2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Ridwan Tahir

This article aims to reveal the characteristics of the crimes committed by the police in general, and then continued by asserting the main orientation of the criminal policy in crime prevention. Next, will be discussed more specifically about the urgency of the criminal policy in the prevention of the crimes committed by the police. This paper, presented using data and information from literature sources, then analyzed qualitatively with decomposition descriptive and prescriptive analytics. The focus of the discussion of this article will be directed to the issue of urgency criminal policy in relation to the role of agency compensation and rehabilitation for the abuses of power that are criminogen in the investigation process established through pretrial agencies that the results are only set compensation and rehabilitation as a result of misuse of the police profession. To that end, the weakness of the criminal law policy, need to be updated, ie, by adding the authority to institute pretrial may also recommend its findings to be prosecuted and criminal sanctions

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 35-40
Pavel V. Zhesterov ◽  

Purpose. The author reveals the issues of a new direction of criminological foresight - criminal law futurology. The author clarifies the role of predictions in the fight against crime and the prevention of crimes by criminal means. Methodology: the study uses a set of dialectical, systemic, logical methods. The author pays special attention to the genesis of the essence and content of criminological forecasting. Conducts a comparative analysis of the latest forecasting methods, based on the use of modern technologies and based on mathematical tools. Conclusions. The author concludes that further short-term and long-term criminological studies of a prognostic nature are necessary, the results of which can be more widely used in the formation and implementation of criminal policy. The author indicates promising directions for further scientific research.

2011 ◽  
pp. 39-51
Nurul Hudi

Fisheries criminal law enforcement is part of criminal policy or criminal policyIn Law Number 31 of 2004 in conjunction with Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries. The type of punishment known is only the principal punishment, namely imprisonment and fines. This law does not use additional penalties.In punishing the perpetrators of fisheries crimes, it must be understood more deeply and the basis of the punishment must be known.One of the efforts to overcome crime is to use criminal law with criminal sanctions. However, this effort is still often questioned. Punishment is more oriented to the perpetrator while the losses from criminal acts are sometimes neglected. Criminal law policies in the field of fisheries, especially those related to punishment or criminal penalties, must also consider losses from the economic, social and sustainability aspects of fisheries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ronald Saija

Introduction: Some bankruptcy cases eventually evolve into criminal matters when a bankruptcy curator who is responsible in handling and administering bankruptcy case is positioned as defendant charged for conducting criminal acts.Purposes of the Research: The purpose of writing is to find out and analyze the perspective of curator criminal sanctions according to bankruptcy law.Methods of the Research: Normative juridical research, namely an approach based on legal materials by examining concepts, legal principles and legislation related to this research.Results of the Research: Criminal sanctions for non-independent curators aimed at preventing the curator from committing criminal acts in the course of the execution of the duty and maintenance tasks. Here, the role of criminal law is as a guardian of the norms that exist in the Law on Bankruptcy related to the duties and responsibilities of the curator. In order for a curator or committee before declaring his willingness to accept the duties and responsibilities of the consequences of the bankruptcy verdict or the postponement of the debt obligation obligation (PKPU) really ensure that he will not commit a disgraceful act of.

2020 ◽  
Vladimir Duyunov ◽  
Ruslan Zakomoldin

The monograph examines the social and legal nature of the category "national security" as a socially significant good, an object of criminal law protection and a general object of crimes. The existence of a specific "sphere of crimes and crime" in public life is substantiated, its general characteristics are given, and the state of crime is analyzed as one of the most dangerous threats to national security in modern conditions. The problem of ensuring national security by criminal law means, the place and role of criminal policy and criminal law in the policy of combating crime and ensuring the national security of Russia are considered. Defines the concept of criminal law impact as a law-mediated reaction of the state to crime and crime, one of the key directions of the policy of combating crime, a comprehensive criminal law institution and one of the elements of the mechanism for ensuring national security. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates, researchers, teachers of law schools, employees of law enforcement agencies and all persons interested in the problems of law and law enforcement.

2008 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-250 ◽  
Clare Wade

This article looks at the development of preventative civil measures with criminal sanctions and the ways in which they are influencing criminal law. It argues that serious crime prevention orders in Part 1 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 are a part of this trend and further, that they undermine traditional notions of due process. The provisions of Part 1 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 are contrasted with Part 2 of the Act. The article also argues that the new inchoate offence of encouraging and assisting crime and the Law Commission proposals for conspiracy will provide sufficient measures against future harm therefore obviating the need for civil preventative orders.

