V.—The Comparative Study of Literature

PMLA ◽  
1896 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-170 ◽  
A. R. Marsh

No observant person can, I think, have failed to note of late years a certain increasing hesitation and perplexity in regard to the true function of literature in studies. Indeed, there are reasons not a few for thinking that we are preparing for one of those revisions and restatements of the general conception of what we should try to get from literature, of which we have several examples in the past. I do not mean merely that our literary taste is changing, or that we are passing from one set of literary admirations to another. Such lesser variation is incessantly going on. Classicism yields to romanticism, romanticism to realism, and this to something else, in an unbroken round of change. But these minor modifications of feeling and opinion about literature may easily take place without any material disturbance of the general estimate of the nature of literatnre or of the attitude of men's minds towards it. My neighbor may think that bad in books which I think good, and yet we may both seek in our reading to satisfy essentially the same needs, intellectual or aesthetic.The change, however, to which I have reference, is of a far profounder kind. It affects the very substance of men's thought about books, substitutes for one form of promise and enticement to the reading of them another and quite different appeal, and necessarily carries with it new aims and methods in the study of them. I shall, perhaps, make my meaning clearer on this point by some brief illustration.

1942 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 1-105
Sole Munck ◽  
Arne Noe-Nygaard

The past ten years or so have seen the publication of collections of chemical rock analyses which, as a result of their clear form of set-up, in many ways faciliate the comparative study of the chemistry of the rocks and their mutual relationships. Among these publications there are: P. Niggli, F. De Quervain & R. U. Wintherthalter: Chemismus schweizerischer Gesteine. Bern 1930, and the analyses publish ed by the Geological Survey of Great Brita in: Chemical Analyses of Igneous Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks and Minerals. London 1931. Similar publications are available from two neighbouring countries, i.e. from Sweden: W. Larsson: Chemical Analyses of Swedish Rocks (Bull. Geol. Inst., Uppsala 1932) and from Finland : L. Lokka: Neuere Chemische Analysen von Finnisch en Gesteinen (Bull. Comm. Geol. de Finlande No. 105. Helsingfors 1934).

1991 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-112 ◽  
Andrew C. Janos

In the past thirty years the comparative study of communism as conducted in the United States has rested on two conceptual pillars: Weber's theory of routinization and Spencer's notion of progress through industrialism. This article points out some of the limitations of these theories and then develops a more comprehensive framework for comparisons. One of the keys to the understanding of communist politics is the model of a “military society,” also formulated by Spencer but generally ignored by contemporary social science. In terms of this model, communism is presented as a militant geopolitical response to international inequalities, the initial logic of which has been undermined by technological developments in the period following World War II.

1968 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-204 ◽  
Paul Shoup

The past decade has witnessed a rapid, but uneven, growth in comparative studies. While certain types of political systems have received the lion's share of attention, others have remained backwaters of comparative research, experiencing little or no development in the application of comparative techniques. The comparative study of communist states, until recently, fell into the latter category—relatively neglected and certainly not enjoying the reputation and prestige of work with newly emerging nations or Western political systems.Now this state of affairs is undergoing a change, or at least the promise of one. In the past several years, the possibility of developing comparative techniques in the study of communist political systems has become the object of growing interest and has provoked not a little discussion and debate.1The opportunities and the problems that face this field—especially in developing empirically oriented comparative analysis—are the subject of the present article.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-52

This paper is devoted to the participle system in Bulgarian and Greek, presenting in a comparative plan the formation, meanings, functions and use of the different types of participles in the two languages. The paper focuses on the similarities and differences in the different types of participles, giving information about the frequency of their use in both languages. The traditional types of active and passive participles are considered separately. However, for some of the types of participles there are different opinions whether they should be included in the participle systems of the two studied languages, the article presents the relevant views and arguments of researchers. Such are, for example, the past imperfect active participle and the present passive participle in the Bulgarian language, as well as the present active participle and the aorist active participle in Greek. The present study is the first attempt to present the participle system in Bulgarian and Greek, with the comparison made at the system level in both languages. Apart from the theoretical plan, the conclusions formulated as a result of the comparative study of the participle systems of the two languages would be useful in practice in the assimilation of certain types of Greek participles by Bulgarians learning Greek. In the future, the field of study could be expanded into the comparative analysis of the participle system in Bulgarian and Greek at the level of speech (for example, on the basis of a translation corpus).

