scholarly journals Training of Auxiliary Personnel in Health Education in Brazil

1954 ◽  
Vol 69 (7) ◽  
pp. 654 ◽  
Orlando José da Silva ◽  
Howard Winston Lundy
2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 843
Ana Cristina Viana Campos ◽  
Simone Dutra Lucas ◽  
Andrea Maria Duarte Vargas ◽  
Efigênia Ferreira e Ferreira

ABSTRACTObjective: to argue the operative group through experiences and examples in the scientific literature as well as pointing a method for the use of this approach in the practice of health services. Method: this is update paper-based on literature search of relevant material for reflection on the topic that was structured in three sections: a brief history of health education in Brazil, the theoretical assumptions and building an Operational Group Operational Group. Results: Operative Group seems to be intrinsic to the practice of public health professional, but often occurs without the theoretical support, based on experience and personal experiences of the professionals. Most studies in the literature on operative group are for Nursing, and the focus is still the disease, for example, diabetes, hypertension, or prioritizing women, pregnant and postpartum women. This theme suggests a constant reflection, so you really can learn to use the operative group as a new approach to health education. Conclusion: one can see that working group is ready to learn to learn, and then yes, change our concepts and practices for the benefit of the population to which we are responsible to care. Descriptors: health education; family health program; operative groups.RESUMOObjetivo: discutir sobre o grupo operativo por meio de experiências e exemplos na literatura científica, bem como apontar um caminho para o emprego dessa abordagem na prática dos serviços de saúde. Método: artigo de atualização baseado na busca bibliográfica de material pertinente à reflexão sobre o tema que foi estruturado em três sessões: breve histórico da educação em saúde no Brasil, pressupostos teóricos do Grupo Operativo e construindo um Grupo Operativo. Resultados: o Grupo Operativo parece ser inerente à prática do profissional da saúde pública, mas muitas vezes ocorre, sem referencial teórico, baseado em experiências e vivências pessoais dos profissionais. A maioria dos estudos encontrados na literatura sobre grupo operativo é da área da Enfermagem, sendo que o foco ainda é a doença, como o diabetes, a hipertensão, ou priorizando mulheres, gestantes e puérperas. Esse tema sugere uma reflexão constante, para que seja realmente possível aprender a utilizar o grupo operativo como uma nova abordagem de educação na saúde. Conclusão: pode-se concluir que trabalhar em grupo é estar pronto a aprender a aprender, e aí sim, mudarmos nossos conceitos e práticas em benefício da população à qual nos responsabilizamos a cuidar. Descritores: educação em saúde; programa saúde da família; grupo operativo.RESUMENObjetivo: Discutir el grupo operativo a través de experiencias y ejemplos en la literatura científica, así como señalar un camino para el uso de este enfoque en la práctica de los servicios de salud. Método: actualización de búsqueda en la literatura en papel de material pertinente para la reflexión sobre el tema que se ha estructurado en tres elementos: una breve historia de la educación en salud en Brasil, los supuestos teóricos y la creación de un Grupo Operativo Grupo Operativo. Resultados: el Grupo Operativo parece ser inherente a la práctica del profesional de la salud pública, pero a menudo se produce sin el marco teórico, basado en la experiencia y las experiencias personales de los profesionales. La mayoría de los estudios en la literatura en el grupo operativo es para la enfermería, y el foco sigue siendo la enfermedad, como la diabetes, la hipertensión, o dar prioridad a las mujeres, las mujeres embarazadas y posparto. Este tema propone una reflexión constante, por lo que realmente puede aprender a utilizar el grupo operativo como un nuevo enfoque de la educación para la salud. Conclusión: se puede ver que el grupo de trabajo está listo para aprender a aprender, y entonces sí, cambiar nuestros conceptos y prácticas en beneficio de la población a la que somos responsables de cuidar. Descriptores: educación en salud; programa de salud familiar; grupo operativo.

Athany Gutierres ◽  
Ivana Loraine Lindemann ◽  
Cláudia Menoncini

The early 2000s have witnessed significant changes in medical education in Brazil, especially because of the creation of the More Doctors (Mais Médicos) program in 2013 and the publication of the resolution that establishes the National Curricular Guidelines for Medicine undergraduate courses in 2014. The latter focuses on a human, critical and socially responsible education, which comprehends the development of the proficiency in a foreign language, preferably a lingua franca. The objective of this paper is to map the inclusion of foreign languages, particularly English, in Political Pedagogical Projects (PPPs) from public medical schools between the years 2013-2019. Online bibliographical research was carried out and data were collected from the e-MEC system and the PPPs. Descriptive statistics have shown that 65.1% of Medicine undergraduate courses (n=28) include the proficiency of a foreign language in their PPPs, being that language English in 35.7% and any other language in 64.3%; 34.9% of the institutions do not incorporate any foreign language at all. Although the majority of medical schools seem to be conforming with the National Curricular Guidelines, there might be still a gap between targeted English language practices and their association to health education and the promotion of healthcare actions. 

