field school
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Danubia De Jesus Souza ◽  
Pedro Fernando Dos Santos

Resumo: Esse artigo faz uma reflexão da proposta curricular no âmbito educacional, cujo principal objetivo é analisar o documento mediante sua importância para os fazeres no contexto escolar. A análise é feita a partir dos estudos proporcionados pela extensão na Residência Pedagógica-CAPES-FACHUS e desenvolvidos na escola-campo, Doutor Severino Alves de Sá, no município de Salgueiro-PE. Sua fundamentação teve como base a Lei 9.394/96(LDB), A Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC, assim como Veiga 2002 e Castro 2019. A metodologia elencada no desenrolar do conteúdo é decorrente de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de estudo analítico sobre o objeto aqui citado. Os resultados obtidos vêm ao encontro de todo exposto apresentado na fundamentação teórica embasada na LDB e BNCC, assim como nas afirmações dos autores e todo o conteúdo estudado. Vale afirmar que a análise do conteúdo proporcionado pela escola é de bastante relevância na construção da Proposta Curricular disponibilizada é parte integrante de seu PPP, atendendo assim todas as expectativas moduladas no decorrer do estudo. Os dados encontrados dispõem de componentes curriculares associados a conteúdos que sempre estão em pauta na atualidade. Considerando-se, portanto, que a proposta pedagógica curricular é um documento de fundamental importância para os seguimentos de conteúdo escolar em prol da formação integral do aluno, do desenvolvimento intelectual e de sua consciência no mundo do saber e das transformações que por ele se dão. Palavras-Chave: Proposta curricular. Disciplinas. Contexto escolar. Abstract: This article reflects on the curriculum proposal in the educational field, whose main objective is to analyze the document according to its importance for the actions in the school context. The analysis is made from the studies provided by the extension in the Pedagogical Residency-CAPES-FACHUS and developed in the field-school, Doutor Severino Alves de Sá, in the municipality of Salgueiro-PE. Its theoretical foundation was based on Law 9,394/96 (LDB), The Common National Curriculum Base – BNCC, as well as Veiga 2002 and Castro 2019. cited here. The results obtained are in line with all the above presented in the theoretical foundation based on the LDB and BNCC, as well as the authors' statements and all the studied content. It is worth stating that the analysis of the content provided by the school is very relevant in the construction of the Curriculum Proposal made available and is an integral part of the school's PPP, thus meeting all the expectations found in the course of the study. The data found have curricular components associated with contents that are always on the agenda today. Considering, therefore, that the curricular pedagogical proposal is a document of fundamental importance for the segments of school content in favor of the integral formation of the student, intellectual development and their awareness in the world of knowledge and the transformations that take place through it. Keywords: Curriculum proposal. Disciplines. School context. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 536-547
Carla Catarina Oliveira Santos ◽  
Milenna Tainá Ferreira de Sá ◽  
Aurelania Maria De Carvalho Menezes

A avaliação é algo recorrente na rotina das instituições de ensino, sendo uma ferramenta de grande importância para diagnótiscos e desenvolvimento dos alunos e ela sempre será questionada e discutida, na tentativa de buscar a melhor forma. Por ser de grande importância, o tema foi amplamente estudado para o embasamento teórico da pesquisa. Sendo assim, a pesquisa tem caráter bibliográfico e também de metodologia empírica, pois a coleta de dados aconteceu com 10 profissionais da escola campo de estágio, Escola Municipal Doutor Severino Alves de Sá, na cidade de Salgueiro-PE, através de um questionário, contendo 10 perguntas. O estudo tem natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. O questionário foi idealizado para conhecer as dificuldades e as perspectivas das docentes dos anos iniciais e os resultados foram transformados em percentual para uma melhor análise dos dados. Um dos dados obtidos com o questionário é que 90% dos professores sentem dificuldades de avaliar o aluno de forma remota e outro dado alarmante é que na escola campo, devido a pandemia, os alunos regrediram no processo de aprendizagem, devido a ausência de responsáveis para o acompanhamento, a carência de acesso a meios tecnológicos, e a ausência do contato entre professor e aluno. Percebe-se que para atingir resultados positivos com os alunos, a escola necessita de uma maior participação dos pais na vida escolar de seus filhos.---Assessment is something recurrent in the routine of educational institutions, being a very important tool for diagnosis and student development, and it will always be questioned and discussed, in an attempt to find the best way. Because it is of great importance, the topic has been extensively studied for the theoretical basis of the research. Thus, the research has a bibliographic character and also an empirical methodology, as the data collection took place with 10 professionals from the internship field school, Doutor Severino Alves de Sá Municipal School, in the city of Salgueiro-PE, through a questionnaire containing 10 questions. The study is quantitative and qualitative in nature. The questionnaire was designed to understand the difficulties and perspectives of teachers in the early years and the results were transformed into percentages for a better data analysis. One of the data obtained from the questionnaire is that 90% of teachers have difficulties in evaluating the student remotely and another alarming fact is that in the field school, due to the pandemic, students regressed in the learning process, due to the absence of guardians for monitoring, lack of access to technological means, and lack of contact between teacher and student. It is noticed that to achieve positive results with students, the school needs greater participation by parents in their children's school life

