Rechtidee ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-185
Sonia Adina Anggono

AbstractBased on The Act No. 8 of 2010 of The Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering, money laundering is classified into 2 (two) forms, which are active money laundering and passive money laundering. Passive money laundering is an act of receiving, holding, or using a proceed of crime. Passive money laundering could be done by corporation, such as a political party. LHI is a member of the The House of Representatives and at the same time, President of The KS Party. LHI received IDR 1.300.000.000,- and 1 unit of Toyota FJ Cruiser worth IDR,- from MEL as the Director of PT. IU in January 2013. The provision is given relating to the position of LHI as a member of The House of Representatives, LHI was asked to influence fellow members of The House of Representatives and S as the Minister of Agriculture who is also a member of The KS Party. S was expected to issue a letter of approval for the application of additional beef import quota proposed by PT. IU. 1 unit of Toyota FJ Cruiser was then donated by LHI to The KS Party. According to the criminal liability of corporation theory which is Identification Theory, the act of General Secretary and General Treasurer of The KS Party is identified as the act of The KS Party. It makes The KS Party criminally liable for receiving a donation from the proceed of crime and use it for its Safari Dakwah activity as part of its campaign in Sumatera. AbstrakTindak pidana pencucian uang berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 (dua) bentuk, yaitu tindak pidana pencucian uang aktif dan pasif. Pencucian uang pasif adalah perbuatan menerima atau menguasai atau menggunakan hasil tindak pidana. Pencucian uang pasif dapat dilakukan oleh korporasi, yaitu salah satunya oleh partai politik. LHI adalah anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan sekaligus Presiden Partai KS. Pada bulan Januari 2013, LHI menerima uang sebesar Rp. 1.300.000.000,- dan 1 (satu) unit mobil Toyota FJ Cruiser seharga Rp,- dari MEL selaku Direktur Utama PT. IU. Pemberian tersebut diberikan berkaitan dengan jabatan LHI selaku anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, LHI diminta untuk mempengaruhi sesama anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan mempengaruhi S selaku Menteri Pertanian yang juga merupakan anggota Partai KS. S diharapkan menerbitkan surat rekomendasi persetujuan pemasukan atas permohonan penambahan kuota impor daging sapi yang diajukan oleh PT. IU. 1 (satu) unit mobil Toyota FJ Cruiser kemudian disumbangkan oleh LHI kepada Partai KS. Berdasarkan teori pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi yaitu Teori Identifikasi, perbuatan Sekretaris Jenderal dan Bendahara Umum Partai KS sebagai pengurus yang menerima hasil tindak pidana korupsi diidentikkan menjadi perbuatan Partai KS sehingga Partai KS dapat dikenakan pertanggungjawaban pidana karena menerima sumbangan mobil hasil tindak pidana dan menggunakannya untuk kegiatan Safari Dakwah dalam rangka kampanye di Sumatera. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
Silverio Tamez Garza ◽  
Adriana Verónica Hinojosa Cruz ◽  
Carlos Augusto Jiménez Zárate

Abstract. In this paper we analyze how much influence the political party with the largest nationwide (Partido Revolucionario Institucional: PRI) in the Congress, specifically the House of Representatives, in the distribution of the Funds of Branch 23: Paving Fund and Sports Spaces for Municipalities, for the year 2010 which is when this fund was created and for the year 2011. The results of our analysis were that there is a positive impact in the influence ofthe political party with the largest presence in the Chamber of Deputies in the allocation of resources to those municipalities that are governed by mayors from the PRI.Keywords: municipalities, paving and spaces fund goods, political parties, populationResumen. En el presente artículo se analiza la influencia que puede presentar laconfiguración de la Cámara de Diputados con una mayoría por partido en la asignación de recursos hacia las entidades federativas y municipios. Se tomó el caso del Fondo de Pavimentación y Espacios Deportivos para Municipios comparando la distribución en el año de su creación (2010) cuando no se emitieron reglas para su acceso con el siguiente año (2011) tomando en cuenta nuevos criterios. El resultado que nos arroja nuestro análisis es que existe una incidencia positiva en cuanto a la influencia política que se ejerce cuando unexiste mayoría en la representación partidista en la Cámara de Diputados.Palabras clave: fondo de pavimentación y espacios deportivos, municipios, partidos políticos, población