Ljubinko Mitrović

Conditional release of the convicted person is an important and almost all modern criminal systems applicable criminal law, criminal policy and penalty doctrine, which has a very important role from the viewpoint of a particular impact on the convicted person in terms of its further re-socialization, or repair, now in a new, changed circumstances in compared to the one which housed while in the correctional institution. Thus, in the Republic of Srpska, where, according to Article 154, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions Srpska, convicted persons for which it is reasonable to expect that he would not do the crimes, and was sentenced achieve the purpose of punishment can expect a conditional discharge from a criminal correctional institutions in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska, certainly to encourage their personal efforts to engage in life at large. It is on conditional release and its specific characteristics in general, and in particular the Institute of parole in the codes of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will be discussed in this paper.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Trinh Tien Viet

By studying of crime and criminal liability, this article clarifies the role of criminal law in social life, the content of the relationship between crime and criminal liability as the meaning of the issues of the beginning and the end of the criminal law, thereby, indicates the forms of consequences to dangerous acts to society (damage acts to society) when those occur in practice judgement. Keywords Crime, criminal liability, criminal law, the beginning, the end References [1] Kỷ yếu Tọa đàm khoa học “Những điểm mới của Phần thứ nhất - Những quy định chung trong BLHS năm 2015, sửa đổi năm 2017” do Bộ môn Tư pháp Hình sự, Khoa Luật, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội tổ chức, Hà Nội, ngày 12-7-2017.[2] Đào Trí Úc, Luật hình sự Việt Nam (Quyển 1 - Những vấn đề chung), Nxb. Khoa học Xã hội, Hà Nội, 2000, tr.78.[3], truy cập ngày 05-3-2018.[4] Hoàng Thị Kim Quế (chủ biên), Giáo trình Lý luận chung về Nhà nước và pháp luật, Nxb. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2006, tr.83.[5] Trịnh Tiến Việt (chủ biên), Bảo vệ tự do và an ninh cá nhân bằng pháp luật hình sự Việt Nam, Nxb. Tư pháp, Hà Nội, 2015, tr.50-51.[6] tions-of-criminal-law, truy cập ngày 05-3-2018.[7] Lê Cảm, Các nghiên cứu chuyên khảo về Phần chung luật hình sự (Tập III), Nxb. Công an nhân dân, Hà Nội, 2000, tr.22.[8] Trịnh Tiến Việt, Kiểm soát xã hội đối với tội phạm, Nxb. Chính trị Quốc gia, Hà Nội, 2014, tr.233.[9] Stephen A. Saltzbufg, John L.Diamond, Kit Kinports, Thomas H.Morawetz, Criminal Law: Cases and materials, The Michie Company, Law Publishers, 1994, p.1.[10] (KAUKOAROMAA, Crime and criminal policy, p.1-3), truy cập ngày 05-3-2018.[11] Http://, truy cập ngày 05-3-2018.[12] Nguyễn Ngọc Hòa, Tội phạm và cấu thành tội phạm, Nxb. Tư pháp, Hà Nội, 2005, tr.8.[13] Lê Văn Cảm, Sách chuyên khảo Sau đại học: Những vấn đề cơ bản trong khoa học luật hình sự (Phần chung), Nxb. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2005, tr.627-632.[14] Đào Trí Úc, Nhà nước và pháp luật của chúng ta trong sự nghiệp đổi mới, Nxb. Khoa học Xã hội, Hà Nội, 1997, tr.695.[15] Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Giáo trình những nguyên lý cơ bản của Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin, Nxb. Chính trị Quốc gia, Hà Nội, 2010, tr.79.[16] Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Triết học Mác - Lênin, Tập 2, Nxb. Chính trị Quốc gia, Hà Nội, 1993, tr.98.[17] Trịnh Tiến Việt, Tội phạm và TNHS, Nxb. Chính trị Quốc gia, Hà Nội, 2013, tr.3.[18] Trịnh Tiến Việt, Pháp luật hình sự Việt Nam về miễn TNHS và thực tiễn áp dụng, Nxb. Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2013, tr.187-201.[19] Trần Thị Quỳnh, Miễn hình phạt trong BLHS năm 2015, sửa đổi năm 2017 và một số vấn đề đặt ra, Tạp chí Tòa án nhân dân, số 1-2018, tr.14.[20] Phạm Văn Đoàn, Nguyễn Văn Siêm (dịch), Tâm thần học, Nxb. “MIR” Matxcơva và Nxb. Y học Hà Nội, 1980, tr.181-200.

Grygorii Usatyi

The article is devoted to the issues of organizational and legal support of the mechanism of counteraction to modern crime in the conditions of a significant deterioration of the criminal situation in the state; t examines the conceptual foundations and problems of the mechanism of combating crime and domestic criminal policy; the place and role of counteraction to crime in the state mechanism, its external and internal contours are reconsidered, insufficient elaboration of the corresponding doctrinal (theoretical) provisions is recognized; emphasis is placed on gaps in relevant legislation and inadequate regulatory support of law enforcement agencies (in particular, the lack of legal instruments on issues of anti-crime strategy, forensic examination, etc.Based on the study of the positive experience of the scientific community and the practice of law enforcement, proposals have been formulated in the relevant areas for improving the crime prevention system, increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the fight against the shadow economy, organized crime (and its individual manifestations), and an attempt has been made to optimize the modeling of the law enforcement system in the perspective preventive activities in the context of the implementation of the criminological policy of the state, determination of the strategy and tactics of combating crime. Key words:crime, criminal law policy, crime prevention, crime prevention mechanism.

