scholarly journals Prospects for import substitution in the oil and gas industry

Iasmin Maratovna Mustafina ◽  
Sergei Nikolaevich Larin ◽  
Oleg Evgenevich Khrstalev ◽  
Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 99-113
I. N. Maryunina

The article analyses experience of foreign countries in import substitution policy in oil and gas industry as an important part of industrial development of national economies and effective use of natural resources on the example of such countries as Brazil, Norway and Great Britain. The considerable role of the state, its ministries and departments is underlined in forming and realization of import substitution policy and consists in the development of regulatory basis, introduction of requirements on localization of production, concessionary financing of enterprises from budget and off-budget sources, development of national standards of product quality, application of special custom regimes and decline in tax rates. Drawn a conclusion about efficiency of oil and gas clusters for the development of national production of goods and services.Identifying features of inside- and out- side-based strategies of import substitution are educed and realized in Brazil and Norway. Taking into account all obtained results, the strategy of mixed-based import substitution is defined as the most acceptable to application in Russian oil and gas industry.Its essence consists in the necessity for industry enterprises to combine strategies of substituting for selective number of import products, that doesn`t have sufficient amount of analogues on the territory of the country, and strategy of creation of new modern import substitution productions that oriented on export where it`s economically reasonable.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 620-629
Maxim V Chernyaev ◽  
Anna V Korenevskaya

The article discusses the possibilities of promoting the development of the Russian’s oil and gas industry in the current unstable political and economic conditions. The analysis of tools and mechanisms to support the oil and gas industry to ensure energy independence and improve energy security of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation through import substitution of critical technologies, development of legislative and tax measures to stimulate the development of the Russian state company. The authors of the study assess the effectiveness of state and corporate import substitution plans, external trade contracts and markets, as well as provide a forecast of possible ways of development of the oil and gas complex of Russia, taking into account sanctions restrictions, fuel prices and in the future competition with alternative energy sources. The implementation of effective state support for the Russian’s oil and gas industry can contribute to the development of scientific and technological potential of companies to implement the import substitution program, as well as to strengthen the position of the Russian Federation in the global system of energy resources.

KANT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-55
Dmitriy Rodionov ◽  
Sara Daniali

The article discusses the issues related to the training of professional personnel for the oil and gas complex (OGC) of Iran as a key factor in increasing its ego efficiency. The authors analyzed and identified factors for improving the management system and management mechanism in NGK organizations and training highly qualified personnel to increase the efficiency of NGKs, which include attracting foreign investment, optimizing existing resource management, creating an integrated mechanism for developing the potential of the oil and gas complex, determining the priority of the most effective monetization gas, improving global perception and customer base to achieve export goals. Each of the factors is considered from the point of view of its influence on the effectiveness of NGK. The authors of the article conducted a survey of an expert domestic community and identified a structure of factors related to improving the efficiency of planning and organizing management at all levels of management in the field of oil and gas industry. The key factors include professional training and advanced training of specialists, managers and workers in mass professions; formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the oil and gas complex; import substitution of technologies in the oil and gas complex; international scientific and technical cooperation; optimization of NGC resource management; optimization of marketing in the OGC system. Next, a group of specialists and experts was formed related to the problems of oil business to assess the degree of significance of factors that increase the efficiency of oil and gas operations. The article shows the distribution of places of significance of these factors. It has been revealed that personnel issues, international scientific and technical cooperation and import substitution in terms of specific importance are the most important among the factors considered. The article will be of interest to specialists, managers, executives, as well as researchers in the oil and gas industry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 213-221
Yuriy Dzyuba ◽  
Ruslan Mochalov

This research assesses a comprehensive study of the system of economic and financial indicators, reflecting the work of companies in the oil and gas industry in Russian Federation. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the financial and economic state of the oil and gas industry in Russia. The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of key economic indicators of the oil and gas industry - revenues, tax payments, net profit with detailed information on companies in the industry, as well as integrated to the industry-wide level. The regularities of changes in indicators, as well as features for individual companies. The potential of the oil and gas complex to expand hydrocarbon production has been confirmed, which allows us to conclude that the industry will continue to be the engine of import substitution, financial stability of the budget and the guarantor of the country's international obligations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 80-86