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 354-363
Sergij S. Vitvitskiy ◽  
Oleksandr N. Kurakin ◽  
Pavlo S. Pokataev ◽  
Oleksii M. Skriabin ◽  
Dmytro B. Sanakoiev

The increase in the level of money laundering is associated with digitalization and technification of all spheres of society, the globalization of financial markets, the consequences of quarantine measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the new ways of committing money laundering crimes. The paper aims to identify the peculiarities of anti-money laundering activities in Ukraine and outline approaches to increase the effectiveness of combating money laundering in the country. The current state of the problem of money laundering is analyzed based on the study literary sources, regulatory framework and their discussion in the Ukrainian society. An attempt was made to systematize the factors influencing the increase in the level of money laundering. The consequences of increasing the level of money laundering for Ukraine have been determined: a shortfall in state budget revenues, a decrease in the level of the social sphere financing, reduced living standards of the population. It has been emphasized that there is a need for a comprehensive approach to the problem of money laundering, which will include ongoing training for financial audit specialists, the establishment of special units to investigate money laundering crimes, enshrining the classification of money laundering crimes in regulatory documents and the establishment of criminal liability for their commission.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-198
Ais Surasa

This research aims to find out the conditions of corporate criminal liability in money laundering offences based on Islamic law perspective. This research uses library research methods. The results concluded that corporate criminal liability conditions are stipulated in Article 6 of Law No. 08 year 2010, which contains that a person with money laundering will be 4 years or more in prisoned. Islamic law states that one who commits it, will be punished in return towards the actions of “jarimah” perpetrators (as the elements fulfilled). Thus, the criminal liability is a person who can experience a shift and accept the concept of harm through determining corporate’s liability. It is because the will-have impact is greater than any crimes executed by individuals. As for the sanctions against corporations which committed money laundering are ta'zir (punishments). Keywords: Corporate Criminal Liability; Money Laundering; Islamic Law

1967 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-39 ◽  
Carl H. Lande

The main characteristics of the Philippine political party system since the achievement of Philippine independence in 1946 have been the following:1. It is a two party system. Two major parties, the Nacionalistas and the Liberals, dominate the scene. Their nation-wide combined vote at the six post-war presidential elections held since 1946 averaged 94 per cent of the votes cast. At both the eleven senatorial elections and the six elections for members of the House of Representatives held during the same period, the combined two-party vote was also 94 per cent. At the five gubernatorial elections held since 1947, the corresponding figure was 97 per cent.* In none of these election years did the combined two-party vote for any of these offices fall below 70 per cent.1 While minor parties have appeared from time to time, few have remained active for an extended period of years, and none has seriously threatened to replace either of the two existing major parties as the governing party or as the principal party of the opposition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-48
Pradeep Kumar Singh

In 21st Century, crimes committed by corporate bodies are creating more serious challenge for criminal justice system. Some vested interests which are controlling affairs of corporate bodies misuse the corporate body for commission of criminal acts to maximise profit. Corporate body is conferred with legal personality for regulation of its functions but it does not have physical body and mind of its own, thereby, problem arises for holding corporate body as criminal, and further, in imposition of criminal liability. Corporate criminal activities badly affect environment, health, safety and infra-structure development. Corporate entities are involved in corruption, forgery, money laundering, foreign exchange violations, money laundering, tax evasions, benami property transactions and other economic offences. Proper formulation of criminal justice actions and effective enforcement of corporate criminal liabilities are modern criminal justice requirements. Corporate bodies are business entities; economic wellbeing of society, prosperity of citizenry and development of nation depend on freedom of trade, amicable business environment and least regulation of corporate entities. Hereby, in determination and imposition of corporate criminal liability for betterment of society, it is necessary to make balance between to take stern actions to tackle corporate crimes and to take care to not hamper legitimate activities of corporate bodies. Law relating to corporate criminal liability in India will be analysed in this paper. Keywords: Criminal Justice System, Corporate crime, Corporate criminal liability, Natural person, Social wellbeing, Strict liability