Eurides Florindo de Castro ◽  
Edilson Thialison da Silva Reis ◽  
Camila Santos de Castro e Lima ◽  
Carla Galvão Spinillo ◽  
Ana Emilia Figueiredo de Oliveira

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (49) ◽  
pp. 652-670
Maria Nizete Tavares Alves ◽  
Julio César Cardozo Rolón ◽  
Márcia Cristina Moraes Cotas Videira

A presente investigação objetivou evidenciar a Educação em Saúde no Brasil, programas de prevenção e erradicação de doenças desenvolvidas para a população brasileira, de maneira a contribuir com a comunicação da qualidade de vida necessária ao bem estar do cidadão. Também se propõe apresentar os principais programas e ações promovidos pelo Ministério da Saúde desde a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde.  O contexto em que se desenvolve é no Brasil. O estudo foi realizado a partir da análise dos documentos do Ministério de Saúde e de vários autores brasileiros que tratam o tema da saúde. O enfoque dessa investigação é o qualitativo. Nível de conhecimento alcançado é o descritivo. O desenho foi o não experimental. As principais conclusões encontradas pela pesquisadora é que, existe um grande número de ações que são desenvolvidas no país, com resultados positivos, mas ainda faltam trabalhar sobre várias dificuldades nesta matéria.

Eder Propp Anflor ◽  
Simone Algeri ◽  
William Jones Dartora

The theoretical production of Paulo Freire value the popular knowledge and the exchange of knowledge in establishing a relationship of trust between health professionals, patients generally to pregnant / lactating women and family for the actions of health promotion. We can observe the presence of Freire's ideas, most important popular educator from Brazil, fairly present in health education, specifically in humanized care, which is extremely important for the activity of nurses and educators. While nurses / educators, we must think about the social context in which the patient lives, their limitations, their abilities, difficulties and facilities. It is very important know the reality of patients and family so we can provide nursing care and health education properly, thus establishing effective education conducts both in their treatment in health facilities as the continuity of their treatment at home .

2018 ◽  
Edson Silva ◽  
Gabriela De Araujo Nominato ◽  
Grayce Kelly Cristina Costa Dos Santos ◽  
Marileila Marques Toledo ◽  
Luciana De Freitas Campos ◽  

BACKGROUND YouTube consist of a video publishing tool available in cyberspace with unrestricted, decentralized and interactive access. The YouTube plataform offers thousands of videos to acquire knowledge and virtual interaction between people. It is known that sharing videos is a resource that can influence patient behavior. Studies show the importance of YouTube as a source of useful information about some diseases, including Diabetes Mellitus (DM). However, no study has evaluated the use of YouTube as a source of information on diabulimia, a term used to describe the intentional omission of insulin in individuals with DM type 1 as a strategy for weight loss. OBJECTIVE In this study, our aim was to research the source and audience of videos on YouTube Brazil regarding diabulimia. METHODS The YouTube site was searched on March 18, 2017, for two associated keyword terms "Diabulimia and Diabetes". Videos not recorded in Brazilian Portuguese language and those not related to the focus were excluded. Were included the videos associated with the terms and available on YouTube. Video links were recorded and analyzed independently by E.S. and G.K.C.C. Were recorded the following criteria for all videos: upload date, number of views, duration, likes, dislikes, and comments. The source of the videos was categorized into three groups: patients, health professionals and others sources. RESULTS The search resulted in a total of 427 videos, of which 417 (97.66%) were excluded (332 in English, 83 in Spanish, 1 in Danish, and 1 in Portuguese from Portugal). Then, 10 (2.34%) videos were pre-selected and analyzed. This videos were uploaded to YouTube between 2007 and 2016, and showed the following metrics: 10.303 views; 707 likes; 11 dislikes, and 115 comments. The total run time of the videos was 5 minutes and 22 seconds. The source of the videos revealed the following classification: professionals (30%, doctors), patients (20%) and others sources (50%, including advertisement, TV programm, etc.). Only two Brazilian videos related diabulimia with DM. CONCLUSIONS This research showed that YouTube in Brazil is little used, both in the availability of videos and in the search for information that associates diabulimia with DM. This finding admits the YouTube's potential as a tool for use in health education about this theme. There were contributions from health professionals in the process of transmitting videos on YouTube Brazil, but the videos of advertisements and the videos of reports were predominat. This result is worrying because it configures serious risks of transmission with inaccurate or misleading information about DM and diabulimia on the Internet. Thus, we emphasize the need to produce videos about diabulimia for use in diabetes online health education in Brazil.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 1177-1183 ◽  
Ana Carolina Dias Vila ◽  
Vanessa da Silva Carvalho Vila

