Polymer Outage Strategy for On-Going Polymer Injection Operation in the Sultanate of Oman

2021 ◽  
Yi Svec ◽  
Osama Kindi ◽  
Marwan Sawafi ◽  
Rouhi Farajzadeh ◽  
Hanaa Al Sulaimani ◽  

Abstract Polymer outage (or polymer injection unavailability) is undesirable but also inevitable. When it happens, the question is how to respond to it to minimize its adverse impact on the production. This paper presents the rationale for generating a polymer outage strategy to operate a polymer flood field in the southern area of the Sultanate of Oman. The work presented here is based on field performance and analytical analysis. The diagnostic plots were created from 10 years of polymer flood field response and were used for this operating decision. The pros and cons of two scenarios were discussed. The selected operational strategy is to minimize the short falls of polymer outage. The strategy was implemented in the field. Simultaneous injection and production pause (SIPP) is recommended for the full field polymer outage. It minimizes the impact on polymer incremental oil and hence less deferment. Calibrated with the actual results, analytical method is used to determine when to shut down and whether a short of buffer period of water can be tolerated before SIPP is carried out. The polymer literature focus on polymer mechanisms, modeling, project initiation and implementation but no paper discusses the operational strategy on how to respond to field polymer outages. This paper shares our operational learnings and the field results of various polymer operation modes on polymer incremental oil. The learning from this field may be of interest to other operators who are planning or currently implementing polymer flood in their fields.

2021 ◽  
Bogdan-George Davidescu ◽  
Mathias Bayerl ◽  
Christoph Puls ◽  
Torsten Clemens

Abstract Enhanced Oil Recovery pilot testing aims at reducing uncertainty ranges for parameters and determining operating conditions which improve the economics of full-field deployment. In the 8.TH and 9.TH reservoirs of the Matzen field, different well configurations were tested, vertical versus horizontal injection and production wells. The use of vertical or horizontal wells depends on costs and reservoir performance which is challenging to assess. Water cut, polymer back-production and pressures are used to understand reservoir behaviour and incremental oil production, however, these data do not reveal insights about changes in reservoir connectivity owing to polymer injection. Here, we used consecutive tracer tests prior and during polymer injection as well as water composition to elucidate the impact of various well configurations on sweep efficiency improvements. The results show that vertical well configuration for polymer injection and production leads to substantial acceleration along flow paths but less swept volume. Polymer injection does not only change the flow paths as can be seen from the different allocation factors before and after polymer injection but also the connected flow paths as indicated by a change in the skewness of the breakthrough tracer curves. For horizontal wells, the data shows that in addition to acceleration, the connected pore volume after polymer injection is substantially increased. This indicates that the sweep efficiency is improved for horizontal well configurations after polymer injection. The methodology leads to a quantitative assessment of the reservoir effects using different well configurations. These effects depend on the reservoir architecture impacting the changes in sweep efficiency by polymer injection. Consecutive tracer tests are an important source of information to determine which well configuration to be used in full-field implementation of polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery.

2021 ◽  
Vivek Shankar ◽  
Shekhar Sunit ◽  
Alasdair Brown ◽  
Abhishek Kumar Gupta

