RCBD) replicated 3 times. The result indicated that cashew lines of Mojoketo (XIII-8) and Balakrisnan (B-02) were resistant and tolerant to H. antonii.</p><p>Key words: Cashew, Anacardium occidentale L., resistance, pest. Helopeltis antonii</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
. MELATI ◽  

<p>Ketersediaan air pada fasc pembibitan, merupakan salah satu faktor pembatas dalam pertumbuhan bibit jambu mente. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan nomor harapan jambu mente (Anacardium occidentale I..) yang toleran terhadap cekaman air, khususnya pada fase pembibitan Percobaan dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Tanaman Pangan dan Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, dari bulan Mei-Agustus 2001. Rancangan faktorial dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok. Faktor pertama adalah empat nomor harapan jambu mente yaitu : F2-8, III 4/2, P 293 dan B 02, dan sebagai faktor kedua adalah enam tingkat cekaman air yaitu : 50%, 55%, 60%, 65% 70% dan 75% kapasitas lapang (KL) Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pertumbuhan bibit (tinggi, jumlah daun, luas daun), bobot kering bibit (batang, daun dan akar), seta analisis kandungan prolin bebas. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa intcraksi nomor harapan dengan perlakuan cekaman air berbeda nyata terhadap kandungan prolin bebas. Kandungan prolin bebas tertinggi terdapat pada nomor B 0-2 pada cekaman air 50% KL, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan F2-8, sedangkan kandungan prolin terendah didapatkan pada nomor III 4/2 dengan cekaman air 75% KL. Faktor tunggal nomor harapan berbeda nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bibit dan bobot keing bibit jambu mente. Dari empat nomor harapan yang diuji didapatkan bahwa nomor F2-8 mempunyai pertumbuhan bibit (tinggi, jumlah daun) dan bobot keing bibit yang paling tinggi dibandingkan nomor lainnya, sedangkan nomor B 0-2 mempunyai petumbuhan bibit (tinggi dan jumlah daun) dan bobot keing bibit yang paling rendah. Faktor tunggal tingkat cekaman air berbeda nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan bobot keing bibit. Dai enam tingkat cekaman air didapatkan bahwa sampai cekaman air 70% KL pertumbuhan bibit (tinggi, jumlah daun, luas daun) tidak berbeda nyata, akan tetapi pada cekaman air 65% KL pertumbuhan dan bobot keing bibil berbeda nyata Berdasarkan petumbuhan bibit dan kandungan prolin bebas, dapat dikemukakan bahwa nomor F2-8. lebih toleran terhadap cekaman air dibandingkan dengan nomor lainnya.</p><p>Kata kunci: Anacardium occidentale L, cekaman air, petumbuhan, fase bibit</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Effect of water stress on the growth offour cashew line seedlings </strong></p><p>Water shortage during the seedling growth stage cashew is one of the limiting factors. Water available, has impotance rule on the growth of cashew seedling Anacardium occidentale L., especially when cashew is cultivated in the dry climate regions. Therefore, the evaluation of some promising lines to water stress was conducted. The main goal of this study was to ind out the promising cashew lines which tolerant to water stress: especially at seedling stages. The experiment was conducted in the green house of the Research Institute for Food Crop Biotechnology, and the laboratory of Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, Bogor from Mei to Agustus 2001. Factorial expeiment with two factors and three replications was arranged in a randomized completely block design (RCBD). The irst factor consisted of four promising lines, F2-8, III 4/2, P293 and B 0-2 The second factor was six levels of water stress (50% 55%, 60% 65% 70% and 75%) ield capacity (FC). Data observation included the growth of seedling (height of seedling, number of leaves, leaf area/plant), dry weight (seedling) and content of free proline. The results of the experiment indicated that interaction between promising lines and water stress significantly affected the proline content. The highest proline content was found on number B0-2 at 50 % FC, however, it was not signiicantly different from number F2-8, while the lowest proline content