Contribution a l'etude du Quaternaire des Idjibitene et de la bordure meridionale de l'Adrar (El Gletat, Mauritanie)

1966 ◽  
Vol S7-VIII (5) ◽  
pp. 749-759
Maurice Taieb

Abstract Two morphologically different regions are distinguished in the Quaternary of the Idjibitene mountains and along the southern border of the Adrar (El Gletat, Mauritania). Along the south and southwest border of the Adrar, deposits resulting from slope erosion are observed; to the south, dune structures and lake formations with white sands, brown sands, rare ferruginous crusts, and sand cemented by calcite (tarous) are seen. By observation of the terrain, collection of in place Acheulean industries, and study of the sands (granulometric and morphometric) it has been possible to reach an understanding of the stratigraphy. A chronology of Quaternary deposits of the Idjibitene is proposed. Close analogies with the Quaternary formations of Majabat are established.

Feiko Kalsbeek ◽  
Lilian Skjernaa

NOTE: This article was published in a former series of GEUS Bulletin. Please use the original series name when citing this article, for example: Kalsbeek, F., & Skjernaa, L. (1999). The Archaean Atâ intrusive complex (Atâ tonalite), north-east Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin, 181, 103-112. _______________ The 2800 Ma Atâ intrusive complex (elsewhere referred to as ‘Atâ granite’ or ‘Atâ tonalite’), which occupies an area of c. 400 km2 in the area north-east of Disko Bugt, was emplaced into grey migmatitic gneisses and supracrustal rocks. At its southern border the Atâ complex is cut by younger granites. The complex is divided by a belt of supracrustal rocks into a western, mainly tonalitic part, and an eastern part consisting mainly of granodiorite and trondhjemite. The ‘eastern complex’ is a classical pluton. It is little deformed in its central part, displaying well-preserved igneous layering and local orbicular textures. Near its intrusive contact with the overlying supracrustal rocks the rocks become foliated, with foliation parallel to the contact. The Atâ intrusive complex has escaped much of the later Archaean and early Proterozoic deformation and metamorphism that characterises the gneisses to the north and to the south; it belongs to the best-preserved Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite intrusions in Greenland.

1991 ◽  
Vol 96 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 247-267 ◽  
J.C. Faugères ◽  
E. Gonthier ◽  
L. Masse ◽  
M. Parra ◽  
J.C. Pons ◽  

1978 ◽  
Vol 20 (82) ◽  
pp. 173-188 ◽  
D. D. Gilbertson ◽  
A. B. Hawkins

AbstractAn outline is given of the Quaternary geology and geomorphology of Court Hill Col in Failand Ridge near Clevedon, Avon County, from observations made during the construction of the M5 Motorway.A glacial col-gully about 100 m wide and approximately 25 m deep is described. The col-gully, eroded through the Carboniferous Limestone, opens and deepens northward. Associated with the Col and the col-gully is a complex sequence of Quaternary deposits. Uppermost in the sequence is a layer of red sandy silt (cover sand) approximately 0.5 m thick, of periglacial origin, probably of Devensian (Weichselian) age. Largely confined to the col-gully are unstratified tills, stratified ice-contact deposits and glacio-lacustrine deltaic deposits. The glaciogenic deposits are up to 25 m thick. Boulders of about 8 Mg in weight have been observed.The geomorphology of the col-gully, and the stratification and composition of the glaciogenic deposits, demonstrate that an ice sheet at least 85 m thick had impinged against the south flank of Failand Ridge and was discharging immense quantities of water and sediment down an ice-contact slope through the Col into a small ice-marginal lake north of the col-gully. The ice sheet is regarded as being Wolstonian, or Anglian, in age.The precise origins of the col-gully and the interpretation of the glacial sequence are not yet completely clear. However, it is believed that the balance of evidence indicates that both the col-gully itself and the glaciogenic deposits represent a complex sub-, en- and pro-glacial sequence associated with the downwasting and division of an ice mass into two parts by the "emergence" of Failand Ridge. The possible extent and geomorphological implications of ice-sheet penetration into the Bristol area are briefly discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 243-264
Sasha D. Pack

This chapter analyzes the regional consequences of the advent of American hegemony over the course of two decades. The smuggling and banditry that long characterized the region continued, ultimately undermining the Franco regime’s efforts to manipulate its currency and build an autarkic economy. Spanish attention to the southern border did not flag, however, as the Franco regime believed a strong authoritarian government in Morocco was necessary to prevent the spread of communism into northwest Africa and eventually Europe. This consideration, rather than the maintenance of a formal colonial position, guided Spanish action in Morocco from the middle of the World War II and throughout the decolonization era. Despite border conflicts further to the south, authoritarian Spain worked to support a strong independent Moroccan monarchy under Muhammad V and Hassan II, even when a revived Riffian movement presented Spain with the opportunity to restore a neocolonial foothold there.