Abstract The paper describes the in-situ polymer sampling in Mangala which helped explain the performance of a large polymer flood in Mangala field in India. The Mangala field contains medium-gravity viscous crude oil. Notably, it is the largest polymer flood in India and 34% of the STOIIP has been produced in 11 years of production. Mangala was put on full field polymer flood in 2015, six years after the start of field production on water flood in 2009. Polymer flood added 93 million barrels above the anticipated water flood recovery in 6 years. Reservoir simulation models could replicate the initial Mangala polymer flood performance. However, the performance of the lower layers of Mangala (FM-3 and FM-4) continued to progressively deviate from modeling estimates. Equally importantly, the prediction of polymer breakthrough deviated significantly from modeling estimates. After 6 years and 0.7 pore volumes of polymer injection, it is apparent that field performance is equivalent to only 50-60% of the viscosity of the polymer injected at the surface. To better understand and quantify the nature and extent of polymer degradation it is necessary to gather representative down hole samples of polymer which has stayed in the reservoir conditions for a considerable length of time. Accelerated ageing studies in the lab showed HPAM can lose viscosity and precipitate after prolonged exposure to Mangala reservoir conditions with an increase in the degree of hydrolysis as the primary reason for the degradation. The concept of transfer function based on first order kinetics was used to extrapolate the laboratory results to Mangala reservoir temperatures. To test the hypothesis, a multi-disciplinary team implemented a plan to gather a representative polymer sample from the reservoir. The polymer sample had been in the reservoir for nearly 120 days and was captured in low shear and anaerobic conditions to minimize shear and oxidative degradation. The sample was tested for degree of hydrolysis by NMR method. The results confirmed that the level of hydrolysis of the injected HPAM did increase in the reservoir leading to lower viscosity and reduced lower amide concentration. Preliminary simulation studies using the concept of viscosity half-life were used to mimic the polymer degradation with time in the reservoir. The method is quite a simplistic representation of the thermal degradation, but it significantly improved the model's water cut predictions for lower layers and the full field polymer breakthrough predictions. The impact of polymer precipitation in the reservoir on the permeability is under study and it will drive the next phase of more detailed modeling.

2021 ◽  
Aditya Kumar Singh ◽  
Pruthvi Raju Vegesna ◽  
Dhruva Prasad ◽  
Saideep Chandrashekar Kachodi ◽  
Sumit Lohiya ◽  

Abstract The Aishwariya Oil Field located in Barmer Basin of Rajasthan India having STOIIP of ∼300 MMBBLS was initially developed with down-dip edge water injection. The main reservoir unit, Fatehgarh Formation, has excellent reservoir characteristics with porosities of 20-30% and permeability of 1 to 5 Darcys. The Fatehgarh Formation is subdivided into Lower Fatehgarh (LF) and Upper Fatehgarh (UF) Formations, of which LF sands are more homogenous and have slightly better reservoir properties. The oil has in-situ viscosity of 10-30 cP. Given its adverse waterflood mobility ratio, the importance of EOR was recognised very early. Initial screening studies identified that chemical EOR (polymer and ASP) was preferred choice of EOR process. Extensive lab studies and simulation work was conducted to develop the polymer flood concept. A polymer flood development plan was prepared targeting the LF sands of the field utilizing the lessons learnt from nearby Mangala Field polymer implementation project. The polymer flood in Aishwariya Field was implemented in two stages. In the first stage, a polymer injectivity test was conducted in 3 wells to establish the potential for polymer injection in these wells. The injection was extended to 3 more wells and continued for ∼4 years. Significant water cut drop was observed in nearby wells during this phase of polymer injection. In the next stage, polymer flooding was extended to the entire LF sands with drilling of 14 new infill wells and conversion of 8 existing wells to polymer injectors. A ∼14 km long pipeline was laid from the Mangala Central Polymer Facility to well pads in the field to cater to the requirement of 6-8 KBPD of ∼15000 ppm polymer mother solution. The philosophy of pre-production for extended periods was considered prior to start of polymer injection for all wells as it significantly improved injection (reduced skin) and conformance. Full field polymer flood project was implemented, and injection was ramped up to the planned 40-50 KBPD of polymerized water within a month owing to good injectivity and polymer solution quality. A detailed laboratory, well and reservoir surveillance program has been implemented and the desired wellhead viscosity of 25-30 cP has been achieved. Initial response shows significant increase in oil production rate and decrease in water-cut. This paper presents the polymer laboratory studies, initial long term injectivity test results, polymer flood development concept and planning, simulation studies and field implementation in LF Formation in Aishwariya Field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 396-402
Maria Florentina Rumba ◽  
Margaretha P.N Rozady ◽  
Theresia W. Mado