was found on number III4/2 at 75 % FC. The ree proline content was also increase as water available decrease. Single factor, promising lines and water stress were significantly affected to the growth of seedling. F 2-8 and III4/2 produced better on growth and dry weight of seedling Up to70% ield capacity (FC) the growth of seeding was obviously normal and did not signiicantly different among promising lines, however, bellow 65 % (FC) growth of seedling was significantly affected by water available. Base on the growth of seedling and proline content indicated that F2-8 were more tolerance to water stress compared to others lines.</p><p>Keywords: Anacardium occidentale.L water stress, growth, seedling stage</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 116

<p>Telah dilakukan pembuatan formula fly spray dengan bahan aktif utama ekstrak piretrum dan uji efTektivitasnya dilakukan terhadap serangga rumah tangga. Penelitian dimulai dari April sampai Oktober 2001 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hasil dan Keteknikan, Balinro dan Laboratorium Entomologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB Komponen formula terdiri dari ekstrak piretrum, minyak serai wangi, minyak wijen, naftalen, pine oil, pclarut pertasol CB dan LAWS. Perlakuan formulasi yaitu dibual variasi konsentrasi ekstrak piretrum ( 0.041% dan 0.052% ), penambahan/tanpa pine oil (0%, 0.1%) dan natalen (0%, 1.0%) serta jenis pclarut (LAWS dan pertasol CB). Uji effektivitas dilakukan terhadap serangga rumah tangga yaitu lalat, nyamuk, semut dan kecoa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dua formula yaitu Fi dan F, adalah formula paling effektif terhadap lalat Musca domeslica dan sebagai formula terpilih adalah Fj. Formula ini effektif terhadap nyamuk Culex qumquefasciatus dengan mematikan 92% pada menit ke dua sangat efektif terhadap semut t'onera sp. dengan angka kematian 100% pada menit ke dua, dan kurang effektif terhadap kecoa Blatella germanica menyebabkan kematian 90% pada menil ke 30. Komposisi formula F&gt; terdii dari ekstrak piretrum dengan kadar piretrin 0.041%, minyak serai wangi 0.1%, minyak wijen 3%, natalen 1% dan pelarut LAWS. Pelarut terbaik untuk formula ini adalah LAWS.</p><p>Kata kunci: Fly spray, Piretrum, formulasi, uji effektivitas, serangga rumah tangga</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Fly spray formulation of pyrethrum extract and its effectiveness on houseflies</strong></p><p>The production of ly spray formula with active ingredient pyrethrum extract and its efficacy on houselics were conducted from Apil to October 2001 at (he Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, Bogor and at Entomology laboratory of FKH - IPB. The formula was made from pyrethrum extract, citronella oil, sesame oil, natalein, pine oil and solvent, i.e pertasol CB and LAWS. The parameters observed were the variation concentration of pyrethrum extract (0.041% and 0.051%), added with pine oil (0%, 0.1%), natalein (0%, 1.0%) and solvents (LAWS and pertasol CB). The eficacy lest was conducted on houselies which included housely, mosquito, ant and cockroach. The result showed that F&gt; and Fi were ihe most effective to M. domeslica and Fi is the selected formula. Fi was effective to Cx. qumquefasciatus mosquito which killed 92% of the mosquito in two minutes, and very effective to Ponera sp ants which killed 100% in iwo minutes, and less effective to B. germanica cockroach which killed 90% in half hour. The Fj formula was made from pyrethrum extract with 0.041% piretrin, 0.1% citronella oil, 3% sesame oil, 1% natalein and LAWS solvent LAWS was the best solvent for the formula.</p><p>Key words : Fly spray, pyrethrum, formulation, efficacy test, houselies</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 125

