Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification Processes in Activated Sludge Plants: Performance and Applicability

1999 ◽  
Vol 40 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 187-194 ◽  
C. Collivignarelli ◽  
G. Bertanza

This paper deals with the development of technologies aimed to upgrade existing waste water treatment plants, paying attention to high process efficiencies and low costs. We established conditions for good N removal efficiencies in extended aeration activated sludge plants which are not equipped with specific denitrification steps. The experimental process is based on establishing conditions in the biological reactor which allow simultaneous nitrification and denitrification without alternating (in time or in space) anoxic and aerobic phases; the aeration system is controlled by means of dissolved oxygen and/or redox potential measurements. The research was carried out on two real plants (design size: 2,500 p.e. and 440,000 p.e. respectively). The main advantages of this process (even if some aspects are still under investigation) are: total N removal efficiencies similar to a pre-denitrification process, without the need for an anoxic basin and decrease of operating costs (savings in electric energy consumption in particular) due to the low oxygen concentration required in the biological reactor.

1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 53-61 ◽  
G. Bertanza

This work deals with the study of technologies aimed to upgrade the existing waste water treatment plants, paying attention to high process efficiencies and low costs. We verified the possibility to reach high N removal efficiencies in extended aeration activated sludge plants which are not equipped with specific denitrification steps. The experimented process is based on particular conditions, kept in the biological reactor, which allow simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, even without alternating (in time or in space) of anoxic and aerobic phases: aeration system is controlled by means of dissolved oxygen and redox potential measurements. Our research was carried out, for about three years, on a laboratory plant (V = 40 L) fed with synthetic waste water, a pilot scale plant (V = 1,400 L) fed with waste water coming from a real plant, and two full-scale plants (1,500-2,000 p.e.). The main advantages of the studied process are the following: high total N removal efficiencies (up to 90%) without the realization of new specific basins for the denitrification process; decreasing of operating costs (savings in Electric Energy consumption) due to the low oxygen concentration required in the biological reactor.

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 729-735 ◽  
Ganapathy Ramanathan ◽  
Christopher M. Sales ◽  
Wen K. Shieh

The occurrence of autotrophic denitrification and nitrification activities by ammonia-oxidising bacteria and nitrite-oxidising bacteria is studied in a bioreactor system operable at low-dissolved oxygen (DO) and at variable oxygen influx rates. At a loading of 3.6 mg NH4+–N/h into the bioreactor, simultaneous autotrophic denitrification and nitrification contributed to NH4+–N removal over oxygen influxes of 2–14 mg O2/h and DO <0.5 mg/L. The maximum autotrophic denitrification (or total-N removal) rates were achieved in a narrow oxygen influx band of 3–5 mg O2/h, where it accounted for up to 36% of NH4+–N removal. At oxygen influx >16 mg O2/h and DO >2 mg/L, autotrophic denitrification ceases and roughly 90% of feed NH4+–N is oxidised to NOX−–N. The stability of total effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD) over the range of oxygen influxes tested confirms the absence of heterotrophic denitrification in the bioreactor. The long solids residence time of the stable biomass zone (21 days) led to production of effluent COD as a result of cell decay, and thus effluent COD was used to calculate more accurately the mean cell residence time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2130 (1) ◽  
pp. 012027
J Zaburko ◽  
G Łagód ◽  
M K Widomski ◽  
J Szulżyk-Cieplak ◽  
B Szeląg ◽  

