scholarly journals Support for women in prison: Analysis of the VDS info and victim support service in 2011

Temida ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 105-124
Jasmina Nikolic ◽  
Mirjana Tripkovic

VDS info and victim support service is a service for crime victims, which was founded in 2003 as a part of the Victimology Society of Serbia. The target group of the Service is comprised of direct and indirect victims of all forms of crime, of both genders and regardless of any personal features. Furthermore, the Service provides support for victims during criminal proceedings, as well as for women who are in prison. In the majority of cases, the support is provided by volunteers, who had been trained to work with victims of crime. The text analyzes the work of the Service in the year 2011. Special attention has been paid to the support the Victimology Society of Serbia has provided to female prisoners in the female prison in Pozarevac. The support to female prisoners has been provided as part of the project Promoting respect for human rights of women in prison - Advocacy for battered women who commit crime. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the work of the VDS victim support service in the past year with special emphasis on the support given to women in prison and the problems they are facing.

Temida ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-64 ◽  
Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic

In this paper the findings of literature review and explorative empirical research of yoga application in the work with victims of various forms of sufferings is presented. The largest notion of victim is accepted, which encompasses victims of crime, victims of human rights violations (including convicted persons), as well as victims of war, natural disasters and other sufferings. After determination of the notion of victim and yoga, the review and analyses of research findings and direct experiences with the application of yoga in victim support and victimisation prevention worldwide and in Serbia, is done. The author?s research findings as well as personal experiences with the application of yoga in the work with prisoners in prison for women in Pozarevac (Serbia), within the workshops that Victimology Society of Serbia implemented during 2012/2013, are presented as well. In the conclusions, contribution of yoga to holistic approach to victim support as well as important role that yoga may have in prevention of victimisation and criminalisation, is stressed. The importance of yoga for support of prisoners as the part of preparation for re-entry and with the aim to prevent recidivism, as well as to enable their more successful reintegration into the society, is particularly emphasised. The paper is based on the research implemented by the author for the purpose of writing the final essey at the course for yoga instructors on International yoga academy, Yoga Allience of Serbia.

Temida ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-98 ◽  
Sanja Copic ◽  
Mirjana Tripkovic ◽  
Bejan Saciri

VDS info and victim support service is a victim support service, which was established in 2003 within the Victimology Society of Serbia. The service provides emotional support, information and, if necessary, referral to other relevant services, as well as witness support. The target group of the service are direct and indirect victims of all forms of crime, of both sexes, regardless of any personal characteristics. In addition, support is provided to victims in court, as well as to women victims of violence who are in prison. In most cases victim support is provided by volunteers who are trained to work with victims of crime. This paper analyzes the work of the service in 2010. Special attention is paid to the problems of workplace violence and domestic violence, which are the most common reasons for contacting the service. The aim of the paper is to present the work of the service in the past year, as well as to highlight the trends observed in comparison to the previous period.

Temida ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-75 ◽  
Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic ◽  
Sanja Copic

In the paper, the authors deal with the victim"s position in the criminal procedure, on the one hand side, and the possibilities of implementing restorative justice and its importance for the improvement of victim"s position in Serbia, on the other one. In the first part of the paper, the authors point out victim"s position within the criminal procedure and the noticed gaps, which are particularly reflected in insufficient paying attention to the victim and neglecting of his/her rights and needs. This is opposite to the strengthening of the rights of the accused party that characterizes societies, which are, as our society, on the way of democratization and improvement of human rights. In the second part of the paper, the authors analyze some solutions that introduce elements of restorative justice into our system of criminal response to crime, but from the victim"s point of view. Finally, the authors also point out some further steps that should be undertaken in order to improve the victim"s position, particularly emphasizing the place and role of victim support service, witness service and special facilities in the courts for victims/witnesses, possibilities of using victim-offender mediation before reporting the crime, or staring the prosecution, or as a part of the treatment in the prison etc.

Temida ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-38 ◽  
Sanja Milivojevic

This article contains analysis of history and development of the victim support movement in United States of America, with particular focus on New York City. The analysis includes the causes of establishment, the history of the victim support services as well as today?s situation in the movement for helping victims of crime. Specific part of the article is dedicated to Safe Horizon, victim support service in New York, and programs this organization, known also under old name - Victim Services, Inc., is running today.

