scholarly journals Do dissenso à polémica: estratégias retórico-discursivas. Um caso em análise

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 157-178
isabel fuzeta Gil

This study focuses on the analysis of some rhetorical-argumentative strategies and the textual and compositional configuration of discursive productions within the parliamentary political discourse, which generates agonism and a strong cleavage between parties. We specifically analysed the discourses on the referenda held in 1998 e 2007, concerning changes to the socalled “VIP law”. We established a corpus comprising 41 texts published in the press and 7 texts published in the Diário da Assembleia da República (containing written transcripts of the debates held in Parliament). We concluded that rhetorical-discursive strategies that highlight and deepen dissention are particularly relevant, particularly in the process of referencing “abortion”. The strategies used to reference the discursive object “abortion” are analysed from a discursive-pragmatical and rhetorical standpoint; the reference of “abortion” is at the centre of agonistic interactions and sustains the arguments presented by the two opposing groups. We draw on the work by Amossy (2012 [2000], 2014), Plantin (1996, 2011), Micheli (2008, 2011), Charaudeau (2005, 2017), Marques (2000, 2005) and Fonseca (1992, 1998).

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
Barbara Botter

L’obbiettivo del presente articolo è di circoscrivere ed approfondire lo studio di alcune strategie persuasive messe in atto da Socrate nel Gorgia platonico. Analizzando dapprima lo stile letterario, quindi gli scambi di battute fra gli interlocutori, ci proponiamo di evidenziare le ragioni della scelta platonica per lo stile drammatico, le strategie argomentative messe in atto dai protagonisti e le finalità in vista delle quali Platone crea un Socrate a due volti, un Socrate filosofo e un Socrate erista. In vista di ciò divideremo il testo in due sezioni principali: dapprima forniremo la cornice letteraria nella quale si inserisce il dialogo Gorgia; quindi esamineremo le strategie discorsive usate dagli interlocutori per difendere le rispettive tesi e giustificheremo la ragioni per cui la cura del discorso è importante per garantire un regime politico corretto. The aim of this article is to investigate the persuasive strategies produced by Socrates in the Plato’s Gorgias. First we’ll analyse the literary style, then the dialectical practices between Socrates and the other people, specifically Polo and Calicles. Our aim is to highlight the reasons why Plato choices a dramatic style in Gorgias; the argumentative strategies put in place by the protagonist and the other dialogue’s figures; and the Plato’s aims to create a Socrates with two faces: a Socrates philosopher and an eristic Socrates. With these aspects in mind, this paper has two main objectives. First we will consider the literary framework in which the dialogue Gorgias is put; then we’ll look at the discursive strategies used by the interlocutors to defend their arguments and justify why the care of speech is important to safeguard an appropriate politics.

Maciej Kostecki

The article shows relational-symbolic aspects of poverty in polish political discourse about flagship Law and Justice’s Party social program called “Family 500+”. Based on the case study of weekly newspaper Newsweek Polska the author stressed main discursive strategies such as demoralization, humiliation of poor people, lower class and unemployed people as a examples of individual blame explanations of poverty. Moreover article presents efforts of justifying inequalities as a result of neoliberal ideology and the vision of profligacy of public institutions due to social politics expenses.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Діана Каліщук

У статті розглянуті мовленнєві маніпуляції як інструментальне вираження персуазивності у мовленні. Маніпуляцію розглядають як особливу комунікативно-мовленнєву стратегію здійснення впливу в політичному дискурсі, яка реалізується через низку тактик. Вибір тактик зазнає впливу концептуального стилю автора політичного дискурсу. У статті проаналізовані тактики реалізації стратегії негативної презентації «інших», зокрема, тактики «Надгенералізація» та «Екземпліфікація», як маркери концептуальних стилів президентів США Дж. Буша мол. та Б. Обами. Доведено, що особливості мовлення носіїв різних стилів зумовлюють вищу частотність певних тактик та, відповідно, нижчу частотність інших тактик. Тактика «Екземпліфікація» – це перенесення рис, що притаманні певній етнічній (чи іншій) групі загалом на конкретну подію чи особу. Ця тактика може вважатися типовою для дискурсу Дж. Буша мол., концептуальний стиль якого є аналітичним, що пояснюється дедуктивністю мовлення носіїв аналітичного стилю та їх схильністю до надмірного використання ярликів. Індуктивність мовлення Б. Обами, який є носієм реляційного концептуального стилю, пояснює вищу частотність тактики «Надгенералізація» у його дискурсі. «Надгенералізація» – це узагальнення одиничної моделі, певних аспектів часткового досвіду до загальної групової схеми. ЛітератураReferences Бережанська Ю. В. Лінгвостилістичні особливості персуазивного медичногодискурсу, присвяченого проблемі евтаназії // Наукові записки Національногоуніверситету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна»: зб. наук. праць. 2014. Вип.44. С. 39–41.Berezhanska, Yu. (2014). Linhvostylistychni osoblyvosti persuazyvnoho medychnohodyskursu, prysvyachenoho problemi evtanasii [Linguo-stylistic peculiarities of medicaldiscourse dedicated to the issue of eutanasia]. Naukovi Zapysky NatsionalnohoUniversytetu “Ostroz’ka Academia”, 44, 39–41. 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2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 275
Shazia Ayyaz

This research focusses the interdiscursive analysis of political discourse to expose the hegemonic relations in the world politics. It is backgrounded in the issue of blasphemy that emerged after the release of the movie trailer The Innocence of Muslims. The researcher restricted the context of the study to the UN General Assembly meeting September 2012 where the issue was discussed in the presence of world political leaders. The data of the study contains the speech of the US president Barak Obama and is analyzed by using Fairclough’s (1992) concept of interdiscursivity and hegemony. The analysis is focused on the discourse of the dominant political actor to find out the power relations and hegemony as exposed through the interdiscursive references present in his discourse. The study concludes that the dominant political leader uses different discursive strategies to construct and sustain power relations and hegemony. Interdiscursivity helps him to construct powerful self-image and to marginalise the subordinate group by highlighting its negative aspects and suppressing its ideologies. 