Abstract Mixing aimed at homogenization of the volume of bioreactors with the activated sludge is of great importance for the proper course of the wastewater treatment process. It affects both the efficiency of pollutants removal and the properties of the activated sludge related to its sedimentation. The mixing process in bioreactors can be carried out in different ways. In batch bioreactors in the aeration phase or flow bioreactors in aerobic chambers, mixing is carried out through aeration systems. These systems should aerate the activated sludge flocs for efficient biological treating of wastewater, as well as effectively homogenize the volume of the bioreactor. Hence, it is important to choose such a design of the aeration system and its operation settings that provide the amount of air ensuring the exact amount of oxygen for the implementation of technological processes, counteract sedimentation of sludge at the bottom of the reactor, are reliable as well as economical in operation (demand of electric energy). The paper presents the model studies aimed at optimization of the design and settings of aeration and mixing systems used in active sludge bioreactors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. e589101321560
Kiemi de Brito Murata ◽  
Bruno Garcia Silva ◽  
Carla Eloísa Diniz dos Santos ◽  
Dagoberto Yukio Okada ◽  
Rafael Brito de Moura ◽  

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) is a process that can remove both nitrogen and organic matter in a single unit. Several bench-scale studies show that the structured bed reactors (STBR) subjected to recirculation and intermittent aeration have achieved a good performance for SND treating different types of wastewater. Thus, this study took a step forward and evaluated the efficiency and stability of treating domestic sewage in a pilot-scale STBR. COD removal efficiencies higher than 87% were achieved in the whole experimental period. The highest Total-N removal efficiency was approximately 74 ± 7% by adopting a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 47.2 h and intermittent aeration (2 h aerated and 1 h non-aerated). The setup of the aeration system was an important mechanism to ensure the optimal balance between nitrification and denitrification in a pilot-scale system.

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 251-258 ◽  
Pham Thuy Duong ◽  
Reena Amatya Shrestha ◽  
Mika Sillanpää ◽  
Jūratė Virkutytė

Application of ultrasound in decontamination of polluted soil is a new and promising technology. The feasibility of ultrasonic treatment of clayey soil (kaolin) highly contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as phenanthrene (PHE), fluoranthene (FLU), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), was the main target of the work. The laboratory experiments were conducted at various conditions (moisture, power, irradiation duration and the initial concentration of contaminants) and the effects of these parameters on the process efficiency were examined. Experimental results showed that ultrasonication alone has a potential to remove POPs, although the removal efficiencies were relatively low when a short irradiation duration (1–6 hours) was adopted. Intermittent ultrasonication over longer periods (up to the total of 46 hours) increased the removal efficiencies to 45% of HCB and nearly 100% of PHE. The optimum moisture content of the slurry was found to be in the range of 50–70%. The total electric energy consumption during the experiments using the optimum operational conditions (100 W and above ultrasound irradiation power and 67% moisture content) was 1.5 kWh in comparison to 1.84 kWh during experiments utilizing minimum operational conditions. Santrauka Ultragarsines radiacijos taikymas dirvai valyti yra nauja, tačiau sparčiai pletojama technologija. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo ivertinti ultragarso poveiki atspariu organiniu teršalu, tokiu kaip: heksachlorobenzenas (HCB), fenantrenas (PHE) ir fluorantenas (FLU), – degradavimui dirbtinai užterštame kaoline. Laboratoriniai eksperimentai atlikti pasirenkant ivairu dirvos dregnuma, ultragarso intensyvuma, stipruma, radiacijos trukme ir pradines organiniu teršalu koncentracijas bei ivertinant ju poveiki kaolino valymo efektyvumui. Rezultatai irode, kad ultragarsas gali būti taikomas dirvai valyti, tačiau efektyvumas nebuvo itin didelis kaolina švitinant nuo 1 iki 6 valandu. Taikant kintama radiacija (iki 46 valandu), HCB šalinimas pagerejo iki 45 %, o PHE – net iki 100 %. Valant organinius teršalus optimali kaolino dregme buvo 50–70 %. Taikant optimalias reakcijos salygas (100 W ir daugiau, 67 % dregmes), elektros energijos sunaudota mažiau (1.5 kWh) nei kai reakcijos salygos minimalios (1,84 kWh). Резюме Применение ультразвуковой радиации для очистки почв является новой, быстро развивающейся технологией. Основной целью работы было оценить воздействие ультразвука на деградацию устойчивых органических загрязняющих веществ, таких, как гексахлоробензен, фенантрен и флуорантен, в искусственно загрязненном каолине. Лабораторные исследования проводились при разной влажности почвы, интенсивности ультразвука, его мощности, длительности радиации и начальных концентрациях органических соединений, а также при учете их воздействия на эффективность очистки каолина. Результаты показали, что ультразвук может применяться для очистки почв, однако эффективность не была высокой при воздействии излучением в течение от одного до шести часов. При применении меняющейся радиации (до 46 часов) эффективность очистки от гексахлоробензена увеличилась до 45%, а от фенантрена даже до 100%. Оптимальной для очистки от органических соединений оказалась 50– 70%-ая влажность каолина. Потребление электроэнергии при оптимальных условиях реакции (100 W и больше, 67%-ая влажность) было меньшим, чем при минимальных условиях реакции (1.84 kWh).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Wianthi Septia Witasari ◽  
Khalimatus Sa'diyah ◽  
Mohammad Hidayatulloh