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 1133-1147
Simone B das Neves ◽  
Ulyses F J Pardiñas ◽  
Patrícia Hadler ◽  
Elver L Mayer ◽  
Ana M Ribeiro

Abstract The rare cricetid rodent Bibimys Massoia, 1980 contains three extant species that are distributed in the lowlands of eastern South America between 35°S and 20°S and distinguished mostly by subtle morphological and genetic features. Several fragmented jaws belonging to this genus were recovered from Late Quaternary deposits located in northeastern Brazil, forming part of a rich archaeological and paleontological small mammal assemblage that has been recovered from caves in the Serra da Capivara, state of Piauí. This material is described herein as belonging to a new species, the most hypsodont member of the genus. The specimens also represent an extralimital occurrence of this sigmodontine, as the nearest extant population of Bibimys is ~1,200 km to the south. Because there are few reliable records of extinct small mammals from the Pleistocene–Holocene transition on the South American continent, in describing this new sigmodontine we extend the records of past biodiversity preserved in the Quaternary deposits of tropical South America. This new species likewise highlights that the Serra da Capivara deposits are promising for understanding the evolutionary history of cricetid rodents.

1981 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 421-428
W. L. Brinckman

Total sheep population in Nigeria is probably around 8 million (anonymous, 1975). The majority of these sheep live in the northern part of the country. The three most important breeds in the north are the Uda, the Balami and the Yankasa. The former two are examples of the typical longlegged, long-tailed, hairy sheep, living along the southern border of the Sahara. The Yankasa occupies the middle and most of the northern part of the country. It probably developed as a cross between the West African Dwarf (or Forest) Sheep from the south and the Uda from the north. It possesses the heavy neck ruff that is typical of the West African Dwarf but is taller and heavier.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 04
Tiaraju Salini Duarte

As fronteiras caracterizam-se na contemporaneidade por voltar ao centro das discussões, principalmente devido ao maior movimento populacional nestas áreas e aos conflitos gerados nos limites entre os países. Contudo, faz-se necessário não somente compreender a mobilidade espacial, mas também a construção cultural que ocorre nas zonas limítrofes entre os Estados Nacionais. A partir desta problemática, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a formação das identidades territoriais na fronteira sul do Brasil a partir dos símbolos fronteiriços, da paisagem pampeana, visando compreender as representações sociais oriundas dos processos de identificação. Os caminhos da pesquisa utilizados baseiam-se em revisões bibliográficas e análises de obras literárias.AbstractThe borderlands are characterized in the contemporaneidade by returning to the center of the discussions, mainly due to higher movement of populations in these areas and the conflicts generated in the limit countries. However, is necessary not only to understand the spatial mobility, but also the cultural construction that occurs in neighboring zones of National States. Based on this problematic, this paper aims to analyze the formation of territorial identities on the southern border of Brazil from bordering symbols, the Pampa landscape, aiming to understand the social representations derived the identification processes. The search paths that were used are based on the bibliographical reviews and literary works.Keywords:Tterritorial Identity; Borderland; Landscape; Mobility

2018 ◽  
pp. 174-184
Mary Weaks-Baxter

This chapter reflects on Southern Border Formation Narratives and Border Crossing Narratives within a broader context of 21st Century wall building. Markers of Southernness are fading, yet at the same time, many of those strategies of Southern nation building are rearing their heads in American society. Bringing this chapter back around to the discussion of border building that opened the study, the book closes with a discussion of Southern Border Formation Narratives—especially those that divide races--that have been claimed by groups of people outside the South and how those narratives have blurred the line between South and not-South. Wrestling with questions about 21st Century wall building in the Age of Trump, the book closes by asserting that perhaps Malcolm X’s statement “As far as I am concerned, [the South] is anywhere south of the Canadian border” is even clearer now.

1951 ◽  
Vol S6-I (4-6) ◽  
pp. 265-275
Philibert Russo

Abstract Presents data on the distribution of the Pliocene and Quaternary in the western part of the Bresse region, France, obtained from 40 well borings, ranging from 7 to 17 meters in depth, in the vicinity of Pont-de-Vaux. Valleys cut in the Plaisancian (lower Pliocene) blue clays during later Pliocene times are filled with Quaternary deposits. The changes in level causing dissection and filling seem to have been produced by tectonic processes associated with the Alpine crustal movements, which caused subsidence in the west-central part of the region and uplift in the south, rather than by eustaticmovements.

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