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 145-154
Froline S. Red ◽  
Nilda T. Amestoso ◽  
Leomarich F. Casinillo

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Model explains the individual’s knowledge which affects attitude and consequently changes the actual practices. The study investigated the effect of the Farmer Field School (FFS) on the knowledge, attitude, practices, and profitability of rice farmers in Babatngon, Leyte, Philippines. Ninety-four participants, which included 47 FFS farmers and 47 non-FFS farmers, were randomly chosen. Data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistics, cost and return analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that FFS farmers have a significantly higher level of knowledge than non-FFS farmers in the Palaycheck System (p-value<0.001). Additionally, FFS farmers have a significantly great extent of practice than non-FSS farmers in the Palaycheck System (p-value<0.001). Furthermore, farmers with high knowledge, positive attitude, and the great extent of practice on Palaycheck system gain more profit. Therefore, farmers should acquire more knowledge, a positive attitude, and more practice on production technologies to increase profit. Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and demonstration farms should be established in multi-locations to highlight the benefits of the Palaycheck technology for widespread adoption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Afan Taufiqurohman ◽  
Sri Subekti

<em>Chili field school is one of the efforts to increase human resources and increase the productivity of chili crops through the development of human resources. The field school is a learning medium that can shape the behavior of local chili farmers. The purpose of this study is to explain the implementation of the field school program which is seen from the behavior of farmers (knowledge, attitudes, skills). The research method uses explanatory methods. Determining the location of the study with the purposive method. Determination of informants using purposive sampling. Data collection is done by interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis using interactive models Miles and Huberman. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results showed that all farmers experienced behavioral changes related to the study of polybag breeding, seed selection, spacing and control of chili plant organisms. In the study of tillage and liquid organic fertilizer, behavior changes occur in the majority of farmers, while only a minority of farmers experience behavioral changes related to the study of vegetable pesticides.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (39) ◽  
pp. 62
Rabiou Abdou ◽  
Issaley Nana Aichatou ◽  
Ahmed Lamine ◽  
Mikaillou Souley Issa ◽  
Agbo So Timothée Kouassi ◽  