Hasil samping instalasi pengolahan air limbah di industri bioetanol menghasilkan limbah padat berupa activated sludge. Limbah ini dapat menimbulkan masalah apabila tidak ditangani dengan benar. Diantaranya adalah menurunkan kandungan hara dalam tanah dan mencemari sumber air bersih bila masuk ke badan sungai. Limbah activated sludge dari proses anaerobic biodigesterdi industri bioetanol dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik dengan proses pengomposan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh jenis komposter dan waktu pengomposan dalam pembuatan kompos dari activated sludge limbah industri bioetanol terhadap kandungan pupuk kompos yang dihasilkan.Pada proses pengomposan digunakan bioactivator jenis EM4. Jenis komposter yang digunakan adalah komposter aerasi dan dan komposter non-aerasi. Waktu pengomposan yang digunakan adalah blanko, minggu ke-1, minggu ke-2, minggu ke-3 dan minggu ke-4. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan karakteristik fisik pupuk kompos yaitu suhu, pH, Kelembaban, C organik, N total, P total, K total, serta ratio C/N sesuai dengan SNI  19-7030-2004. Penggunaan kompoter jenis aerasi dan non aerasi menghasilkan kualitas pupuk kompos yang memenuhi SNI  19-7030-2004. Waktu pengomposan yang semakin lama memberikan kualitas pupuk kompos yang lebih baik.Side product of the waste water treatment plant in the bioethanol industry produces solid waste in the form of activated sludge.This waste can cause problems if not handled properly. Among them are reducing the nutrient content in the soil and polluting clean water sources when they enter river bodies. Activated sludge waste from the anaerobic biodigester process in the bioethanol industry can be used as organic fertilizer by composting. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of composter design and composting time in making compost from activated sludge of bioethanol industrial waste on the content of compost produced. In composting process used an EM4 as bioactivator. The composter design used is an aerated composter and a non-aerated composter. The composting time used is blank, week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4. From the analysis, it was found that the physical characteristics of compost were temperature, pH, humidity, C organic, total N, total P, total K, and the C / N ratio according to SNI 19-7030-2004. The use of aerated and non aerated design composters produces quality compost that meets SNI 19-7030-2004. The longer composting time will provide better quality compost.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1204 ◽  
Alexandra Siatou ◽  
Anthoula Manali ◽  
Petros Gikas

