The Wuther of the Other in Wuthering Heights

1994 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-359 ◽  
Steven Vine

Wuthering Heights is a drama of instabilities. The novel introduces a "wuthering" into the social, psychical, and ideological stabilities of the world it represents and submits secure self-identity to the wuther of the other, to the disruptive and conflictual movements of alterity. The essay examines the ways in which the limits of social and sexual identity are dramatized in the novel, a process that shows how self-identity is conflictually constructed and how the other inhabits the familiar. The argument examines the ideological contradictions dramatized in the figure of Heathcliff and the agon of desire, identity, and sexual difference as it is enacted in the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff. The essay concludes by examining Cathy's delirium in the novel alongside Julia Kristeva's account of delirium in psychoanalysis and relates both of these to the dynamic textuality of Wuthering Heights. The argument reinflects Marxist, feminist, and deconstructive treatments of Emily Brontë's text and focuses particularly on wuthering as othering in the novel's account of subjectivity.

Ranulph Glanville

This chapter explores the relationship between the activity of design and conversation—particularly as developed in Gordon Pask’s Conversation Theory. Design and conversation are seen as analogous, so that design can be understood as a conversation held, generally, with the self (via paper and pencil). I argue that design has been a conversational activity since long before we started exploring conversation, and that design education is, itself, also conversational. This being so, conversational approaches are already the norm in design education. The benefit of considering design and conversation together in an educational setting is not so much to improve one or the other, but to understand each better through the mirror the other provides. Other aspects of design (such as the social working in the studio) are also related to this conversational understanding. It is argued that design is a powerful, alternative and fundamental way of working and being in the world, not poor science, and that Pask’s conversation theory helps us better understand both its power and its validity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-337
Sheila Liming

Sheila Liming, “Romancing the Interstitial: Howe, Balzac, and Nineteenth-Century Legacies of Sexual Indeterminacy” (pp. 311–337) This essay links Julia Ward Howe’s infamous “lost” text, The Hermphrodite (first published in 2004), with Honoré de Balzac’s Sarrasine (1830), arguing that Howe rewrites Balzac’s figure of the “tragic hermaphrodite” with the intention of protesting nineteenth-century American assumptions regarding innate sexual difference. The Hermaphrodite tells the story of Laurence, a deeply contemplative, intelligent person whose sexual identity is disputed, but Howe never employs the term “hermaphrodite” outright. This situation encourages readers to judge Laurence’s hermaphroditism by his behavior and actions in the novel, not his biology, and this is furthermore consistent with the way the term “hermaphrodite” was used and understood by mid-nineteenth-century Americans. As such, this essay examines the claims that Howe makes about the social machinery of gender in The Hermaphrodite, arguing that while Laurence has much in common with Balzac’s Sarrasine, Howe uses her protagonist as a means of revising outdated arguments about biological “truth.” Howe’s Laurence revisits and updates nineteenth-century considerations of the aesthetic androgyne in the service of a modern, political agenda concerning sexual demarcation and difference.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1951
Gülçin Oktay