La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’efficacité et le rôle de la communication participative dans les champ école paysans (CEP) mis en œuvre par la Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture (CRA) de Diffa (Niger). La méthodologie utilisée s’est appuyée sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe, les enquêtes de terrain auprès des apprenants, des responsables des CEP et des encadreurs (CRA). Au total, 112 personnes, réparties en 96 apprenants, 12 responsables de CEP et 4 encadreurs de CRA, ont été enquêtées sur six sites d’intervention du CRA/Diffa dont trois sites dans la commune urbaine de Diffa, deux sites dans la commune rurale de Gueskerou et un site dans la commune rurale de Chetimari. L’analyse des données a été faite au moyen du logiciel Sphinx V5. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré des taux de l’ordre de 80% à 100% pour le degré de participation au CEP des apprenants, un niveau de connaissance de 100% du thème principal. Il ressort, aussi, des résultats de l’étude un taux allant de 78,12% à 100% de niveau d’adoption des techniques et pratiques agricoles par les apprenants. L’approche CEP, en tant que méthodologie de recherche-action formative et participative, se présente comme une voie convaincante pour faciliter l’adoption et la diffusion des innovations à travers le monde rural. L’originalité et la simplicité du processus permetent non seulement une meilleure appropriation des innovations, mais aussi une participation active des paysans à la production végétale vivrière d‘où une valorisation de la fonction paysanne. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness and role of participatory communication in the Farmer Field School (FFS) implemented by the Regional Chamber of Agriculture (RCA) of Diffa (Niger). The methodology used was based on documentary research, direct observation, field surveys of learners, CEP managers and supervisors (CRAs). A total of 112 people divided into 96 learners, 12 FFS managers and 4 RCA supervisors, were surveyed at six RCA / Diffa intervention sites, including three sites in the urban municipality of Diffa, two sites in the rural municipality of Gueskerou and a site in the rural commune of Chetimari. Data analysis is done using Sphinx V5 software. The results of the study showed rates in the order of 80% to 100% for the degree of participation in the FFS of the learners, a level of knowledge of 100% of the main topic. The results of the study also show a rate ranging from 78.12% to 100% of the level of adoption of agricultural techniques and practices by learners. The FFS approach, as a formative and participatory action research methodology, presents itself as a convincing avenue to facilitate the adoption and dissemination of innovations throughout the rural world. The originality and the simplicity of its processes not only allow a better appropriation of innovations, but also an active participation of the farmers in agronomic production and therefore, an enhancement of the farmers function.

Ida Surya Surya ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Suwetha

Geologically, Indonesia is located at the confluence of three of the world's main plates, namely the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific Plate, which often cause disasters, for example drought. Central Lombok Regency is one of the regencies in West Nusa Tenggara, with these two seasons, most often hit by drought disasters, considering that the rainfall in Central Lombok is very small. So that disaster education and preparedness are needed for residents. This article uses qualitative research methods. The results of the study show that climate field schools have an important role in disaster education. Climate field school is a form of education for farmers that is very useful especially in understanding the weather and climate combined with new agricultural techniques that will allow farmers to plant different crops at different times of the year. Meanwhile, for preparedness, it is carried out through several programs in the form of urging and asking farmers to be disciplined in carrying out cropping patterns according to the zoning in which they are located (rice-padi-palawija or padi-palawija-palawija), mapping of land related to cropping patterns, planting rice parity that requires little water, namely the Situpagendit variety, and urges farmers to insure their rice plants, which is Rp. 36.000/ Ha for one planting season at PT. JASINDI.   Keywords: Indonesia's geological location, disaster, disaster education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 366-378
Carol E. Colaninno ◽  
Emily L. Beahm ◽  
Carl G. Drexler ◽  
Shawn P. Lambert ◽  
Clark H. Sturdevant

AbstractResearch indicates that sexual harassment and assault commonly occur during archaeological field research, and students, trainees, and early career professionals are more frequently subjected to harassing behaviors compared to mid-career and senior scientists. Specific to archaeological education, the undergraduate educational requirement of a field school puts students and trainees in situations where harassment historically has been unchecked. We present the results of a systematic content analysis of 24 sets of field school documents. We analyzed these documents with attention to how field school policies, procedures, and language may impact students’ perceptions of their expected behaviors, logistics and means of reporting, and stated policies surrounding sexual harassment and assault. Coding was conducted using an a priori coding scheme to identify practices that should lead to a safe and supportive field learning environment. Our coding scheme resulted in 11 primary codes that we summarized as three primary themes: (1) field school organization and expected student behavior, (2) logistics of the course, and (3) stated policies surrounding sexual harassment and assault. Based on these themes, we provide recommendations to modify field school documents and practices to create a field school that provides safe opportunities for students to learn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 665-674
Ana Claudia Rodrigues ◽  
Mirelly Rejane Dos Santos Gomes ◽  
Marizélia Barros de Carvalho e Sá