The high-energy consumption of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a crucial issue for municipalities worldwide. Most WWTPs in Greece operate as extended aeration plants, which results in high operational costs due to high energy needs. The present study investigated the energy requirements of 17 activated sludge WWTPs in Greece, serving between 1100–56,000 inhabitants (population equivalent, PE), with average daily incoming flowrates between 300–27,300 m3/d. The daily wastewater production per inhabitant was found to lie between 0.052 m3/PE·d and 0.426 m3/PE·d, with average volume of 0.217 ± 0.114 m3/PE·d. The electric energy consumption per volume unit (EQ (kWh/m3)) was between 0.128–2.280 kWh/m3 (average 0.903 ± 0.509 kWh/m3) following a near logarithmic descending correlation with the average incoming flowrate (Qav) (EQ = −0.294lnQav + 3.1891; R2 = 0.5337). A similar relationship was found between the daily electric energy requirements for wastewater treatment per inhabitant (EPE (kWh/PE·d)) as a function of PE, which varied from 0.041–0.407 kWh/PE·d (average 0.167 ± 0.101 kWh/PE·d)) (EPE = −0.073ln(PE) + 0.8425; R2 = 0.6989). Similarly, the daily energy cost per inhabitant (E€/PE (€/PE·d)) as a function of PE and the electric energy cost per wastewater volume unit (E€/V (€/m3)) as a function of average daily flow (Qav) were found to follow near logarithmic trends (E€/PE = −0.013ln(PE) + 0.1473; R2 = 0.6388, and E€/V = −0.052lnQav + 0.5151; R2 = 0.6359), respectively), with E€/PE varying between 0.005–0.073 €/PE·d (average 0.024 ± 0.019 €/PE·d) and E€/V between 0.012–0.291 €/m3 (average 0.111 ± 0.077 €/m3). Finally, it was calculated that, in an average WWTP, the aeration process is the main energy sink, consuming about 67.2% of the total electric energy supply to the plant. The large variation of energy requirements per inlet volume unit and per inhabitant served, indicate that there is large ground for improving the performance of the WWTPs, with respect to energy consumption.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 551-557
Y. V. Mikhailova ◽  
M. V. Kevbrina ◽  
V. A. Grachev ◽  
Y. A. Nikolaev ◽  
V. G. Aseeva

Low content of ammonia in the treated water is one of the most important indicators of the efficiency of biological wastewater treatment. Oxidation of ammonium to nitrate (nitrification) is carried out by nitrifying bacteria, which have low growth rates and are very sensible to certain unfavorable technological factors, such as low oxygen concentration and toxicants). To stabilize the number of nitrifying bacteria, increasing their activity in bioreactors with activated sludge and, therefore, to achieve stable and efficient removal of nitrogen compounds, various techniques are used, one of which is bioaugmentation technology. Bioaugmentation implies addition of the necessary microorganisms or creation of the conditions favoring their development in order to increase the specific activity of biological systems, such as activated sludge. In the Engineering and Technological Centre of JSC ‘Mosvodokanal’ for the first time in world practice, we studied the efficiency of nitrification in a plant operating under the scheme of the University of Cape Town process, in combination with an additional bioaugmentation reactor. Activated sludge in the reactor was enriched with nitrifying bacteria. At higher ammonium loads, which were modeled by adding the liquid phase of digested sludge, the main line did not remove ammonium to the maximum permissible concentration for fishery water bodies. The use of a bioaugmentation reactor resulted in ammonium concentration decrease from 40–50 to 0.4 mg N-NH4/l. This approach increased the stability of the activated sludge nitrifying bacteria to toxicants (thiourea).

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-32 ◽  
Miloslav Bagoňa ◽  
Dušan Katunský ◽  
Martin Lopušniak ◽  
Marián Vertaľ

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Dinda Rita K. Hartaja ◽  
Imam Setiadi

Generally, wastewater of nata de coco industry contains suspended solids and COD were high, ranging from 90,000 mg / l. The high level of of the wastewater pollutants, resulting in nata de coco industry can not be directly disposed of its wastewater into the environment agency. Appropriate technology required in order to process the waste water so that the treated water can meet the environmental quality standards that are allowed. Designing the waste water treatment plant that is suitable and efficient for treating industrial wastewater nata de coco is the activated sludge process. Wastewater treatment using activated sludge process of conventional (standard) generally consists of initial sedimentation, aeration and final sedimentation.Keywords : Activated Sludge, Design, IPAL

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