scholarly journals Kewenangan Notaris dalam Pembuatan/ Pencabutan Surat Wasiat (Testament)

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Agus Wahyu Suniayasa ◽  
I Nyoman Sumardika ◽  
Ni Gusti Ketut Sri Astiti

Humans are social creatures which in their lives always need help from those around them even though that person is about to die. Therefore, a person while away from death has the desire to arrange an inheritance which may be passed on to his offspring. After a person passed away, this wealth can cause problems in the family and society. So rules and solutions are needed according to applicable and permanent laws which refer to the appropriate Law. For example, if someone's message is to be revealed, it can be written into an authentic will deed made by a notary public which is commonly called a will or testament. This study aimed to reveal how the authority of the notary in making a will or testament and how the duties and authority of the notary in the event of execution of wills or if there is revocation of wills. This research employed a normative method and is studied with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, which are processed and analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicated that the notary has the authority to keep a will as a written or closed will and is entitled and obliged to report the will to Balai Harta Peninggalan in the area where the notary serves. In addition, if the testator changes the contents of his will, the notary must report the matter to the Central Register of Wills.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Abdullah Dian Triwahyuni

The position of notary has been regulated in Act Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Position (hereinafter referred to as UUJN-P). Even so, philosophical and technical notary obligations and responsibilities are not regulated in detail in these laws and regulations, leading to the absence of a barometer that becomes a standard for notary behavior, notary office administration system, and notary office governance that applies universally. This has caused in some instances negative views on the notary profession in the community. One of the negative views is because the morality of the notary is not in tune with ethical behavior in society. Negative views also arise due to the administration of notary office administration and the layout of the notary office that does not meet the aesthetic element. The situation made the notary public seem unprofessional in providing social services in his function as a public official. Then what should be the notary morality? How about a good notary office administration? How should the notary manage his office? The writing of this article uses normative research using a positive legal approach and a conceptual approach. Sources of legal materials used are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Legal materials were analyzed using descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are not yet detailed and universal rules regarding the obligations and responsibilities of notaries sociologically and technically in providing social services, but the values ??that live and develop in society can be used as benchmarks for notary behavior and administrative systems notary office and notary office governance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Bima Ridho Halim ◽  
Rachmi Sulistyarini

The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the harmonization of regulation towards a double position of notary and members of the House of Representatives and the ideal formulation of regulations regarding dual notary positions. The method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach, a comparative approach, and a conceptual approach. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials which are analyzed using grammatical, systematic, interpretation, explanatory, and evaluation techniques. Harmonization of laws and regulations relating to someone who holds a concurrent position as a notary and a member of the House of Representatives is very important to meet legal certainty. The notary who is elected as a member of the House of Representatives must release his position as a notary public. Notaries can be re-becoming a notary public if they are no longer members of the House of Representatives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Annisa Annisa ◽  
Yanis Rinaldi ◽  
Teuku Abdurahman

Salah satu kewenangan Notaris adalah membuat akta wasiat yang juga harus diiringi dengan tanggung jawab untuk mendaftarkan dan melaporkan ke Daftar Pusat Wasiat. Notaris yang tidak membuat akta wasiat juga harus melaporkan laporan nihil pada waktu 5 (lima) hari pada minggu pertama setiap bulan berikutnya. Namun pada kenyataannya, masih banyak Notaris yang tidak menjalankan kewajibannya tersebut. Data tersebut berdasarkan laporan bulanan yang masuk ke dalam online sistem Pusat Wasiat Subdirektorat Harta Peninggalan Direktorat Perdata (2015) terdapat sekitar 4.000 (empat ribu) Notaris yang secara rutin melakukan laporan bulanan, padahal jumlah Notaris di seluruh Indonesia pada saat itu mencapai sekitar 15.000 (lima belas ribu). Penelitian ini menganalisis tanggung jawab Notaris yang tidak mendaftarkan dan melaporkan akta wasiat ke Daftar Pusat Wasiat. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif atau yuridis.A job duty of a Notary public is to notarize a will. Notarial Acts of Notarizing a will should include registering and reporting the will to the Central Register of Wills. Even though a Notary public legalizes no will in a month, she or he still has to make a nil report in the first five days of the next month. However, in fact there were still Notaries who did not perform the duties. Based on the data of monthly reports in the online system of Central Register of Wills (2015), only 4000 out of 15000 Notaries in Indonesia regularly submitted their monthly reports. The objective of this research was to identify the liability of any notary who did not register and report the will. This normative legal research was conducted by means of a statute approach.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 58-75
Anna Sylwia Czyż