Temida ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-40 ◽  
Jasmina Nikolic

This paper presents the results of the survey on services for children and organizations specialized for disabled persons and Roma in Belgrade, with special emphasis on programs relevant for crime victims. This survey was conducted during 2006 and 2007 by Victimology Society of Serbia. In introduction, the author gives a short review of research methodology. In the next three parts of the paper, the author presents results of the survey on services for children, disabled persons and Roma in Belgrade, with special emphasize on specific fields of work of each organization. Finally, in conclusion, the author summarizes the data, analyzing them in connection to the current activities of VDS info and victim support service, and gives recommendations for possible solutions of further development of the Service related to the mentioned categories of victims. .

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-179 ◽  
Maija Helminen

In response to international obligations many Western states have strengthened their responsibility for crime victims’ access to support services. This is also the case in Finland and Norway where this interview study explored the views of representatives from five key civil society organisations (CSOs) working with victims of crime in relation to the public sector’s increasing duty to organise victim support services. The findings indicate that despite the fact that improvements in victims’ access to support services were generally welcomed, there was a growing concern that the position of these traditional CSOs could – or already had – become challenged by the public and private organisations and other CSOs as new funding streams and mechanisms attract new players to the field. This had created a need to highlight the distinctiveness of these agents as CSOs working with victims of crime. This article argues that while international standards for victim support services have been a triumph for victim movements in many countries, their realisation in the present era of austerity and mixed welfare economies presents traditional victim support organisations with new challenges in retaining their ownership and distinctive ways of treating the problem of victimisation.

Musab Omar Al-Hassan Taha, Wesam Mohammad Almeshal Musab Omar Al-Hassan Taha, Wesam Mohammad Almeshal

This paper aimed to identify the role of the Palestinian police in protecting the rights of victims by informing the victims of their rights, and determining the victim's right to protection by the judicial police. The researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach based on legal texts related to the protection of the rights of crime victims. This research paper concluded with a set of results and the important results are protection the human rights is the only way to make the human responsive about his community, and the balance between the individual rights and freedoms, the country right, community interest and it’s security and stability is vital necessity. The evidence of Palestinian police Confirmed the rights of victims in protection, and their right of recognizing their roles and the procedures that must be followed in their issues. At the end the two researchers recommended that police officers, especially judicial officers and the General Investigation Department, should receive adequate training to make them aware of how to deal with victims of crime. And how to define the victim's needs, know the principles of providing appropriate and immediate aid, establish rules for listening to the victim's complaint, deal with it and help her, and the need to notify the victim of interest in his case, and to inform him that his presence at the police headquarters will bring him justice and fairness.

Temida ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-27 ◽  
Sanja Copic ◽  
Jasmina Nikolic

The first victim support service in our country VDS info and victims? support started with its work in April 2003 within the Victimology Society of Serbia. This service is aimed at victims of crime (women and men), primarily at victims of violent crime, but also of some forms of property crime (such as burglary). The aim of the Service is to offer victims of crime information on their rights and the ways of how to realize them, emotional support, as well as to refer them to other institutions/organizations depending on the certain victim?s needs. Coordinators and volunteers, who passed the appropriate training, are responsible for that. Bearing that in mind, this paper will give the brief glens on the Service itself, its organization and the way of work, followed by the analysis of the results of previous work.

Temida ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43 ◽  
Sanja Milivojevic ◽  
Biljana Mihic

This paper presents the results of survey regarding non-governmental organizations assisting victims of crime in Belgrade. The survey was completed at the end of 2002 for purposes of establishing a Victim Support Service in Serbia. In introduction authors give a short review of victim support services development in the World and the region, explaining the need for such service in Serbia, the subject and the aim of the article as well as the purpose of the survey. Second part of the paper contains the sample, methodology and the aim of the interview with NGO representatives. In the third section authors present the analysis of the survey data. Finally, in conclusion authors summarize the data and observed problems, suggestions for possible solution and directions of future development of services and organizations assisting victims of crime in Serbia.

Temida ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-62 ◽  
Murugesan Srinivasan ◽  
Mathew Eyre

Until 1970s the victims of crime were a forgotten entity in the criminal justice system. The attitude began to change as the discipline of victimology came into its own. The past few decades have witnessed a revolution in the way society deals with victims of crime. Many countries have now recognized the need to provide services to victims to help them recover from the effects of crime and assist them in their dealings with the criminal justice system. But in India, there has not been any significant improvement in the position of victims in the criminal justice system. The present paper has attempted to examine the position of victims of crime in India and the criminal justice system. The paper also emphasizes the need to provide assistance to crime victims. The authors of the present paper have also suggested some of the immediate steps that are to be implemented by the law enforcement agencies in India to improve the position of victims in the criminal justice system. .

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