Abstrak: Kebiasaan manusia berubah karena adanya wabah COVID-19, hal ini berpengaruh ketika manusia masuk ke dalam fase new normal. New normal diartikan sebagai keadaan yang tidak biasa dilakukan sebelumnya, yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai standar atau kebiasaan baru yang mesti dilakukan manusia untuk dirinya sendiri maupun untuk bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Kebiasaan baru ini pun menimbulkan pro dan kontra seiring dengan dampak yang timbul. Lembaga pendidikan tinggi merupakan salah satu yang merasakan dampak penerapan new normal. Perkuliahan yang selama ini dilakukan secara online/daring, akan kembali dilakukan secara luring/tatap muka, dengan tetap menerapkan protokol COVID-19 seperti mengenakan masker, menjaga jarak, mengenakan sarung tangan, serta tidak melakukan kontak fisik seperti berjabat tangan. Masalah yang muncul bukan hanya kecemasan orang tua terhadap anak – anaknya, tetapi bagaimana lembaga pendidikan tinggi mengatur segala sumber daya yang dimiliki agar memenuhi standar penerapan new normal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan  terhadap kondisi normal yang baru menggunakan Perspektif balance score card. Abstract: Human habits change because of the COVID-19 outbreak, this affects when humans enter the new normal phase. New normal is defined as a condition that is not normally done before, which is then used as a standard or new habits that must be done by humans for themselves or to socialize with others. This new habit also raises the pros and cons along with the impact arising with the new normal. Higher education institutions are the ones who feel the impact of implementing new normal. Lectures that have been conducted online / online will be re-done offline / face to face, while still applying the COVID-19 protocol such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance, wearing gloves, and not making physical contact such as shaking hands. The problem that arises is not only parents' anxiety about their children, but how higher education institutions regulate all available resources to meet new normal implementation standards. This study aims to determine acceptance of new normal conditions using the balance score card Perspective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-109
Heba Aziz ◽  
Osman El-Said ◽  
Marike Bontenbal

The objective of this study was to measure the level of cruise tourists' satisfaction as well as the relationship between satisfaction, recommendation, return intention, and expenditure. Also, the impact of factors such as nationality, length of the visit, and age on the level of expenditure was measured. An empirical approach for data collection was followed and a total of 152 questionnaires were collected from cruise tourists visiting the capital city of Oman, Muscat, as cruise liners anchor at Sultan Qaboos Port. Results of the regression analysis supported the existence of a causal relationship between satisfaction with destination attributes, overall satisfaction, recommendation, return intention, and expenditure. It was found that the average expenditure varies according to age and length of the visit. Recommendations for policy makers were suggested on how to increase the role of cruise tourism in strengthening the economy.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1602
Ángel Molina-Viedma ◽  
Elías López-Alba ◽  
Luis Felipe-Sesé ◽  
Francisco Díaz

Experimental characterization and validation of skin components in aircraft entails multiple evaluations (structural, aerodynamic, acoustic, etc.) and expensive campaigns. They require different rigs and equipment to perform the necessary tests. Two of the main dynamic characterizations include the energy absorption under impact forcing and the identification of modal parameters through the vibration response under any broadband excitation, which also includes impacts. This work exploits the response of a stiffened aircraft composite panel submitted to a multi-impact excitation, which is intended for impact and energy absorption analysis. Based on the high stiffness of composite materials, the study worked under the assumption that the global response to the multi-impact excitation is linear with small strains, neglecting the nonlinear behavior produced by local damage generation. Then, modal identification could be performed. The vibration after the impact was measured by high-speed 3D digital image correlation and employed for full-field operational modal analysis. Multiple modes were characterized in a wide spectrum, exploiting the advantages of the full-field noninvasive techniques. These results described a consistent modal behavior of the panel along with good indicators of mode separation given by the auto modal assurance criterion (Auto-MAC). Hence, it illustrates the possibility of performing these dynamic characterizations in a single test, offering additional information while reducing time and investment during the validation of these structures.

SPE Journal ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Marat Sagyndikov ◽  
Randall Seright ◽  
Sarkyt Kudaibergenov ◽  
Evgeni Ogay