Amir Ahmadi

AbstractIjtihād, either individual or collective, has been controversial from the very beginning with respect to what extent the legislation of verdicts by Muslim jurists is allowed. There are two main opinions about taqnīn, i.e., the legislation of Islamic jurisprudence. The majority of Saudi scholars say that it is ḥarām i.e., legally forbidden in Islamic Sharīʿa, whereas the majority of Egyptian jurists are of the opinion that it is essential and needed in the modern period. Most Muslim countries follow the Egyptian view by enforcing written constitutions and laws. The conclusion from the comparative study of arguments is that it is somehow better that there be no taqnīn. The evidence and arguments presented bythose scholars who argue for doing away with taqnīn seem more convincing because their basis is sharīʿa rulings and they also provide logical, historical, and observable evidence as well, whereas the other side proves it case by quoting general principles from Maṣlaḥa, Sadd al-Dharāʾiʿ, and Istiḥsān, and most of their arguments are based on experience, logic, and demonstrable proofs and do not provide enough Sharīʿa support. Historically, however, we have seen and how skillfully and exquisitely Sharīʿa Courts have worked in the past 13 centuries without taqnīn.

А.З. Хабибуллина

Статья посвящена сопоставительному исследованию жанра элегии и элегизма как самостоятельного модуса художественности в русской и татарской поэзии XIX-начала XX вв. в свете категории времени. Установлено, что элегия не вошла в круг канонических и неканонических жанров татарской литературы начала XX века, что значительно усложняет исходную ситуацию сопоставления национальных литератур. Сделан вывод о том, что исторически русская элегия существовала в художественном пространстве времени, в ее содержании особое звучание имел мотив переживания лирическим субъектом настоящего момента бытия в ценностном свете прошлого (В.И. Козлов, О.В. Зырянов, В.Э. Вацуро, М.Л. Гаспаров). Исследования ученых-востоковедов (Г.Э. Грюнебаум, Л. Масиньон, А.М. Шиммель) показали, что время в сознании восточного поэта как будто стремиться «оставаться на месте»; время здесь не линейное в своей протяженности, оно не определяется различиями границ прошлого, настоящего и будущего. Напротив, в нем особое место уделялось переживанию мгновений, причем не всегда расположенных в необратимой последовательности. Сделан вывод о том, что татарское художественное сознание, испытавшее воздействие традиций литератур Востока, имеет сходные черты мировосприятия, что в значительной мере обусловило уникальность пути становления элегического жанра в национальной литературе. Фактическую основу работы составил сопоставительный анализ элегии А.С. Пушкина «Прощанье» (1830) и стихотворения Дэрдменда «Әгәр барсаң, саба җил, безнең илгә» («Ветер утренний, если летишь в нашу сторону…»). Установлено, что произведение Дэрдменда отличается тонким элегическим звучанием. Последнее можно рассматривать как особый тип художественности, на основе которого возник диалог русской классики и татарской литературы в аспекте ценностной категории времени и ее важнейших художественных свойств. The article is devoted to the comparative study of the elegy genre and elegism as an independent mode of artistic expression in Russian and Tatar poetry of the XIX - early XX centuries in the aspect of tense. It is stated that elegy was not included in the field of canonical and non canonical genres of Tatar literature of the early XXth century and this causes some problems in the original situation of national literary comparison. It is concluded that historically Russian elegy existed in artistic sphere of tense and the motive of the lyric character’s experience of current moment in an aspect of value had a specific sound in its content (V.I. Kozlov, O.V. Zyryanov, V.E. Vatsuro, M.L. Gasparov). The orientalists’ studies (G.E. Griunebaum, L.Masinyon, A.M. Shimmel) showed that tense in the conscience of the oriental poet tends to “stop”; time here is not linear in its length, it is not marked by the differences of the past, present and future. In the contrary, special attention was paid to the experience of moments, not always arranged in an inversible sequence. The author comes to the conclusion that Tatar artistic mentality experienced the influence of oriental literature has similar features in worldview which determines the uniqueness of the way the elegiac genre formed in the national literature. The actual basis of the work is comparative analysis of A.S.Pushkin’s elegy “Farewell” (1830) and poems by Derdmend «Әgәr barsaң, saba җil, bezneң ilgә» (“If you go, morning wind, to our land”). It is stated that poem by Derdmend differs by its subtle elegiac sound. The latter can be viewed as a special type of artistry which serves as the basis for the dialogue of Russian classics and Tatar literature in the aspect of time value category and its most important artistic features.

