Sulle basi motivazionali delle lotte sociali. Honneth versus Fraser (On the Motivational Bases of Social Struggle. Honneth versus Fraser)

2010 ◽  
Marco Solinas
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-33
Roderick A. Ferguson

A commentary that situates the current violent repression of Portland protesters by federal agents in the context of United States government repression of activism in prior moments of social struggle.

1994 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 705
Clifford Davidson ◽  
Jean E. Howard

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (06) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Luis Mauricio Escalante Solís ◽  
Carlos David Carrillo Trujillo

Las sociedades comparten un serie de formas a través de las cuales se pueden identificar, conocerse y re-conocerse, sin hacer mucho caso a la especificidad, latitud o cultura que las caracterizan y las unen. Lo primero que comparten es una memoria social, entendida como un significado compartido por los miembros que lo conforman, sin importar su veracidad o autenticidad. El recuerdo es necesario para mantener unido a los integrantes de un grupo, es por ello que se manifiesta constante e intermitentemente en el transcurso de la existencia del grupo social, se vuelve un significado adoptado por dicho colectivo que debe ser manifiesto en las actividades y la cotidianidad.El presente trabajo describe y analiza tres prácticas sociales de conmemoración denominadas alternativas que se realizan en países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Chile y México), se fundamentan sus orígenes, causas sociales y formas de organización, así como sus acciones principales. El eje rector que unifica a estas tres prácticas conmemorativas es el hecho de que reivindican la lucha social y ejemplifican mecanismos contrahegemónicos de demanda social, antes las falencias, omisiones y acciones del Estado. El estudio y el análisis de las conmemoraciones abren la posibilidad de entender distintos usos del pasado. Los eventos históricos construyen un relato que otorga identidad y sentimiento de unidad. Sin embargo, recuperar el pasado a través de la conmemoración no elimina el surgimiento de grupos contrahegemónicos que proponen una reflexión crítica sobre lo sucedido. The societies share a number of ways through which they can identify and meet. However, often irrelevant specifics of culture. It is much more important social memory. Social memory is something that is shared by members of a group regardless of their veracity or authenticity. The memory is needed to hold together the members of a group. Therefore, the memory becomes a meaning adopted by the collective manifested in everyday activities.This paper describes and analyzes three social practices of commemoration taking place in Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile and Mexico), describing their origins, social causes, forms of organization and main actions. The guiding principle that unifies these three commemorative practices is claimed that exemplify the social struggle and counter-hegemonic mechanisms of social demand, given the failures, omissions and actions of the state. The study and analysis of the commemorations open the possibility of understanding different uses of the past. Historical events construct a story that gives identity and togetherness. However, recovering the past, through the commemoration does not eliminate the emergence of counter-hegemonic groups that propose a critical reflection about what happened.

Sharon Howell ◽  
Richard Feldman

This chapter casts the deindustrialization of Detroit as part of a larger transition providing new dangers and opportunities. The disappearance of industrial economy has created opportunities for the emergence of alternative means of creating new, sustainable and vibrant urban life. The resources of African American culture and imagination provide a perspective on developing innovative ways of making a living that nurture our capacities for cooperation and care. Rooted in Detroit’s long history of social struggle, a vision of self-determining urban life based, on local production for local needs is emerging. Mainstream elites and media generally ignore or deride these efforts. This chapter explores specific examples of the practices and programs emerging from the community. New forms of resisting dehumanization, especially since the takeover of the city by emergency management, are combined with creation of concrete alternatives to questions of land, water new ways of thinking.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-329 ◽  

This article examines Charles Villers'sEssay on the Spirit and Influence of Luther's Reformation(1804) in its intellectual and historical context. Exiled from France after 1792, Villers intervened in important French and German debates about the relationship of religion, history, and philosophy. The article shows how he took up a German Protestant discussion on the meaning of the Reformation that had been underway from the 1770s through the end of the century, including efforts by Kantians to seize the mantle of Protestantism for themselves. Villers's essay capitalized on a broad interest in the question of Protestantism and its meaning for modern freedom around 1800. Revisiting the formation of the narrative of Protestantism and progress reveals that it was not a logical progression from Protestant theology or religion but rather part of a specific ideological and social struggle in the wake of the French Revolution and the collapse of the Old Regime.