Summary During a polymer flood, the field operator must be convinced that the large chemical investment is not compromised during polymer injection. Furthermore, injectivity associated with the viscous polymer solutions must not be reduced to where fluid throughput in the reservoir and oil production rates become uneconomic. Fractures with limited length and proper orientation have been theoretically argued to dramatically increase polymer injectivity and eliminate polymer mechanical degradation. This paper confirms these predictions through a combination of calculations, laboratory measurements, and field observations (including step-rate tests, pressure transient analysis, and analysis of fluid samples flowed back from injection wells and produced from offset production wells) associated with the Kalamkas oil field in Western Kazakhstan. A novel method was developed to collect samples of fluids that were back-produced from injection wells using the natural energy of a reservoir at the wellhead. This method included a special procedure and surface-equipment scheme to protect samples from oxidative degradation. Rheological measurements of back-produced polymer solutions revealed no polymer mechanical degradation for conditions at the Kalamkas oil field. An injection well pressure falloff test and a step-rate test confirmed that polymer injection occurred above the formation parting pressure. The open fracture area was high enough to ensure low flow velocity for the polymer solution (and consequently, the mechanical stability of the polymer). Compared to other laboratory and field procedures, this new method is quick, simple, cheap, and reliable. Tests also confirmed that contact with the formation rapidly depleted dissolved oxygen from the fluids—thereby promoting polymer chemical stability.

2022 ◽  
Ahmed Elsayed Hegazy ◽  
Mohammed Rashdi

Abstract Pressure transient analysis (PTA) has been used as one of the important reservoir surveillance tools for tight condensate-rich gas fields in Sultanate of Oman. The main objectives of PTA in those fields were to define the dynamic permeability of such tight formations, to define actual total Skin factors for such heavily fractured wells, and to assess impairment due to condensate banking around wellbores. After long production, more objectives became also necessary like assessing impairment due to poor clean-up of fractures placed in depleted layers, assessing newly proposed Massive fracturing strategy, assessing well-design and fracture strategies of newly drilled Horizontal wells, targeting the un-depleted tight layers, and impairment due to halite scaling. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to address all the above complications to improve well and reservoir modeling for better development planning. In order to realize most of the above objectives, about 21 PTA acquisitions have been done in one of the mature gas fields in Oman, developed by more than 200 fractured wells, and on production for 25 years. In this study, an extensive PTA revision was done to address main issues of this field. Most of the actual fracture dynamic parameters (i.e. frac half-length, frac width, frac conductivity, etc.) have been estimated and compared with designed parameters. In addition, overall wells fracturing responses have been defined, categorized into strong and weak frac performances, proposing suitable interpretation and modeling workflow for each case. In this study, more reasonable permeability values have been estimated for individual layers, improving the dynamic modeling significantly. In addition, it is found that late hook-up of fractured wells leads to very poor fractures clean out in pressure-depleted layers, causing the weak frac performance. In addition, the actual frac parameters (i.e. frac-half-length) found to be much lower than designed/expected before implementation. This helped to improve well and fracturing design and implementation for next vertical and horizontal wells, improving their performances. All the observed PTA responses (fracturing, condensate-banking, Halite-scaling, wells interference) have been matched and proved using sophisticated single and sector numerical simulation models, which have been incorporated into full-field models, causing significant improvements in field production forecasts and field development planning (FDP).

Gen Fu ◽  
Alexandrina Untaroiu ◽  
Walter O’Brien

The measurement of the aeromechanical response of the fan blades is important to quantifying their integrity. The accurate knowledge of the response at critical locations of the structure is crucial when assessing the structural condition. A reliable and low cost measuring technique is necessary. Currently, sensors can only provide the measured data at several discrete points. A significant number of sensors may be required to fully characterize the aeromechanical response of the blades. However, the amount of instrumentation that can be placed on the structure is limited due to data acquisition system limitations, instrumentation accessibility, and the effect of the instrumentation on the measured response. From a practical stand point, it is not possible to place sensors at all the critical locations for different excitations. Therefore, development of an approach that derives the full strain field response based on a limited set of measured data is required. In this study, the traditional model reduction method is used to expand the full strain field response of the structure by using a set of discrete measured data. Two computational models are developed and used to verify the expansion approach. The solution of the numerical model is chosen as the reference solution. In addition, the numerical model also provides the mode shapes of the structure. In the expansion approach, this information is used to develop the algorithm. First, a cantilever beam model is created. The influences of the sensor location, number of sensors and the number of modes included are analyzed using this cantilever beam model. The expanded full field response data is compared with the reference solution to evaluate the expansion procedure. The rotor 67 blade model is then used to test the expansion method. The results show that the expanded full field data is in good agreement with the calculated data. The expansion algorithm can be used for the full field strain by using the limited sets of strain data.

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