Manuskripta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Novarina Novarina

Abstract: This research is a comparative literary study that uses Malay and Javanese versions of Mahabarata text sources. The research objects used were the text edition of Pandhawa Gubah (PG) by Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto and the text of Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) by Khalid Hussain. The research method used is descriptive-analysis method. In the comparative study used a comparative literary theory proposed by Endraswara (2011). The results of the text comparison reveal the similarities and differences in the image of Bima figures in the Javanese and Malay versions. The equation as a whole is that both texts contain the same heroic storyline and heroic character, Bima. In addition, Indian influence is still evident in the two texts seen from the nuances of Hinduism that exist in both texts. While the difference is seen in the events that accompany Bima's struggle in achieving his victory. Based on these similarities and differences, it can be seen that the authors attempt to represent the concept of metaphysical interactions vertically and horizontally expressed through PG text. --- Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah satu kajian sastra bandingan yang menggunakan sumber teks Mahabarata versi Melayu dan Jawa. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah edisi teks Pandhawa Gubah (PG) karya Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto dan teks Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) karya Khalid Hussain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-analisis. Dalam telaah perbandingan digunakan teori sastra bandingan yang dikemukakan Endraswara (2011). Hasil perbandingan teks mengungkapkan adanya persamaan dan perbedaan citra tokoh Bima dalam versi Jawa maupun versi Melayu. Persamaan secara keseluruhan adalah kedua teks tersebut mengandung alur cerita kepahlawanan dan tokoh pahlawan yang sama yaitu Bima. Selain itu, pengaruh India masih tampak dalam kedua teks tersebut dilihat dari nuansa Hinduisme yang ada dalam kedua teks. Sementara perbedaannya tampak pada peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyertai perjuangan Bima dalam mencapai kemenangannya. Berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan tersebut tampak adanya upaya penulis untuk merepresentasikan konsep interaksi metafisik secara vertikal dan horizontal yang diungkapkan melalui teks PG.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 298-318
Roman Girma Teshome

The effectiveness of human rights adjudicative procedures partly, if not most importantly, hinges upon the adequacy of the remedies they grant and the implementation of those remedies. This assertion also holds water with regard to the international and regional monitoring bodies established to receive individual complaints related to economic, social and cultural rights (hereinafter ‘ESC rights’ or ‘socio-economic rights’). Remedies can serve two major functions: they are meant, first, to rectify the pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage sustained by the particular victim, and second, to resolve systematic problems existing in the state machinery in order to ensure the non-repetition of the act. Hence, the role of remedies is not confined to correcting the past but also shaping the future by providing reforming measures a state has to undertake. The adequacy of remedies awarded by international and regional human rights bodies is also assessed based on these two benchmarks. The present article examines these issues in relation to individual complaint procedures that deal with the violation of ESC rights, with particular reference to the case laws of the three jurisdictions selected for this work, i.e. the United Nations, Inter-American and African Human Rights Systems.

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