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Keragaman genetik plasma nutfah lada (<em>Piper nigrum</em>) di Indonesia <br /> rendah  sehingga  perlu  dilakukan  peningkatan  keragaman.  Penelitian <br /> dilakukan di Rumah Kaca Balittro Bogor mulai Januari 2012 sampai Juni <br /> 2013. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik <br /> lada varietas Petaling 1 menggunakan mutagen kimia kolkhisin. Biji lada <br /> direndam dalam larutan kolkhisin konsentrasi 0; 0,01; 0,03; dan 0,05% <br /> selama 4 jam dan disemai pada bak pasir. Masing-masing perlakuan <br /> diulang 3 kali  dan  setiap ulangan  terdiri atas 300 biji.  Pengamatan <br /> dilakukan  terhadap  persentase  perkecambahan  dan  fenotipe  tanaman, persentase tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, serta jumlah ruas dan daun pada umur dua bulan. Selanjutnya, sebanyak 20 individu dari total benih yang tumbuh dipilih berdasarkan rata rata penggabungan dari tanaman terpendek dan tertinggi. Individu terpilih diamati tinggi tanaman serta jumlah ruas dan daun pada umur empat bulan. Untuk melihat ragam genetik dilakukan analisis kandungan DNA dengan<em> flowcytometry</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kolkhisin 0,01 dan 0,05% menghasilkan persentase perkecambahan benih di persemaian lebih tinggi. Pada lada mutan  vegetatif generasi  ke-0,  perubahan  morfologi  terindikasi  pada konsentrasi 0,03%.  Pada  generasi  mutan hasil  perbanyakan/turunan vegetatif pertama  perubahan  morfologi  pada  tanaman terjadi  pada perlakuan 0,05%. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata pada tingkat ploidi lada pada semua perlakuan termasuk kontrol.</p><p>Kata kunci:  <em>Piper nigrum</em> L., ragam genetik, mutan, kolkhisin, fenotip</p><p> </p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Effect of Colchicine on the Phenothypic Performance of Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Mutant and Ploidy analysis</p><p>Genetic variability of pepper (<em>Piper nigrum</em>) in Indonesia was low, <br /> so it was needed to increase its variability. Research was conducted at the <br /> green house of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, <br /> Bogor from January 2012 to June 2013. The aim of the research was to <br /> increase the genetic variability of pepper (Petaling 1) using chemical <br /> mutagen colchicine. Seeds of pepper were soaked in colchicine solution <br /> with several concentration (0; 0,01; 0,03; and 0,05%) for four hours, and <br /> then germinated on sand media. Every treatment consisted of 300 seeds <br /> and replicated three times. The parameter observed were germination <br /> percentage, plant phenotype, growth percentage, plant hight, number of <br /> node and leaves two months after planting. Further, from total seedling <br /> growth, 20 individual were selected based on average combined from <br /> highest and shortest plant. The selected individual observed their plant <br /> height, number of node and leaves on four months. Flowcytometri analysis <br /> from  the  selected  seedling  was  conducted to  find  interplant  genetic <br /> variabilities. The result showed that application of colchicin 0,01 and <br /> 0,05% performed the fast germination on the nursery compared with <br /> control, but no significant differencet on the growth parameters. In the <br /> mutant generation 0, the changes on morphology showed on 0,03% and at the first vegetative generation, the changes were indicated in plants from  0,05%  of  colchicine  treatment.  Flowcytometri  analysis  showed  no  significant differences on ploidi level of all treatments including control.</p><p>Keywords:   <em>Piper   nigrum</em>,   genetic   variability,   mutant,  cholchicin, phenotype</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hara<br />pada berbagai tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan<br />dan produksi lada perdu. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Instalasi<br />Penelitian Cimanggu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, tahun<br />1996-1998. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pot drum 40 liter.