This literature review aimed to identify the concept of Health Education used by researchers in Collective Health; to present the main trends and pedagogical references defended in these studies and to exemplify studies constructed with the objective to promote health education by means of participant strategies with the community's involvement. After reading and analyzing 22 articles searched in the Scientific Electronic Library Online that answered the study questions, the following categories of analysis were constructed: Health Education in Brazil - conceptual aspects; pedagogical practices in education and health; health education applied to professional practices. Health education is an essential field to the development of a society and educative practices are opportunities to apply knowledge directed to social growth. The importance of educational proposals based on the reflection, critique, involvement and awareness is perceived, as well as the importance of implementing new educative programs to meet the population's needs.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 1798
Jardeliny Corrêa da Penha ◽  
Ana Carolina Nogueira da Silva ◽  
Priscila De Souza Aquino

ABSTRACTObjective: to summarize the strategies of health education described in scientific articles and used in prenatal monitoring. Methodology: it is an integrative review held in the databases LILACS, SciELO and BDENF with descriptors prenatal care and health education. Also it was excluded foreign languages, totaling twenty-four researches among original papers, thesis and dissertations. Of these, five were repeated and nine were not available online. Results: showed that there is still a practice of health education with traditional individual orientations and lectures, but already we see the use of unconventional strategies - music, fun games and courses for pregnant women in group. Almost all studies found involved a qualitative approach with the data collection held especially in basic health units. The University of São Paulo was the institution that produced more studies about this theme. Conclusion: there is tendency to practice new strategies in health education in Brazil and many professionals, especially nurses, have taken science and began to use these strategies in view of its proven relevance. Descriptors: health education; research; prenatal care.RESUMOObjetivo: sintetizar as estratégias de educação em saúde descritas em artigos científicos e utilizadas no acompanhamento pré-natal. Metodologia: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO e BDENF, com os descritores cuidado pré-natal e educação em saúde. Excluíram-se publicações em língua estrangeira, totalizando vinte e quatro pesquisas, entre artigos originais, teses e dissertações. Destas, cinco se repetiam e nove não estavam disponíveis online. Resultados: a partir da análise dos estudos, evidenciou-se que ainda há uma prática de atividades de educação em saúde tradicional com orientações individuais e palestras, porém já se observa o uso de estratégias não convencionais - música, jogos lúdicos e organização de cursos em grupo para gestantes. Quase todos os estudos encontrados envolveram abordagem qualitativa com coleta de dados realizada, sobretudo em unidades básicas de saúde. A instituição que mais produziu estudos sobre a temática foi a Universidade de São Paulo. Conclusão: é perceptível que há tendência em se praticar novas estratégias de educação em saúde no Brasil e que muitos profissionais, em especial enfermeiros, já tomaram ciência e começaram a utilizar essas estratégias em vista da sua comprovada relevância. Descritores: educação em saúde; pesquisa; cuidado pré-natal. RESUMENObjetivo: sintetizar las estrategias de educación en salud descritas en los artículos científicos y utilizadas en el cuidado prenatal. Metodología: revisión integradora realizada en las bases de datos LILACS, SciELO y BDENF utilizando los descriptores atención prenatal y educación para la salud. Se excluyeron las publicaciones en lenguas extranjeras, con un total de veinticuatro investigaciones incluso artículos originales, tesis y disertaciones. De ellos, cinco se repitieron y nueve no estaban disponibles. Resultados: el análisis de estúdios mostró que hay una práctica de educación para la salud con orientación individuale y tradicional, pero ya vemos el uso de estrategias no convencionales - música, juegos y organización de cursos en grupo para las mujeres embarazadas. Casi todos los estudios tuvierón um enfoque cualitativo en la recogida de datos, especialmente en las unidades básicas de salud. La institución que ha producido más fue la Universidad de São Paulo. Conclusión: es evidente que hay una tendencia a la práctica de nuevas estrategias para la educación en salud en el Brasil y que muchos profesionales, especialmente las enfermeras, han tomado la ciencia y han comenzado a utilizar estas estrategias en función de su incidencia demostrada. Descriptores: educación en salud; investigación; atención prenatal.

1983 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143
Ruth Sandoval Marcondes ◽  
Nelly Martins Ferreira Candeias

This paper is a review of the development of health education in Brazil (identified as “hygiene” in early times, it has evolved to “public health education”). The field has passed through infancy and adolescence facing all kinds of problems, and is entering adulthood with health education leadership now in the hands of an increasing number of specialists trained in the country. The authors suggest that to hasten progress, more attention should be given to integration of health education to health programs, to stimulation of research, to preparation of health personnel, and to administrative support of health education services.

Alex Johnson ◽  
Amanda Hitchins

Abstract This article summarizes a series of trips sponsored by People to People, a professional exchange program. The trips described in this report were led by the first author of this article and include trips to South Africa, Russia, Vietnam and Cambodia, and Israel. Each of these trips included delegations of 25 to 50 speech-language pathologists and audiologists who participated in professional visits to learn of the health, education, and social conditions in each country. Additionally, opportunities to meet with communication disorders professionals, students, and persons with speech, language, or hearing disabilities were included. People to People, partnered with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), provides a meaningful and interesting way to learn and travel with colleagues.

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