2001 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 335-361 ◽  
Camron Michael Amin

The sensational nature of the Iranian press in the 1940s has been largely understood in political terms. In September 1941, occupying Allied armies forced Reza Shah Pahlavi (1879–1944, r. 1925–41) into exile, ending his tyrannical “twenty years” and unleashing a variety of political forces which vied with each other for public support in the press.3 The presence of Allied censors notwithstanding, so the argument goes, the Iranian press was momentarily free from effective government censorship—though not from the recurring cycle of censorship that has dominated scholarly interest in the Iranian press.4 But a closer look at the often violent and sexual political discourse in the Iranian press raises questions less about Iran's political history than about its cultural and economic history. Why was the content of the press so graphic in the 1940s? What economic and cultural trends sustained such content once it had been provoked by political events? How much did the overt sexuality of political discourse confirm or modify notions of gender in Iranian culture?

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 72
Isabel Bilhão

Nas décadas iniciais do século XX, diante da laicização do ensino público, do avanço de correntes racionalistas e anticlericais e de novas religiões no país, a Igreja Católica precisou enfrentar uma inusitada concorrência na arena educacional. A imprensa tornou-se uma importante arma de combate, largamente utilizada tanto por membros do clero, quanto por seus opositores. O artigo analisa um dos veículos participantes desse confronto: a Revista Vozes de Petrópolis. O periódico, fundado por freis franciscanos em 1907, propunha-se a colaborar para a formação de uma intelectualidade católica que pudesse responder aos desafios de seu tempo, especialmente através de artigos relacionados à ciência e à cultura. Com base na análise de excertos de textos publicados entre 1907 e 1917, objetiva-se identificar as concepções de ciência apresentadas na Revista e as estratégias argumentativas utilizadas pelos redatores, bem como observar as redes de relações em que estes estavam inseridos e suas possíveis influências na legitimação e circulação do periódico. Pretende-se, assim, contribuir para o alargamento das reflexões acerca da participação da imprensa católica nos embates em torno da definição e difusão do conhecimento científico no país nos primórdios do século XX.Knowledge at the service of faith: notions of science in Revista Vozes de Petrópolis (1907 a 1917). In the early decades of the twentieth century, due to the laicization of public education, the advance of rationalist and anticlerical currents and new religions in the country, The Catholic Church had to face an unusual competition in the educational arena. The press has become an important weapon of combat, much used by members of the clergy and their opponents. The article analyzes one of the vehicles participating in this confrontation: the Revista Vozes de Petrópolis. The periodical, founded by Franciscan friars in 1907, aimed at collaborating in the formation of Catholic intellectuals who could respond to the challenges of their time, especially by means of articles related to science and culture. Based on texts published between 1907 and 1917, we intend to identify the conceptions of science presented in the journal and the argumentative strategies used by the editors, as well as to observe the networks of relations in which they were inserted and their possible influences on the legitimacy and circulation of the periodical. The intention is to contribute to the reflection on the participation of the Catholic press in the struggles around the definition and diffusion of scientific knowledge in the country in the early twentieth century. Keywords: Catholic press; Diffusion of knowledge; Educational struggles.

Zinaida Zaytseva

It was established that the British direction of informing about the Ukrainian national movement was an integral part of the program of the activities of the Ukrainian Information Committee (Lviv, 1912) to familiarize Europe with the situation of Ukrainians in two empires. The reasons that complicated the distribution of adequate information about Ukraine in the British information space were revealed. They lay in both the plane of British society and the socio-political situation in Ukraine. The importance of the research of the English Slavist W.R. Morfill is singled out. The establishment of contacts between Ukrainian politicians and the representatives of the English press has been followed, and the purpose of the creation and operation of the Ukrainian Committee in London has been outlined. It is established that the range of communicative tools available to Ukrainian politicians at the beginning of the twentieth century. included interpersonal contacts, press organs, public lectures, public institutions. Due to the press performances, the British knowledge of Ukraine on the scientific and academic format (Slavist W.R Morfill) was partially transformed into a popular science and political (journalist J. Raffalovich).

Bárbara Amaral da Silva ◽  
Bárbara Marques Barbosa de Carvalho ◽  
Rodrigo Seixas P. Barbosa ◽  
Valéria Schmid Queiroz

A retórica é a capacidade de discernir os meios capazes de gerar persuasão em cada caso e, portanto, no discurso político, apresenta-se como capaz de mover e tocar as paixões do auditório através da exploração da doxa. Dentre todas as partes da exposição retórica, encontramos na peroração a primazia pelo pathos, pela comunhão com as afecções do auditório. Este artigo procura, pois, apresentar como se construíram as estratégias retórico-argumentativas na peroração de um pronunciamento de Barack Obama, buscando evidenciar as implicações patêmicas em cada uma das provas retóricas (ethos/pathos/logos/) e o uso da figura retórica da analogia .Abstract Rhetoric by definition aims to effectively use language and other means to persuade an audience in specific situations. Therefore, in political discourse, this practice can be used to motivate and touch the passions of the audience through the exploration of the doxa. Among all rhetorical organization, the peroration is the part in which pathos and audience’s affection are more emphasized. Thus, this article intends to clarify how the rhetorical and argumentative strategies were arranged in the peroration of Barack Obama’s speech and to evidence the pathemic implications in each rhetorical proof (ethos/pathos/logos).

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