<br />Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok berukuran 6<br />tanaman/petak yang diulang 3 kali. Terdapat 2 faktor yang diuji yaitu<br />kombinasi dari tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air dan faktor kedua<br />adalah takaran hara NPK Mg 12-12-17-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa pemberian air 21 mm/2 hari, setara dengan curah hujan 3.780 mm<br />per tahun dengan pemberian pupuk 400 g NPKMg 12-12-17-2 per<br />tanaman per tahun menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik dan produksi<br />tertinggi yaitu 42,7 g/tanaman pada produksi tahun pertama dan 171,2<br />g/tanaman pada tahun produksi kedua. Ini berarti dengan jarak tanam<br />1,25 x 1,25 m telah mampu dicapai hasil lebih dari 1,09 ton/ha. Tingkat<br />pencucian hara makro tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan pemberian air 21<br />mm/2hari dengan agihan pemupukan 600g/tanaman/tahun.<br />Kata kunci : Lada perdu, Piper nigrum L., pemupukan, pemberian air,<br />produksi</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Nutrient leaching and intake in bushy pepper (Piper<br />nigrum L.) at different rates and frequency of watering<br />The objective of the research was to find out the effect of<br />fertilizing at different rates and frequency of watering on the growth and<br />yield of bushy pepper. The research was done at a shading house of<br />Cimanggu Experimental Farm, Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops<br />Research Institute in 1996 – 1998. Bushy pepper was planted in a<br />container of 40 litre in Cimanggu Instalation. The research used a<br />randomized block design with 3 replication, 6 plants/ plot. There were<br />two factors studied in the research i.e. the combination of the rate and<br />frequency of watering, and the rate of NPK Mg 12-12-7-2. The results<br />showed that watering at 21 ml in 2 days, equals to 3780 mm rainfall, with<br />the application of 400 g NPK Mg 12-12-17-2 per plant gave the best<br />growth performance and the highest yield of pepper 42.7 g/vine at the 1 st<br />year and 171.2 g/vine at the 2 nd year. It means that at the plant spacing of<br />1.25 x 1.25 m the plants can produce 1.09 tones/ha. The highest nutrient<br />leached happened at the treatment of watering of 21 mm/2days with<br />fertilizer application 600 g/vine.<br />Key words: Bushy pepper, Piper nigrum L., fertilizing, watering,<br />growth, production</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 98

ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan di Instalasi Kebun Percobaan<br />Laing, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Solok, Sumatera<br />Barat pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2004. Penelitian bertujuan untuk<br />mendapatkan dosis pupuk NPK dan cara peletakan pupuk terbaik untuk<br />pertumbuhan kayumanis. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah (A) dosis pupuk<br />NPK yang terdiri atas 5 taraf; A1 = 15, A2 = 30 , A3 = 45, A4 = 60, dan<br />A5 = 75 g/ph/th.yang diberikan secara bertahap pada tahun ke-1, ke-2 dan<br />ke-3, (B) daerah peletakan pupuk yang terdiri atas: B1 (sebar di areal<br />kanopi), B2 (sebar dalam alur ring), dan B3 (tugal pada 4 sisi tanaman).<br />Dosis pupuk pada tahun pertama dan kedua diberikan masing-masing 67<br />dan 83% dari dosis penuh yang diberikan pada tahun ketiga. Penelitian<br />menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan pola faktorial, diulang 4<br />kali dengan ukuran plot 20 tan/perlakuan. Parameter yang diukur adalah<br />tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun dan lebar tajuk. Hasil<br />penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada fase pertumbuhan tanaman umur 1<br />tahun di lapangan tidak terdapat interaksi antara dosis dan cara peletakan<br />pupuk. Pengaruh interaksi baru terlihat setelah tanaman berumur 2 tahun,<br />yaitu dengan penggunaan NPK dosis pupuk 62,5 g/ph/th yang ditempatkan<br />pada alur ring (B2) menghasilkan pertumbuhan jumlah daun yang terbaik,<br />yaitu sebanyak 316,7 helai, meskipun hasilnya tidak berbeda nyata dengan<br />penggunaan NPK dosis 25 g/ph/th yang disebar sekitar ring (B1) atau tugal<br />pada 4 sisi tanaman (B3) dengan hasil masing-masing 303,8 dan 302,6<br />helai daun/ph/th. Pada umur 3 tahun juga tidak terlihat adanya pengaruh<br />interaksi di antara perlakuan.