Chowanna ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-37
Wojciech Kruszelnicki

The aim of this paper is to comprehensively reconstruct the reception of postmodernism in Peter McLaren’s critical/radical pedagogy. On a more general level, the article discusses the pedagogical perils of uncriticalinfatuation with poststructuralist and postmodernist principles of dismantling grand metanarratives and debunking the notions of truth, totality, and universalism and replacing them with the notions of pluralism and perspectivism. The author seeks to verify the statement that McLaren’s response to postmodern developments in philosophy and social theory is in as much similar to that of Henry Giroux’s that it produces a project of education informed by postmodern ideas. The thesis – advanced in the mid 1990s by Tomasz Szkudlarek – is refuted on the basis of thorough a analysis of both earlier and more contemporary texts of McLaren where the main tenets of postmodern theory are severely criticized. The argument about the evolution of McLaren’s thought from a cautious appropriation of some elements of postmodernism to its downright condemnation is supported by the theory of its increasing radicalization under the influence of Marxism. The alternative to the illusory radicality of postmodernism – denounced as affirming the status-quo – is “pedagogy of revolution,” which emerges as strictly political, interventionist praxis whose aim is no longer discourse analysis but concrete social struggle against the oppressive capitalist class relations.

Revista Trace ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 50
Philippe Schaffhauser

A lo largo de sus 20 años de existencia, de 1942 a 1964, el programa Bracero se tradujo en la firma de 4 646 199 contratos de trabajo e involucró a cerca de 1.5 millones de trabajadores; los que inicialmente fueron empleados en la construcción de vías férreas y en la agricultura, y después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sólo en el sector agrícola. Este movimiento también es cuestión de generaciones y una historia de géneros. Dicha articulación hace de esta lucha social “un asunto de familia” que se desarrolla principalmente en el medio rural mexicano, cuyo vector principal de expresión es la comunidad a su alrededor. El tema del bracero refleja también la actualidad de la cultura política mexicana, ya que recoge experiencias colectivas e individuales heredadas de los movimientos sociales de la segunda mitad del siglo pasado.Abstract: Throughout 20 years, from 1942 to 1964, the Mexican Farm Labor Program represented the signature of about 4 464 199 contracts for 1.5 million of workers who were initially employed in the construction of railways and in agriculture and after the World War II only in the agricultural sector. This movement is also a question of generations and of gender history. This articulation makes this social struggle «a family affair» that is taking place principally in the mexican rural context for what the main expression vector is the community and its surrounding area. The theme bracero also reflects today « mexican political culture » because it includes collective and individual experiences of social movements inherited from the second half of the last century.Résumé : Au cours de ses vingt-deux ans d’existence, de 1942 à 1964, le programme Bracero s’est traduit par la signature de 4 646 199 contrats de travail pour environ 1.5 million de travailleurs. Ceux-ci furent d’abord employés pour la construction des chemins de fer et pour l’agriculture puis, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, seulement pour l’agriculture. Ce mouvement est aussi une question de générations et d’histoire du genre. Cette articulation fait de cette lutte sociale « une affaire de famille » qui se déroule principalement dans le milieu rural mexicain dont le vecteur d’expression principal est la communauté et ses environs. Le sujet bracero reflète aussi ce qu’on le pourrait appeler l’actualité de la « culture politique mexicaine » issue des expériences collectives et individuelles héritées des mouvements sociaux de la seconde moitié du siècle dernier.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (13-14) ◽  
Marko Galić

Death is an infallible part of the human life, and what makes humandifferent from all other beings is fact that he knows that he isgoing to die. Knowing this, human beings are spending their wholelife knowing that the day of their end is going to come. It is clear thatdeath has its biological part, also as a huge event in the existenceof all life forms, including human, death has its philosophical pointof view, and finally, unlike some may disagree, death itself is a hugesocial phenomena as well, and as such, the social influence of deathdeserves close attention and its own part in the social science studies.This paper analyzes the presence of the death in human culture, includinginstitutions, rituals and beliefs following the discourse of lateZygmunt Bauman who left huge influence on this field of study. Sincethe earliest forms of communities, humans are trying to overcomethe death, the state of “after-life” and some form of immortality ofthe being is something that is common to all religions and beliefs everknown to mankind, which stands as a evidence that the final void ofnon-existence know to us as death is something that always presentedhorror in the mind of the humans.

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