scholarly journals Os ritos tridentinos na construção do absolutismo : a importância de Luís XIV

2021 ◽  
pp. 207-240
Eduardo Gonçalves Almeida

The influence of the Tridentine rites in sustaining the Absolutism of the Catholic States of the Ancien Regime is a pertinent question, despite the fact that thisform of government has already been abundantly discussed. The existing analyzes on Absolutism did not look directly at the prism that we propose to the reader with this work. Centered on the French case of Louis XIV, we will try to better understand the close relationship between the Throne and the Altar in Europe under the Ancien Regime, and how this osmosis strengthened and ensured until the liberal revolutions the domination of European society by these two institutions. We will do this through a particular prism: that of religious, Catholic, post-Tridentine rites, and those of Louis XIV's “Court Society”. Since times immemorial, humanity has used symbols to express different realities and ways to legitimize the exercise of power. From the Pharaoh gods, through the Augustus of Antiquity, we know that religion was absolutely fundamental and indispensable and articulated and legitimized forms of political power. The study of the relationship between ecclesiastical rites and those of a monarchy in times of affirmation of Absolutism, in the final centuries of the Modern Era, emerges as necessary in this context. Therefore, this paper seeks to answer the following question: what role did Catholic rites play in the construction of the maximum icon of European Absolutism?

The principal architects of the ‘chemical revolution’ may well be said to have been Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) and Antoine Francois Fourcroy (1755-1809). The former by the intuitive genius of his brain, the extraordinary manipulative skill of his hands and the impeccable logic of his mind elaborated and set forth those truths on which modem chemistry was founded. The latter used his ingratiating and flexible personality, oratorical ability and facile pen to publicize the new chemistry and see that it was embodied in the educational curriculum. Lavoisier helped Fourcroy during his earlier years and used his prestige and influence to advance the younger man and obtain financial preferment for him. Under the ancien régime Lavoisier was rich, respected and influential; Fourcroy led a struggling existence for many years. The French Revolution was to bring Lavoisier misery and legal assassination; the same period saw Fourcroy’s prestige and power rise to a maximum. The relationship existing between the two men presents an as yet unsolved puzzle. Fourcroy’s biography still has to be written, as does an authoritative one of Lavoisier, when all the material is available. The latter’s standard biographer, Edouard Grimaux, wrote three-quarters of a century ago and his work needs to be superseded by an objective and fully documented modern study. Grimaux strongly condemned Fourcroy for allowing Lavoisier to be sent to the guillotine and implies that, possibly motivated by jealousy, he may have helped to speed him on his way. Modern scholars are inclined to the opinion that Grimaux maligned Fourcroy unjustifiably. The charge, however, was evidently current shortly after Lavoisier’s death, for in a speech delivered only two years after the lamentable event Fourcroy felt constrained to defend himself against an accusation which was to haunt him for the rest of his days and pursue him from his own death until the present day.

1985 ◽  
Vol 78 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 149-177 ◽  
Patrick J. Lambe

The case of Richard Simon and the suppression of his book, Histoire critique du Vieux Testament in 1678 stands at a point where the interests of both Church and State in maintaining control of the book trade intersected. As such, the case is of interest in two important areas: first, from the point of view of the social and political history of the ancien régime in France, this case exhibits the intense concern for maintenance or extension of the powers of jurisdiction of the authorities which is so characteristic of the reign of Louis XIV. In some instances this preoccupation with autorité and droit led to an unseemly public jockeying for power, and it is interesting to see how the book trade is seen as a vital element in this struggle.

Nicholas Cronk

Voltaire worked hard throughout his life to establish and defend his status as an author within the social hierarchy of the ancien régime, with varying degrees of success, but with unflagging determination. ‘The courtier’ charts his time at the French court in 1725 and 1745–6, at the Prussian court of Frederick 1750–3, and his extensive correspondence with Catherine the Great. It describes Voltaire’s role as the Royal Historiographer in 1745 and some of his key works including the opera collaboration with Rameau, Le Temple de la gloire (1745), his historical masterpiece Siècle de Louis XIV (1751), and his world history, Essai sur les mœurs (1756).

2011 ◽  
Vol 636 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-181 ◽  
Liping Wang ◽  
Julia Adams

Familial power contributed to binding territories together and systematically severing them in both China and early modern European states. In the early Qing (1644–1911) Empire, Manchu conquerors met the challenges of securing and expanding rule by discovering ways to use laterally related brothers and imperial bondservants to hold Chinese bureaucrats in check, while deploying bureaucracy to restrain princely brothers from partitioning the state. The ensuing interlock of patrimonial practices and bureaucracy, developed in a style similar to ancien régime France, stabilized political power for centuries.

Adrian O'Connor

This prologue surveys the institutional landscape of education in Ancien Régime France. It describes the array of formal and informal institutions offering education in pre-revolutionary France, including the petites écoles, collèges, universities, and academies. It also lays out the curricular traditions within which many of those institutions worked and highlights the relationship among the institutions, helping us to better understand why the expulsion of the Jesuits from their collèges in 1762 set off a national crisis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 177

Social interaction in adolescents in the modern era is influenced by several factors in life, one of which is addiction to playing online games. This study aims to determine the relationship between factors addicted to playing online games on social interaction in teenagers. The data used in this study are primary data which are the results of questionnaires. The data processing technique used in this study is canonical correlation analysis. The sample in this study were adolescents aged 13 to 21 years and living in the city of Denpasar, with a total sample of 150 adolescents. The results showed that the addiction factor playing online games had a significant effect of 0.0000019 on social interaction in adolescents with a close relationship of 0.8058964.