ABSTRAKT Sprowadzone do Wilna między 1616 a 1618 r. benedyktynki utworzyły niewielką i skromnie uposażoną wspólnotę. Ich sytuacja zmieniła się w 1692 r., kiedy to dzięki bogatym zapisom Feliksa Jana Paca mogły wystawić murowany kościół konsekrowany w 1703 r. Hojność podkomorzego litewskiego nie była przypadkowa, bowiem do wileńskich benedyktynek wstąpiły jego córki Sybilla i Anna, jedyne potomstwo jakie po sobiepozostawił. Z nich szczególne znaczenie dla dziejów klasztoru miała Sybilla (Magdalena) Pacówna, która w 1704 r. została wybrana ksienią. Nie tylko odnowiła ona życie wspólnoty, ale stała się również jedną z najważniejszych postaci ówczesnego Wilna. Po pożarze w 1737 r. Sybilla Pacówna energicznie przystąpiła do odbudowy klasztoru i kościoła, którą kończyła już jej następczyni Joanna Rejtanówna. Wzniesioną wówczas według projektu Jana Krzysztofa Glaubitza fasadę ozdobiono stiukowo-metalową dekoracją o indywidualnie zaplanowanym programie ideowym odwołującym się i do tradycji zakonnej i rodowej – pacowskiej. W fasadzie wyeksponowano ideały związane z życiem benedyktyńskim sytuując je wśród aluzji o konieczności walki na płaszczyźnie ducha i ciała, włączając w militarną symbolikę także konieczność walki z wrogami Kościoła i ojczyzny oraz charakterystyczną dla duchowości benedyktyńskiej pobożność związaną z krzyżem w typie karawaka oraz zOpatrznością Bożą. Jednocześnie przypominano o bogactwie powołań w klasztorze benedyktynek wileńskich przyrównując mniszki do lilii. Porównanie to dzięki obecności w fasadzie herbu Gozdawa (podwójna lilia) oraz powszechnego w XVII i XVIII w. zwyczaju określania Paców „Liliatami” można było odnosić także do ich rodu, w tym do zasłużonej dla klasztoru ksieni Sybilli. Tak mocne wyeksponowanie fundatorów było nie tylko chęciąupamiętnia darczyńców, ale wraz z całym architektonicznym i plastycznym wystrojem świątyni wiązało się z koniecznością stworzenia przeciwwagi dla nowego i prężnie rozwijającego się pod patronatem elity litewskiej klasztoru Wwizytek w Wilnie. Przy tym charakter dekoracji fasady kościoła pw. św. Katarzyny wpisuje się w inne fundacje Paców: kościół pw. św. Teresy i kościół pw. śś. Piotra i Pawła będąc ostatnią ważną inicjatywą artystyczną rodu w stolicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. SUMMARY The Benedictines, who had been brought to Vilnius between 1616 and 1618, formed a small and modest community. Thanks to the generous legacy of Feliks Jan Pac, in 1692 their situation changed as they could erect a brick church, which was then consecrated in 1703. The generosity of the Lithuanian chamberlain was not a coincidence; his two daughters, Sybilla and Anna, the only offspring he left, had joined the Benedictine Sisters in Vilnius. Sybilla (Magdalena) Pac, who became an abbess in 1704, was particularly important for the history of the monastery. Not only did she renew the community life, but she also became one of the most important personalities of the then Vilnius. After the fire in 1737 Sybilla Pac vigorously started rebuilding the monastery and the church, which was completed by her successor, Joanna Rejtan. The facade which was then erected after Johann Christoph Glaubitz’s design was adorned with stucco and metal decorations with a perfectly devised ideological programme which referred to the tradition of the order and to the one of the Pac family. The facade presented ideals connected with the Benedictine life, which placed them among the hints of having to fight at the level of spirit and body, incorporating among the military symbols also the need to fight the enemies of the Church and the state, and the typical for the Benedictine spirituality piety connected with the Caravaca cross and the Divine Providence. At the same time, it reminded of the Benedictine vocations comparing nuns to lilies. This comparison, due to the presence of the Gozdawa coat-of-arms (double lilie) and the common nickname of the Pac family in the 17th and 18th cc. “the Liliats”, could also apply to their lineage, including the abbess Sybilla and her services to the monastery. Exposing founders in such an emphatic way was not only the will to immortalise them, but was also, together with the entire architectural and artistic decor of the church, connected with the need to counterbalance the new and dynamicallydeveloping Visitation Monastery in Vilnius. At the same time, the nature of the facade decoration of the Church of St. Catherine is in line with other foundations of the Pac family: St Theresa’s Church and the St Peter and St Paul Church, and was the last significant artistic initiative of the family in thecapital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Dede Burhanudin