Selim İleri stepped into the world of literature in 1967 with an article published in the Yeni Ufuklar (New Horizons) magazine. He has produced and continues to produce works in many types of the Turkish literature such as novel, story, essay, poem, analysis, and play. Having completed his fiftieth year in literature this year, İleri is mostly known for his novels despite he has published 72 books in various types. Yıldırım Türker defines “Selim İleri” as “the archaeologist of Turkish literature” in his article titled “Bir Cihan Kaynanası (A Mother-in-Law of the World)” and published in Radikal Gazetesi (Radikal Newspaper) in 2010 because of his descent into the roots of Turkish literature, his touching upon the lives of the marginalized and including these forgotten people in his novels. İleri tells in his novels the loneliness of languished people and their processes of reckoning; he transfers the “individuation” adventure of a person into the world of fiction through various events and characters. Although his novel Ölünceye Kadar Seninim (I am yours until I die)  has been published in quite many editions, it remains “somewhat” marginal compared to other Selim İleri novels. The novel, on the other hand, tells the story of the “elderly girl” Süha Rikkat, who has lived through three revolutions, wrote more than forty love and blind love novels, and never married; and in the background of this story, it tells the effects of the social and political structure of the period on human psychology. The novel is important and it should be examined as the narrator topic is complicated, it makes a parody of popular love novels and romanticism, it narrates the psychology of Süha Rikkat that comes close to going mad between imagination and reality, and it reflects Selim İleri’s perspective for all these listed.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetSelim İleri, edebiyat dünyasına 1967 yılında Yeni Ufuklar dergisinde yayımladığı bir yazıyla adım atmış, Türk edebiyatının roman, hikâye, deneme, şiir, inceleme, senaryo, oyun yazarlığı gibi pek çok türünde eserler vermiş ve vermekte olan bir yazardır. İçinde bulunduğumuz yıl itibariyle edebiyatta ellinci yılını dolduran İleri, çeşitli türde 72 kitaba adını yazmasına rağmen daha çok romancı kimliğiyle ön plana çıkar. Yıldırım Türker de 2010 yılında Radikal Gazetesi’ne yazdığı “Bir Cihan Kaynanası” adlı yazısında, Selim İleri’yi Türk edebiyatının köklerine inmesi, kıyıda kalmışların yaşamlarına değinmesi ve bu unutulmuş insanları romanlarında ele alması sebebiyle “Türk edebiyatının vefakâr arkeoloğu” olarak tanımlar. Romanlarında bunalan insanların yalnızlıklarını, kendileriyle hesaplaşma süreçlerini anlatan İleri, insanın “bireyleşme” serüvenini çeşitli olaylar ve karakterler aracılığıyla kurgu dünyasına taşır. Ölünceye Kadar Seninim romanı ise baskı sayısı fazla olan Selim İleri romanlarının yanında “biraz” kıyıda kalır. Oysaki roman, üç ihtilal süreci yaşamış, kırktan fazla aşk ve karasevda romanı yazmış, hiç evlenmemiş, “yaşlı kız” Süha Rikkat’in hikâyesini ve bu hikâyenin arkasında dönemin sosyal ve siyasî yapısının insan psikolojisine olan etkilerini anlatır. Roman; anlatıcı konusunun çetrefilli oluşu, popüler aşk romanlarının, romantizmin parodisini yapması, Süha Rikkat’in hayal ile gerçeklik arasında çıldırmaya varan psikolojisini anlatması ve tüm bu sayılanlara Selim İleri’nin bakış açısını yansıtması açısından önemlidir ve incelenmelidir.

Muftah Mohamed Mohamed Omar Bakoush

Represented novel alienation real destination for cultural interaction between the ego Arab west and the other, especially in the aspects of the social and cultural life, I have sought writer Abdullah Laroui across the folds of this novel through his insistence on the inevitability of combining the core of the other gains and benefit from, according to Matanajh ego Arabic to regain its renaissance and comparable to Western culture and its development without alienation from the ego and thawing in the other trifles and hung scales civilizations that any writer calls for vision correction and select the path to be followed for the renaissance of the Arab community. The results of this paper that the relationship between the ego and the other long-term relationship with the Arab culture before it was prevalent in the world and got acculturation between them and the other was as a result of wars, as well as trade and two-way trips between East and West.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 126-145
Virginie Fernandez

L’Argent des autres (1873) is not a “true” detective novel like Monsieur Lecoq (1868) written by the same author, Émile Gaboriau. The novel appeared in print eight years after the publication of L’Affaire Lerouge, the first French detective novel; however, there is no police investigation; the culprit is known from the first pages. Like his previous novels, La Dégringolade (1871–1872) and La Corde au cou (1872–1873), L’Argent des autres shows an evolution towards the novel of manners in which Gaboriau reveals the failures of the society of his time. Thus, the novel depicts a dark picture of Parisian finance. Furthermore, if there is a criminal in this serial novel, it is a woman! Gaboriau takes his reader into the viscera of the world of money and discloses the social mechanics of those who live off the money of others. Gaboriau denounces the appetites of the morally corrupt society through the description of fictional spaces, such as the Comptoir de crédit mutuel, the office of the newspaper Le Pilote financier, the office of the speculator Lattermann, on the one hand, and of actual emblematic places such as the Bourse, the large boulevards or the Bois de Boulogne on the other

Etyka ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 107-113
Barbara Skarga

The subject of the article is the relationship of the human entity (monad) to other entities and to the world as a whole. The author discusses the problem within the ontological, political and moral contexts. She is interested in the status of the monad as an isolated being, separating itself from the other and in the conditions necessary for its integration with others. The author turns particular attention to a “social monad” i.e. a set of beings locked in their collective solitude due to the rejection of anything foreign. “The social monad” constitutes a category that makes xenophobic attitudes and causes of social exclusion susceptible to analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 311-320
Asma Aldjia BOUCHAIB ◽  