Resumo: O presente artigo busca discorrer sobre a construção do Projeto Político Pedagógico e sua importância na prática pedagógica no ambiente escolar, tendo em vista que o mesmo define o funcionamento da escola regulamentada por leis que orientam a Educação Nacional Brasileira. As metas que a escola pretende atingir devem estar descritas no documento legal, ele é de total relevância para o trabalho docente e de toda comunidade escolar. O Programa de Residência Pedagógica então propôs que os residentes fizessem análise do PPP de cada instituição assim, a prática pedagógica seria explorada com mais precisão, uma vez que a finalidade da Residência Pedagógica é promover experiência de regência em sala de aula.   O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender qual a importância do documento na prática docente. Dessa forma, investigou-se a elaboração do Projeto Político Pedagógico e sua participação nos fazeres docentes, e a prática educativa da Escola-campo. Tendo em vista que toda instituição de ensino deve ser pautada em um documento legal que possibilite um norte para as ações a serem exercidas no decorrer do ano letivo, conduzida para comunidade escolar, refletindo assim sobre as atribuições do Projeto, apontado para sala de aula. Assim, justifica-se a importância de analisar a prática pedagógica a partir das orientações do Projeto Político Pedagógico, considerando sua eficiência no processo de ensino aprendizagem conforme a proposta educativa a ser realizada, como também as ações pedagógicas precisam estar alinhadas a esse documento. Este artigo foi desenvolvido com base em estudos dos teóricos: Vasconcellos (2014), Veiga (2013), Dias (2011), usando como método o estudo qualitativo de caráter bibliográfico. O Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola campo está bem elaborado e é notório a participação da comunidade escolar e todos que compõe a instituição. O mesmo atende a todos as exigências pertinentes para um bom Projeto.Palavras-Chave: Ações Pedagógicas, Escola, Prática Pedagógica, Projeto Pedagógico.  Abstract: The present article seeks to discourse about the construction of the Pedagogical Political Project and its importance in the pedagogical practice in the school environment, in view of that it defines the functioning of the school regulated by laws that guide the Brazilian National Education. The goals that the school intends to achieve must be described in the legal document, it is of total relevance for the teaching work and for the entire school community. The Pedagogical Residency Program then proposed that residents analyze the PPP of each institution so the pedagogical practice would be explored more precision once the purpose of Residencia Pedagogica is to promote conducting experience in the classroom. The objective of this research is to understand the importance of the document in teaching practice. Thus, it was investigated the elaboration of the Pedagogical Political Project and its participation in the teaching activities, and the educational practice of the field school. In view of in that every educational institution must be guided by a legal document that provides guidance for the actions to be exercised during the school year, conducted for the school community, thus reflecting on the Project's attributions, pointed at the classroom. Thus, justifies the importance of analyzing the pedagogical practice from the guidelines of the Pedagogical Political Project, considering its efficiency in the teaching-learning process according to the educational proposal to be performed, as well as the pedagogical actions need to be aligned with this document. This article was developed based on studies by theorists: Vasconcellos (2014), Veiga (2013), Dias (2011), using as a method, the qualitative study of bibliographic character. The Political Pedagogical Project of the field school is well elaborated and the participation of the school community and everyone who makes up the institution is notorious. It meets all relevant requirements for a good Project. Keywords: Pedagogical Actions, School, Pedagogical Practice, Pedagogical Project.

J. Krishnan ◽  
T. T. Ranganathan ◽  
K. C. Siva Balan ◽  
P. Ravichamy

There has been a paradigm shift in extension purview all over the world to factor upon participation of farming fraternity in all possible ways of extension services. In spite of several efforts over three-four decades the technology transfer process and methodology still remains the same and unchanged. While the world bank introduced (in 1970s) Training and Visit (T&V) system of top down extension approach focusing on dissemination of Green Revolution technologies, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) introduced Farmer Field School (FFS) (in 1980s) that emphasized mainly the bottom up-participatory-facilitative approaches in technology transfer process. The objective of this paper is to study the facilitative factors followed in both conventional and FFS way of training, this was assessed through 10 training topics covered in both the method of trainings. Three hundred (300) farm women who had involved in groundnut cultivation in Pennagaram villages, Dharmapuri, India who got trained under FFS and T&V ways separately were surveyed for this study. From 90 to 95% of the survey respondents indicated that they found the facilitative factors followed in FFS way of training was better effective than T&V way of conventional extension training. The mean scores of FFS ranged from 0.82 to 0.94 and significantly differed with the T&V way of conventional extension training score ranged from 0.03 to 0.16.

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