scholarly journals Dosis Pupuk dan Jarak Tanam Optimal Varietas Unggul Baru Padi

2014 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 188
Ikhwani Ikhwani

Yield performance of rice varieties could be increased by optimizing plant spacing and fertilizer rate. The experiment was aimed to study the response of new rice varieties to fertilizer rates and plant spacing in two seasons (April 2012-April 2013) at farmer’s field, in Cianjur district, West Java. The experiment was arranged in a split-split plot design with 3 replications. The main plots were fertilizer rates: P1 was the present local recommendation (Urea = 100 kg/ha, Phonska= 300 kg/ha; organic fertilizer = 500 kg/ha), applied at 14 days after transplanting. P2 was the proposed recommended rate, based on SIPAPUKDI, Urea = 320 kg/ha, SP36 = 70 kg/ha, KCl = 130 kg/ha, applied at 7 dat, 21 dat and 42 dat (before flower initiation stage). Sub plots were plant spacing; T1 was local practice (equal spacing of 25 cm x 25 cm) and T2 was paired-rows Legowo 2:1 (25 cm-50 cm x 12.5 cm); Sub-sub plots were rice varieties, V1 was the best site variety (Mekongga), V2 was Inpari 14, V3 was Inpari 17 and V4 was Inpari 6. The sub-sub plot size was 8 m x 5 m, with the total of 48 plots per replication. The highest grain yields in the first planting season was 8.68 t dry grains/ha, produced by Inpari 17 planted with pairedrows legowo 2:1, followed by Mekongga (8.22 t dry grains/ha) with the same planting method. In the second season Mekongga variety produced 8.10 t dry grains/ha followed by Inpari 14 (8.08 t dry grains/ha) applied with the local recommended rate of fertilizer.There was no plant spacing effect on yield in the second season.

1983 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 461-465 ◽  
R. Keren ◽  
A. Meiri ◽  
Y. Kalo

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Ikhwani -

The most effective method to increase rice productivity in one location is to adapt the best combination between the high yielding rice variety and the optimum plant spacing. The objectives of this experiment to observe plant growth characteristic of each high yielding rice variety under each plant spacing to increase rice productivity. Field experiment was conducted at Toroh Regency, Grobogan District, Central Java during 2014 dry season. Treatments were arranged according to a split plot design, with three replications. The main plots (Plant spacings), namely T1- Equal spacing/Tegel 25 cm x 25 cm; T2- Legowo 2:1 (25---50) cm x 12,5 cm; T3- legowo 4:1 empty (25 – 50) cm x 12,5 cm dan T4- legowo 4:1 full (25 – 50) cm x 12,5 cm. The sub plots (variety): Ciherang, Inpari 10, Inpari 15 and Inpari 16.<br />The yields of the rice varieties in this experiment are highly significantly different. It was found one introduced variety produced higher yield than Ciherang, namely Inpari 16 (5.93 + 0.43 ton 14% dry grain/ha). The two other introduced varieties (Inpari 10 and Inpari 15), produced 5.03 + 0.19 and 5.00 + 0.22 ton 14% dry grain/ha, the same or slightly lower than Ciherang. The highest yield occurred when Inpari 16 planted using Legowo 4 : 1 empty, namely 6.57 ton 14% dry grain/ha, consistently produces higher yield than the other varieties do at each plant spacing treatment. Rice yields of Ciherang were relatively more stable under different plant spacings compared with the other varieties. Inpari 10 at harvest stage having 19 tillers per hill under equal spacing 25 cm x 25 cm, decreased to 12 tillers per hill under Legowo 4 : 1 full. Ciherang with the medium size of grains have 1000 grain weight of 23.9 gram, and Inpari 10 25.3 gram. Based on the results of this experiment it is concluded that Inpari 16 planted under Jajar Legowo 4 : 1 empty (25 – 50) cm x 12.5 cm is the best. However, it is suggested to be evaluated acceptability by the local farmers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-219
Md. Jafrul Islam SUMON ◽  
Tuhin Suvra ROY ◽  
Md. Nazmul HAQUE ◽  
Salma AHMED ◽  

Integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers can improve crop productivity and sustain soil health and fertility. To gain insights into the response of green manure and chemical fertilizer, the present study was conducted to evaluate the growth, yield and proximate composition of aromatic rice varieties in Aman season at the research farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from July to December 2014. The experiment was set up in split-plot design with three aromatic rice varieties in main plots and six fertilizer levels in subplots. ‘Raniselute’ variety produced the highest plant height, dry matter weight hill-1, straw yield (7.81 t ha-1), biological yield (9.05 t ha-1), ash (1.59%), and fat content (2.81%). ‘BRRI dhan34’ gave the maximum number of effective tillers hill-1 (12.74), panicle length (27.93 cm), number of filled grains panicle-1 (192.5), 1,000-grain weight (17.22 g), grain yield (2.26 t ha-1), harvest index (29.99%), and carbohydrate content (77.63%). Application of 80% recommended doses of NPKSZn + green manure 3.5 t ha-1 showed better performance for getting the maximum growth, yield components and yield compared to other treatments. Recommended doses of NPKSZn showed the highest carbohydrate content (77.63%) and lowest moisture (8.75%) and ash content (1.29%). The maximum fat content (3.07%) and minimum carbohydrate content (76.53%) was obtained from 60% recommended doses of NPKSZn + green manure 7 t ha-1. Application of 20 and 40% recommended doses of NPKSZn + green manure 14 and 10.5 t ha-1 produced the highest moisture content (10.43%) and lowest protein content (8.26%) in rice grain. Green manure 17.5 t ha-1 produced the highest ash (1.79%), protein content (9.06%) and lowest fat content (2.51%).

Gustavo Do Valle Pereira ◽  
Dayana Cristina de Oliveira Pereira ◽  
Diego Fontebasso Pelizari Pinto ◽  
Luiz Carlos Demattê Filho ◽  
Sérgio Kenji Homma ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
N.N. Soniari ◽  
N.M. Witariadi ◽  
N.K. Karyati

One of the goals of science and technology for the Region of Jegu and RejasaVilages in Penebel District,Tabanan Regency is a healthy increase rice productivity by application of liquid organic fertilizer andartificial biopesticides farmers themselves. The method adopted to achieve these goals is through education,training, simulation science and technology, mentoring, and design appropriate technology applied.All suchactivities are realized in the form of a field school that was attended by 25 members of SubakRejasa bymaking healthy rice demonstration plot 25 acres.POC and biopesticide made from animal waste, sugar cane,Gamal, yam tubers and other local materials, applied at a dose of 450 ml / 25 L of water every week. Liquidorganic fertilizer and biopesticide made by members of SubakRejasa have done laboratory analysis with thefollowing results: the content of C-org (1,540%): N (0.160%); P (85.120 ppm); K (95.400 ppm); pH (7.78)and DHL (32,200 mS). The results of the application of POC and biopesticideson the rice varieties "Inpari30", quite good, vegetative growth performance lush, green leaves, stronger stems no pests anddiseases,number of tillers 20 -24, .and the generative phase, pithy grain, grain number between 185-255 /stalkand grain yield at harvest 5.8 tonnes / ha. The processing of livestock wastes into POC and biopesticides provides a new source of additional income for farmers in addition to economic efficiency in the use offertilizers and the slow return of biodiversity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 348-358 ◽  
Rakesh Kumar ◽  
Saurabh Sharma ◽  
K. Ramesh ◽  
Vijaylata Pathania ◽  
Rajendra Prasad

1979 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-368 ◽  
E. O. Lucas ◽  
D. O. Ataga ◽  
G. O. Thomas

SUMMARYMonthly partitioning of dry matter (DM) and nutrient contents of polybag oil palm nursery seedlings, planted at three spacings, showed that leaves and petioles accounted for about half of the DM up to 11 months. There was no spacing effect on the nutrient contents of seedlings, K being always higher than other nutrients followed by N, Ca, Mg and P in that order. Most of the nutrients were in the leaves and petioles, with a dramatic increase in the amount of nutrient taken up by the seedlings in November. Fertilizer rates and frequencies were deduced for an oil palm nursery based on the nutrient contents of seedlings.

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