Vestnik NSUEM
Latest Publications





Published By Novosibirsk State University Of Economics And Management - NSUEM


Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 205-212
E. I. Kalyagina ◽  
S. A. Shelkovnikov ◽  
O. V. Agafonova

Modern crop production in the conditions of total reduction of tilled area is one of the priorities in effective farming. The adaptive intensification of crop production, which provides sustainable growth of yield, resource conservation and ecological safety, requires increase of financing and involvement of plant protection measures in the mechanism of state support, the use of genetic selection potential of plants, the use of agrotechnical measures, technical and technological upgrade, for the purpose of adjustment of arable crops growth conditions, improvement of grain quality, as well as soil conservation and enrichment. Scientifically proven measures regarding plant protection against hazardous organisms play a special role in the mechanism of state support and stimulation of agricultural goods producers. This approach will make it possible to abandon abusive application of chemical agents and replace them with biological ones against the same variety of pathogens; it will facilitate increase in arable crops yield, improve of quality of goods produced, cost saving and growth of net profit, in comparison with traditional technologies, as well as mitigate risks related to the influence of chemical agents on the environment. It will increase the field competitiveness both at internal and external market. The offered measures were developed with provision for the WTO requirements which make it bin­ding to implement the methods of state support without distorting influence of activities of companies, i.e. implement the support within the «green box». The «green box» includes the costs of plant protection measures and productive infrastructure formation.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 242-251
N. M. Volovskaya ◽  
L. K. Plyusnina

The article presents the results of two sociological studies carried out for the purpose of research of motivation of obtaining a higher education and factors of selection of a higher educational institution by foreign students, revelation of problems and elaboration of recommendations for their solution. It was revealed that foreign students in general praise obtaining a higher education, and that motivational postulates of obtaining education include not only commercial goals but cultural as well. It was established that Russian education is praised by foreign students in terms of quality, and that foreign students seek Russian education purposefully. It was found that Russia is a financially attractive country for foreign students, including employment. The study demonstrated a great significance of the website and social media of a higher educational institute for making decision on obtaining education in this higher educational institute. The results of the study showed that the level of competence in higher educational institutes of the city conforms to the requirements of foreign students and satisfies their demands maximally. At the same time several problems were revealed relating to training of foreign students: language problems; problems in training; communicational problems; social and cultural problems and social and everyday problems. Several recommendations were made to solve those problems.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 226-241
M. V. Kornilova

This article is devoted to the study of the consequences of social isolation of elderly Muscovites during the spread of coronavirus infection. The author draws attention to the fact that the informal isolation of the older generation has existed for a long time, but only in the new conditions associated with the pandemic, the «home mode» of life in old age was fixed by law. Social isolation is considered as a risk to the life and health of the older generation. It is shown how unprecedented restrictive measures of the Government affec­ted the psycho-emotional and physical health of elderly people, and the tasks of the state to reduce the vulnerability, ensure the safety and resilience of the elderly were not solved. 

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 252-271
S. V. Soboleva ◽  
N. E. Smirnova ◽  
O. V. Chudaeva

The article compares the changes in the demographic situation in the Republic of Khakassia with the regional demographic development of the neighboring republics of Altai and Tyva, as well as Krasnoyarsk Krai against the background of Siberian and all-Russian trends for the period 1990–2020. A comparative analysis of the main indicators of population reproduction of these territories was carried out using the method of multi-regional demographic analysis of dynamic series based on Rosstat data. The conclusion is made about the decrease in the level of demographic security in recent years in the Republic of Khakassia, as well as the country as a whole, due first to a decrease in fertility, and then an increase in mortality against the background of the population ageing.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 213-225
M. V. Pyataev

Currently, several studies have been conducted about overspending of funds in large-scale projects, including transport. International studies show that overspending by 20–100 % is not an exception, but an established fact. The article presents the results of comparing the estimated cost with the actual costs for several large-scale transport projects that were implemented on the territory of Russia. The conclusion is made about the need for a systematic analysis when evaluating the effectiveness of projects of this class.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 195-204
N. N. Makarova ◽  
G. V. Timofeeva

The role and significance of the information infrastructure of the entrepreneurial structures of the agro-industrial complex, which is directly related to innovative development and security, due to the improvement of information support, are disclosed. This research presents an overview of approaches to ensuring the security of information infrastructure objects in an attempt to illustrate their effectiveness in its operation. The importance of information as a productive resource was emphasized of the authors. Thus, the article formulates the perspective of the transition to «smart» agriculture with the support of the updated information infrastructure.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 135-143
M. V. Karmanov ◽  
O. A. Zolotareva

The maintenance of civil peace and harmony in the Russian state from time immemorial has been defined as a priority that allows maintaining the integrity of both state and territorial. Global processes taking place in the world, epidemic waves of viruses, incessant local wars, diligent attempts to separate people and peoples bring to the fore the need to consolidate society in order to ensure the national security of the country. In this context, the importance of statistics increases, which significantly affects the perception of the dominant values by society, forms the attitude of people to the state policy being pursued. At the same time, the understanding of statistical information (figures, data) in a number of cases does not correspond to reality, making it difficult to adequately assess the existing situation, which is associated with an insufficient level of statistical literacy of the population, officials and specialists in various fields of activity.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 144-165
L. P. Bakumenko ◽  
I. A. Lipatova

The market of one of the most basic participants of the market of housing and communal services – credit organizations is considered. A statistical analysis of mortgage housing lending in Russia was carried out, the classification of the regions of the Russian Federation according to two groups of indicators was carried out: according to the indicators of the housing and communal services market and indicators of the level of socio-economic development of regions by cluster analysis methods and it was shown that not all regions (36 regions) correspond to their levels of groups according to two groups of indicators. The reasons for the development of regions according to the state of development of the housing and communal services market are revealed.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 187-194
Yu. A. Shcheglov

The article presents the models used in the planning of production with unstable technology. This issue is becoming increasingly important for universities in connection with the transition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education to the new principle of planning a state order for specialists, when the admission figures in the state assignment turn into release figures. For successful work in these conditions, universities are forced to change their system of planning for the training of specialists. The considered models are a proven tool for determining the size of the contingent and the necessary resources, which must be launched into the educational process in order to fulfill the state order by a given deadline.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 178-186
D. A. Samus

Most of the authors single out megacities as a special form of settlement, and speak of exceeding the level and pace of socio-economic development. Megacities attract enterprises of various business areas, as it is believed that this will have a positive impact on their development. In this paper, we assess the industry structure of the largest cities, analyze its differences from smaller territories, and conduct a discriminant analysis in order to identify the subjects of the Russian Federation that are predisposed to the appearance of a metropolis in them.

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