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 231-279
Miguel Abel Souto

Directives 2015/849, and 2018/843 on Money Laundering require continuous adaptations of the legal framework to respond to threats of the use of new technologies in money laundering. Directive 2018/843 extends the scope of Directive 2015/849 to providers engaged in exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies as well as custodian wallet providers. Undoubtedly, the new payment systems facilitate money launderers’ criminal activity. These systems are better than cash for moving large sums of money, non-face to face business relationships favour the use of straw buyers, and false identities, the absence of credit risk, as there is usually a prepaid payment, discourages service providers from obtaining a complete, and accurate customer information, and the nature of the trade, and the speed of transactions make it difficult to control property or freezing. However, the development of technologies, including the internet, has unquestionable advantages involved and even provides, through online resources, verification of identity, or other duty of surveillance, for the prevention of money laundering. In addition, the reform of June 22, 2010 introduced in Spain the criminal liability of legal persons, and incorporated money laundering together with other crimes to this innovative model of criminal responsibility. Soon after, Organic Law 1/2015, of March 30, modified the hereto barely applied regulation. Itis quite surprising that Organic Law 1/2015 boasts of making a technical improvement, as it incurs obvious contradictions by exempting criminal liability to legal persons for a money laundering, that should not have existed due to the adoptionand effective execution of suitable or adequate compliance programs to prevent it, as well as taking into account to limit the punishment non-serious breaches of supervisory, monitoring, and control duties, when letter b) of the first paragraph of article 31 bis only takes into consideration serious breaches of those duties. Already in 2010, in order to introduce the criminal liability of legal persons, the Spanish Legislator invoked the alleged need to comply with international commitments. However, this model of responsibility was not mandatory, because international agreements normally only require effective, proportionate, and dissuasive sanctions. In addition, managers and executives, who have not adopted an effective compliance program, will be held liable together with the company, given that now all act as police officers. In conclusion, the use of dummy corporations for money laundering is frequent, as it is evidenced by the judgments of theSupreme Court of June 26, 2012, and February 4, 2015, but until recently, the accessory consequences and the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil were sufficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Dwi Putri Cahyawati ◽  
Bintan Saragih

Abstrak:Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (selanjutnya disebut DPR) merupakan lembaga perwakilan rakyat, yang merupakan perwujudan dari ketentuan Pasal 1 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Secara sosiologis keberadaan DPR sebagai wakil rakyat merupakan amanat dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang harus dijalankan. Dalam praktek ketatanegaraan Indonesia, peran DPR sebagai lembaga perwakilan rakyat diwujudkan dalam bentuk fraksi, yang merupakan perpanjangan tangan partai politik dan lembaga DPR.  Fraksi dibentuk dengan maksud untuk mengoptimalkan   fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang DPR.Keyword: DPR, Partai Politik, Pemilu 

Yolga Mariza Ali Azri ◽  
Yuliandri Yuliandri ◽  
Khairani Khairani

This study will describe the mechanism of leader termination and the implementation of inter-time leader replacement of the leader of Mentawai Island Regency’s Regional House of Representatives (RHoR). The research method used in this study is Sociological Juridical method with descriptive as the research design. In this case, there are two kinds of data which will be analyzed qualitatively, i.e. primary and secondary data. For the data collection, interview and documentation study are conducted. The results of this study are: 1) the mechanism of RHoR leader termination is proposed by political party to the leader of RHoR, 2) the mechanism of proposing the candidate of RHoR leader replacement is proposed by political party to RHoR leader, and then the RHoR leader announces the proposed of RHoR leader candidate replacement in RHoR plenary meeting, 3) the implementation of inter-time replacement is inaugurated by Governor with a Letter of Governor Decree about the inauguration of hiring the candidate of RHoR leader replacement. In this case, the term of office of RHoR leader’s inter-time replacement will be started from the date of taking leader’s oath led by District Court leader or the vice leader of District Court or senior judge chosen by the leader of District Court. On the other hand, the guide of taking the oath for the RHoR Leader’s inter-time replacement is not regulated in the Code of Conduct of Mentawai Island Regency’s RHoR; therefore, the guide of taking oath for the RHoR Leader’s inter-time replacement can be led by another RHoR leader.

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