Religious inscriptions often cannot be separated from religious doctrines developed by the local communities in relation to their level of understanding of religion. In Central Sulawesi, religious teachings acquired from the teachers, scholars and religious leaders of Islam have colored the form and content of religious inscriptions. This article discusses the history and development of some religious inscriptions in Central Sulawesi, primarily in the cities of Palu, Donggala, and Banggai. The study focuses on four areas, namely (1) The family cemetery of Tanga Banggo (Kings of Palu), (2) the Mosque of Kampung Baru in Kota Palu, (3) the Al-Amin Mosque in Wani, Donggala, and (4) The Grand Mosque of Donggala in Donggala. From these areas, the research found 46 inscriptions. The inscription on the tombstone consists of identity and titles of the deceased, prayers, verses of the Qur’an, and the name of the Prophet's family and Companions. Meanwhile, the inscription on the mosques consists of the mosque names, the year of construction, and Hadith. Calligraphy is used generally in the styles of Tsulutsi, and Naskhi. The materials used consisted of wood, river rock, stone and marble temples. The existing conditions of inscriptions on tombstones, generally have suffered damage (wear). Headstone size generally between 20-120 centimeters. Headstone for men mostly spherical (phallus) and for women are usually flat. At the cemetery, the inscription contains the pilgrimage to the cemetery or graves, especially the graves Islamic leaders generally have similarities with other regions in Indonesia. While encryption in mosques suggests the words of prayers five times a day, away from God’s prohibition, hoping to worship for Allah's pleasure, advice, obedience, and others. Keywords: Religious Inscription, Mosques, Tombs, Islam, History, Central Sulawesi Inskripsi kegamaan seringkali tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kepercayaan masyarakat setempat dalam hubungannya dengan tingkat pemahaman mereka terhadap agamanya. Di Sulawesi Tengah, ajaran agama yang diperoleh dari para guru, ulama dan pimpinan agama Islam sedari awal mewarnai bentuk dan isi inskripsi keagamaan. Artikel ini membahas sejarah dan perkembangan beberapa inskripsi keagamaan di provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, tepatnya di kota yaitu Palu, Donggala, dan Banggai. Penelitian di fokuskan pada empat lingkungan, yaitu (1) Makam Situs Pekuburan Keluarga Tanga Banggo (Raja-Raja Palu), (2) Masjid Jami Kampung Baru Kota Palu, (3) Masjid Al Amin Wani di Donggala, dan (4) Masjid Raya Donggala di Donggala. Penelitian ini menemukan 46 inskripsi. Inskripsi pada nisan terdiri dari identitas dan gelar orang yang meninggal, doa, ayat al-Qur’an, dan nama keluarga dan sahabat Nabi. Sementara itu, inskripsi di Masjid terdiri dari nama masjid, tahun pembangunannya, dan hadis. Kaligrafi yang digunakan umumnya memakai Arab tsulutsi, dan naskhi. Adapun bahan yang digunakan terdiri dari kayu, batu sungai, batu candi dan marmer. Keadaan inskripsi yang ada pada nisan, umumnya telah mengalami kerusakan (aus). Ukuran nisan pada umumnya antara 20 - 120 cm. Nisan untuk laki-laki kebanyakan berbentuk bulat (lingga) dan untuk perempuan pipih. Di pekuburan, inskripsi berisikan ziarah ke pemakaman atau kuburan, terutama kuburan pemuka-pemuka Islam yang banyak kesamaan dengan daerah lainnya di Indonesia. Sementara inkripsi yang ada di masjid banyak menjelaskan masalah salat lima waktu, menjauhi larangannya, ibadah untuk mengharap rida Allah, nasehat, ketaatan, dan lain-lain. Kata kunci: Prasasti Keagamaan, Masjid, Kuburan, Islam, Sejarah, Sulawesi Tengah