1966 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
D. Buisseret

The history of the intendants, so important to the understanding of France during the latter two centuries of the ancien régime, remains unwritten. There are of course particular studies of various great intendants of Louis XIV and of Louis XV, but the institution as a whole remains astonishingly ill-known, and this is especially true of its early years. Gabriel Hanotaux did make a brave attempt in 1884 to work out the Origines de l'institution des intendants des provinces, but his arguments have been severely criticized by subsequent writers, whose strictures have most recently been summarized by Roger Doucet in Les institutions de la France au XVIe siècle. As Doucet points out, the source-material used by Hanotaux was limited to a few Parisian manuscripts and, for the reign of Henri IV, essentially to the Lettres Missives of that king. For the reign of Henri III, Doucet adds, his work is weak in that he ignores the increase in the traditional chevauchées (tours of inspection) of the maîtres des requêtes, surely one of the most suggestive of early institutions in our present context. This in turn springs from a more basic weakness, that of using only a titular and not a functional definition for his subject; in refusing to consider any officers other than those who actually held the title intendant (usually de justice). Doucet himself does not carry the investigation any further for, as he remarks, the only way to do this would be by undertaking a series of studies in local archives.

Máximo García Fernández

Las vestimentas y la cultura de la moda asociada a su porte evolucionaron durante la Edad Moderna, constituyéndose en iconos capitales para comprender los cambios sociales y de civilización experimentados en la Castilla interior. El examen de los tradicionalismos simbólicos y/o de los intensos debates críticos ilustrados sobre el uso de los atuendos permite valorar mucho mejor la trascendencia que el vestido representaba en el universo mental de las poblaciones urbanas y rurales de Antiguo Régimen. Cuestiones como el lujo y la apariencia, el reconocimiento externo o la uniformización indumentaria resultan fundamentales a este respecto, tanto desde un enfoque de vida cotidiana, de cultura material o de consumo familiar.PALABRAS CLAVE: Castilla, vestimenta, moda, apariencias, modernidad.ABSTRACTClothing and fashion culture associated with good appearance evolved during Modernity to become capital icons of the social and civilization changes present in the interior of Castile and vital to their understanding. The examination of symbolic traditionalisms and/or the intense and enlightened critical debates on the use of attire allows for a better assessment of the transcendence that clothing represented in the mental universe of the urban and rural populations of the ancien régime. Issues such as luxury and appearance, external recognition and uniformization are critical in this regard from everyday life, material culture or family consumption perspectives.KEY WORDS: Castile, clothing, fashion, appearances, modernity.

Revista Trace ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 62
Diego Carnevale

La intención con este artículo es describir el sistema de sepulturas urbanas en una de las ciudades más pobladas de la edad moderna, relacionando las tipologías sepulcrales tradicionales con el contexto político y socio-económico del siglo XVIII, época en la que se dio el nacimiento de un movimiento de reforma de las prácticas funerarias y los primeros intentos de llevar a cabo lo que los historiadores definen como “el exilio de los muertos”. La ciudad de Nápoles constituye un campo de observación privilegiado de los sistemas urbanos de sepultura en el Antiguo Régimen. La documentación disponible en la materia y la posibilidad de visitar algunas instalaciones, todavía visibles en algunas iglesias convertidas en monumentos, son fuentes preciosas para la investigación histórica. El objetivo es poner de manifiesto la pluralidad de elementos que participaron en la creación, transformación y eliminación de los sepulcros urbanos en las ciudades europeas de Antiguo Régimen, para proporcionar una visión más amplia y, tal vez, también más compleja del fenómeno.Abstract: This article aims to describe the burial system in one of the most populated cities in early modern era, relating the traditional burial typologies to the politics and socio-economics of the XVIIIth century, when a burial system reform took place along with the first attempts to realize what historians call “the exile of the dead”. The city of Naples provides a privileged observation point on urban burials in the Ancien Régime. Documents availability on the topic and the possibility to visit nowadays some of these graves, still visible in some churches converted to public monuments, have proven to be precious sources of historical investigation. Our aim is to highlight the variety of elements taking part in the creation, transformation, elimination of urban burials in Ancien Régime cities, so as to provide a wider and possibly more complex vision of the phenomenon.Résumé : Cet article a pour objectif de décrire le système des sépultures urbaines dans l’une des villes les plus peuplées de l’époque moderne, en établissant une relation entre les typologies sépulcrales traditionnelles et le contexte politique et socio-économique du XVIIIe siècle. C’est dans cette période en effet que naît un mouvement de réformes des pratiques funéraires et que sont menées à terme les premières tentatives de ce que les historiens qualifient d’“exil des morts”. La ville de Naples constitue un terrain d’observation privilégié des systèmes urbains de sépulture de l’Ancien Régime. La documentation disponible tout comme la possibilité de visiter quelques-unes de ces installations, encore visibles dans certaines églises monumentalisées, sont autant de sources de premier plan pour la recherche historique. Notre objectif est de mettre en évidence la pluralité des éléments qui ont contribué à la création, transformation et élimination des tombes urbaines dans les villes européennes d’Ancien Régime, afin d’offrir une vision plus large et, peut-être aussi, plus complexe du phénomène.

Silvia Marzagalli

Although in the course of the eighteenth century there emerged in several European countries a desire to set the economy and trade free, in the French case it took the Revolution to sweep away a whole range of restrictions which weighed upon the circulation of goods. Even so, the gradual ending of the commercial system which had underpinned the prosperity of European ports under the Ancien Régime was also, in fact primarily, the consequence of structural changes in the European economy and in the apparatus of colonial domination in America. This article does not offer a complete picture of trade under the Ancien Régime, but rather attempts to bring out the distinctive characteristics which would disappear between the end of the eighteenth century and the middle of the nineteenth with the arrival of more modern systems of exchange.

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