<br />Kata kunci : Kayumanis, Cinnamomum burmanii Robx, pemupukan,<br />pertumbuhan, Sumatera Barat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Effect of dosage and stoppage area of fertilizer for the<br />growth of cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii ROBX)<br />A field trial was conducted at the Laing Experimental Garden,<br />Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Solok, West<br />Sumatra from the years 2002 to 2004. The objective of the research was to<br />find out the best dosage and stoppage area of fertilizer for the growth of<br />cinnamon. The treatment tested were (A) dosage of NPK, comprised of<br />A1= 15, A2= 30 A3= 45 A4=60, and A5= 75 g/plant/year which were<br />applied gradually in the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd . (B) stoppage area of fertilizer<br />consisting of : B1 (spread under canopy area), B2 (spread in the at canopy<br />circle, and B3 (spotted at 4 points at canopy circle frontier). The research<br />used a randomized block design, with two factors, and 2 replications and<br />20 plants/treatment. The parameters observed were plant height, diameter,<br />number of leaves and wide of canopy. The results showed that on the first<br />year there was no interaction between fertilizer dosage and stoppage area<br />on the growth of cinnamon. The interaction between them was seen at<br />second year where the treatment of 62.5 g NPK/plant/year which were<br />placed on the ring (B2) produced the highest number of leaves 316.7, but<br />this was not significantly different compared to the treatment of 25<br />g/plant/year which was spread on the ring (B1) and spotted at 4 points<br />(B3) which produced 303.8 and 302.6 leaves/plant/year. At the 3 rd year<br />there was no interaction between the two factors either.<br />Key words : Cinnamon,  Cinnamomum  burmanii  Robx,  fertilizer,<br />growth, West Sumatera

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21

<p>Penelitian lapangan telah dilaksanakan di Instalasi Penelitian Cikampek, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat sejak Juni 1997 sampai dengan Desember tahun 2000, yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis dan agihan pemupukan terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan jambu mete. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah (1) Dosis pupuk NPK (1:1:2) yang terdiri atas 300, 600 ,900, dan 1200 g/tan/thn, dan (2) agihan pemupukan yang terdiri atas 50%:50%, 60%:40%, 70%:30% dan 100%. Pada tanaman berumur &lt; 2 tahun, pupuk diberikan pada awal dan akhir musim pcnghujan, sedangkan pada umur &gt; 2 tahun pupuk dibeikan pada awal musim bunga dan 2 bulan beikutnya. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok yang diulang 2 kali dengan ukuran plot 4 tanaman/pcrlakuan. Perlakuan merupakan kombinasi dari dosis pupuk dan agihan sehingga terdapat 16 perlakuan. Sampai tanaman berumur 1 tahun 7 bulan dosis pupuk yang dibeikan adalah 1/6 dai dosis pcnuh, sedangkan dosis penuh baru dibeikan setelah tanaman berumur 2 tahun 7 bulan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada fase petumbuhan tanaman umur 7 bulan di lapangan belum terlihat pengaruh dosis pemupukan NPK dan agihannya terhadap petumbuhan vegetatif. Pengaruh baru terlihat setelah tanaman berumur 1 tahun 7 bulan di lapangan, dengan pembeian dosis pupuk 100 g/ tan/thn dengan agihan 100%. Selanjutnya setelah berumur 2 tahun 7 bulan digunakan dosis penuh, dengan hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan 600 g NPK/tan/thn dengan agihan 50%: 50%. Memasuki umur 3 tahun 7 bulan tidak terlihat lagi pengaruh pemupukan NPK dan agihannya, kecuali terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman yang dipupuk 900 g NPK/phn/thn dengan agihan 70%:30%.<br /><br />Kata kunci:Anacardium occidentale, agihan, dosis, jambu mete, pupuk, pertumbuhan<br /><br />ABSTRACT Effect of dosage and split-portion on the growth of cashew plants (Anacardium occidentale) A ield tial was conducted in Cikampek Experimental Garden, Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, rom June 1997 to December 2000. The objective of the research was to ind out the best dosage of fertilizer and split-portion for cashew plant the growth. The treatment tested were (1) dosage of NPK (1:1:2), comprised of 300, 600, 900, and 1 200 g/plan/year, and (2) split-potion of fertilizer, consisted of 50%:50%, 60%:40%, 70%:30% and 100%:0%.On the plants less than two