The article analyzes the problems of development of oil and gas industry enterprises, their import dependence in modern conditions. The essence and various aspects of the economic strategy of import substitution are considered, taking into account the industry specifics. It has been determined that the processes of import substitution are expedient only in cases when they provide a basis for sustainable development of industry, expanding opportunities for oil and gas enterprises capable of independent development with appropriate start-up support. The processes of import substitution in the activities of oil and gas industry enterprises should, as a result, ensure an increase in the use of advanced resource and energy saving technologies, especially in the field of oil and gas chemical industries. In modern conditions, the key area of import substitution operations can and should be the creation of small and medium-sized production of import-substituting goods on the basis of functioning large companies in the oil and gas industry.

Д.М. Турекулова ◽  
Б.Т. Бейсенгалиев ◽  
К.Н. Оразбаева ◽  
Г.С. Еркулова ◽  
D. Turekulova ◽  

Ғылыми мақалада Қазақстан экономикасын жаһандандыру жағдайында дамыту үшін кластерлік тәсілдемені қолданудың маңыздылығы мен болашағы қарастырылған. Жүргізілген зерттеулер нәтижесінде қазіргі нарықтық экономикада, әр сала мен аймақтың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыру мақсатында өндірістік кластерлер құру қажеттігі негізделген. Қазақстанның мұнайлы аймағы Атырау өңірінде, республиканың экономикасына үлкен үлес қосып отырған мұнай-газ саласын ары қарай дамытып, әртараптандыру үшін мұнай химиясы кластерін құру аса маңызды екені анықталды және негізделді. Жұмыста Қазақстанның мұнай химиясын қалыптастыру мен дамытуға негіз болатын мұнай өңдеу және химия кәсіпорындары талданды; Атырау облысында мұнай химиясы кластерін құруға қажетті ресурстарын және күтімді нәтижелері бойынша негізгі көрсеткіштер мен мұнай химиясы кластерінің тиімді жұмысы үшін жүзеге асырылуы тиіс шаралары анықталды және Атырау аймағында мұнай химиясы кластерін қалыптастыру мүмкіндігін негізделіп, экономикалық тиімділікке жетудің факторлар тобы анықталды. Кластерлік стратегияны және экономикалык бәсекеге қабілеттілігін толықтай жүзеге асыру үшін импортты ауыстыру кезеңінен мұнай химиясы саласын кең көлемде инвестициялау және мұнай химиясы кластерін қалыптастыру және дамытуға бағытталған үкімет саясаты қажеттілігі тұжырымдалды. Мұнай химиясы саласын дамыту үшін Атырау облысында инновациялық кәсіпкерлікті жаңа деңгейге көтеруге мүмкіндік беретін, отандық және шетелдік ғылыми потенциалды бағыттау және қолдану қажеттілігі көрсетілді. Кілт сөздер: кластер, кластерлік тәсілдеме, өндірістік кластер, бәсекеге қабілеттік, әртараптандыру, аймақтық экономика, мұнай-газ саласы, мұнай химиясы, Атырау аймағы, инновация. The scientific article examines the importance and prospects of using the cluster approach for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization. The results of the research substantiated the need to create industrial clusters in order to increase the competitiveness of each industry and region in a modern market economy. In the Atyrau region, which is the oil region of Kazakhstan, it has been created, which allows further development and diversification of the oil and gas industry, which makes a significant contribution to the country's economy. The paper analyzes oil refining and chemical enterprises, which are the basis for the formation and development of petrochemistry in Kazakhstan; resources required to create a petrochemical cluster in the Atyrau region, analyzed the main indicators and measures that must be implemented for the effective operation of the petrochemical cluster; identified groups of factors to achieve economic efficiency; the possibilities and effectiveness of the formation of a petrochemical cluster in the Atyrau region have been substantiated. For the full implementation of the cluster strategy and economic competitiveness, conclusions have been drawn about the need for state policy, which is aimed, from the period of import substitution, at large-scale investments in the petrochemical industry, the formation and development of a petrochemical cluster. For the development of the petrochemical industry in the Atyrau region, it is shown the need to direct and use the domestic and foreign scientific potential, which will raise innovative entrepreneurship to a new level.

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