Legal Ukraine ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 6-13
Grigoriy Usaty

The article is devoted to the issues of organizational and legal support of the mechanism of counteraction to modern crime in the conditions of a significant deterioration of the criminal situation in the state; t examines the conceptual foundations and problems of the mechanism of combating crime and domestic criminal policy; the place and role of counteraction to crime in the state mechanism, its external and internal contours are reconsidered, insufficient elaboration of the corresponding doctrinal (theoretical) provisions is recognized; emphasis is placed on gaps in relevant legislation and inadequate regulatory support of law enforcement agencies (in particular, the lack of legal instruments on issues of anti-crime strategy, forensic examination, etc.Based on the study of the positive experience of the scientific community and the practice of law enforcement, proposals have been formulated in the relevant areas for improving the crime prevention system, increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the fight against the shadow economy, organized crime (and its individual manifestations), and an attempt has been made to optimize the modeling of the law enforcement system in the perspective preventive activities in the context of the implementation of the criminological policy of the state, determination of the strategy and tactics of combating crime. Key words: crime, criminal law policy, crime prevention, crime prevention mechanism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Besse Muqita Rijal Mentari

Studi komparasi sebagai metode penelitian terhadap artikel sanksi pidana pembunuhan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dengan Hukum Islam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kabupaten Wajo dengan menggunakan Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara serta Observasi sedangkan Sampel yang dipergunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Purposive sampling, kemudian Data dianalisis secara Normatif, dimana bertujuan untuk Mengetahui “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut KUHP Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah diatas, maka permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah : “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut  hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tindak pidana pembunuhan ialah kejahatan yang dilakukan berupa penyerangan terhadap nyawa orang lain. Tindak pidana pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dalam KUHP diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XIX Pasal 338 sampai dengan Pasal 350 mengenai Kejahatan Terhadap Nyawa. Sedangkan pada tindak pidana pembunuhan yang tidak sengaja diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XXI KUHP Pasal 359. Hukum Islam membagi tindak pidana pembunuhan menjadi tiga macam, yaitu pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja, pembunuhan yang dilakukan tidak dengan sengaja dan pembunuhan yang dilakukan menyerupai sengaja. Landasan hukum mengenai tindak pidana pembunuhan ini diatur dalam beberapa ayat dalam Al Quran dan juga diatur dalam Hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW.       Hukum pidana Indonesia maupun hukum pidana Islam menguraikan unsur kesengajaan adalah berupa perbuatan yang dikehendaki pelakunya akan menimbulkan suatu akibat tertentu. Dalam hal tindak pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja, akibat yang dikehendaki oleh pelaku adalah meninggalnya orang lain. Sedangkan pada pembunuhan yang tidak disengaja pelaku tidakmenghendaki akibat yang akan terjadi. Oleh sebab itu dalam KUHP maupun hukum Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja akan lebih berat daripada yang tidak disengaja. Sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang diatur dalam KUHP dapat berupa pidana mati, pidana penjara, pidana kurungan dan pidana tambahan. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan dapat berupa hukuman qishash, hukuman diyat, kifarat, dan hukuman ta’zir. Hukum pidana Indonesia merupakan mutlak hukum publik (hukum Negara), yaitu hukum yang mengatur hubungan antara orang/perseorangan (warga negara) dengan Negara. Abstract:Comparative study as a research method for articles of criminal sanctions for murder in the Criminal Law Act with Islamic Law. The study was conducted in the Wajo Regency using data collection methods used were interviews and observations while the sample used was using purposive sampling, then the data were analyzed normatively, which aims to find out "How criminal sanctions for murder according to the Criminal Code Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem to be examined in this study is: "What about criminal sanctions for murder according to Islamic law. The results showed that the crime of murder is a crime committed in the form of an attack on the lives of others. The criminal acts of murder committed intentionally in the Criminal Code are regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XIX Article 338 to Article 350 concerning Crimes Against Life. Whereas the murder crime which is unintentionally regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XXI of the Criminal Code Article 359. Islamic law divides the crime of murder into three types, namely murder committed intentionally, murder committed unintentionally and the murder committed resembles intentionally. The legal basis for the crime of murder is regulated in several verses in the Koran and also in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Indonesian criminal law and Islamic criminal law outline the element of intent is in the form of an act that the desired culprit will have a certain effect. In the case of an intentional murder crime, the desired result by the perpetrator is the death of another person. Whereas in unintentional killings the perpetrators do not want the consequences that will occur. Therefore both in the Criminal Code and Islamic law, the sanctions of intentional murder will be more severe than those unintentional. Penalties for murder which are regulated in the Criminal Code can be in the form of capital punishment, imprisonment, confinement and additional penalties. Whereas in Islamic criminal law sanctions for murder can be in the form of qishash, diyat, kifarat, and ta'zir penalties. Indonesian criminal law is public law (state law), which is the law that governs the relationship between individuals / individuals (citizens) and the State. Keywords: sanction; crime; murder;

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