years old, the fertilizer was applied at the onset and at the end of rainy season, while on the plants more than two years old, the fetilizer was applied at the beginning of flowering season and two months aterwards. A randomized block design was used with 2 replicates and 4 planls/'treatment. The result showed that at the age of seven months, all the treatment were not significantly different on the vegetable growth of cashew. This indicated that for plants less than 1 year, the best dosage was 50 g NPK/plan/year, applied 50% at the onset and 50% at the end of rainy season. In the second year, 100 g NPK/plan/year showed the best treatment, applied 100% on the onset of rainy season. In the third year, 600 g NPK/plan/year, split 50% at the onset and 50% at the end of rainy season showed the best treatment on cashew growth. In the foth year, all the treatments were not signiicantly different on the growth of cashew except on the growth of plant height where the best treatment was 900 g NPK/plan/year, applied 70% at the onset and 30% at the end of rainy season.</p><p>Key words: Anacardium occidentale, cashew nut, dosage, fetilizer, growth, split-potion</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Slamet Susanto ◽  
Herik Sugeru ◽  
Sri Minten

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p><br />The objective of this research was to study the differences effects of interstock on scion growth, flowering and fruiting of ‘Nambangan’ pummelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck). The research was conducted from January to December 2005 in a green house of Cikabayan Research Station IPB, Dramaga. Th e research was <br />arranged in randomized completely block design with singe factor i. e. kind of intertock consisted of Flying Dragon, Troyer, Citrumelo, and Rangpur Lime. All interstocks were grafted on Javanche Citroen rootstock. The result showed that the growth, flowering and fruiting of ‘Nambangan’ pummelo was significantly <br />affected by kind of interstock. Citrumelo interstock tended to induce more vegetatif with low generatif growth of ‘Nambangan’ scion. Troyer, Rangpur Lime and Flying Dragon resulted in moderate growth of ‘Nambangan’ scion, however only Flying Dragon induced ‘Nambangan’ scion to produce more flower and fruit as compared with other interstocks. There was no significant different in carbohydrate content in leaves and C/N ratio among scion with four interstock studied.</p><p><br />Key words: interstock, Nambangan, pummel o, flowering</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Tri Lestari Mardiningsih ◽  
NFN Ma'mun

<p>Citronella, clove and lemongrass oils are known to be toxic and repel certain pests.  Mixing different essential oils (EOs) in the form of formula is expected to increase the insecticidal properties. The experiments aimed to examine the effect of EOs mixture formulas on mortality and oviposition deterrent of <em>Helopeltis antonii</em>. The study was conducted at the green house of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute. A mixture of two EOs citronella + clove (1:1), lemongrass + clove (1:1), individual EO formulas, and their inert solution (mixture of tween 80, turpentine, and teepol) were tested on <em>H. antonii </em>at 5 and 10 ml.l<sup>-1</sup> concentrations.  Parameters observed were the number of eggs laid, mortality of adults and nymphs of <em>H. antonii</em>. The citronella + clove and lemongrass + clove formula at 10 ml.l<sup>-1 </sup>deterred the oviposition of  <em>H. antonii</em> by 60.18 % and 46.56 % respectively. These formulas also caused adults mortality at 79.17 % and 62.50 %, as well as the nymphs mortality at 87.50 % and 82.50 % respectively. The citronella + clove and lemongrass + clove formulas tested had the same effectiveness compared to the commercial citronella oil formula. Therefore, these two formulas were potential to be tested in field to control <em>H. antonii</em>.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 20

ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis dan<br />komposisi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete<br />yang ditanam pada tanah regosol cokelat-kelabu di Desa Loloan,<br />Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Barat, dari tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Faktor<br />yang diuji adalah: (1) komposisi NPK, 2 macam (1:1:1, dan 1:1:2); dan (2)<br />dosis pupuk, 4 taraf (500, 750, 1000 dan 1500 g/pohon/tahun). Perlakuan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan dan ukuran<br />petak 4 pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jambu mete<br />cukup responsif terhadap pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk menaikkan<br />kandungan hara N, P dan K daun. Dosis pupuk yang cukup memadai untuk<br />menunjang pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete adalah 500, 750, dan<br />1000 g NPK/pohon/tahun dengan komposisi pupuk NPK 1:1:2, masing-<br />masing untuk umur tanaman 5, 6, dan 7 tahun. Pupuk tersebut diberikan<br />dalam 2 kali agihan, yaitu 50% pada awal musim hujan, dan 50% lagi<br />menjelang akhir musim hujan.<br />Kata kunci : Jambu  mete,  Anacardium  occidentale,  pemupukan,<br />pertumbuhan, produksi, Nusa Tenggara Barat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Effect of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of<br />cashew in Lombok<br />A field study was conducted on cashew trees grown at grayish-<br />brown regosol soil located at Loloan, Bayan, West Lombok, from 1997 to<br />2000. The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of NPK<br />fertilizer and its composition on growth and yield of cashew. Treatments<br />examined were: (1) composition of NPK (1:1:1, and 1:1:2); and (2)<br />fertilizer dosage (500, 750, 1000 and 1500 g NPK/tree/year). The<br />treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replications<br />and plot size of 4 plants. Research results showed that the application of<br />fertilizers significantly affected the growth and yield of cashew. The<br />content of N, P and K in cashew leaves improved as the fertilizer dosage<br />increased. Appropriate amounts of NPK were 500, 750 and 1000 g<br />NPK/tree/year with composition of 1:1:2 for cashew trees of 5, 6 and 7<br />years old, respectively. The fertilizers were applied twice a year (50% in<br />the beginning of rainy season, and 50% in the end of rainy season).<br />Key words : Cashew, Anacardium occidentale, fertilizer application,<br />growth, yield, West Nusa Tenggara

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Tri Lestari Mardiningsih ◽  
Rodiah Balfas

<p class="IsiabstrakIndonesia">Essential oil, such as citronella, lemongrass, ageratum, and clove are known to be toxic and repel certain pests. Mixing two or more essential oils are expected increasing their insecticidal properties.  The experiments aimed to examine the effect of essential oils mixtures (EOs) on mortalities and oviposition deterrents of <em>Crocidolomia pavonana</em> and <em>Helopeltis antonii</em>. The experiments were conducted at the laboratory and green house of the Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute. The tested mixtures were citronella and clove (CiC); lemongrass and clove (LC); ageratum and clove (AC); individual EO; control 1 (water + emulsifier); control 2 (water) at 0.5% concentration for all treatments. The ratio used were 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 2:1 and 4:1. Parameters observed were the mortalities of <em>C. pavonana</em> larvae and <em>H. antonii</em> nymphs; and the ovipositions deterrents of both insects. The CiC and LC mixtures gave low mortality (&lt;50%) to <em>C. pavonana</em> larvae, while AC at ratios 1:1, 1:2,1:4 less than 20%, AC 2:1 and 4:1 &gt;60% and the individual ageratum oil caused 77.5% mortalities. The CiC 1:1 and LC (1:1, 1:2, and 4:1) showed &gt;40% mortalities of     <em>H. antonii, whereas </em>the AC in all ratios enhanced the nymph mortalities. The number of eggs laid by <em>C. pavonana</em> at CiC and LC in all ratios were around 50-60% lower than individual EO. The mixture of AC 1:4 and 4:1 produced eggs nearly 50% lower than clove treatment. The CiC and LC at 1:1 produced the lowest numbers of egg laid by <em>H. antonii</em>, while AC 1:4 reduced 70% eggs laid compared to individual EO.</p>

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