The world has pictured in his vision, a very important,much discussed and researched topic under the names and concepts of the relationship between "the self" and "The other” or “the image of the other” which is one of the topics taken from the overall vision of the world ; since the topic of "the other" has become part of the global cultural system today, it is not possible to conceive of the self without conceiving the "other" in light of the relations established by globalization. Perhaps the most important literary genre that dealt with this problem is the novel, as it dominated the literary scene within the so-called new novel, so I saw the work on it, so my choice fell on the Moroccan novel, specifically the novel of "El Nekhas" by Salah El-Din Bouajah, as a Moroccan novelist with a modernist vision, and the aim of this study is to uncover the mystery that follow sit through a number of questions, which we formulate as follows: What is meant by the other? Can a Maghreb novelist ignore the other / the West in the exhibition of his speech and his identity? Why does his position on this other become tragic? Why does this other west take a hostile attitude towards the Arab ego? What is the vision or image that the Moroccan narration of this other and his authority presented to us? We have relied in our research on the psychological approach because it is concerned with studying the human being internally, mixed with description mechanisms in narrating the actions of "the I" and "the other".

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-137
Ema Zuliyani Sembada ◽  
MAharani Intan Andalas

ABSTRAK Realitas sosial tidak hanya terjadi di dunia nyata, tetapi juga tergambar dalam karya sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui realitas sosial dalam novel Laut Bercerita karya Leila S. Chudori dan mengetahui pandangan dunia pengarang dalam novel mengenai realitas sosial yang dikaji melalui analisis strukturalisme genetik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode dialektik dari Lucien Goldmann. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan realitas sosial dalam novel melalui hubungan antartokoh dalam novel serta hubungan tokoh dengan objek yang ada di sekitarnya. Selain itu, terdapat fakta yang berkait dengan realitas sosial dalam novel. Pandangan dunia yang ditemukan dalam novel tersebut yaitu, pengarang menentang keotoriteran rezim Orde Baru yang sewenang-wenang, mengecam penghilangan paksa dan mendukung HAM, serta mengkritik pemerintah yang lambat dalam menyelesaikan kasus hilangnya aktivis. Kata kunci: realitas, sosial, strukturalisme genetik, Laut Bercerita ABSTRACT Social reality does not only occur in the real world, but also illustrated in literature. This study aims to determine the social reality in the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori and find out the world view of the author in the novel regarding the social reality studied through analysis of genetic structuralism. This study uses a qualitative approach with the dialectical method of Lucien Goldmann. From the results of the study, found social reality in the novel through interpersonal relationships in the novel and the relationship of characters to the objects around them. In addition, there are facts that relate to social reality in the novel. The world view found in the novel, namely, the author opposed the arbitrary authorization of the New Order regime, condemned enforced disappearances and supported human rights, and criticized the government which was slow in resolving cases of activist disappearances. Keywords: reality, social, genetic structuralism, Laut Bercerita

Andżelika Rutkowska

This article is aimed at reviewing of the novel Eves by Vasilii Belov to find a connection between the Vologda's region and the work. The Author devotes a particular attention to the space and the social order that are shown in the novel. He also emphasizes and describes traditions, customs, merits and characters' perception of the world. The analysis demonstrates the description of the Vologda's region in the Belov's novel proves it's special features that make this area different from the other regions of Russia. Also there are some circumstances of the novel's appearance and publication in the article.

Laura Hengehold

Most studies of Simone de Beauvoir situate her with respect to Hegel and the tradition of 20th-century phenomenology begun by Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. This book analyzes The Second Sex in light of the concepts of becoming, problematization, and the Other found in Gilles Deleuze. Reading Beauvoir through a Deleuzian lens allows more emphasis to be placed on Beauvoir's early interest in Bergson and Leibniz, and on the individuation of consciousness, a puzzle of continuing interest to both phenomenologists and Deleuzians. By engaging with the philosophical issues in her novels and student diaries, this book rethinks Beauvoir’s focus on recognition in The Second Sex in terms of women’s struggle to individuate themselves despite sexist forms of representation. It shows how specific forms of women’s “lived experience” can be understood as the result of habits conforming to and resisting this sexist “sense.” Later feminists put forward important criticisms regarding Beauvoir’s claims not to be a philosopher, as well as the value of sexual difference and the supposedly Eurocentric universalism of her thought. Deleuzians, on the other hand, might well object to her ideas about recognition. This book attempts to address those criticisms, while challenging the historicist assumptions behind many efforts to establish Beauvoir’s significance as a philosopher and feminist thinker. As a result, readers can establish a productive relationship between Beauvoir’s “problems” and those of women around the world who read her work under very different circumstances.

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