Justine Buck Quijada
The Past ◽  

Chapter 6 narrates a shamanic initiation and describes the family history that is produced in the process of diagnosing the initiate’s shamanic calling. In Yuri’s initiation we see the stakes of embracing one historical genre over another. For Yuri, whose father is Buryat and his mother Russian, whether or not he accepts a shamanic genealogical genre of the past is a matter of life or death for him and his family. This chapter illustrates the kind of relationships to the past that shamanic practices can build, and shows how engaging with historical genres can transform conceptions of self for post-Soviet subjects. The shamanic genre critiques the kind of self, the New Soviet Person, that Soviet modernism sought to cultivate. Through the process of diagnosing a calling and initiation, the aspiring shaman remakes themselves into porous subject, subjected to the will of their ancestors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 690-693 ◽  
pp. 3390-3395 ◽  
Nawaz I. Motiwala ◽  
Irshad Ahmed Khan ◽  
Nitesh P. Yelve ◽  
B.E. Narkhede ◽  
Rajkumar S. Pant

This paper gives the detailed and step-wise procedure for designing and fabrication of the indoor remotely controlled Airships. The methodology is a systematic collation of various design approaches and concepts, which were studied during the ongoing design and field trial exercises related to remotely controlled airships at the Lighter-Than-Air Systems Laboratory of IIT Bombay along with some other commercially available airships. A methodology for arriving at the dimensions of fins from static stability conditions along with its attachment on the envelope surface is presented. The paper also focuses on the design, shape and materials used for the envelopes of airships along with the fabrication process of the same. This paper also emphasizes on key design issues related to gondola (fuselage) viz., design, shape and attachment to the envelope.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 525-554 ◽  
Danielle Terrazas Williams

On March 8, 1679, Polonia de Ribas entered her last will and testament into record at the offices of Alonso de Neira Claver, the royal notary public of Xalapa. The will included information about Polonia's family, possessions, debts to be collected, and how she wanted her estate distributed after her passing. She was well acquainted with the appropriate processes and venues to ensure that such matters were officially acknowledged. In the second half of the seventeenth century, Polonia demonstrated her legal acumen by documenting half a dozen transactions with the notary public in Xalapa.

1907 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 268-284
Ramsay Traquair ◽  
A. Van de Put

The Castle of Karytaena built by Hugues Bruyères de Champagne and his son Geoffrey in 1254. The Barony was one of the twelve original fiefs of the Morea, and from its position, guarding the fertile plain of Megalopolis against the inroads of the wild highlanders of Skortá, the castle must have been of the greatest importance. By the year 1278 the family of Bruyères was extinct in the male line and the Barony had passed to the house of Brienne. In the will of the Princess Isabelle of Achaia, in 1311, the castle of Karytaena, along with Beauvoir and Beauregard in Elis, is assigned as dowry to her younger daughter Marguerite; it was, however, captured by the Greeks in 1320. After Mohammed II.'s invasion of the Morea in 1458 we find Karytaena included in the list of towns which opened their gates to the Venetians under Bertholdo d' Este. There still remains, built into the wall of the Panagia, a Sicilian coat of arms of the seventeenth century (Plate VIII.). The fortress was garrisoned by the Turks and later was held by Kolokotrones in the War of Independence.

1997 ◽  
Vol 70 (171) ◽  
pp. 110-120
Nicholas Vincent

Abstract The will of Richard of Elmham, canon of St. Martin‐le‐Grand London and a clerk active on the fringes of the royal court, throws light on Richard's family circle, his comparative degree of wealth and his relations with such leading courtiers as the justiciars, Geoffrey fitz Peter and Peter des Roches. It is possible that Richard was one of the chancery scribes of King Henry III. Certainly, he enjoyed close relations with the king's chancellor Richard Marsh and with the family of chancellor Ralph de Neville.

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